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“编辑与教育两轮一辙”的编辑思想,是编辑出版家叶圣陶先生提出来的,并一直贯穿着他的整个编辑生涯,他认为,编辑出版工作即是教育工作,具有强大的社会教育作用;出版工作者是教师,专门为广大读者服务;出版物是教育工具,也是培养园地,从而实现为社会主义文化建设服务的教育目的。  相似文献   

运用金融手段扩大非义务教育经费的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国已经初步建立了一套以政府财政投入为主的多元化、多渠道教育投资体制,在我国目前非义务教育经费短缺而其他投入难以大量增加的背景下,利用金融手段筹措非义务教育经费不失为一种选择。金融手段的内容丰富,既包含一般资本市场使用的金融手段,又可以创新符合教育规律的特有的金融手段。  相似文献   

当下,医学研究生教育管理面临着焦点化的社会性问题和"教育异化"的困局。生命哲学的视域启迪人们对医学研究生教育管理的理性反思,揭示了被动管理环境下教育管理手段对"生命冲动"的抑制,引导着教育管理采取理性的管理策略以规避生命"异化"和"教育异化"。  相似文献   

In this paper the design and development of a multimedia system which serves as a bilingual chemistry educational tool for deaf students is presented. Details of the architecture of the tool, its functionality and formative evaluation results are also presented. Furthermore the process to arrive at the chemistry terminology in Greek Sign Language used throughout the tool is briefly described.  相似文献   

教育研究中的技术与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最有价值的知识是方法的知识,科学方法是通向科学知识或真理的唯一入口。从科学史的角度看,科学发展的每一次大的突破都与方法的革新有关。在教育研究中,方法论的知识成为获得研究成果的有效工具,现今的教育研究活动逐渐从相对简单、单一的操作发展到复杂的综合运用,有质量的教育科研必然是严格遵守学术规范和注重科学研究方法,注重定性和定量相结合,有能力的教育研究者一定是掌握了先进的教育研究方法和技术的研究者。  相似文献   

社会性软件——网络教研的有效工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育信息化的发展,网络教研成为一种重要的教研形式.如何发挥网络教研的优势是提高教研质量的关键.社会性软件是网络上实现“人与人交互”的重要工具,是显性知识管理和隐性知识转化的有效平台,它改变了知识传播的方式.在网络教研中,社会性软件的应用有利于教师进行教学反思和教育叙事研究,有利于教师专业化发展,有助于发挥网络教研的优势,使每个教师都成为教育的研究者.  相似文献   

The future schooling scenarios prepared by the OECD/CERI (OECD, 2001) are the focus of this article, first because they provide a useful tool for futures thinking in educational settings and, second, because they provide an analytic framework to investigate how notions of citizenship are embedded in educational policies and in the organisation of compulsory schooling. This article outlines the scenarios developed by the OECD/CERI, describes how these were used to conduct a survey of educational policy-makers in the Asia-Pacific region and then uses the scenarios as a framework to investigate the embedded nature of citizenship characteristics in educational policy positions. Examples will be drawn from four societies in the Asia-Pacific region - New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan.  相似文献   

教育研究的"语言学转向",将教育概念、命题的话语分析作为基本任务,旨在澄清教育语言的逻辑谬误,促使教育学语言的精确化。然而,对教育话语的分析,实际上是对教育话语背后隐藏的教育观念和行为目的的探究,是实现由符号到意义的研究过程和理论分析工具。因此,对于教育语言的"教育学"批判、反思,才是对教育概念和命题重新阐释的基础性前提。尽管教育研究的工具可以是多样化的,但目的和立场却是唯一的——它只能指向"教育学"本身。  相似文献   

尽管教育规划在中国已经成为推进教育改革与发展的重要工具,但目前这一领域仍然存在许多问题。教育规划研究在我国尚处于积累和探索阶段,需要进一步探讨教育规划的本质、内容和方法。传统的理性主义规划思路是导致问题产生的重要原因。当前教育规划的指导思想应该从理性主义走向有限理性,应当把有限理性作为教育规划重要的认识论基础。有限理性视野中的教育规划应当注意:正视教育系统的复杂性;按照“满意”原则设定教育目标;既重视教育规划制定过程中的有限理性,又重视教育规划执行过程中的有限理性;发动公众真正参与教育规划。  相似文献   

We argue that a focus on building an authoring tool for a complete learning environment is misplaced. An analysis of the task of authoring a commercial educational system reveals it to be best accomplished through authoring separate components. For many of these components, authoring tools already exist and need not be duplicated for use in educational systems. Connecting the various components together is a separate authoring task, and parts of this task are different for educational systems than for typical component-based software. The second half of this article describes the Visual Translator, an authoring tool we have written specifically for this purpose.  相似文献   

