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阿伦特通过研究康德的《判断力批判》提出了理解康德“人是什么”一问的三种思路,即永久进步的人类总体,具有道德尊严的理性存在者(单数的人),以及生活于社会共同体之中以相互交往为目的的人(复数的人)。这三种思路也可用于研究《康德论教育》。按照这一线索,《康德论教育》既是关于人类发展其自身的全部自然禀赋的教育设想.也通向成年人的自我教育或自我启蒙,最后又落脚到旨在将成长着的一代培养为“自由行动者”的集体性的教育。  相似文献   


This paper considers the role of ‘vices of culture’ in Immanuel Kant’s account of radical evil and education. I argue that Kant was keenly aware of a uniquely human tendency to allow a self-centered concern for status to misunderstand or co-opt the language of dignity and equal worth for its own purposes. This tendency lies at the root of the ‘vices of culture’ and ‘aggravated vices’ that Kant describes in the Religion and Doctrine of Virtue, respectively. When it comes to moral education, then, it will be crucial that the developing agent have a clear understanding of the shared dignity of rational agents and the particular duties (e.g. gratitude and beneficence) that are defined, in part, by their tendency to alter (a different kind of) status among agents. I argue that the casuistical questions that Kant attaches to these discussions in the Doctrine of Virtue are an example of a pedagogical device that might help pupils to overcome this tendency so closely associated with radical evil.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to view Kant's approach to education in the broader context of Kant's philosophy of culture and history as a process whose direction should be reflectively assumed by human freedom, in the light of man's moral vocation. In this context, some characteristic tensions of his enlightened approach to education appear. Thus, while Kant takes the educational process to be a radically moral enterprise all the way through—and hence, placed in a relational context—he also aspires to constitute education as a science, to be improved through experiments, thereby paving the way for a systemic approach to education; in spite of its moral inspiration, his systemic approach not only could enter into conflict with the moral demand of taking each individual subject as an end, but is also marked by an intrinsic paradox, already involved in the ambiguity of the term ‘humanity’, which might mean a) humanity as a moral disposition present in each individual human being or b) humanity as a whole, as the ‘human species’.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigated folkbiological concepts that structure children’s moral reasoning regarding conservation. Participants (= 52; 7- and 10-year-olds, gender balanced) were interviewed regarding their values, moral obligations, and rights concerns for endangered and extinct animals. Across the 2 ages, children drew on the animal’s living status and teleology, as well as ecological relations, to ground their moral reasoning. Developmentally speaking, the younger children employed both nature-centered and human-centered moral reasoning, whereas the older children employed a complex form of moral reasoning that integrated human models of moral thinking with distinct biological understanding. Practice or Policy: The findings can improve education and policy that supports the next generation of conservationists. Educators can draw on these findings to develop class material and activities that teach children about ecological relations—knowledge children can employ to construct their moral arguments for conservation and protecting the environment. The findings revealed that children think about and value endangered animals in deep and beautiful ways. Policymakers can draw on the findings to frame their decision making—drawing more deeply on children’s values of the natural world to inform policy decisions. Drawing on children’s values in the development of environmental policy engages them in the policy process.  相似文献   

在康德哲学特别是在其道德哲学中,"实践理性"是一个基础性的概念,在通常的理解模式中,人们会将其与"思辨理性"来进行对照性的理解。然而,这往往致使我们忽视了"实践理性"概念在康德道德哲学内部所具有的独立特征和丰富意蕴。因此,该文将视线集中于这一概念自身,厘清出它的三重基本维度:内在、先验和超验,并从中梳理出康德进行实践理性论证所展现出来的自由的理念(意志自由)——自由的法则(道德法则)——自由的世界(道德王国)的逻辑线索,在深化对实践理性自身理解的同时,勾勒出康德道德哲学体系的全景。  相似文献   


This paper aims to show how Emerson provides a reworking of Kantian understandings of moral education in young children’s Bildung. The article begins and ends by thinking of Emersonian self-cultivation as a form of improvisatory or wild Bildung. It explores the role of Bildung and self-cultivation in preschools through a philosophy that accounts for children’s ‘Wild wisdom’ by letting Emerson speak to Kant. The paper argues that Kant’s vision of Bildung essentially involves reason’s turn upon itself and that Emerson, particularly in how he is taken up by Cavell, shows that such a turn is already present in the processes of children inheriting, learning, and improvising with language. This improvisatory outlook on moral education is contrasted with common goals of moral education prescribed in early childhood education where the Swedish Curriculum for the Preschool Lpfö 98 is used as an example.  相似文献   

