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同伴互助是促进教师专业发展的有效方法,在线实践社区是支撑时空分离的教师同伴互助的重要环境,因此,优质的在线实践社区环境是促进教师同伴瓦助的关键.本文在相关文献综述和教师同伴互助实践的基础上,提出一个能够有效促进教师同伴互助的在线实践社区环境的设计框架.文章分三个部分:第一部分说明同伴互助的内涵;第二部分提出有效促进教师同伴互助的在线实践社区环境设计框架;第三部分详细描述了设计框架的各个组成要素.文章认为,有效促进教师同伴互助的在线实践社区环境必须围绕活动、交互、工具、机制、行为和关系六大基本要素来进行.笔者提出,该设计框架为教师同伴互助提供了一种思考和实践范式,据此设计和开发的在线实践社区能够有败地促进教师的同伴互助.  相似文献   

汪劲秋在《学前教育》2011年第4期撰文指出,园本教研强调教师的自我反思、同伴互助以及专家引领。而由于教师过去长久地习惯于“自上而下”的教研方式.造成有不少老师不善于或不会自我反思,也不习惯和同伴互助,反而对于“专家引领”有着一种根深蒂固的依赖。如何帮助教师逐步摆脱这一教研“痼疾”。激励教师养成独立思考的习惯,提高互助研修的能力呢?这时.教研人员可以在教研活动中表现得钝感一些。  相似文献   

本文基于活动理论对教师在线实践社区研修活动设计方法和技术进行了研究.本研究的核心思想是把教师网络研修活动看作一个活动系统,教师网络研修活动设计建立在生产予系统、消耗子系统、分配子系统和交流子系统的设计基础上.本文对教师在线实践社区研修活动的各个子系统设计的关键点进行了论述.最后,以教师在线实践社区同侪互助研修活动设计为例对本文提出的教师在线实践社区研修活动设计方法进行了实例化说明和实证分析.  相似文献   

杨卉  马如霞 《电化教育研究》2014,(1):104-109,120
本研究针对中小学教师普遍存在教学反思方式单一、反思水平不高等问题,聚焦教师在线实践社区的多元反思方法一体化反思活动模式的研究,以使教师通过将多种反思方法有机整合,提高反思水平。基于该活动模式,本研究设计了同侪反思活动。通过对同侪反思活动设计和实证研究得出:在线实践社区多元反思方法一体化反思活动模式能够使个人反思和集体反思活动相互促进,并能够有效提升各教师群体的反思能力。  相似文献   

同伴互助是伴随着对教师专业发展认识的改变而逐渐被加以关注和研究的,它是以促进教师间的相互合作和提升教师的专业发展为目的的研修活动。同伴互助活动的有效开展应遵循发展性、自愿性、尊重性、安全性、互动性和差异性等原则,其实施过程主要包括建立同伴互助团队、确定团队的目标和任务、确定团队中教师的角色、开展团队研修活动、实践检验解决策略以及总结反思等环节。只有在科学理念的指引下,遵循恰当的原则,并结合园所实际开展同伴互助活动,才能切实解决当前幼儿园保教活动中存在的问题,并在解决问题的过程中提高幼儿园保教质量、促进幼儿发展和提升教师的专业发展水平。  相似文献   

校本教研活动的实践探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
校本教研是“为了学校、基于学校、在学校中”的教学研究活动。在坚持“专业引领、自我反思、同伴互助”三个运作层面上,做好做实校本教研:以专业引领带动校本教研活动的开展;以自我反思使每位教师真正成为校本教研活动的主体;利用同伴互助把校本教研活动引向深入。经过实践,推动了校本教研活动的扎实开展,有效地促进了广大教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

校本教研是以素质教育为导向,以教师为主体,以学校为现场,以教育行动为主要方式,教师通过自我反思、同伴互助、专业引领,研究和解决教育教学和课程改革实践过程中所面临的各种问题,总结和积累教学经验,改进教法,提高教学质量,促进学生发展的工作方式、研究方式和研究行为。校本教研包括三个要素:自我反思、同伴互助、专业引领。前两个要素涉及的  相似文献   

中小学教师的工作效能对于自身的专业成长和学生全面发展至关重要。考察中小学教师的工作效能,需要辨识教育者胜任工作的特征,考察影响其工作效能的多种因素以及评价中小学教师工作效能在实践中的不同模式。中小学教师工作效能的提升具有多层面的途径和策略,包括基于自我效能感的实践反思、基于专业(实践)共同体的同伴互助、基于学习型组织的学校管理变革。  相似文献   

