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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
1.——Would you like a bit more rice?——, I'm quite full. A.Sorry B.No C.No,thanks D.Excuse me 2.——I enjoyed myself very much at your party.——. A.I'm glad to hear that B.Not good at all C.Please don't say so D.Of course, you did 3.——Why not go and ask the teacher for  相似文献   

In the 13th century ,the famous Italian traveller,Marco Polo,travelled a long way to china.During his stay in China,he saw many wonderful things,One of the things he discovered(发现)was that the Chinese used paper money,In western countries,  相似文献   

1.—Wouldyoulikeabitmorerice?—,Imquitefull.A.SorryB.NoC.No,thanksD.2.—Ienjoyedmyselfverymuchatyourparty.—.A.ImgladtohearthatB.NotgoodatallC.PleasedontsaysoD.Ofcourse,youdid3.—Whynotgoandasktheteacherforhelp?—.A.Yes,IagreeB.H  相似文献   

李雪 《海外英语》2012,(15):24-25,37
Effectively communicating in a second language is becoming more and more important.Under this circumstance,communica tive strategies have become a crucial topic in language learning and teaching.In this passage,some definitions and types of communicative strategies are going to be outlined,and various approaches of English language teaching are introduced.Finally,how to teach and develop the effective strategies are being put forward.  相似文献   

传统的语言测试主要测试对语言知识的了解 ,其中包括词汇知识和语法知识。但是 ,对一门语言的掌握和运用不仅仅意味着对这些语言知识的了解。从语言交际功能角度看 ,对语言能力的测试 ,还应包括在特定的场选择使用得体恰当的语言的能力  相似文献   

高华 《海外英语》2011,(3):223-224
该文从语用学角度出发,以 Grice 的合作原则及相关理论为框架,着重探讨了在交际双方相互合作的基础上,说话人表面上故意明显违反合作原则中某些准则所要实现的语用功能,人们在实际言语交际中,并非总是遵守"合作原则",出于需要,人们会故意违反合作原则。 Grice 把这种通过表面上故意违反"合作原则"而产生的言外之意称为"特殊会话含义"。 "特殊会话含义"解释了听话人是如何透过说话人话语的表面含义而理解其言外之意的。并结合很多实例从语言的幽默性方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

1 —Whichofthetwotieswillyoutake ?—I’lltake ,forachangesome times.A .either B .both C .neither D .all2 .Thepolicecouldn’tseewhichthecarwent.A .path B .way C .street D .road3.Thebusdriverwasbadlyinbothlegsinthetrafficaccident.A .damaged    B .woundedC .injuredD .destroye…  相似文献   

1.——Have you met Mr Smith here this morning?——No. He_____at home.A. must have stayed B. must be stayingC. might have stayed D. must be arriving  相似文献   

金良友 《海外英语》2012,(18):110-111
教师和学生是在交际语言教学法中的两个重要角色。在传统教育理念中,学生的角色没有引起老师足够重视。该文再次强调交际语言教学法中的教师和学生角色,让教师们能更清楚理解学生在交际教学法中充当更主要角色。为了培养学生的英语交际能力,教师应该重新思考学生角色并鼓励学生在课堂发挥更积极的作用。  相似文献   

王媛毅 《海外英语》2011,(9):117-118
非语言交际就是不用言词的交际或用形体语言的交际,由于其文化内含比语言交际隐蔽,在跨文化交际中常常造成大量的文化误解和冲突。为培养学生克服文化差异,较好地理解并接受外族文化中的非语言行为,教师在非语言行为教学活动中需要把握好以下三点:重视本土文化的接受度;平等对待非语言行为本身;改善课堂文化。  相似文献   

在英语语言中,委婉语是一种很常见的修辞手法。本文从委婉语的应用出发,重点分析了委婉语的交际功能,这将帮助我们在跨文化交流中能更好地把握和使用语言,避免不愉快的经历。  相似文献   

语境是语用学中的重要概念,有利于理解口语和书面语中的歧义现象。语境是动态而不是静态的,因此,在交际过程中,要根据语境的变化来理解语言现象。  相似文献   

选择最佳答案。1.—I’m afraid I must be off now.—______.A.Never mind B.See youC.No problem D.Step slowly2.—It’s very kind of you to see me off,Mr.Henry.—______.It’s the least we could do.A.That’s true B.Not at allC.I don’t think so D.Never mind3.—I’m sorry I have broken your pen.—______It’s only an old pen.A.It doesn’t matter.B.You’re welcome.C.Don’t mention it.D.Oh,is that so?4.—Thank you for your nice present.—______.A.No,only a small presentB.I’m glad you like…  相似文献   

1.—M ay I go surfing alone this afternoon,D ad?—N o,you .It is dangerous.A .m ay not B .can t C .needn t D .don t2.—Im terribly sorry to step on your foot.— .A .D on tsay that B .N ever m indC.Y ou re welcom e D .Thats right3.—I felloffm y bike and hurtm yself yesterday.— .Y ou d better be m ore careful.A .Congratulations B .Thats funnyC.A ll right D .Im sorry to hear that4.—Id like to take tw o weeks holiday.— .W e have too m uch work to do.A .D on tw orry B .Pardon m eC.…  相似文献   

考点完全剖析—、问候、介绍和告别l.问候(Greetings)1)用这组问候语时,可以用相同的话语进行应答:问/答:Hi!/Hello!Goodmorning/afternoon/evening.2)这组问候语必须用对应的话语进行应答:问:How are you?/How are you doing?答:I'm OK./Very well,thank you./Fine.thanks,and  相似文献   

1 .There are five ears for me to_,and 1 ean’t deeide whieh A.ehoose;to ehoose B .Piek out;ehoosing C .seleet;ehosen D .ehoose from;to ehoose 2.The whole book 26 units, four maiuly revisions. A.eontains;including B .includes:eontaining C .eontains; eontaining D .ineludes;ineluding 3.一Our head teaeher knew little about TOm’5 eheating in the exam. 一We to him. A .eouldn’t have kePt it seeret· B .oughtn’t to have kept it seeret C .mustn’t keeP it seeret D .needn’t keeP it secret 4.1…  相似文献   

中学生在学习英语过程中经常会遇到一些相似的句式。现将一些貌似神异题放在一起,请大家认真、仔细地加以比较和辨别。  相似文献   

没有经过专门的交际语言教学法的应用培训,中国很多英语教师似乎对交际语言教学法的理解都很表面化,而且他们在应用该教学法时缺乏具体的对策指导。该文从英语口语教学方面,分析交际语言教学法的含义和相关法则,帮助英语教师明确英语口语的两个关键教学目标,他们分别是:1)学习者能在交流中交涉出对方的谈话意思;2)学习者能在不同的社会环境中恰当的使用目标语言。另外,该文还提供一些实用性强的对策和方法,并以一节口语课为例,解释交际语言教学法的应用,帮助英语教师们更好的应用该教学法。  相似文献   

【集中地】 Ⅰ.Talk about future intentions 1.—What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a basketball player. 2.—H ow are you going to do that? —I’m going to practice basketball every day. 3.—W here is Cheng H an going to m ove? —H e’s going to move to New York. Ⅱ.Ask for perm ission 1.—Could I please use your com puter? —Sorry.I’m going to work on it now. 2.—Could I please go to the movies? —Yes,you can. 3.—Could you take out the trash? —Yes,sure. Ⅲ.D…  相似文献   

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