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体育教师赋权增能是推进课程改革、促进体育教育教学质量提升的关键要素与有效策略。首先,从传统惯习与现代场域场景变化中体育教师身份认同、能力胜任、情感关注和文化积淀等方面的不适或冲突,窥探了课程改革语境下体育教师赋权增能行动困境的多重表现。然后,本着课程整体推进"赋权"行动路线与局部"增能"问题发现路线,从"超量"赋权、"错位"赋权、"表面"增能与"低效"增能等方面探讨了行动困境形成的原因。最后,坚持自上而下的课程改革本体调适与由下向上体育教师专业发展双向思路去寻求解决途径,提出从课程走向课堂—关注教学实践—教师专业学习共同体的递进式调适落实思路和优化措施方法,促进体育教师对课程改革的认同和实践,才能为有序推进课程改革提供实质性的帮助。  相似文献   

对体育教师角色期望的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在体育教育角色的问题上,学生与教师、教师与行政领导对体育教师角色期望是又红又专,体育教师的敬业精神、责任心和专业素质是完成体育教师角色的必备条件。促进体育教师角色融合,需要改善外部条件,提高体育教师职业声望、经济收入是促进体育教师角色融合的有效途径。  相似文献   

在高校体育倡导并积极实施创新教育的新形势下,体育教师的角色变化是必然趋势:分析了创新教育对高校体育教师的角色要求,明确指出了高校体育教师角色转变的几个方向,即:从学习管理转变为学习指导,从知识传播转变为智力开发,从为人师表转变为价值导向,从单纯教学转变为教学科研型学。  相似文献   

张祝平 《精武》2012,(8):49-50
运用文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法。以新课程理念下体育教师角色转变为研究内容,旨在为体育教师更快地适应新课程提供理论指导。研究认为:《体育(与健康)课程标准》体现了素质教育的宗旨,表现出与传统教育不同的崭新的教育理念,在此情景下,体育教师角色也将发生深刻的变化。故此文章探讨了体育教师角色转变的内涵、应对新课程体育教师角色转变的具体策略等问题。提出了在新课程理念下,体育教师必须更新观念、转换角色,要由教学管理者、控制者转变为组织者、促进者;和由课程的被动执行者转变为课程改革的主动参与者等意见和建议。  相似文献   

张祝平 《精武》2012,(3):37-38
运用文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法。以新课程理念下体育教师角色转变为研究内容,旨在为体育教师更快地适应新课程提供理论指导。研究认为:《体育(与健康)课程标准》体现了素质教育的宗旨,表现出与传统教育不同的崭新的教育理念,在此情景下,体育教师角色也将发生深刻的变化。故此文章探讨了体育教师角色转变的内涵、应对新课程体育教师角色转变的具体策略等问题。提出了在新课程理念下,体育教师必须更新观念、转换角色,要由教学管理者、控制者转变为组织者、促进者;和由课程的被动执行者转变为课程改革的主动参与者等意见和建议。  相似文献   

采用文献分析法,深入剖析后现代主义,探究知识管理及体育教师教学知识之间的关联性,理出体育教师后现代教学知识观的脉络图,后现代教学为学校体育课程改革提供了全新的审视视角,对继续深化体育课程改革与发展具有很好的启发与借鉴作用。本文综合归纳出高等院校教师后现代教学知识观主要包括以下几个方面:1)赋权增能的多元价值,2)竞合策略的学习要领,3)体育评价的典范转移,4)资讯媒体的虚拟运用,5)差异化的学生主体观,旨在推动体育教师个人的体育及运动知识转换为对学生、对学校有帮助的力量,以达成体育教育的目标。  相似文献   

在新课程的要求下,体育教师角色由传统的知识传授者向新课程条件下知识传授者转变,教师成为学生的促进者,教师成为研究者,教师由学校教师向社会教师转变.提出了体育教师自身需要完善的方面和政府部门帮助教师完成角色转变的措施。  相似文献   

本文以角色理论为基础,探讨了青年体育教师普遍存在的社会角色转变的心理障碍产生的原因及其表现形式,提出了青年体育教师社会角色适应与转变的对策,以期对即将扮演和正在扮演教师角色的人们所出现的心理障碍和消除有所帮助。  相似文献   

新课改给体育教师在教学目标制定、教学内容选择、教学方法运用、教学评价实施等方面都提出了新要求,面对新课程体育教师角色转变成效显著,但也存在诸如学生潜能挖掘不充分、社会责任感培养不足、教育研究缺乏等问题。面对新形势,体育教师角色转变面临着前所未有的挑战,这必然要求体育教师树立正确的教师观、学生观,确立自己的新型角色,对教学行为进行反思、总结,不断提升专业化水平,为当好新时期体育教师奠定基础。  相似文献   

新课程理念下体育教师角色转变的探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,分析新课程理念下体育教师角色的转变。研究认为在新体育课程实施过程中,体育教师角色要转变成为学习过程的指导者、促进者;新课程改革的主动参与者;学生未来生活的设计者;课程内容资源的开发者;"社会型"、"社区型"体育教师等。  相似文献   

