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Rats were trained to avoid unsignaled shocks with response-shock intervals of 30, 60, or 120 sec. When CSs of 60 sec duration paired with unavoidable shocks were then superimposed upon the avoidance baseline, responding decreased during the CS. Reductions in responding resulted in extra shocks which were potentially avoidable in all response-shock interval conditions, with the greatest increase in shocks in the response-shock 30-sec condition. Decreases in responding were greater when the CS was paired with a 2.0-mA unavoidable shock than with a 1.0-mA shock.  相似文献   

采用成就动机量表、上行比较量表、大学生就业压力问卷对799名大学毕业生进行调查, 探讨追求成功的动机对大学生就业压力的影响及其作用机制。结果发现:第一,追求成功的动机负向预测大学生的就业压力; 第二,上行比较在大学生追求成功的动机和就业压力之间存在中介效应,并存在遮掩效应,即上行比较减缓了追求成功的动机对就业压力的负向预测作用; 第三,性别调节了追求成功的动机通过上行比较影响大学生就业压力的中介过程的前半路径。相较于女性大学生,上行比较在男性大学生群体中对追求成功的动机与就业压力关系的遮掩效应更为显著。  相似文献   

The hyperbolic-decay model is a mathematical expression of the relation between delay and reinforcer value. The model has been used to predict choices in discrete-trial experiments on delay-amount tradeoffs, on preference for variable over fixed delays, and on probabilistic reinforcement. Experiments manipulating the presence or absence of conditioned reinforcers on trials that end without primary reinforcement have provided evidence that the hyperbolic-decay model actually predicts the strength of conditioned reinforcers rather than the strength of delayed primary reinforcers. The model states that the strength of a conditioned reinforcer is inversely related to the time spent in its presence before a primary reinforcer is delivered. A possible way to integrate the model with Grace’s (1994) contextual-choice model for concurrent-chain schedules is presented. Also discussed are unresolved difficulties in determining exactly when a stimulus will or will not serve as a conditioned reinforcer.  相似文献   

高校管理是提升高校办学水平和办学效益的重要方面,努力建设一支高水平的管理干部队伍对于高校发展有着举足轻重的作用。针对当前高校管理干部聘任中普遍存在的问题,按照赫兹伯格的双因素理论,既要保证保健因素的基础性作用,更要拓展激励因素的内涵,不断激发高校管理干部的工作积极性和创造性,进而推动整个学校的健康发展。  相似文献   

Two studies used a one-trial-a-day aversive conditioning procedure with rats as subjects to investigate the effects of a noise versus a light CS on conditioned freezing. Experiment 1 demonstrated that less conditioned freezing was elicited by the light, although the two CSs led to similar levels of freezing to the contextual cues of the conditioning chamber. Experiment 2 replicated these outcomes and showed that the manipulation of CS intensity produced results similar to those of modality, with the more intense CSs eliciting less freezing. The second experiment also determined that freezing to contextual cues resulted from context conditioning. According to the Rescorla-Wagner model, CSs that condition poorly should generate little competition with context conditioning. Since neither the modality nor intensity factor reliably influenced context conditioning, as measured by context-evoked freezing, the studies provide no support for the view that the effects on CS-evoked freezing represent differences in the strength of conditioning to the various stimuli. This finding raises the possibility that all of the CSs conditioned well but varied in their abilities to elicit freezing because they differed in terms of the form of defensive behavior under their control.  相似文献   

