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中国传统村落根植于中华民族农耕文明,其价值蕴藏丰富的文化内涵.中国传统村落是世界上规模最大的农耕文明聚落遗产群,是记载古代社会变迁、文化融合的恢弘史诗,是当今世界极其丰富的自然人文旅游资源.中国传统村落发展存在的诸多问题,提出保护中国传统村落需秉持创新发展的理念,以留住乡愁.  相似文献   

中国改革开放40余年来居住条件有了巨大改善的同时,因对人口数量、建设占地数量过高估计,对于耕地面积、粮食产量过低估计,加上追求高楼大厦的城市形象,严格限制建设用地政策导致城镇人口极限密集.过密居住存在瘟疫流行等安全风险,带来缺乏安宁和隐私保护,压抑精神,堵塞交通等问题.低标准的集合住宅形式单一,无法适应社会多样性需求....  相似文献   

This essay addresses the controversial status of subjectivity in Esposito’s affirmative biopolitics and articulates it using Recalcati’s psychoanalytical theory, with the aim of promoting a non-vitalistic affirmative biopolitics. In biopolitical theory in general, and in Esposito’s especially, subjectivity has a problematic status: while life precedes intersubjectivity, it is not clear whether subjectivity is regarded as a consequence or as the precondition of intersubjectivity (and thus of life). Esposito acknowledges such an aporia, the subjectum suppositum, but fails to recognise it in his own reasoning, ultimately envisioning a powerful interpretative and transformative paradigm – affirmative biopolitics – whilst leaving at its core a life-less subject. In this essay, I read Esposito’s affirmative biopolitics through Recalcati’s clinical approach to the ‘new symptoms’, with the aim of envisioning a subjectivity compatible with the ontogenetic primacy of life posited by biopolitical theory. Ultimately, the aim of this article is to suggest that an affirmative biopolitics, grounded on the promotion of neither a pre-subjective bare life, nor of a lifeless subject, but of a fully subjective life, a living subject is possible.  相似文献   

The article traces the origin and development of the concept of social skills in first and foremost American academic discourse. As soon as the concept of social skills was coined, the concern for people lacking such skills started and has been on the increase ever since (now sharing public attention with related concepts such as self-control, emotional intelligence and empathy). After the analysis of the academic history of the concept follows an examination of the implementation of a range of assessment instruments and training programmes related to social skills (and lack hereof) in contemporary Danish welfare institutions (more specifically, day nurseries and schools, employment and penal services). The analysis forwarded in the article thus demonstrates how an intellectual idea may develop and travel - and on its journey connect to pre-existing cultural logics and societal concerns. The idea of social skills has through its development been made uncontroversial – everybody wants to be skilful. The concept does, however, convey an individualistic view on social life and imposes a reflexivity over own performance on the participants. Further, its normative character contributes to a problematization of those who are perceived to lack these skills.  相似文献   

Branding is an economic and cultural process. Branding endows goods and services with value which corporations protect as their intellectual property, enabling brands to support share prices and be traded as assets in takeovers and mergers, at the same time as they serve to differentiate products competitively in the marketplace. Yet this ‘brand value’ depends on cultural perceptions of the meaning and worth of a brand. More than the unique image or positioning of a brand being maintained relative to others of its kind, such perceptions may involve the expressive and emotional attachment of consumers, and this may be very widely shared. This paper argues that, with certain brands, such shared attachment can occur on a national basis, so that they become symbols of national belonging. Whereas consumers attribute a putative foreign national origin to some global brands – for example, Harley-Davidson is unequivocally ‘American’ – they relate to other brands as expressive of their own national origin. This identification often persists even when national brands are taken over by global corporations, since the brand's association with the nation is a major dimension of its value, or the ‘brand equity’ which the new global owner has paid for, and intends to capitalise upon. The paper examines instances in which this has happened in Australia, such as the traditional brand Vegemite, long ago acquired by Kraft, and also cases where the Australian associations of a brand have been exploited in establishing its global identity, notably Foster's Lager.  相似文献   

A network of think tanks—the ASEAN-Institutes of Strategic and International Studies and their researchers—have played a proactive and sometimes influential role in regional debates on Asian economic integration and security cooperation through informal diplomacy. This paper contributes to the literature on knowledge utilisation, specifically debates on the role of policy research institutes in policy-making. Paying attention to the debates and research on economic and security cooperation which preceded attempts at institutionalisation drives analytical attention to scholars, think tanks and others in the ‘interpretive community’ who were engaged in a long term learning activity to shape domestic and regional agendas and institutionalise discourses of regional cooperation.  相似文献   