面对体育学科的学科特性,在我国教育部出台中小学及幼儿园教师专业标准(意见征求稿)的背景下,在全面地了解了国内外体育教师专业化发展的背景、现状及专业标准的内涵等基础上,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等,对于构建中小学体育教师专业标准的必要性和可行性进行了研究.结果认为:中小学体育教师专业标准的构建是体育教师教育的需要,符合中小学体育教师专业化发展的国际趋势,是体育与健康课程改革的需要,是提升体育教师社会地位的有效途径,是拓展体育教师就业市场的门路.我国教育法规政策、国外体育教师专业发展的经验以及我国现有的有关体育教师素养要求的理论研究和现实需求为体育教师专业标准的构建提供了可能.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法以及专家访谈法,对当前中小学体育教师教育的现状进行分析总结,并对其发展路径进行探讨,旨在为我国中小学体育教师教育的发展提供一定参考.  相似文献   

依据体态语言学原理,探析了体态语言美的内涵、价值,体育教师体态语言的美学修养、审美教育,以及对促进身心健康和谐发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

Student teachers' use of instructional choice in physical education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guided by self-determination theory and research on teacher beliefs, we examined student teachers' (STs) use of instructional choices in teaching physical education classes. Participants included 131 STs (52 men and 79 women) from a major university in the United States. STs completed questionnaires assessing three types of instructional choices (cognitive, organizational, and procedural) they provided and their rationale for providing their students with choices. The STs reported they gave students cognitive, organizational, and procedural choices. They firmly believed instructional choice promotes students' motivation, autonomy, and engagement in physical education. They also believed teachers should consider factors such as student characteristics and the beneficial effects when implementing choice in their classes.  相似文献   

目前我国对体育教师的专业发展与成长还只是处于萌芽阶段,研究的成果很多,但主要是以经验总结为特征,并且主要由教育学理论作为支撑,缺乏体育教育的专业自觉。而加强学生研究、教师文化研究、体育教师自身科研训练与培养,是体育教师仍将继续努力的方向。在未来的研究中,必须认识到体育教师的专业发展与成长是一个动态的过程,且受外部环境的制约,应将体育教师的发展需要与职业需要结合起来,对教师进行发展性评价。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查和数据统计等研究方法,对湖南省高校体育教师健康状况进行调查.研究发现:高校体育教师健康状况总体上是乐观的,但存在一定的健康隐患,如部分高校体育教师体重超重、头痛(头昏)、牙龈出血等,这些不良症状直接影响其身体的健康水平.并对影响高校体育教师身体健康的主要因素进行分析.  相似文献   

The discourse of competitive sport is, and has been, a defining feature of physical education for many years. Given the privileged and dominant position competition holds in physical education curricula, it is concerning that competitive physical education remains steeped in traditional pedagogies and that these pedagogies are constrained by teachers' everyday philosophies rather than any explicit understanding of pedagogy or the needs of pupils. This in turn affects pupils' experiences of physical education and specifically the type and form of activities that are offered to pupils. Physical education teachers' biographies generally show a profound attachment to sport, and in particular competitive sport, and the value of competitive sport is significant in the lives and identities of physical education recruits. However, there is a paucity of research specifically in relation to in-service and pre-service physical education teacher's beliefs about competition and its place in physical education. It is well documented that the implicit theories that pre-service, beginning and experienced teachers hold influence their reactions to teacher education and their teaching practice, with their beliefs acting as a filter through which a host of instructional judgements and decisions are made. Thus, it is important to understand pre-service physical education teachers' (PSTs') beliefs about competition. Thirty five (16 men, 15 women, 4 unknown) PSTs completed a reflective journal alongside their participation in a University-based module focused on models-based practice. The data generated were analysed using the procedures and techniques of grounded theory which revealed five major themes grouped in the discussion under the sub-categories of: (1) defining competition; (2) learning through competition; (3) competitive physical education and the sporting pathway; (4) competition needs to be got out of children; and (5) a little competition. The discussion challenges how we transform traditional views of competition and the competitive practices that alienate some young people from physical education.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study described in this paper was to determine 15 American preservice teachers' (PTs) conceptions of the teaching-learning process while teaching Sport Education and Multi-activity units during an early field experience. Data were collected using the critical incident technique and a reflective questionnaire and analyzed by employing analytic induction and frequency counts. Results indicated that PTs generally found Sport Education more attractive due to its compatibility with their occupational socialization and its cultural and structural advantages.  相似文献   

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TpB) measures the effect that individuals' behavioral belief normative belief and control beliefs have on their intentions to perform a specific behavior The purpose of this study was to examine: (a) whether the TpB could predict physical educators' intentions and (b) whether physical educators' intentions and control beliefs could predict their self-reported teaching behavior. A sample of 220 physical educators completed the questionnaire. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the TpB significantly predicted physical educators' intentions, F(3, 216) = 57.21, p < .01. However, only intention was a significant predictor of physical educators'self-reported behavior in teaching students with disabilities, F(2, 123) = 34.04, p < .01.  相似文献   

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