探讨了国际避税的七种主要方式,比较了美、英、德、法四个主要西方发达国家的反避税立法,并对完善我国的反避税立法提出了九点建议。  相似文献   

In recent years there have been increasing efforts to combine the resources and special abilities of individuals from different disciplines in interdisciplinary approaches to mutual problem-solving. A special case of this is the interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis and evaluation of learning problems in children. In practice this approach has often been less effective than was hoped for because of lack of agreement among its members on the role expectations and enactment of each. The constructs of role theory are here used to elucidate the potential sources of role strain and role conflict in the interdisciplinary team. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance is presented as an additional construct for viewing the interaction of the interdisciplinary team.
Résumé Depuis quelques années, on multiplie les efforts en vue de combiner les ressources et les talents particuliers des spécialistes de disciplines différentes dans l'ap;lication des méthodes interdisciplinaires à la solution des problèmes communs. Un cas particulier de méthode interdisciplinaire est celui du diagnostic et de l'évaluation des difficultés qu'éprouvent certains enfants à acquérir des connaissances. En pratique, cette méthode a souvent été moins efficace qu'on l'espérait, en raison du désaccord entre spécialistes sur le rôle attendu de chacun d'entre eux et sur la façon dont ce rôle devait être joué. L'auteur se sert des constructions imaginaires de la théorie des rôles pour mettre en lumière les sources possibles de tension et de friction à propos des rôles au sein d'une équipe interdisciplinaire. Il présente la théorie de Festinger sur le désaccord cognitif comme une autre construction imaginaire permettant d'étudier l'interaction au sein de l'équipe interdisciplinaire.

The author wishes to acknowledge the most helpful comments and insight of Mr. Paul Paschke and Dr. Laurie Brage throughout the development of this paper.  相似文献   

An approach/avoidance behavioral model of college student attrition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used approach/avoidance theory to develop a conceptual model of student attrition that we estimated using 262 first- and second-year students at a major midwestern research university. We found that we could use psychological theories to enhance our understanding of the retention process; that psychological and sociological factors accounted for 37 percent of the variance in student attrition; and that institutions can enhance retention by developing programs that increase appropriate academic and social approach behaviors and reduce avoidant behaviors.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 1994.  相似文献   

The acquisition of discriminated avoidance and classically conditioned leg flexions in dogs and of discriminated avoidance leg flexion in cats was examined via a two-phase model of conditioning. Classically conditioned Ss uniformly required two operators during Phase 2, with the limit of the CR operator being greater than that of the CR operator. Not all avoidance-trained Ss required two operators during Phase 2, but those who did also had a higher CR than CR operator limit. The CR operator limit was higher for avoidance than for classical training, while the change rate was greater for classical training. The avoidance behavior of cats paralleled that of the dogs. It was concluded that the data generally conformed to views of Hilgard and Marquis and, more recently, of Bolles, but were contrary to what would be expected from two-factor theory.  相似文献   

对教育实验中的两因素混合设计进行研究,并对实验结果作了深入分析.  相似文献   

In order to have vigorous and adaptive academic disciplines it is imperative that there be a continual inflow of new generations of academicians into the university. It is noted that current socio-economic conditions in North America are such that young academicians are not entering the university. The predicted long-term undesirable effects of the above situation are arrived at by considering it in the light of both systems theory and generation theory. In considering the university as a system, it is argued that there must be a greater coordination between the university's goals and purposes and the needs of society if the university system is to regain critical inputs (students, staff, and funds) so necessary to maintain its functioning. Karl Mannheim's theory of generations and social change is applied to that predicted situation where there is no new generation of academicians flowing into the university system. Finally, it is recommended that the basic tenets underlying the discipline of the sociology of knowledge be transformed into normative statements, thereby providing the rationale for greater interaction between society and its institutions of higher learning.  相似文献   

当今时代网络技术迅猛发展,网络深入了大学校园生活,极大影响了大学生的世界观、人生观和价值观。高校思想政治理论课是对大学生进行系统思想政治理论教育的主渠道和主阵地,思想政治理论课进网络是时代发展的客观要求。探索网络时代思想政治理论课教学新模式,提高思想政治理论课教学的实效性,是高校思想政治理论课教师重要任务。  相似文献   

The paper combines Tobin's Q theory of real investment with the capital asset pricing model to produce a new and relatively simple procedure for the valuation of real assets using the income approach. Applications of the new method are provided.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION This paper combines the economic theory ofreal investment and the standard financial model ofasset pricing to produce a method for the valuationof real assets; and intentionally uses relativelysimple versions of these two theories to link eco-nomics, finance, and appraisal. Numerical exam-ples using data on real estate assets illustrate thevaluation method. The Q theory of investment, introduced byJames Tobin (1969), is popularly accepted theory ofreal investment hypothesize…  相似文献   

