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The Choice     
Four and a half billion years1 ago, the earth was formed. Perhaps a half billion years after that, life arose on the planet. For the next four billion years, life became steadily more complex, more varied, and more ingenious, until, around a million years ago, it produced mankind-the most complex and ingenious species of them all. Only six or seven thousand years ago-a period that is to the history of the earth as less than a minute is to a year-civilization emerged, enabling us to build up a…  相似文献   

Many years ago,man did not have tothink about the protection of his environ-ment,There were few people on the earth,and the natural resources seemed to be un-limited.Now,things are different,The world hasbecome too crowded,We are using our natu-  相似文献   

The earth itself is thought to be more than twice as old as life on it.Two billion years ago,the earth was like a great ball about as hot on its surface as boiling water.As the earth蒺s surface becam e less hot,the thick clouds round it,from which waterwenton raining down,gotthinner.The m ore sunlightcould getthrough to the surface ofthe earth.Sunlightis necessary for lifeon earth,as airand waterare.Life began,m en think,in the saltsea.Nearthe land,where the waters werenotdeep,very sm allone…  相似文献   

Languages There are more than 3,000 million people on the earth and about 2,500 languages. Of these languages only about twelve are used by more than 50 million people. Here are the names of some languages which have very wide use:  相似文献   

Hundreds of years ago a Roman armycame north from English to make war on Scot-land.The Scots,a brave people,loved theircountry dearly.They fought hard to drive theenemy out of Scotland. But there were toomany of the Romans.It looked as if the Ro-mans would win.  相似文献   

The world itself is becom ing m uch sm aller by using m odern trafficand m odern com m unication m eans.Life today is m uch easier than it was hun-dreds of years ago,is has brought new Problem s.O ne of the biggest is pol butlution.To pollute m eans to m ake things dirty.Pollution com es in m any w ay.W e see it,sm ell it,drink it and even hear it.M an has been polluting the earth.The m ore people,the m ore pollution.M any years ago,the problem w as not so serious because there were notso m …  相似文献   

Most of the earth is covered with water. About 70 per cent of the water on earth is in the oceans,but water also exists in rivers and lakes. It occurs as ice or water vapour in the air. All together, there are about 330 million cubic (立方体的) miles of water on earth.  相似文献   

About the Spring Festi-val, there are manylegends,one of whichgoes like this.Thou-sands of years ago,there lived a de-mon.He did much damage to the village people,so everyone was afraid of him and hated him.  相似文献   

A thousand years ago,Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest.Now there is no forest left,though there are still some small areas cov-ered with trees.  相似文献   

Humans took a genetic leap away from the apes more than 2 million years ago, an international team of researchers announced in theProceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences.Using ancient fossils and advanced molecular techniques, the researchers determined that the gene mutation (变化,转变), when a gene fell out of the human genetic code (遗传密码), probably occurred 2. 5 to 3 million years ago. It was after humans stood upright (直立) - about 6 to 7 million years ago - but before hominid(原始人类) brains  相似文献   

Diet and Cancer     
贾继宁 《中学生英语》2002,(8):25-25,32
Medical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer. A teem of Chinese and American scientists did the study. About thirty thousand people from the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study. They were from the Northern Central Chinese Area of Linxian. Must of them took vitamines and minerals every day for five years.  相似文献   

R&W BBS: Two years ago, my attention was attracted by Reading&Writing.From then on,I had a perfect partner in my life,andmade lots of progress.I'm sure I'll do better with her help.I'd liketo give some words to all of our readers:May there be enough  相似文献   

How Cities Began     
Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. These people moved from place to place. They moved over the land, hunting animals for food.  相似文献   

请阅读下面的短文,并注意句中的划线部分:①M any years ago,there w as a doctor in a sm alltown.H e was goodand kind.A t any tim e of the day and night,he was always ready to goand help the sick people.②E veryone in the town liked him and peoplealways wentto see him when there w as som ething wrong w ith them.A fter m any years the doctor becam e old.H e began to lose his m em-ory(记忆力),so he often forgot things.③W hen people noticed(注意到)this,they did notgo to see him any m ore.“H e m ay…  相似文献   

My hobby     
Different people have different hobbies.Good hobbies bring people endless happiness.Do you have any hobbies? Let me tell you mine. My hobby is collecting stamps.It began several years ago.Once,on my birthday,my mother sent me a stamp-album as a birthday present.The pictures printed on the cover attracted me so much.How beautiful they were! Suddenly an idea came into my mind to collect stamps!From then on,I always pay attention to stamps on my family's and my friends' letters.And I often buy some.If I see the stamps I have never had,I use my spare ones to exchange for them.Up to now,I have collected more than one thousand stamps,including domestic and foreign stamps.All of them have been put into my stamp-album.  相似文献   

Many years ago a farmer had a farm along the Pacific seacoast. He often hired workers to help him. Most people didn't want to work on farms along the Pacific Ocean because they were afraid of the terrible storms(暴风雨).  相似文献   

In 1969, two American astronauts (宇航员) landed on the moon for the first time in history. They stayed there for 21 hours before returning to the earth. On December 4, NASA (美国宇航局) said they would send people to the moon again. But this time astronauts will build a moon base (基地) and stay there forever.[第一段]  相似文献   

The most typical human face on earth has been revealed as a 28-year-old Han Chinese man,after researchers found there are nine million of them in the world. TheFace of Seven Billionimage was created as a composite of 190,000 Chinese photos,but experts believe the average per-  相似文献   

In Africa there is a rock as large as a church.It stands guard like a brooding Sphinxin a landscape as rugged as any place on earth.It is a random tapestry of brownearth and towering boulders rounded by ten million years of wind.Everything isguarded by angry and defiant vegetation that defends every yard against any mad  相似文献   

Space Case     
The vacuum of space is a hostile, forbidding place: people must re- main in high-tech cocoons if they are to travel or work above the lowest few thousand feet of the earth’s atmosphere. And living beings aren’t the only things at risk . The very molecul…  相似文献   

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