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表示“地点”的介词:at,on,in。(1)at 如果把一个地方看作一个点(不涉及大小)就用at。例如:at the gate/door/bus stop/station/cinema/office,at the top of the page,at the end of the street,at the traffic lights,at the crossing,at 103 Wall Street。  相似文献   

1IntroductionRecently traffic flow has attracted increasing intere-sts of scientists.A variety of traffic models have beenproposed to study complex traffic phenomena.Thesemodels describe traffic flowin the following three lev-els.(1)From the macroscopic level,traffic flow istreated as continuum,i.e.,compressible gas in fluiddynamic models;(2)Fromthe mesoscopic level,ve-hicles are regarded as gas molecules in the kineticmodels;(3)Fromthe microscopic level,the detailedinteractions betweenindivi…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION For the past few decades, many researchers have made studies of modelling driver behavior to repro- duce the observed features of traffic flow. Recently Kerner and Rehborn (1997) observed that there are three distinct dynamic phases on highways: free traf- fic flow, coexisting traffic flow and traffic jams. The occurrence of traffic jams without obvious reasons had been explained in terms of the conventional phase transition (Nagatani, 1998). Various traffic flow models, suc…  相似文献   

情态动词是初中英语中的重点语法,也是每年中考英语试题的考查热点之一。本文将近几年来全国部分地区中考英语试卷中对情态动词的考查作一归纳和总结,供同学们学习时参考。(下面划有横线的备选项为正确答案)一、考查m ust的用法(一)考查m ust表示“义务”含义时的用法在这一用法中,m ust意为“必须”、“应该”,表示必须要做某事。例如:1.Y ou be carefulwith fire w hen you have a picnic in the forest.Its too dangerous.A.will B.m ustC.can D.m ay(2005年安徽省课改卷)2.C ars,buses and bikes stop when the traffic lightis red.…  相似文献   

王正勋 《高中生》2010,(6):36-37
1.should意为“应该”,表示有责任或义务做某事。 According to the air traffic rules,you__switch off your mobile phone before boarding. A.may B.can C.would D.should  相似文献   

U nit 4 [原句]W hatwould you do ifyou had a m illion dollars? 【试题精选】 1.In figures(数字),a m illion is . A .1,000,000 B.100,000 C.10,000 D .100,000000(2005年宁夏回族自治区) 2.—H ow m any people are there in Changsha? —A boutsix . A .m illion B.m illions C.m illions of (2005年长沙市) [考点点拨]m illion 意为“百万”。表示确切数字时,用“数词 m illion 复 数名词”,表示约数时用“m illions of 复数名词”。 [原句]H e doesn t know whatto w ear. 【试题精选】 3.W e should study the new traffic …  相似文献   

Unit Five 1. When it is open to the public, many new books will be added.它对外开放时,将会增加许多新书。短语be open to的意思是“对……开放”。又如When the elevated highway was open to traffic, traffic pressure on theroads was relieved to some extent.当高架内环线通车后,马路上的交通压力多少有点减轻。 2. Olympic Games (The Olympics)is an international amateur athletic  相似文献   

One in two Berliners(柏林市民)is an-gry at the disorder caused by FIFA2006World Cup.Pollster(民意调查机构)Emnid found49percent of1,008people said the“commotion(骚乱)”about the World Cup made themanxious.They also said the coming traffic jamsand cordoned  相似文献   

Load and traffic balancing for the Internet are analyzed. An intelligent domain name system(DNS) policy for the control and management of content distribution networks (CDN) is presented. An CDNs network based Urtitech IntelliDNS is built, and performance of the network in realizing traffic and load balancing is measured. It is proved that CDNs provide a valuable service and the methods are feasible.  相似文献   

To ensure that limited resources are allocated more effectively to reduce marine risks, formal safety assessment (FSA), a proactive method, is introduced in planning a vessel traffic system (VTS). Based on the data of Wuhan port, some new solutions based on risk-indices are put forward. The weighted number of traffic accidents is predicted after the future weighted vessel traffic volume is estimated by analyzing the trend of trade development. To analyze risk acceptability, the as-low-as-reasonably-practicable (ALARP) matrix is transformed into a new model containing two parameters: the future weighted vessel traffic volume and the future weighted number of traffic accidents. The new risk control options (RCOs)can be identified by a revised Domino model with several feedback loops from all system levels to close a limited window of accident opportunity. The results indicate that the four most beneficial RCOs are a wider sub-area 1 channel, a VTS bridges area, a dredging sub-area 2 main route, and a VTS QSX anchorage to the 3rd bridge. The FSA is a method that is effective in evaluating the rationality, necessity and cost-effectiveness of VTS projects.  相似文献   

