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“下加状语”(subjunct)这一概念是伦道夫·夸克、西德尼·戈林鲍姆、杰弗里·利奇和简·斯瓦特维克在通力合作的《英语语法大全》(A Comprehensive Grammar of the-English Language)(下称CGE)这部语法巨著中首次提出的语法术语。如果说四位巨匠在1972年出版的《当代英语语法》(A Grammar of Contemporary English)(下弥  相似文献   

This study compared the different approaches of introducing the subjunctive mood in Advanced English Grammar and Grammar Dimensions in the hope that it will help ESL teachers to make choice of the prop...  相似文献   

This study compared the different approaches of introducing the subjunctive mood in Advanced English Grammar and Grammar Dimensions in the hope that it will help ESL teachers to make choice of the proper ways of teaching the subjunctive mood,one of the most serious grammatical problems ever encountered by most ESL learners in China.Also,the main causes of the students’drawbacks in learning subjunctive mood are excavated and some feasible solutions in mastering this difficult item in English grammar are presented in this study.  相似文献   

要讨论形容词的分类问题,首先必须搞清形容词究竟有哪些特征?普遍认为形容词有四大特性:a.作定语;b.作表语(即主补宾补);c.被very修饰; d.有比较等级.有必要指出:形容词确有以上四大特性.但并非所有形容词必须同时具备以上四个条件.语言大师R·Quirk等人在A Crammar of ContemPorary English(《当代英语语法》)及 AComPrehensive Grammar of the English Language(《英语语法大全》)中都指出:能同时起定语和表语作用的形容词为中心(核心)形容词(Central or Core Adjectives);而  相似文献   

There commonly exists a phenomenon of negative transfer of Chinese in our students' English writing. Grammar, vo?cabulary, and expression are marked by the interference of Chinese which greatly imped...  相似文献   

1. The Necessity Of English Grammar Place two ALDs of different editions side by side, you can see the sentence “Down with the tyrant” in the first edition, and “Down with the grammarians” in the third. I don't knnw whether A.S. Hornby was deliberate or was being  相似文献   

吴玉玲 《海外英语》2013,(21):46-47
As a special type of writing,news report has attracted more and more attention in different countries.Many people have developed an interest in reading English news,which provides them with timely information about important happenings around the world.Under the frame work of Systemic-Functional Grammar,based on English news headlines,the theme-rheme structure of English headlines is systemically analyzed in this thesis.Some detailed researches are made to investigate the influence of the Theme-rheme Structure in English news headlines.Then the news headline as well as its contents could be understood and enjoyed while reading newspaper.  相似文献   

王利娟  王芬 《海外英语》2012,(19):11-13
Learning English is quite different from learning Chinese.Grammar consciousness is a very different type of knowledge from the ability to describe the sentence a speaker produces in terms of grammar.The passage explores the relationship between grammar consciousness and English learning and suggests that teachers attach great importance to the overall increase in students’ language sensitivity and grammar awareness.  相似文献   

A large number of preeminent English teachers—"educationalists of English" are required for the 21st centuryeducation of China. "Educationalists of English" are those teachers who familiarize themselves with the language of English andtheories of education, who have proficient competence of English teaching, who possess noble personalities, and who cherish desiresfor creation as well as habits of research. Furthermore, all the above aspects should be combined organically. In order to completethe task of cultivating "educationalists of English", departments of English in teachers colleges ought to set up an educational level ofcultivating educationalists of English and seek for corresponding strategies in curriculum, teaching, training and the atmosphere ofcampus culture.  相似文献   

This article is about some reflections after observing an ESL Reading and Writing Course at the University of Ottawa.Compared to the English teaching situation at my university which is facing colossal challenges of reformation, four aspects are highlighted as the enlightenments: Use the online platform as a scaffold to help students climb up English rather than an arbitrary monitor of the students’ after-class English study; Reading and writing interweave, with writing taking priority to reading in Reading and Writing Course; The teacher respect students very much in class rather than behave in a ruling attitude; Grammar matters than expected.  相似文献   

本文分析了《新编英语语法》的语法编排体系和新颖的语法学说,结合教学实践论述动词-ing形式称谓之界定的独到之处。文章认为:《新编英语语法》充分考虑中国学生在语法理解能力和母语学习背景方面的特点,在动词-ing形式的教、学、编等方面独辟蹊径,把传统语法中复杂难懂的动词-ing形式简单化,较好地解决了语法教与学过程中存在的难题,并为语法教材的编写提供了一定的借鉴作用和参考价值。  相似文献   

长期以来,转换生成语法的实践功能因其理论的光辉而被遮盖在阴影之下。专家学者中很少有人认真或深度关注过语法的可转换和可生成原则对于英语学习者的实践作用。从探讨该语法理论的哲学归属到该理论在语言运用中的哲学指导,研究者和学习者都要给予充分的认识和理解。  相似文献   

