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10月20日,走进布鲁塞尔市中心的特罗皮斯姆书店,一眼可见显眼位置的法文版余华小说,其代表作《兄弟》《活着》和《许三观卖血记》悉数在列。当晚,中国作家余华在此与其40多位“洋粉丝”进行深入而热烈的交流探讨。从如何走上文学创作道路到每天的写作时间;从中国当前的发展到新书《兄弟》的出版……一个个问题拉近了读者与作家距离的同时,也增进了彼此的了解。  相似文献   

王鹏 《世界文化》2008,(5):22-23
《老无所依》由科恩兄弟改编自科马克·麦卡锡2005年出版的同名小说。麦卡锡是当今美国文坛健将,出版有二十余部优秀作品,曾于1992年以小说《骏马》获国家图书奖和国家图书批评奖,2007年以小说《路》获得美国新闻出版界最高奖——普利策奖。乔尔·科恩和伊桑·科恩两兄弟是美国著名导演、编剧和制片人,他们的作品均由两人共同完成,因而被称作“科恩兄弟”。  相似文献   

正我的家乡云龙县漕涧镇,是滇西横断山脉南段澜沧江和怒江之间的一个山间平坝,与保山市、怒江州毗邻,是大理州的西大门。这里居住着白族、阿昌族等多种兄弟民族,是一个有着多姿多彩的地域文化和民族风情的地方。我的童年和少年时光都是在这里度过的,这里淳朴的乡风民俗给我留下了终生难忘的记忆。  相似文献   

忆苏 《大理文化》2012,(6):41-42
古城标志性建筑拱城楼东面的转角处,有家很小很简陋却是每一个生活在小城的人都认识的店。这家店有个朴素却温馨的名字:兄弟修鞋店。  相似文献   

李映发 《寻根》2009,(2):43-46
四川人的信仰习俗 四川是一个多民族省份,藏、彝、羌、土家等兄弟民族十余个,本文主要讨论汉族的信仰习俗。清代四川是一个移民社会,各省入川移民绝大多数是汉族。清代移民“五方杂处”,长时期的“习尚相染”,逐渐形成共同的信仰习俗。四川地域辽阔,各地习俗虽有些地域差异,但也不过是大同小异。  相似文献   

正塞内加尔裔法国作家达维德·迪奥普创作的战争主题小说《灵魂兄弟》,以塞内加尔土著步兵的视角重新审视第一次世界大战和殖民主义,提供了反思战争的新角度和新思路,也让世界听到一个长期处于边缘状态的少数族裔群体的声音。  相似文献   

那时候,我们家还在一个院子里住着.同在一个院子里住着的有六户人,其中两户姓张,我家是其中之一.另一户姓张的人家有兄弟三个,我们家则有弟兄两人.  相似文献   

话剧《民工兄弟》是上海市工人文化宫2006年推出的一部新作。由着名剧作家贾鸿源创作。由曾因执导《目击情人》、《今夜请将我遗忘》、《在床上》、《乌鸦与麻雀》、《穿越颠峰》等话剧被誉为“票房”导演的杨听巍执导。是首部反映农民工生活的话剧。2006年PP、P2月连续为在沪务工的农民工兄弟演出十余场.受到社会的关注和广大民工兄弟的好评。[第一段]  相似文献   

影视企业潮涌上市著名电影导演冯小刚从率先上市的华谊兄弟公司,套现4600万的消息轰动一时;更多的影视大佬也将很快实现他们的套现梦,因为未来的3年,中国的上市影视企业将会超过20家。2009年10月30日创业板挂牌,28家公司中民营电影代表——华谊兄弟毫无悬念地成为焦点,被誉为中国影视娱乐第一股。华谊兄弟成功  相似文献   

"所有这一切之所以发生,在我们刚刚开始讨论的时候我就已经指明了,我和我兄弟告诉过你,我们对称颂正义的人是多么吃惊,从人们所知道的古代英雄算起,一直到我们现在这个时代的人们,没有一个人会发自内心地去声讨非正义而表扬正义,除  相似文献   

By covering underrepresented areas in the world, Al Jazeera English (AJE) can facilitate intercultural understanding among Americans. However, AJE is not widely available on television in the United States. Further, many Americans hold pre-formed suspicions of the channel. Through an online experiment, we find that pre-reception audience bias against AJE exists and correlates with prejudice against Arab Americans, limiting its conciliatory potential. However, Americans can change their views toward AJE depending on how it is covered by other media, or what we call “intermedia framing,” including both satiric soft news and hard news. An experiment finds that satiric news coverage decreases anti-Arab American prejudice and, when combined with exposure to AJE, elevates evaluations of the network.  相似文献   

The article surveys the historiography of the influenza pandemic of 1918–19, charting growing interest in the field and offering a critical review of recent publications. While, against the background of current anxieties concerning the threat of an outbreak of an avian influenza epidemic, the Great Flu has belatedly become a hot topic, the cultural history of this catastrophe remains to be written.  相似文献   

This is the second of two articles by the same author arguing against the thesis that there was a conspiracy between the Byzantine emperors and Saladin, sultan of Egypt and Syria, against the crusader states and the Third Crusade in the 1180s. While the focus of the first article was primarily on the Latin sources, the present study shifts the focus to the Arabic primary material, hitherto largely neglected or inadequately treated by modern historians. Through a critical re-examination and re-interpretation of the Arabic sources, backed by the introduction and discussion of new Latin material when necessary, this article presents expanded arguments on the relations between the Byzantine Empire, the Sultanate of Konya and Saladin in the 1180s. The conclusions lend further support to the view that the Byzantine rulers and Saladin never concluded an alliance against the Latin settlers of Outremer and the Third Crusade.  相似文献   