传统教研活动有其局限性,依托教研博客开展集体备课、同伴互助、课题研讨、专家引领、自我反思等网络教研活动,拓展了教师合作教研的空间与时间,丰富了教学研究的内容,转变了教师参与教学研究的方式与行为。  相似文献   

美国心理学家波斯纳曾提出这样一个公式:教师的成长=经验+反思.毫无疑问,教研活动正是教师经验总结、问题反馈、集思广益的良好平台.教研活动的正常开展,可以使教师们自我反思,同伴互助,提高专题研究能力,转变教学行为,建立团队协作精神,对教师个人成长、学生全面发展和学校教育教学水平整体提升都有着极其重大的作用.  相似文献   

职业教育作为一种类型教育,与普通教育相比,从课程逻辑到教学模式均有区别。基于TAM技术接受模型,通过对不同职业院校325位教师疫情期间在线教学情况的问卷调查后分析发现:教师的个体创新性、教学资源优质性对感知有用性,教学平台交互功能对感知易用性均影响显著;感知易用性对感知有用性、感知有用性对实施态度、实施态度对行为意向均有显著影响;不同于TAM模型,感知易用性对教师的实施态度影响不显著;社群影响对教师实施态度影响显著,但对教师行为意向影响不显著,自我效能则与之相反。为此,建议职业院校选择成熟可靠的在线教学平台、建设优质资源库、加强教师培训、培育创新教学团队、发挥高效能教师的示范作用和制定在线教学激励制度,在学校形成在线教学的实践共同体。  相似文献   

提出了测绘学科教师学术共同体的概念,讨论了测绘学科教师学术共同体的组织与构建模式,并对其开展具有学科特色的活动形式进行研究。研究表明:正式的测绘学科学术共同体应以项目为主、专题讨论会为辅开展活动,非正式的测绘学科校本教师共同体、师生共同体等适合采取学术讨论会的形式开展活动,而在线的测绘学科教师学术共同体则可以灵活多样地开展活动,同时建议教育部测绘学科教学指导委员会应以最全面、最权威的在线测绘学科教师学术共同体的建设为己任,抓紧构建全国性的测绘学科教师在线系统。  相似文献   

Teachers’ professional development is a key factor in improving science education, but it shows limited impact when only a small number of teachers is reached, or when it focuses on only one aspect of teachers’ development, such as learning science content, and is disconnected from teachers’ practice. In order to increase the impact of our work on teachers’ professional development, we implemented in 2007 ComPratica, an online network intended to establish a virtual community of practice involving biology teachers and biological education researchers. We present here the results of the first 2 years of this project, obtained through an analysis of the number and distribution of actions performed by the participants in the community, the kinds of activities in which they are engaged, and the themes addressed in their messages. From these data, we conclude that ComPratica is effectively functioning as a community of practice and is leading to changes related to both teachers’ and researchers’ professional development, which seem capable of reducing the research–practice gap in science education.  相似文献   

This study investigated professional learning taking place in a teacher-created online community. In particular, this aimed to explore how teachers at different levels of participation learn in an online community. The results showed that teachers usually began as observers, reading others' postings and using contributors' teaching resources, and moved to collaborators, posting their comments on teaching resources and discussing their problems with other teachers, and then to contributors, sharing their teaching resources with other teachers and providing information, advice, and help to other teachers. As they participated in the online community at different levels, teacher learning took place in multiple ways including learning through tryout, collaborative problem solving, and critical reconstruction. Yet, not all teachers moved toward full participation in the online community. The majority of teachers remained as observers and their lack of participation in the negotiation of meaning constrained teacher learning. For the online community to be a fertile ground for teacher learning, more emphasis needs to be placed on the collaborative construction of knowledge and the transformation of shared practice, rather than the transmission of knowledge and the dissemination of good practice.  相似文献   

In this case study, an online community was designed at a secondary school in China for the teachers to prepare their lessons collectively, reflect on their teaching practices, collect comments from peers, and share resources. A survey was administered to the teachers to investigate their perceptions on the online community for their professional development. Two hundred and eighty-three teachers responded to the survey and eight teachers were further interviewed by email. The result showed that most teachers liked using the online community as they could gain subject knowledge and could obtain support from peers, share experiences and get feedback, and exchange resources. Also, online entries confirmed that transformational changes in teaching pedagogy and students’ learning activities occurred along the time. However, certain teachers did not participate in the online community frequently. This paper describes the context of the case study, design dimensions of the online community, teachers’ positive perceptions on using the online community, and transformational changes. Also, strategies for promoting effective use of the online community are discussed and follow-up studies to address the challenges involved in this study are proposed.  相似文献   