While Kant's pedagogical lectures present an account of moral education, his theory of freedom and morality seems to leave no room for the possibility of an education for freedom and morality. In this paper, it is first shown that Kant's moral philosophy and his educational philosophy are developed within different theoretical paradigms: whereas the former is situated within a transcendentalist framework, the latter relies on a teleological notion of human nature. The second part of this paper demonstrates that the core ideas of Kant's moral philosophy are also present in his pedagogy. This means that the problem of moral education must be solved within the transcendentalist framework. It is finally claimed that Kant himself outlines a solution to this problem in his pedagogical lectures.  相似文献   

王阳明知行合一说主要是针对明朝中期"不知而妄行"与"空想而不行"两种不良倾向,以及当时道德实践中先知后行、知而不行的弊病而提出的,其用意在于强调道德的实践性。王阳明知行合一说对于道德教育的意义有两点:一是人人心存善念,即澄清道德意念与纯化道德动机。二是人人践行善行,即以道德认知引导道德实践和以道德实践扩充"道德认知"。  相似文献   

An existential interpretation of student angst in Chinese universities raises issues of autonomy and freedom. The governance arrangements in China create a conflict for Chinese students who in their coursework are urged to become critical-minded and open-minded. In this essay, Kant’s moral theory provides access to this phenomenon. His theory of duty–rationality–autonomy–freedom relates the liberty of thought to principled action. Kantian ideals still influence western business and university practice and they become relevant in China as that country modernises. The abilities of graduates which officials say the country needs—insightfulness, creativity, innovation, progressiveness and commitment—are only achievable by professionals who are independent minded, rational and who commit to act on their own conclusions. Such people are Kant’s autonomous persons. Chinese students increasingly confront a conflicted educational environment. Universities require students to think, analyse and argue. An outcome of this deliberation is freedom, as construed by Kant as an ‘inner’ construct. When students are unable to exercise Kantian freedom in matters which concern them they experience the angst of freedom. Students may carry a burden derived from bridles on information and authoritarian restrictions on dialogue.  相似文献   

This article discusses the educational significance of the moral demand for respect. In Ethics and Education, Richard Peters presents a conception of educational respect that was recently taken up by Krassimir Stojanov. This article responds to both Peters' and Stojanov's contributions and proposes another understanding of educational respect: to respect children is to treat them in a way that enables them to see themselves as persons endowed with dignity; that is, as having the equal standing to make claims on others.  相似文献   

Many authors have claimed a moral and educational significance for wonder. In this article Anders Schinkel assesses these claims in order to address the question whether we do indeed have reason to stimulate the sense of wonder and to provoke experiences of wonder in education with a view to its moral effects or importance. Are there moral effects of wonder — or does wonder have a moral significance — that give us a (further) reason to promote children's sense of wonder and to attempt to elicit the experience of wonder in children? And if so, will any experience of wonder do, from a moral perspective, or do only some experiences of wonder — in specific contexts, or with a specific object — have the desired effect? Schinkel argues that, although there is certainly a case to be made for wonder's moral (educational) importance, it needs to be made cautiously. Wonder coheres more easily with some emotions and attitudes than with others, but in the end its moral significance depends to a large extent on how we interpret or make sense of our wonder and what we wonder at. In moral education, therefore, the value of wonder depends on how it is framed and morally charged.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on coherence and consistency as elements of moral integrity, arguing that several kinds of—mostly second‐order—virtues contribute to establishing coherence and consistency in a person's judgements and behaviour. The virtues relevant for integrity always accompany other, substantive virtues, and their associated values, principles and rules. In moral education we teach children all kinds of substantive virtues with integrity as our goal. Nevertheless, many adults do not attain moral integrity, although they are clearly not immoral. What precisely are they lacking? Education for moral integrity should focus on strengthening motivational self‐sufficiency, furthering critical and imaginative thinking and promoting moral unity.  相似文献   

论康德的道德自由与德性论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理性与自由是康德伦理学的重要概念,如若把康德的“理性”概念分为理论理性和实践理性,那么他的“自由”概念同样也可分为理性的自由和道德的自由。理论理性和理性的自由是属于思辨哲学研究的范畴,实践理性和道德的自由是属于伦理学研究的范畴。在康德看来,道德自由是人的道德活动之原因,德性是人的道德活动之结果。因此,在康德伦理学中道德自由与德性之间有着内在的逻辑联系,不仅如此,这种道德自由与德性之内在的逻辑联系恰恰体现着康德理性主义伦理思想的精神内涵。  相似文献   


