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It was a beautiful spring morning. There wasn‘t a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot, so Mr Green was surprised(惊奇的)when he saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong black umbrella(雨伞) in his hand. Mr Green said to him, ““Are we going to have rain today, do you think?  相似文献   

1. a. If____the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. b. If he____the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. A. given B. is given C. giving D. is giving 2. a. She can't help____the house because she's making a cake.  相似文献   

李光明 《历史学习》2001,(10):43-44
单项选择题的四个选项中只有一个是正确答案。学生在找出唯一正确选项后,往往忽略对其余三个选项,不能继续借用其余三个选项再做“额外训练”。一道好的选择题在选项设计上是很下功夫的。尝试一题多练,可以起到事半功倍的效果。现举几例如下:  相似文献   

单项填空1)——I'd like to invite you to my birthday party thisFriday,Mr Brown. ——____________________. A.Oh,no.For I'm busy B.I’d rather stay at home C.I’m very sorry.but I have other plans D.No.I’d ratherstay at home 2)——How do you like the film“Hero”?  相似文献   

1.The tallgirl pink works hard atEnglish.A.having on B.dressed in C.is wearing D .putting on2.H ow long does ittake you to yourself?A.dress B.puton C.wear D .have on3.—W ho is the girl in a red skirt?—She s .A.dressed;H elen B.worn;m y sisterC.to be;a student D .having on;a nurse4.In whatcolour is yoursisterusually ?A.wore B.dressed C.had on D .puton5.The girlis underfour butshe can .A.puton herself B.wear herselfC.have on herclothes D .dress herself6.Afterthe bath,M r Sm ith him …  相似文献   

不少试题通过增加附加成份、减少次要成份、调整成份位置等手段实现句子结构的创新,追寻原始结构可以巧解这些试题。  相似文献   

近年来中考单项选择题灵活多变,强调弱化语法,注重对学生语言综合能力的考查。命题人员往往喜欢设置一些“陷阱”,把测试基础知识与分析理解能力融于一体,突出语言的语境化和交际功能,以考查学生根据所学知识灵活应变的能力。例如:1.-I've got an"A" in the examination.-That's a good______.You will surely wina second.A.result B.start C.news D.idea 2.Would you mind______your radio alittle, please?A.turn off B.tuming offC.to turn down D.turning down 3.These shoes are different______size.A.from B.than C.to D.in  相似文献   

中学生在学习英语过程中经常会遇到一些相似的句式。现将一些貌似神异题放在一起,请大家认真、仔细地加以比较和辨别。  相似文献   

1.——Which subject do you like?——I____English to Chinese.A.like B.prefer C.hope D.enjoy2.——What do you think____the new film?——I like it a lot.A.up B.over C.out D.of3.I like the new teacher____came here the day before yesterday.A.whom B.who C.which D.where4.I hope to visit places____are very beautiful and interesting.A.where B.that C.who D.when5.——Where have you been?——I have been to____.A.anywhere warm B.somewhere warmC.warm anywhere D.warm somewhere6.——What should I d…  相似文献   

1.一Have you had_breakfast yet?一No,not yet·A.x B.a C.the D.an 2.玩t,5 fook at theb鳃.Can you see_“s”on the eomerof_ bag? A .a,a B.a,the C.an,a D.an,the 3 .They spend half_hour 6nishing doing_work. A .a,a B.The,an C.an,the D.the,a 4.Our teaeher rold us that_moon moves around_earth,and earth eircles sun. A .a,a,a,a B.an,an,an,an .西雷旬200冲51食印拿密旧圆酗C .the,the,the,the D.x,x,x,x 5 .At thar time,he was studying in_university.Andi*was afa-】】10US one. A …  相似文献   

本文将从单项选择题的命题特点和解题技巧两个方面进行分析。一、命题特点1.侧重语法知识的考查有关语法知识的考查是单项选择题的重点,在大部分省市的单项选择题中,它要占到70%左右的比例。  相似文献   

本文详细分析了单嘎选择题在考试中具有的优点、缺点,以及单项选择题的构成方式,并在此基础上探讨了教师在命题时应注意的若干方面。  相似文献   

单项选择是一种容量大、考查面广的题型。它可集中考查词法、句法、语法知识。因此在各级各类考试中,单项选择是必不可少的题型。  相似文献   

单项选择题是中考英语中最常见的题型之一,内容涉及语法、词汇、句型、情景交际等各个方面,题目比较灵活,覆盖面广。近几年单项选择题的测试已由原来的语法型测试逐渐转向以测试考生的实际交际能力、语言应变能力、词语运用能力等为主的能力型测试。  相似文献   

1.——Thanks____your help.——My pleasure.A.for B.at C.on2.——This is John.——____A.Nice to meet you,John.B.What#s your name?C.I#m fine.3.——____——It#s Amy#s brother.A.How is he?B.Who#s that?C.What#s that?4.——What#s this?——____.A.It#s letter B B.It#s my sister C.I#m OK5.——What color is it?——____.A.It#s yellow B.That#s right C.Very good6.——Sorry,I#m late.——____.A.All B.That#s all rightC.That#s right7.——Sit down,please.——____.A.Thanks B.You#re welcomeC.Ye…  相似文献   

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