Wenger describes an educational community of practice (CoP) as a group of professionals who share a passionate concern for practice‐based issues and who voluntarily choose to deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills through collaborative and critical dialogue. Peer collaboration of this kind, which involves social interaction, reflection and a critical engagement with practice issues, has been widely suggested to be effective for teacher learning and professional development. The online continuing professional development for teachers (e‐CPDelT) Vision 2020 model outlined here aims to bring about innovation in practice through an online or virtual CoP (VCoP). Twenty Malaysian teachers in five Smart Schools were invited to take part in a Higher Education (HE) project, funded by one of the main universities in Malaysia. By participating collaboratively in this CoP, it was anticipated that the teachers would form an active online CoP that would lead in turn to innovation in teaching and learning practices in the schools. An action research approach was used in tracing the developmental process of the three subject‐based CoPs (namely, Mathematics, Science and English) and identifying challenges faced by the higher education institution (HEI) project team in fostering the active participation and commitment of the teachers. Preliminary data generated from mentor forum discussion, focus groups and blogs suggested that low levels of participation in VCoP activities were a result of low levels of trust and social affiliation, performance anxiety, time pressure and failure to see the relevance of online interaction as directly related to their individual needs as practitioners. Approaches to remediating these challenges and promoting more authentic teacher engagement are outlined.  相似文献   

高校教师专业发展必须从外部驱动的"目标—结果"范式转向教师的专业自觉行为,使教师成为教学的行动研究者和反思者。教师在线学习共同体的出现,为教师专业发展开辟了一条新的途径。依据在线教师发展的内涵,高校教师专业发展的在线学习共同体机制的结构体系有交互层、媒介层和资源层三层,其具有共同的文化认同,共同的学习氛围、共同的学习机制、共同的学习资源、共同的行动研究及共同的愿景等特征。  相似文献   

The quality of online programs in higher education is strongly correlated with how the professional development approaches respond to the needs of online teachers. These approaches are critical in helping online teachers adopt online pedagogical practices and reconstruct their teacher persona in an online environment. This study proposes a nested professional development framework for online teaching. The proposed framework intends to recognize successful online teaching in higher education as an outcome of the interaction of support activities at teaching, community, and organization levels.  相似文献   

A social revolution is occurring in the way information is shared, knowledge is generated and innovation takes place over the Internet and there is renewed interest in the social concept of ‘community’ to support online learning. This article describes action research conducted in the context of an eTwinning Learning Event (LE) that provides useful insights into how an online learning community can support the continuous professional development (CPD) of school teachers. Using the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison et al., 2000), it offers empirical evidence of how cognitive, social and teaching aspects impact competence development. It suggests that online learning communities offer an appropriate environment for teachers' intellectual and emotional reflection, characterised by trust, mutual respect and shared values centred on improving pupils' learning. It also suggests that the educational experience within such a community is significantly influenced by the tutor's design and moderation of activities aimed at fostering critical thinking. The article concludes that online learning communities offer a valuable alternative to traditional teacher training by supporting teachers to learn in the context of their everyday practice, whilst collaborating and reflecting on their experience with peers across regions and countries. Concerning the wider use of social networking for learning, it suggests that educators still have a valuable role to play in ensuring that collaboration leads to an effective educational experience.  相似文献   

Challenging student behaviors are a prominent factor in the development of teacher stress and burnout. When classroom-based teachers of preschool children with disabilities were surveyed to identify their training needs in one North Carolina county, the most frequent request was how to address behavior challenges of preschool children with disabilities. This study examined how instructional support to teachers of preschool children with disabilities and challenging behaviors affected three teachers’ classroom practices. The teachers received training and mentoring in classroom behavior management strategies and engaged in an online community of learners discussion group. Interviews and interactions from an online learning community were used to disclose whether the participants had implemented effective intervention strategies in their classrooms following the training. Teachers felt more competent in managing challenging behaviors after the online interaction with their colleagues. Teachers’ online interactions were a highly effective way to impact teacher efficacy. Therefore, special education preschool programs should consider providing more opportunities for the teachers to build their own learning communities to interact and support one another.  相似文献   

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