Kant held that the moral vocation of the human species was to strive toward moral perfection. But in Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, he at least entertained as part of the human condition a rationalist version of the Christian doctrine of original sin: that human beings have a universal, innate and inextirpable propensity to evil. Are these two Kantian doctrines inconsistent, or at least in tension with each other? If they are, the tension is a creative one. This chapter will explain the Kantian doctrine of the radical human propensity to evil and relate it to Kant's theory of the acquisition of virtue and the struggle toward moral perfection. We will see that this struggle for Kant must be social, not merely individual, and that it involves both the development of moral character and the cultivation of empirical inclinations that harmonize with morality.  相似文献   

任丑 《学科教育》2007,(4):77-82
康德认为,纯粹德性是人类的本性,它要求出于义务来遵守,而且是趋向于善的唯一动机,因此是可教的。这就是对道德教育的方法如何可能的问题的回答。在此基础上,康德提出了他的道德教育方法:道德判断力的训练、敬重义务的训练、合道德性的道德教育程序的建构、伦理共同体的联合等。康德的这一思想,给我们进行道德教育以如下几个方面的启迪:注重道德教育方式本身的道德性,进行以德性为目的的榜样教育,发挥感性实践的重要作用,以自由和谐丰富集体主义道德原则的内涵,培育自由的道德人。  相似文献   

The present study assessed the extent to which kindergarten children's performance on the Bender-Gestalt Test is related to sex and sociocultural variables on the one hand, and to children's social behavior on the other hand. Two distinetly different Israeli populations were included: (a) The Druze—representing the traditional-authoritative culture, and (b) The Jews—representing the Westernized democratic society. Generally, the Jewish children were more socially active, and could differentiate and integrate the neutral elements of the Bender-Gestalt Test much more often than did the Druze children. Significant correlations between perceptual indicators and social behaviors were found and suggest that the Bender-Gestalt Test can be used for assessing and understanding the nature of the child's social interactions and struggle for a position within the constraints of his/her culture.  相似文献   


Kant’s commitment to autonomy raises difficult questions about the very possibility of Kantian moral education, since appeal to external pedagogical guidance threatens to be in contradiction with autonomous virtue. Furthermore, moral education seems to involve getting good at something through repetition; but Kant seems to eschew the notion of repeated natural activity as antithetical to autonomy. Things become even trickier once we remember that Kant also views autonomous human beings as radically evil: we are capable of choosing rationally and autonomously, but, left to our own devices, that same capacity for reason might tempt us to choose only out of a concern to satisfy our happiness. We thus need a moral education which realizes autonomy while dodging the dual bullets of external natural forces and internal evil forces. Ultimately, his concerns about external natural forces and internal evil forces do not lead Kant to reject either moral education or a role for repeated activity in it. Rather, he advocates a carefully circumscribed appeal to repeated activities within a course of Socratic moral education focused on encouraging the student, subjectively and first-personally, to claim her autonomy, resulting in the cheerful and vigilant exercise of virtue as an aptitude.  相似文献   

康德通过理论概念分析的方式证明实践法则必须是纯粹形式化的,但这时实践法则只是一个假定,他随即转向对道德律实在性的论证,指出道德律是可以直接意识到的,并进而确立了自由的实在性及意志的自律。康德的这一道德观点其实足一次向“伦理学的主体主义”的转向。  相似文献   


For Kant, we cannot understand how to approach moral education without confronting the radical evil of humanity. But if we start out, as Kant thinks we do, from a morally corrupt state, how can we make moral progress? In response, I explore in this paper Kant’s gradualist and revolutionary accounts of moral progress. These differing accounts of progress raise two key questions in the literature: are these accounts compatible and which type of progress comes first? Against other views in the literature, I argue that gradual progress through a change of mores must come first and can gradually lead toward, as its ideal endpoint, a revolution in our disposition (or a change of heart) and the overthrowing of our radical evil. This has important implications for moral pedagogy.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of physical education in the process of moral education, and argues that physical education is a necessary prerequisite for the possibility of human virtue. This discussion is divided into four parts. First, I examine the nature of morality and moral decision-making. Drawing on the moral theories presented by Plato, Aristotle and Kant, I argue that morality is connected with reason and the attainment of objectively good goals. Second, I examine the role of moral education in helping individuals to cultivate a virtuous character state. I outline the approaches to moral education taken by Plato, Aristotle and Kant—dialectic, dogmatic and catechistic—and examine the ability of each approach to develop the appropriate moral disposition within individuals. Third, I examine the cultivation of this disposition by considering the connection between virtue and happiness and the possibility of producing an individual who is both virtuous and happy through moral education. Fourth, although there is disagreement about the means of moral education, I argue that there must be agreement concerning one necessary component of moral education: physical education. Physical education, while connected to non-moral exercises, allows individuals to develop the strength to become apathetic to bodily desires (e.g. the desire to obtain pleasure or pursue pain), desires that lead them away from virtue.  相似文献   

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