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1)问对方是谁,不说“Who are you?”而要用下列句型: Who is that/it? Who is that calling/speaking, please? Who is calling/speaking,please? May I ask who I am talking to?  相似文献   

1.喂!你是谁? Hello!Who’s that/it? Hello!Who’s(that)speak-ing/calling? Who am I speaking with? May I have your name? 2.我是汤姆。 This is Tom(speaking). Tom is speaking. 3.请找汤姆接电话。 May/Could/Can I speak toTom?  相似文献   

1.常见用语 a.请找某人接电话 Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to…,please? b.问对方是不是某人 Is that…(speaking)? c.问对方是谁 1)Who's speaking(calling)? 2)Who's that(speaking/calling)?  相似文献   

A:Hello, 7373318.B:Hello,who is that speaking?A:This is Li Ming speaking. May I speakto Zhang Hua.B:Hold the line,please. I'll see if he is in.A:Ok. Thank you. (After a short while)  相似文献   

现将英语的电话日常交际用语归纳如下,同学们必须掌握。1.听到电话铃响,拿起听筒时说:Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening.还可以报出自己的电话号码,特别是办公机构应如此。2.如果发觉弄错了号码,要说:Sorry,wrong number.3.要找某人接电话时,可以说:May/Can/Could I speak to (Mr Li),please?4.如果你想问对方是谁时可以说:Who’s that/speaking/calling?对方应回答:This is sb  相似文献   

Hello.May I speak to Mr.Brown?喂,请问我可以跟布朗先生通话吗? Yes.speaking.可以,我就是。Who’s speaking,please?请问是谁啊? I’m sorry.He is not in now.很抱歉,他现在离开了。  相似文献   

打电话常用语1.接通电话后找人的用语: Hello!May I speak to…?喂!我可以同……通话吗? 注意:不能说“I want to speakto…。”2.问对方是谁的用语: 1)Is that…speaking?你是……吗? 2)Who’s that speaking?你是谁? 3)Is that you,…?是你吗,……? 注意:不能说“Are you…?”或“Who are you?”  相似文献   

1、喂!请找汤姆接电话。Heuo!May/Ca可Could 1 speak to Tom?I刁like to speak to Tom.May 1 talk to Thm?May 1 have a word with Tom?Would you ask Tom tos伴ak to the phone?2、我是汤姆。This 15 Tom.(Thi。15)Tom he二·Tom 15 here.This 15 Tom speaking.Tom 15 sPeaking.3、你是谁?Who,8 tha口it?Who械tha咖伴akin岁亡alling?WI,0 am 1 speaking to?M盯1 have扣ur name?4、你是李雷吗?15 thatU此i?15 that you,U此i?15 thatU肠1 sPeaking?5、请稍等一下。Hold on,Please.Hole on(fo加momen内minute,please.On口A mom…  相似文献   

1.Hello! May I speak to ...? 喂,我可以同……通话吗?2.Is that... speaking? 你是……吗?3.Who's that speaking? / Who am I speaking to?你是谁?  相似文献   

打电话与接听【相关句型】1.Hello,is this×××××××?喂,是×××××××号吗?2.I’d like to speak to....我想和……讲话。3.I’m sorry....is out right now.对不起,……现在不在。4.May I know when he’ll be back?您能告诉我他什么时候回来吗?5.This is...speaking.我是……。6.Can I take a message for him?要我转告吗?7.May I have your name,please?请问您是谁?8.Is he available?他能接电话吗?9.Who is that speaking?请问您是谁?10.I’m so sorry that I made such an earlyphone call.对不起我这么早打电话。11.Wh…  相似文献   

Happy Birthday     
L:Hello,is this 2-5-4-3-2-1-2?W:Yes.L:May I speak to Wang Ling?W:This is Wang Ling speaking. Who's call-ing,please?L:Hi,Wang Ling.This is Li Hang. Today isFangfang's birthday.Will you go with  相似文献   

