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Japanese kanji reading can be divided into two types: On-readings, derived from the original Chinese pronunciation and Kun-readings, originating from the Japanese pronunciation. Kanji that are normally given an On-reading around 50% of the time were presented in a context of other kanji that had either a highly dominant On-reading or a highly dominant Kun-reading. The reading that was given in this experiment was very much biased toward the type of phonological environment in which it was embedded. So native Japanese speakers easily shifted between On and Kun readings, depending on phonological context, suggesting that separate On and Kun sub-lexica exist within the phonological lexicon.  相似文献   

象形字"女"字产生于母系氏族社会时期,表达了先民对于女性的朴素审美,是对女性形体的客观描摹。语言的创造和使用反映了特定时期的思维和文化情况。在对"女"字构形中存在的文化内涵考察时发现,在造字之初并没有歧视女性的观念存在。认为"女"字反映了造字之初对女性的歧视是后人的主观臆断,缺乏考古凭证,更是父权思想的体现。  相似文献   

A phonological confusion task was employed to explore whether or not beginning readers of Chinese activate phonological codes while reading Chinese characters. Twenty first graders and twenty third graders read phonologically similar and dissimilar character strings. Following the presentation of each string, they were required to identify the characters from among a set of recognition items. Three major findings indicated that subjects used phonological codes while reading Chinese characters: (1) Subjects recognized fewer phonologically similar characters than phonologically dissimilar ones; (2) The phonological confusion effect varied with degree of phonological similarity among the characters read. Characters having the same rhyme and same tone (SRST) were recognized less accurately than characters of the same rhyme but different tones (SRDT), which in turn were recognized less accurately than characters of different rhymes and different tones (DRDT); (3) Silent reading and oral reading resulted in similar patterns of phonological confusion, indicating that similar codes were activated during the two reading conditions.  相似文献   

杨海燕 《成才之路》2020,(1):106-107
随着新课程改革的步伐逐渐加快,语文阅读教学涌现出许多崭新的教学思路,创造出许多新颖的教学方式,引导学生深入阅读并进行深度感悟和领会。文章针对语文阅读教学中的“四读代讲”中的“品读”展开论述,阐述“四读代讲”的基本含义,分析语文阅读教学现状,提出语文阅读中“品读”的教学策略。  相似文献   

汉字的系统性与汉字认知   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
汉字是记录汉语的符号体系,有其自身的系统性。探求汉字的系统性,并力所能及地对其加以利用,在汉字认知上具有显而易见的意义。汉字的偏旁不但具有构形的功能,而且具有表示音义的功能,因而合体汉字偏旁之间不仅有外部结构关系,也有内部结构关系。汉字的系统性体现在形、音、义3个方面,汉字的字形系统因外在的形体联系而形成,汉字的读音系统因内在的读音联系而形成,汉字的意义系统因内在的意义联系而形成。汉字虽然繁难,但认知得法也可以化难为易,至少可以减轻难度,提高效率。所谓得法,就是了解汉字内在的系统性,然后循着汉字的系统性去进行认知。为了减轻汉字认知的难度,提高汉字认知的效率,至少可以从以下几方面作出努力:其一,以必要的汉字的理论知识为指导,提高学习者汉字认知能力;其二,以偏旁为纲,把一个个汉字放到整个系统中去学习,力求取得纲举目张的效果;其三,通过结构分析和字族字系联来培养汉字系统认知能力。  相似文献   

On the ground that reading fluency entails appropriate phrasing or prosody as well as facile word recognition, we investigated the effectiveness of text-based and word-based repeated readings procedures for promoting fluency of reading aloud and comprehension in second-grade children. Repeated readings of text printed with spaces between phrases and ends of lines at clause boundaries (phrase-cued text), repeated readings of text printed with conventional layout (standard text), and repeated readings of lists of difficult words from text were compared. Computer-based, guided repeated reading training intervened between a pretest and post-test reading of text. Each training condition led to significant benefits on one or more of the experimental measures obtained from reading aloud. Repeated readings with text resulted in greater gains in fluency than repeated readings with word lists. Reading with natural prosody was most strongly facilitated by repeated readings of phrase-cued text, which provided visible support for sentence structure.
Valerie Marciarille LeVasseurEmail:

Two experiments are presented that examine how the visual characteristics of Japanese words influence eye movement behaviour during reading. In Experiment 1, reading behaviour was compared for words comprising either one or two kanji characters. The one-character words were significantly less likely to be fixated on first-pass, and had significantly longer overall reading times, than the two-character words. In Experiment 2, reading behaviour was compared for two-kanji character words, for which the first character was either visually simple or visually complex (determined by the number of strokes). Visual complexity significantly influenced total word reading times and the probability of the individual visually simple/complex characters being fixated on first pass. Additional analyses showed no preferred viewing position for two-kanji character words. Overall, the study provides experimental evidence of an influence of specific visual characteristics of Japanese words on eye movement behaviour during reading, as shown by both fixation probabilities and reading times. The findings must be explained by processing at (or beyond) a visual level impacting on eye movement behavior during reading of Japanese text.  相似文献   

We explored the effect of stroke removal from Chinese characters on eye movements during reading to examine the role of stroke encoding in character identification. Experimental sentences were comprised of characters with different proportions of strokes removed (15, 30, and 50%), and different types of strokes removed (beginning, ending, and strokes that ensured the configuration of the character was retained). Reading times, number of fixations and regression measures all showed that Chinese characters with 15% of strokes removed were as easy to read as Chinese characters without any strokes removed. However, when 30%, or more of a character’s strokes were removed, reading characters with their configuration retained was easiest, characters with ending strokes removed were more difficult, whilst characters with beginning strokes removed were most difficult to read. The results strongly suggest that not all strokes within a character have equal status during character identification, and a flexible stroke encoding system must underlie successful character identification during Chinese reading.  相似文献   

汉字教学应针对汉字的特点以及西方人的认知特点展开。要让学生认清拼音文字与汉字是两种不同体系的文字,从汉字具备表音符号的特点出发解决汉字的认读问题,教授汉字具体方法为“笔画入手,以一带多,偏旁拓展,触类旁通”。  相似文献   

Prolonged inspection of a Chinese character induces a feeling of uncertainty of the character, a phenomenon named as Orthographic Satiation. However, there has not been direct evidence showing that such satiation does occur at the orthographic level. To investigate whether Chinese satiation occurs at the orthographic level or at other levels, the present study applies a speeded repetition priming paradigm to Chinese, which has been successfully used to examine Semantic Satiation in English. When judging whether a category name matched an exemplar word, participants showed gradually slower responses as the character standing for the category name was repeated, indicating the occurrence of satiation. However, repetition of a character without accessing its meaning, or repeated access to its meaning without repeating the character itself, did not elicit satiation. The results suggest Orthographic Satiation occurs not at the orthographic level, but at a level associating orthography and meaning during Chinese character reading.  相似文献   

为探讨母语非汉语少数民族大学生汉字识别字义通达类型,采用内隐记忆原理设计两个实验。结果发现,少数民族大学生高频汉字识别时,语义启动范畴判断作业实验中,字形激活最早,字音和字义同时进行;语音启动范畴判断作业实验中,字义通达符合直通理论。  相似文献   

现代汉字独体与合体划分探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“独体与合体“是汉字结构研究中的传统命题,历史汉字学主要从“六书“角度进行分析.与古代汉语用字相比,现代汉字的形体已发生了很大变化,从现代汉语通用字的形体结构出发,探讨“独体与合体“的划分.  相似文献   

在北京房山云居寺石刻佛经字形的局部整理工作基础上,就其中较丰富的异体字现象,思考其贮存、整理和规范这三个不同层次的问题。工具书应慎重选择异体字形;而为汉字研究提供材料的贮存则以字形的兼容为佳。“讹字”是规范角度的概念,在贮存、整理阶段不宜轻言讹误而忽视对汉字变异过程的思考。对异体字研究中应区别“异构”与“异写”,“同字”与“异字”;规范时在异写字(同字)中选择主形,在异构字(异字)中确定正字。异体字规范应逐渐从“并正”走向“惟一”。  相似文献   