英语短语动词(English phrasal verbs)是英语成语的一个重要类别,其结构上的固定性、意义上的完整性及使用上的离合性是现代英语词汇的一大特色。文章从系统功能语言学概念功能的角度出发,分析英语短语动词在小说《老人与海》中的具体应用,主要讨论在概念功能中,英语短语动词可表征的经验类型以及短语动词之间以何种逻辑关系促进小说的生成与主题意义的表达。  相似文献   

谈高职英语语法教学中翻译法和交际法的结合使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在探讨一种有效的高职英语语法教学方法。首先阐述了单一的翻译法语法教学和单一的交际法语法教学各自的利弊,然后从理论上探讨了翻译法和交际法相结合的语法教学方法。同时,高职学生关于语法学习观念调查问卷和语法水平测试情况为翻译法和交际法相结合的语法教学方法提供了数据支持。最后,还提供了翻译法和交际法相结合的语法教学实例,充分说明了这种语法教学方法的可行性。  相似文献   

根据Halliday系统功能语法的衔接系统理论,衔接是语义系统,是连贯语篇的重要内容之一,主要由语法手段和词汇手段体现。本文以经典文学语篇《艾丽丝漫游奇境记》的第一章《跌进兔穴》为个案进行实证语篇分析,揭示衔接构建连贯的文学语篇的功能。通过对照应和连结以及重述和搭配等手段的具体运用分析,不仅可从语言学的角度增进对文学作品的理解和评价,而且对撰写连贯的英语文章也有指导意义。  相似文献   

转换生成语法是著名语言学家阿夫莱姆·诺姆·乔姆斯基在20世纪50年代末期提出的一系列语言学理论中的核心。它提出了许多独创性的见解,比如说人类创造语言的能力是先天、无穷的,以至于曾被称作是一场语言学的革命。但是这个理论无法解释一些现实中人们学习外语的问题,诸如为什么不同的人学习语言的能力不一样等等,因此也存在一些缺陷。  相似文献   

瞿冬梅 《海外英语》2012,(3):260-262
The key notions in Halliday’s Systematic Grammar and Functional Grammar are first summarized, and then contrasted with Chomsky’s Transformational-Generative Grammar. Results show that Systematic-Functional Grammar could be viewed as complementa ry to Transformational-Generative Grammar. They combine to reveal the whole picture of language.  相似文献   

不论是传统的还是新的英语教学思想,都把语言知识。如语音、语法、词汇及听、说、读、写四会技巧的培养作为学习目标。牛津大学出版社于1998年出版的New Headway English Course系列教材对语言的展现。语言知识的学习,四会技巧的培养,课堂活动的组织都有精妙之处,不仅克服了传统教材之不足,而且仍然充分体现着传统的和互动式教学法互补的教材编写思想,其深刻的教学法思想可归纳为以下几点:1、语法学习走出枯燥,成为归纳与演绎并举的发现过程。学生受到激发后,自己归纳出语言规则,而且能在有趣的语言上下文中能充分理解语言规则。2、在爽心悦目的课堂活动中,轻松的语言输入过程在不知不觉中带来了学习者的语言输出。在学生各自英语知识的范围内,技能得到了充分训练。3、语言学习活动多样化,各项技能训练既相互独立,又互相配合,习得过程与学习收获相辅相成。4、教材内容更新快。5、新的学习项目系统化的循环往复保证了学习的有效性。这套教材的编写者已然看到了课堂教学活动中会发生什么,看到学生所需要的是什么,并在每项活动中扮演什么角色,着眼于如何使学习环节自然,流畅,互为依托,以及教师该如何引导学生有效地学习。这套教材对国内教材编写很有启发。如能借鉴这套教材编写新的学习材料,将更大的促进国内的英语教学。  相似文献   

语法学界对动词名词化作中心语的英语名词短语研究颇多,但大部分局限于形式分析,没有对其所包含的命题,涉及的概念、范畴等进行全面的分析。文章在认知语法的视角下对这些英语名词短语进行概念结构分析,其目的是探讨句法结构下该种名词短语所具有的概念结构特征。通过分析可以看出,动词名词化作中心语的英语名词短语反映了它们所对应的句法认知过程。  相似文献   

This thesis chooses the theory of rank scale and the theory of meta-function in the framework of Systemic-Functional Grammar(SFG)to study ambiguity.It firstly analyzes ambiguities occurring at the rank of morpheme,word or phrase.Then it studies ambiguities at the rank of clause,from ideational ambiguity to textual ambiguity.This study shows that SFG can give a systematic and comprehensive interpretation of English ambiguity.  相似文献   

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