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吴安运 《英语辅导》2002,(10):20-21
[误]The horse walked across the bridge.[正]The horse went across the bridge.[析]walk通常指人“走”或猪、牛、骆驼等行动迟缓的动物,go则可用于指马或一切动物。  相似文献   

1.那两匹马刚走过了桥。误The two horses walked across the bridge iust now. 正The two horses went across the bridge iust now. 析 walk通常用于指人的“行走”或者牛、骆驼等行动迟缓动物的“行走”;go则可泛用人和其他一切动物。 2.这些事情是孩子们在河里游泳时发生的。  相似文献   

1.过桥你会发现书店就在你的左边。[误]Go cross the bridge and you'llfind the bookshop on yourleft.[正]Go across the bridge and you'llfind the bookshop on yourleft.[析]cross为动词,意为“穿过”,“横穿”,不能再与其它动词连用;across为介词,常与动词 go,com e,walk 等连用,强调从某物体表面上“穿过”,“越过”。cross the bridge 相当于 go across the bridge。 又如:The students crossed (=wentacross)the road.学生们穿过了马路。2.几乎没有人相信他。[误]Nearly nobody believed him .[正]Alm ostnobody believed him .[…  相似文献   

Once upon a time,there was a brave 1)knight called George.George travelled by horse across many lands. One day,he came to a small village and met a man who lived in a cave.The man told the knight about the awful things about the village.A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake and attacked the village every day.  相似文献   

1.他们决定去破坏那座铁桥。[误]They decided to breakdown the iron bridge. [正]They decided to teardown the iron bridge. [析]break down含有“用手去破坏”之意,人所能拿的工具不外是几种铁锤之类的东西,拿它们去把铁桥干掉未免有些自不量力了。  相似文献   

1.Go along zhongshan road,and turn right at the second crossing.co across the bridge(L.65)  相似文献   

1.A horse walk'ed into anexpensive(昂贵的)restaurant.Thewaiter came up to him. 3.The waiter led thehorse to a good table bythe window。 4.The horse sat down andthe waiter handed him themenl】(羹单、.6.A iittie later hereturned with the mealand put it 011 the table in{!ronl of the l101-se./≮u…[}1ink it’s v:卜unusua](不正常的)——一d hors~coming into yol restaurant andordering a well done steak. / 7.The horse ate the meal.and enjoyed it very much.Then he;ked the waiter for the bill.A horse …  相似文献   

(接上期) 6.across,cross,through,over,past across和through作为介词,都有“穿过”的意思, 但用法有所不同。 across prep.表示在某物体的表面上横向通过,后面接street,bridge,desert,road等词。例如: She swam across the channel.她游泳横渡海峡。 through prep.表示动作是在某物体的空间通过,后面接gate,forest,window,valley,desert等词。例如: The train went through a tunnel.火车穿过隧道。 cross vt.“穿过”。例如: We crossed the street.我们穿过了街道。 over prep.指“越过”高的障碍物。例如: He was already over the gate waiting for me to climb over.他已越过大门,正在对面等我过去。  相似文献   

肖建龙 《英语辅导》2002,(10):18-18
[误]They decided to break down the iron bridge.[正]They decided to tear down the iron bridge.[析]break down含有“用手去破坏”之意,人所能拿的工具不外是几种铁锤之类的东西,拿它们去把铁桥干掉未免有些自不量力了。  相似文献   

Once there was a very foolish man.One day he put a bag of rice onthe back of his horse and went to town to sell it.The horse ran fast andhe could not catch up with it,so he got on the back of the horse.Soon thehorse began to go very slowly.  相似文献   

(1)cross为动词,表示“穿过、越过、渡过”。主要强调动作。如:The old man is crossing a bridge.那位老人正在过桥。(2)across为介词,表示“横过”强调从物体表面的一边到另一边。往往与动词连用,指穿过一条路,一条河  相似文献   

What''''s What?     
What is the smallest bridge in the world﹖ Answer The bridge of a nose.What's What?  相似文献   