This article presents the Lurujarri Heritage Trail, an Indigenous tourism experience in Northwest Australia as exemplary for a world different from the teleological-minded futurism of neoliberal market economics. Drawing on long-term ethnographic fieldwork undertaken between 2011 and 2015, it first outlines how in 1987 the Trail was established at the very margins of the Australian economy. Through its emphasis on the here and now that is grounded in a collaboration of people and land and acknowledges diverse worldviews and ontological differences, the Trail today offers its participants a means to experience Indigenous culture as different from Western politics and development policies. As a result, its allegedly marginal Dreaming (Bugarrigarra) leads beyond the pursuit of economic opportunity and in doing so enabled the defeat of large-scale industrialisation in the region.  相似文献   

This article develops the concept of ‘alternative cultural tourism’ through an in-depth study of the Prague Fringe Festival (PFF). In doing so, it argues that existing approaches to cultural tourism often fail to differentiate between different forms of culture (i.e. alternative versus mainstream), whilst also interrogating the criteria by which festivals can be understood as examples of alternative cultural tourism. Utilising a combination of both quantitative and qualitative data, involving audiences, festival performers and workers/volunteers, it is asserted that the PFF brings together a diverse mix of cultures, and seeks to create a more participatory and engaging tourist experience. Additionally, its more egalitarian organising structure produces different kinds of work and social relations in the production of art and culture – particularly between various groups working within the festival, but also in the creation of different ideas about audience engagement, performer relations, and engagement with the local community (through the idea of the ‘festival participant’). The article concludes by briefly exploring the potential of alternative cultural tourism to provide more meaningful and sustainable models of urban cultural development.  相似文献   

Electrostatic spinning (electrospinning) is a useful technique for producing ultrafine fibers with large specific surface areas and porous structures. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a chemically stable material with extraordinary properties. In this research, PVDF fiber membranes were produced directly on paper surfaces by electrospinning to protect brittle paper relics from environmental damage. Tensile strength and elongation tests for paper with and without the deposited PVDF membranes show that the PVDF fiber membranes can effectively protect paper under an externally applied force under both ambient and aging conditions. Water, insects, dust and mould can be isolated by the compact fiber structure while common gases can pass through freely to maintain a favorable environment for the paper relics.  相似文献   


With the rise of the shadow banking system, a new form of state–market hybridity has emerged, challenging existing monetary approaches to financial stability. A stable financial system today has essentially come to depend on a stable shadow banking system. Central banks are in the process of adapting to this new development. To secure the logic of laissez-faire market liberalism, the sovereign must resort to unprecedented measures and radically intervene in the financial markets. This new form of state–market hybridity forces central banks to provide ample reserves, to act as a dealer of last resort, and to give shadow banking actors access to their balance sheets. Such policies, however, produce new contradictions and fragilities. Based on Foucault's concepts of sovereignty and security, this paper argues that in today's world, the rationality of the laissez-faire security dispositif has become flanked by the rationality of sovereignty to a much greater extent than previously. Without losing its dominant status, the security dispositif is currently adapting so as to operate in crisis mode based on a post-laissez-faire rationality. The repo crisis of 2019 has demonstrated that central banks are still in the process of searching for ways to handle this new constellation.  相似文献   

Since 2008, Valenza, one of the World's largest jewellery production centres, has experienced a period of profound economic uncertainty. In four years, about a third of the jobs and workshops of the city were lost. The paper investigates the practices and the form of knowledge Valenza people used to speak and understand the crisis. While economic data were marginally known by the population, the crisis emerged in the words of Valenzani as a visual experience of the city landscape. ‘Invisible presence’ and ‘visible absence’ emerged as the fundamental keywords used by the community to describe the industry, its normality and change. The paper investigates these concepts, indicating the analysis of the sensorial experience and its rhetoric expression as a rich ground for an alternative, human understanding of economy. In so doing, it aims at aim at providing an example of a possible different way of writing economy that does not starts from econometric data, but from the very perception of the social life and space as experienced by its actors.  相似文献   

以阐明近代天津日本租界的城市基础建设过程为目的,进而分析近代日本政府是怎样克服天津日本租界原有独特的地质、积水、地形之不足,从而实现了该租界的城市基础工程建设。论述了天津日本租界的(1)选址过程和地基调查,(2)道路、运河以及下水、污物处理方面的设计方案及其结果,(3)日本租界经营区的设定和市区的形成过程。  相似文献   

饮茶,是中国人怡情适意的一种常见形式;饮茶,是要有一把好光阴,几个闲时日的人方能乐享的。杭州的茶文化历史悠久,在平静的西湖水边出生的女子,却难有半日的闲暇来饮茶,比如杭县才女陈小翠(翠娜)。  相似文献   