在不少情况下,许多名词都可以充当前置定语。如:a college stu-dent,a fam ily photo,traffic lights,silk stockings,a girl friend,the landtravel等。这些作前置定语用的名词在意义和用法上有什么特点呢?下面作一概述:一、名词作前置定语时,通常表示被修饰的名词所指事件发生的时间、放置的地点、本身具有的用途等等。例如:Sunday English(星期天英语)afternoon tea(下午茶)the inside lane(内车道)corner cupboards(角柜)a coffee cup(咖啡杯)an acception room(接待室)a shoe shop(鞋店)a fruitgarden(果园)a m aths teacher(数学教师…  相似文献   

情态动词must,can,could,may和might均可表示推测,它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况做出语气强弱不同的推测.在运用情态动词表示推测时,我们应该着重把握以下几点: 一、把握推测语气的特点,选择恰当的情态动词 例1(2016年西宁卷)—Look! Why are there so many people? ——There are some policemen.I think there____a traffic accident. A.must have B.can have C.is going to be D.must be 例2(2016年丹东卷)—Please be quiet.Our teacher is coming. ——It____be our teacher.She has gone to Beijing.  相似文献   

来自“形容词+名词”的名词惯用语多且有用,现在列举一些,以便大家随时应用。(1)A mixed blessing 忧喜参半的事例: Working in a big city is a mixed blessing.It is so convement and comfortable there, but noise pollution and traffic congestion are two big headaches.  相似文献   

郑献芹 《语文知识》2001,(10):63-64
在主施宾受的句子中,动词后边表示结果的补语从语义上说主要有三种类型:(一)表示动作的结果属于施动者。例如:他喝醉了酒。(“醉”是“喝”的结果,但“醉”的是主语“他”)小明说错了话。(“错”是“说”的结果,但“错”是主语“小明”)(二)表示动作的结果属于受动者。例如:李强打伤了张涛。(“伤”  相似文献   

为达到正确、流利、有感情的朗读训练目标 ,有必要掌握“啊”字的变调和音变规律。一、“啊”字变调“啊”字在句首时作叹词 ,声调有如下几种变化 :1.表示惊异赞叹读一声。如 :“啊 !黄继光突然站起来了 !在暴风雨一样的子弹中站起来了 !”2 .表示追问读二声。如 :“啊 ?你说什么呀 ?”3.表示惊疑读三声。如 :“啊 ,这难道是我的影子吗 ?”4 .表示应答的、明白过来的读四声。(1)表示应诺。 (音较短 )如 :“啊 ,好吧 ,我就去。”(2 )表示明白过来。 (音较长 )如 :“啊 !原来就是找个树杈 ,挺简单 ,我会了。”二、“啊”字的音变“啊”字在句…  相似文献   

Randomness plays a major role in the interpretation of many interesting traffic flow phenomena, such as hysteresis, capacity drop and spontaneous breakdown. The analysis of the uncertainty and reliability of traffic systems is directly associated with their random characteristics. Therefore, it is beneficial to understand the distributional properties of traffic variables. This paper focuses on the dependence relation between traffic flow density and traffic speed, which constitute the fundamental diagram (FD). The traditional model of the FD is obtained essentially through curve fitting. We use the copula function as the basic toolkit and provide a novel approach for identifying the distributional patterns associated with the FD. In particular, we construct a rule-of-thumb nonparametric copula function, which in general avoids the mis-specification risk of parametric approaches and is more efficient in practice. By applying our construction to loop detector data on a freeway, we identify the dependence patterns existing in traffic data. We find that similar modes exist among traffic states of low, moderate or high traffic densities. Our findings also suggest that highway traffic speed and traffic flow density as a bivariate distribution is skewed and highly heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Tobacco/t'bku/表示“烟草,烟叶”,cigar/si'ga:/表示“雪茄烟”,cigarette/sig 'ret/表示“香烟,纸烟”,而smoke/smuk/侧表示“烟雾”(用作名词)或“吸烟”(用作动词)。  相似文献   

Q:“交通拥挤”可不可以说成crowded traffic?(淮北 蒋昕)  相似文献   

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