Conditioned suppression in rats is often unaffected when the context (or set of background stimuli) is changed following conditioning. This suggests that responding to the conditioned stimulus (CS) can be relatively insensitive to the context in which the CS is presented. In two experiments, we examined whether sensitivity to contextual stimuli is affected by preexposure to the CS. In Experiment 1, when the CS was novel at the outset of conditioning, conditioned suppression was not affected when the context was changed following conditioning. However, when the CS had been preexposed, responding was weaker when extinction occurred outside of the conditioning context. In Experiment 2, responding was again sensitive to the test context, regardless of whether preexposure occurred in the conditioning context or in an alternate context. These results suggest that the extent to which responding is sensitive to context can depend on the conditioning history of the CS.  相似文献   

Chronic school refusal has traditionally been classified under broad categories such as school phobia and truancy. However, the need for improved recognition and treatment of school refusal has heightened efforts to identify subtypes of school refusal behavior. Recent efforts have focused on functional subtypes of school refusal. This article purposes to extend recent efforts by showing that the three basic subtypes of anxiety, avoidance, and malingering are not only functional, but consistent with refusal characteristics, empirical evidence from factor analysis and clinical diagnosis over the past decade, and treatment approaches. Such extension is intended to aid practitioners in further understanding and using functional subtypes. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

双语存储与双语组织是英语教学理论的一个重要问题。本研究从修正分级模型(RHM模型)的角度梳理了前人的主要研究成果,罗列了支持RHM模型的证据和反驳RHM模型的证据,并提出了后续研究应该增加双语被试的类型变量等结论。  相似文献   

Two experiments of Pavlovian conditioning with rabbits evaluated the effects of initiating or continuing a conditioned stimulus (CS) after a paraorbital unconditioned stimulus (US). In Experiment 1, backward pairings, in which a CS came on after the US, produced a CS that appeared inhibitory on a measure of eyeblink conditioning but excitatory on a potentiated-startle measure of conditioned fear. In Experiment 2, extending the duration of a CS that came on prior to the US, so that it continued after the US, decreased eyeblink conditioned responses, whereas it increased conditioned fear. The data from the two experiments confirm and extend those of Tait and Saladin (1986), supporting the suppositions of AESOP (Wagner & Brandon, 1989) that conditioned eyeblink and conditioned fear can be dissociated under various temporal relationships between the CS and US.  相似文献   

An attentional-associative model (Schmajuk, Lam, & Gray Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 22, 321–349, 1996) assumes that nonreinforced presentations of an inhibitory conditioned stimulus (CS) do not decrease its inhibitory associations. However, the model predicts that extended presentations will decrease attention to the inhibitor, thereby decreasing both (1) the expression of its inhibitory power in a summation test and (2) the rate of acquisition in a retardation test. The model also predicts that subsequent presentations of the inhibitory CS with a novel CS will increase both (1) and (2). Using a predictive learning design in humans, Experiment 1 examined the predictions involving the summation tests, whereas Experiments 2 and 3 examined the predictions involving the retardation tests. Experimental results were in agreement with the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

Self-determination theory has emerged as one of the most important theoretical frameworks to explain motivation in the context of physical education within school systems. The authors propose a new circular, longitudinal, feedback model to complement Vallerand’s (1997 Vallerand, R. J. (1997). Toward a hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In M. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp. 271360). New York: Academic Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) hierarchical model. To test this new approach, Epstein’s TARGET strategies (Epstein, 1988 Epstein, J. (1988). Effective schools or effective students? Dealing with diversity. In R. Haskins &; B. MacRae (Eds.) Policies for America's public schools (pp. 89126). Norwood, NJ, Ablex. [Google Scholar]) were applied to 207 secondary education students. Moreover, the satisfaction of the basic psychological need for competence (C), intrinsic motivation (IM), and effort (E) were measured at nine time points (C1 → IM2 → E3 → C4 → IM5 → E6 → C7 → IM8 → E9). Structural equation modeling showed that the proposed model provided a satisfactory fit of the data, Satorra-Bentler χ2(22) = 36.31, p = .028, robust comparative fit index = .985, robust root mean square error of approximation = .056 (90% CI [.019, .088]), standardized root mean square residual = .039, power = 1.00. It was also observed that all variables increased progressively, suggesting interplay among them. This shows a concurrent causal relationship among these variables that produces a synergistic effect.  相似文献   

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