本文以新时期小说中的听觉书写为考察对象,分析了这一时期小说中的听觉感知及其听觉主体的回归,探讨了敞开自我、倾听他者,以及建构自我与他者对话关系的听觉路径。但没有相遇和对话的听觉很容易走向绝对,并在噪音与视觉权力的截除和模塑中迷失。  相似文献   

This paper uses empirical work on a piece of performance art to think through the relation between ‘work’ and ‘art’, and by implication, ‘culture’ and ‘economy’. Beginning with the idea that the intelligibility of both is produced through similar forms of rule following and rule breaking, I suggest that this throws into question the empirical and historical novelty of the idea of the creative worker. As institutionalists have argued, the work of art is produced through its relation to various organizations, just as work organizations rely on creative rule bending and elaboration. Examples of contemporary art are enrolled in the argument along the way in order to suggest that we can find many insights into the nature of work, culture and economy in comparing the practices of artists with the practices of workers.  相似文献   

皖南传统村落作为我国最具地域代表性的传统聚落之一,以其保存面积之广、完好程度之高、类型之众,以及社会历史文化底蕴之深厚而闻名于世,具有重要的学术研究价值。以深受徽文化影响的核心地带黄山市为例,通过实地调研、文献梳理、资料整理,结合地域文化对其传统村落的空间网络特征进行研究,揭示了皖南传统村落具有山环水抱、发展演进、树状分布的物质空间网络特征和兼收并蓄、宗族教化的非物质空间网络特征,并通过案例实证,总结了空间网络特征的形成主要与自然环境、人口迁徙、社会经济和人文历史四种影响因素相关,通过以上研究提出一种基于宏观整体性的传统村落保护思路,以促进皖南地区传统村落的和谐与可持续发展。  相似文献   

Historical heritage is proving an ideal field to apply contingent valuation for estimating individual as well as collective preferences as goods tend to be non-market and publicly owned. Yet despite this, findings are seldom used to draw up cultural policies or assess cultural heritage related projects. The current paper thus posits an approach which merges contingent valuation and cost-benefit analysis to design a cultural policy aimed at restoring the urban cultural heritage of the city of Valdivia (Chile). Contingent valuation is used to estimate the expected benefits from heritage for both local residents and tourists visiting Valdivia. We then apply cost-benefit analysis to the findings to evaluate a project to restore the historical ensemble through a non-profit foundation. The originality of the proposal lies in its merging the two approaches and may prove appealing to developing countries in which much of the heritage has been neglected and left to deteriorate, and where few or no resources have been devoted and a lack of effective institutional schemes to address the situation is evident.  相似文献   

社区博物馆自引入以来,一直被理解为一种保护地域文化与生活的乘载工具,对经济议题缺乏研究,使我国社区博物馆实践普遍充满挫败感,直接导致社区博物馆理念在我国的不适与质疑。以此为切入点,通过社区博物馆与内生式发展理念的融合研究,从背景解读,理念的载体、进化、本土化及其彼此关联进行分析,提出了社区博物馆理念架构下的内生式发展是我国乡村地域可持续发展的理想形式,并结合日本乡村地域创生实例以期对我国本土化实践的启迪。  相似文献   

2008年金秋十月,中国(杭州)美食节亮相联合国。联合国创建60多年以来,在其总部举办过无数次不同国家的美食节,但举办中国美食节则是第一次。中国(杭州)美食节,从10月20日自助午餐开始至31日结束,场地位于联合国会议大楼四楼的外交官餐厅。从开幕的那一天开始,餐台上摆设的美味佳肴,香气扑鼻,自始至终吸引着联合国的官员们一个个争先恐后,先尝为快。  相似文献   


The Scandinavian telecommunication company Telenor recently introduced the notion of Workfulness by adapting digital detox to the workplace. Workfulness is a management program aimed at technology-intensive companies that rely strongly on digital media. The program encompasses strategies of disconnection for employees, including mobile and email-free work hours and technology-free meetings, in order to enhance focus and efficiency. This article investigates Workfulness as one prominent example of managerial approaches that are based on neuroscientific assumptions about human decision-making. Drawing on textual materials and interviews, the analysis shows that Workfulness manages digital distractions in the workplace by establishing a form of stimulus-control rather than appealing to rational self-control. Workfulness alludes to the necessity of making choices, but it considers unconscious behavior, which is explained with reference to preconscious workings of the brain. The human brain becomes a battleground between rational and impulsive decisions, and it is the disobedient brain that needs to be governed in order to become an efficient employee. We situate the Workfulness program as part of and at the same time extending the biopolitical economy by incorporating advances in neurosciences into modes of governance.  相似文献   

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