A study was conducted among Black, Mexican American and Anglo college students to determine the subjective reasons involved in the decision to engage in interethnic dating. Results indicated that reasons for dating someone of another ethnic group were similar to those which are common to intraethnic dating. However, many of the reasons against such dating appeared to be very different. Overall, it appears that reasons for intergroup dating can be best explained normatively while reasons against intergroup dating are best understood structurally.  相似文献   

In recent years, countries have been fighting with increasing momentum against outbreaks. This struggle requires the effective implementation of several measures that are required in medical science. However, the cultural characteristics of each society prevent these measures from being applied in the same way globally. One area in which social scientists have not applied much effort is observing the impact of countries' cultural characteristics in the fight against outbreaks. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether cultural differences among countries have an impact on their fight against outbreaks. This study uses the COVID-19 pandemic’s total cases and selected European countries’ cultural dimension scores as data. Due to the differences in the measurement units of cultural and outbreak variables, a stepwise multiple logarithmic regression analysis is preferred to select the proper regression model. The results have shown that power distance has a significant and negative effect on the increase rate of the total COVID-19 cases per million (IRTCCPM). In addition, the results have demonstrated that both individualism and indulgence have significant and positive effects on IRTCCPM, at the 95 % confidence level. However, the hypotheses concerning the impacts of masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation on the IRTCCPM are rejected at the α = 0.05 level. In light of the findings of this study, it can be asserted that countries act in harmony with their cultural characteristics in the formal or informal practices of their fight against outbreaks. The contributions of the study can be discussed in academic and practical fields.  相似文献   

Intercultural dialogue is a process central to creating a just social world. Despite this, people are often prejudiced against it. In order to better understand the nature of this antagonism, the present research investigated the role of Social Dominance Orientation as one potential source of resistance. Across three studies, the direct and mediated impact of SDO on both self-reported and behaviorally-indicated dialogic engagement was assessed. Results provide evidence that increasing levels of SDO encourage ideological beliefs and social evaluations that, in turn, prejudice participants against dialogue with an African-American woman. The significance of these results is discussed, along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

An examination of experiences as a counselor in the Philippines suggests at least three important domains of difference in the counseling process: the content of problems, modes of relationships and presumed causes of difficulties. Filipino counselees in a university setting struggled with family control, and rebelled against a double standard of morals. They found it difficult to trust a counselor who was not part of the extended family and they attributed their difficulties to external, social rather than intrapsychic factors. In light of these cultural differences counselors must respond to their problems as Filipinos perceive them and explore ways of changing the social environment of the client. This is in contrast to the strategy of North American counselors who seek to change the client's methods of dealing with himself.  相似文献   

COVID-19 does not leave behind refugees. They are disproportionately affected during the current pandemic. The present study aimed to investigate the psychological impacts of COVID-19 related stressors -resource loss and perceived discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic- on Syrian refugees in Turkey. Further, the buffering role of perceived social support against the detrimental impacts of such stressors was examined.An online cross-sectional study was conducted between September-October 2020. A sample of 345 Syrian refugees in Turkey completed the questions about demographic characteristics, resource loss and perceived discrimination during the pandemic, perceived social support, and depressive and anxiety symptoms. A high level of depressive and anxiety symptoms was reported in our sample. Resource loss and perceived discrimination during the pandemic significantly and positively predicted depressive and anxiety symptoms. Perceived social support acted as a buffer against the detrimental effect of resource loss on mental health. For those with higher perceived social support, resource loss during the pandemic did not significantly predict depressive and anxiety symptoms. The results indicate the detrimental role of COVID-19 related stressors on refugee mental health. Social support is an important protective factor for mental health amidst the pandemic. Our findings highlight the importance of considering the precarious conditions of refugees in all COVID-19 responses and communications.  相似文献   

The thirteenth-century poem King Horn is widely regarded as the first Middle English romance. Consequently, a disproportional amount of attention has been paid to the work's genre and linguistic features, often at the expense of more complex interpretative concerns. One such aspect of the poem is the structural negotiation of the conflict between Saracens and the londisse men allied to the protagonist. This clash permeates the work and pits the land against the sea, elevating the shore to a defining role.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of ethnicity on victim-blaming in a case of stabbing by addressing victim and offender ethnicity as well as observer ethnicity and religion. Jewish (n = 285), Muslim Arab (n = 249), and Christian Arab (n = 51) students from Israeli universities and colleges read a single stabbing scenario, in which we manipulated victim (Arab/Jewish) and offender ethnicity (African/Arab/Jewish). The results showed that participants blamed a Jewish victim more than an Arab victim. Also, our findings indicated that Christian Arabs expressed significantly higher victim-blaming than Jews. However, victim-blaming among Christian Arabs did not significantly differ from victim-blaming among Muslim Arabs, and victim-blaming among Muslim Arabs did not significantly differ from victim-blaming among Jews. Furthermore, the interactions between observer and victim ethnicity and between observer and offender ethnicity were significant. The discussion addresses the findings in the context of prejudice against members of African and Arab communities, the black sheep effect, and defensive attribution. In addition, the discussion suggests that observer ethnic and religious background may be related to blame-attribution mode: fixed (not affected by victim and offender ethnicity) or modular (affected by victim and offender ethnicity). From the practical standpoint, our findings suggest a need for further education on prejudice against minorities and promoting ethnic diversity among practitioners assisting and treating victims.  相似文献   

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