1.Go along Zhongshan Road.and turn right at the second crossing. Go across the bridge.(L65) cross,crossing,across,through这几个词的含义虽然均与“穿过”、“通过”有关,但它们在用法上是有区别的:cross是动词;crossing既可为cross的现在分词,又可为名词,意为“十字路口”;across和through都可用作介词和副词。  相似文献   

My friend likes to be exact. “Where is the department store?”a passer-by asked him once. “The department store? You have to cross a bridge and then turn to the right.”“And is the bridge long?”“Very. Twenty meters.” The passer-by thanked him and went toward the bridge. Suddenly he heardsomeone running after him, shouting something. “Stop!”my friend was shouting. “I’ ve just remembered: the bridge is 40 me-  相似文献   

一、cross,across,through,pass这四个词都有“经过、穿过”的意思,但它们在用法上有所不同:1.cross通常用作及物动词,后接宾语。如:cross a river/a bridge/a street...“过河/桥/街……”;有时cross也用作不及物动词。例如:They cross over to the other side ofthe river.他们过河到了对岸。2.across是介词。例如:W e walk across the street.我们穿过了大街。Can you swim across the river?你能游过那条河吗?They are going to build a bridgeacross the river.他们打算在河上建一座桥。【特别提醒】不可将across作动词使用,如:不可…  相似文献   

正A One day a pig went to the stable(马棚)to see his good friend,an oldhorse,and was going to stay there forthenight.Night came and it was time forsleep.The pig went into the straw heap(稻草堆)and lay comfortably.A longtime passed,but the horse was stillstanding there and did not move.Thepig asked the horse why he did not go tosleep."Standing like this is the begin-ning ofsleeping,"answered the horse.  相似文献   

Three horses are standing in a triangular field, which is exactly 100 yards on each side. One horse stands at each comer; and simultaneously all three set off running. Each horse runs after the horse in the adjacent comer on his left, thus following a curved course, which terminates in the middle of the field, all three horses arriving there together. The homes obviously ran at the same speed, but just how far did they run?  相似文献   

The seismic analysis of a rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge in Tianjin Light Railway is performed. A 3-D dynamic finite element model of the bridge is established considering the weakening effect caused by the soft soil foundation. After the dynamic characteristics are calculated in terms of natural frequencies and modes, the seismic analysis is carried out using the modal response spectrum method and the time-history method, respectively. Based on the calculated results, the reasonable design values are finally suggested as the basis of the seismic design of the bridge, and meanwhile the problems encountered were also analyzed.Finally, some conclusions are drawn as :1 ) Despite the superiority of rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge,the upper and lower ends of the piers of the bridge are proved to be the crucial parts of the bridge, which are easily destroyed under designed earthquake excitations and should be carefully analyzed and designed; 2) The soft soil foundation can possibly result in rather weakening of the lateral rigidity of the rigid-framed bridge, and should be paid considerable attention; 3) The modal response spectrum method, combined with time-history method, is suggested for the seismic analysis in engineering design of the rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge.  相似文献   

Unit9 Saving the earth 1.20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.地球上20%的人无法得到干净的饮用水。此处on earth=on the earth在地球上。accessn.[不可数名词]进入(的道路),通道;能接近,了解,使用(权)。例如:The only access to the cottage is a dirt road.只有一条土路通向那间农舍。Access to the town was across anarrow bridge.进城的路经过一座很窄的桥。  相似文献   

drew a tiger'shead,then he added(加 ) the body of ahorse to it.2 .His eldest sonpointed to thepicture andasked, “What                     have you drawn?”The artist saidcarelessly,“ atiger”.His secondson asked him,“ What's this ?”  This time hestill answeredcarelessly,“a horse.”3. One day,his eldest son saw a horse,he took itfor a tiger and shot(射击 ) it with his arrow(箭 ) .The horse soon died and he had to pay forthe horse to its owner.4. A few days later,the…  相似文献   

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