运用历史还原的方法审视汉字教学,不难发现"识字"环节的缺失。运用动漫手段,根据儿童的心理特点,还原汉字创造的过程,让儿童在模拟创造汉字的游戏中认识汉字,不失为识字教学的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

在汉字演进的历史中,“口”字是一个活跃的构件,也是构形功能完备的构件,分析“口”字的构形功能对认识汉字构件的构形功能具有典型意义。“口”字的构形功能有五种:一是做象形字的构件;二是做会意字的构件;三是做形声字的形旁;四是做形声字的声旁;五是做形声字的标记。前四种是一般的构形功能,第五种是特殊的构形功能。  相似文献   

中高级留学生识字量抽样测试报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本报告对某大学部分中高级留学生识字量抽样测试的目的、内容、方法、结果及其对教学的启示。章认为,识字量是反映一个人汉语水平的重要参考数据,应该成为教材编写、班级划分、教材选择和课堂教学的重要依据之一。测试结果显示:中高级留学生综合识字量偏低;对汉字字音掌握较好,对字形掌握最差;对甲、乙两级汉字掌握不扎实;汉字化圈学生在识字量方面有明显优势,但高级阶段优势大幅度下降;华裔学生识字量远低于非华裔学生。作根据测试结果,对如何提高学生识字量提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

散原论诗诗二首释证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈三立是近代大诗家,由其两首论诗诗所包含的诗学思想及时代感受可知:在1898至1908年十年间,陈三立的思想焦点依然是深思戊戌变法的经验教训,他的情感世界充满一种英雄失路的悲凉感慨。但是他的诗学依然是有对最高宇宙形上本体的信念,以及由此而来的思想功夫、深情体认和乐观精神。而这正是同光体最深刻的诗学理论之一。  相似文献   

本研究考察了中文汉字的音对日文汉字加工的影响。实验采用语音判断任务。结果表明:被试加工日文音相同类型词时,中文音相同会在反应时上促进判断(是判断);加工日文音不同类型词时,中文音相同会干扰判断(否判断),这种干扰表现为被试判断的反应时延长,错误率高。实验说明:母语为汉语的中国学生对日文汉字的加工过程中,中文的音对日文加工存在影响,这种影响在中文和日文一致时表现为促进,不一致时表现为干扰。  相似文献   

Morphological awareness and learning to read Chinese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the nature of morphological awareness and its relation to learning to read Chinese characters among 46 Chinese-speaking preschool children. The children took a morphological awareness task, which varied in semantic transparency and morpheme position. Children’s vocabulary knowledge and extant character reading ability were measured. Additionally, a character learning task was administered. Results showed that children’s performances on morphological awareness were affected by semantic transparency but not by morpheme position. Morphological awareness was related to vocabulary knowledge when partialling out character reading ability but not to character reading ability after partialling out vocabulary knowledge. The results of the character learning task further revealed that morphological awareness was related to character identification in the words that were just taught but not to character identification in the words that were not taught or in pseudowords. The relation between morphological awareness and character identification ceased to be significant when partialling out the variance in children’s prior knowledge of the characters to be learnt. Taken together, the findings suggested that vocabulary knowledge may play a more important role than reading ability in the initial development of morphological awareness and that the facilitative effect of morphological knowledge in reading does not seem to be significant in the very initial stages of reading acquisition.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper attempted to find whether the so called poor spellers who are good readers are indeed good readers or if this impression is misleading. Three college students who appeared to be poor spellers but good readers were tested using a variety of techniques. It was found that the three subjects were indeed inefficient readers who committed numerous errors in reading function words, low frequency and unfamiliar words, and pronounceable nonwords. Not being proficient in the phonological conversion of print, these subjects depend excessively on an orthographic sight reading strategy which hinders accurate reading. There appears to be a trade off between speed and comprehension in reading and by slowing down considerably, the poor spellers but good readers attain an acceptable level of comprehension. It was concluded that reading aloud and spelling involve phonological mediation and, therefore, are not completely dissociable.  相似文献   

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