交际用语是中考的考点之一。现以全国部分省市的中考试题为例,谈谈其中的命题热点。热点一、打电话(Making phone calls)[试题再现]①—May I speak to Tom,please?—.A.Yes,I am B.I8m speakingC.Yes,you may D.This is Tom speaking(2005年哈尔滨市)②—Hello.May I speak to  相似文献   

“填句子”补全对话题既考查学生的语言知识,阅读理解能力,又测试学生在语境条件下的语言运用能力,要求学生必须具备一定的词汇基础,掌握常用句型的表达。本文拟结合中考题谈谈该题型的解题方法,希望对同学们的复习有所帮助。一、熟记词汇,掌握常用话题的基本句式和日常用语的表达初中阶段共有30个交际话题,200条左右的习惯用语,理解、记忆、掌握它们是做好补全对话题的基础,如打电话应掌握以下常用句型:1.Hello!May/Could I speakto…?2.This is…(speaking).3.Who is that(speaking)?/Is that…(speaking)?4.Hold on,please.5.Sorry.H…  相似文献   

1.日常用语1. Hello! May I speak to…? 喂!我可以和……通话吗? Is that…(speaking)?你是……吗? 2. Hold on, please. 请等一下/別挂断。He/She isn't here right now.这会儿他/她不在。  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talkT:Welcome back to school,boys and girls.Glad to see you.(安排一名学生晚点进入教室,复习"May I come in.?"这个句型。)S:May I come in,Mr Xu?T:Yes,come in,please.(Write"May I come in?Come in,please."on the blackboardand lead Ss to read.)T:You did a good job.Thispencil is for you.把铅笔奖励给  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。 1. ——____ ——Yes, please. I want a notebook. A. Where are you? B. Who are you? C. Can I help you? D. What do you want? 2. This is Mr Hu!s watch. Please give it to ____. A. her B. he C. him D. his 3. This ____ is small. Do you have a big o  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空。 1. ——Shall I help you with that suitcase? ——____. A. It9s all right. Thank you B. Yes, go ahead, please C. I don9t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don9t do it 2. Tony was very unhappy for ____ to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited 3. I9m afraid I9ll have to ____. Someone is calling me. A. put you through B. hold on C. finished D. ring off 4. Please let me ____ where the Body Language…  相似文献   

一、打电话常用语A.Hello!May I speak to… ?喂 ,您好 !我想让……接电话。B.Hold on,please.请等一下 (别挂断 )。He/ She isn't here right now.这会儿他 /她不在。Can I take a message for you?我可以为你带个口信吗 ?C.I'm calling to tell/ ask you…我要告诉 (问、让 )你……D.Goodbye.再见 !二、语境简介A项是电话接通后找人的常用语 ,也可用 :Could/ Can I speak to… please?请找……接电话好吗 ?B项中的第一句是让对方别放下电话 ,帮助找人的说法 ,还可以说 :“Please hold the line.”或“Hold on a second,please.”…  相似文献   

一、打电话(m aking phone calls)1.(全国卷Ⅰ,21)—Can I speak to M r W ang please?—A.W ho are you?B.Im W ang.C.Speaking.D.A re you John?2.(广东,22)—This is Tara Patelfrom Cotton H ouse in K idder-m inster.Could I speak to M r Sm ith,please?—A.H ello!B.Im M r Sm ith.C.W ho are you?D.Speaking.答案与简析:1.C2.D以上两题均考查打电话时的交际用语。用英语打电话和用汉语打电话在习惯表达方式上有着明显的不同。按英美国家的习惯,接听电话时问对方“是谁”,常用“W ho is that(speak-ing/calling)?”,…  相似文献   

A:Good morning,sir.May I help you?B:Yes,I’d like to buy a white shirt.A:Yes,sir.I’d be glad to show you some. What size,please?B:Fifteen and a half,please.A:Here’s one in your size.This is a very fine shirt.B:How much is it?A:Five ninety-five.B:That’s a little more than I wanted to  相似文献   

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