教育作为一种复杂现象、一种文化—心理过程、一种精神交往的艺术是难以用精确的概念加以认知与表征的。教育隐喻不仅是人们认知教育活动的重要思维工具,更是教育叙述的重要方式。通过对教育隐喻的解读,不仅可以了解教育隐喻的生成背景,同时可以了解教育隐喻创生个体的教育理解与教育信念,为研究教师个人实践性知识提供了新视角。  相似文献   

This article explores the attitudes and opinions of Cypriot primary teachers about the use of the Internet for their personal development and as an educational tool. It also examines the teachers’ concerns about the implementation of the Internet in schools and their opinions about what has to be done in order to ensure its effective integration into the educational settings. The research revealed that Cypriot primary teachers had positive attitudes towards using the Internet both for their professional development and as an educational tool. The only factor that appeared to have a significant positive relationship with the attitudes of the teachers was the degree of confidence in using the Internet. Additionally, teachers considered training in the use of the Internet as the most important need for its effective implementation in primary schools.  相似文献   

Lesley Bartlett 《Compare》2007,37(2):151-166
This article elaborates the concept of educational projects, a term that signifies consistent constellations of institutions, financial resources, social actors, ideologies, theories of knowledge and attendant pedagogies that shape local cultural practices of schooling. The article demonstrates the utility of the concept of educational projects for comparative and international educational studies by examining competing educational projects in Brazilian literacy programmes for youth and adults. In conclusion, the article argues that the concept of educational projects provides a theoretically rich comparative tool for the field of comparative and international education.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in educational innovation in universities at a global level, as a tool designed to create strategic changes in order to improve quality. This study evaluates the global improvement in universities as a result of educational innovation governance, as a pillar of the so-called world-class research universities and as a tool for continuous improvement in higher education. The methodology has been designed by different educational innovation groups from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Cádiz, and the International Project Management Association Spanish Board, and includes an analysis of 67 universities from 20 countries. The study is based on 32 universities in Spain, as well as 35 other international universities that carry out educational innovation activity. The results show that universities that have a more mature educational innovation governance in place, both in Spain as well as in other countries, are higher in the ranking of universities (Webometrics). These universities demonstrate a tendency to work on educational innovation projects, which are contributing to strategic changes that will permanently revitalise teaching, whilst also improving research and its links to society.  相似文献   

教育电影作为"五四"运动时期兴起的一种教育工具文体和教育实施方式,在"开民智"的时代主题之下,以其"寓教于乐"的教育形式与先进的技术手段,成为社会教育的一大利器,催生了早期电化教育的萌生和发展。文章通过检索查阅相关研究文献,挖掘整理散落的零星史料,去伪存真,鉴别求证,进而形成较为清晰、完整的历史图景,以佐证江苏是我国电化教育的发源地、江苏在我国电化教育发展史上贡献了多个"第一"、江苏在教育电影的创立和推进方面做出了创造性的贡献,从而继承和发扬我国电教先驱的历史智慧,为当下教育技术的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展及教育改革的深入,教育博客吸收的是博客RSS、TrackBack等核心,显著特点是零技术、个性化、协作性、交互性,展现给我们的是一个崭新的现代教育交流平台。本文从教育博客的应用角度进行了分析,阐述它是如何改变着教师的学习、生活、工作和交流方式,如何孕育并催生出新的教研文化,如何成为新时期教师专业发展的利器。  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - Many young students experience difficulties mastering writing, and are designated as students struggling with writing. Teacher feedback on writing is an educational tool...  相似文献   

This article describes a qualitative study designed to investigate information and communications technology (ICT) leadership by considering the lived experiences of principals in 10 carefully selected ICT-enriched schools in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. To encourage further discussion regarding the impact of ICT on educational leadership practice, I have outlined a framework that suggests eight categories of ICT leadership. Although this study focussed on principals of ICT-enriched schools, the practical wisdom of the study participants has potential to assist other educational leaders who are expected to ensure that ICT becomes a tool to enhance learning, teaching, and leadership.  相似文献   

This study deals with the development of a graphic representation tool as a way to support educational planning in an elementary school in the rural area of Brasilia (Brazil’s capital), aiming at the implementation of an integrated action‐research project focusing on hunger and nutrition. The graphic tool made it possible to promote dialogical–reflexive interactions among school teachers as to the identification of competencies and skills in elementary education curriculum and generating apprenticeship themes, scientific concepts, and educational activities. It also constitutes a useful tool for the teaching staff to realize the interdependences among the many school subjects, and to understand their practices, thus leading to self‐evaluation with greater awareness for potential for transformation.  相似文献   

教育公平是实现社会公平的重要工具。在实现高等教育大众化进程中,我国的高教教育尚存在着一定的教育不公平。基于现代网络信息技术的电大教育在高等教育大众化进程中实现教育公平方面有其自身的作用和深远的影响。在充分认识电大发展定位、高等教育大众化中教育公平的要求基础上,深入探讨电大教育的教育公平功能对实现整个高等教育的教育公平意义重大。  相似文献   

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