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This essay examines an aspect of the historical trajectory of Papua New Guinea's creole language Tok Pisin. A medium key to colonisation, pacification, and nationalisation, Tok Pisin's fortunes as a ‘real’ language in popular perception can be tracked through the orthographic choices that have clarified or obscured the etymological connections to the colonial, English-language past. Scholarly approaches to Tok Pisin and other creole languages have concentrated on the orthographic reflection of the regularities of structure that index ‘full’ languaged-ness and modern national autonomy. In contrast to this project of linguistic nationalisation, contemporary Tok Pisin speakers are developing repertoires of speaking/writing that invoke Tok Pisin's connections to Australian English even as they do not conform to it, an enregisterment of forms obscuring the boundaries between Standard English and Tok Pisin. As a convention used by youth in SMS and similar contexts, this practice subverts a prior generation's language ideology by pairing the lateral connections of new media with a repudiation of creole orderedness.  相似文献   

This study applied and extended face-negotiation theory in a cross-cultural comparison of face, facework, and conflict management styles between Ecuador and the United States (US). Participants included students from the United States and Ecuador. Participants completed a questionnaire that measured face, facework, and conflict style preference in one of two recalled conflict situations that varied in relational closeness (i.e., intimate, nonintimate). Results reveal that Ecuadorian and U.S. students did not differ in their self-face, other-face, and mutual-face concerns. Ecuadorian and U.S. students differed significantly in their preference for facework and conflict style preferences across the two conflict situations, however.  相似文献   

This study investigated cross-cultural perception of Persian and American speakers and the strategies they employed to level criticisms on Facebook. Seventeen strategies were discovered, 10 of which were used by both groups, three by Persians, and four by only Americans. Content analysis demonstrated that Persian speakers employed more indirect strategies, while Americans mainly chose direct strategies. Underlying sociocultural norms were investigated through interviews which revealed Persians preferred to save hearer's face and respect their “shakhsiat.” It was also found that Persians observe the cultural schema of “ru-dar-b?yesti” and “adab va ehteram” when criticizing, while Americans used direct assertive criticisms politely.  相似文献   

徐渭的题画诗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许黎英 《文化交流》2009,(10):57-59
题画诗是中国古代诗歌的一个重要组成部分,内容丰富,数量巨大。徐渭1474首诗歌中就有300多首题画诗。徐渭的笔墨大写意画在中国绘画史上有着重要的地位,因此其题画诗亦诗亦画,使诗歌充满着直观丰富的画意。诗画兼擅,诗画兼融,决定了徐渭题画诗的独特魅力。  相似文献   

Research has shown Russian speakers in Finland are often victims of prejudice and discrimination. Utilizing integrated threat theory, this study investigated the extent to which threats are significant predictors of prejudice towards Russian speakers in Finland among a highly neglected research population – the elderly. This study also aimed at finding out which threat (realistic threat, symbolic threat, and negative stereotyping) was the most significant predictor of attitudes towards members of the Russian-speaking minority, and the extent to which men and women differed. In a sample of 90 participants, aged 65 and above, results indicated realistic threat and symbolic threat were not significant predictors of prejudicial attitudes towards members of the Russian-speaking community. Negative stereotyping however had a negative effect on prejudice. Moreover, contrary to previous research on prejudice, there were no significant differences between men and women on threat.  相似文献   


Though it is generally acknowledged that there is a relationship between racist discourse and the figure of the non-human animal, this relationship is almost always assumed to be analogical: oppressed groups are compared with or treated as non-human animals. But the recent dogfighting case against NFL Quarterback Michael Vick and the attendant suspicion of ‘pit bulls’ suggests that racism today has a more complex relationship with (certain types of) animals than the analogy would capture. An analysis of this discourse both calls for and revises Foucault's notion of ‘the dangerous individual’ as an explanatory concept for contemporary racism. The concomitant revulsion toward both dogfighting and ‘pit bulls’ suggests an expression of fear of a perceived threat to normative whiteness, insofar as these ‘dangerous’ dogs are figured as carriers of the contagion of racial abnormality.  相似文献   

“双语视窗”栏目从2006年开办至今,已经走过了两年的路程,这些由在华外国友人撰写的小文章,以他们在华所见所闻为切入点,生动具体地反映出东西方观念、习俗的异同,也向我们提出了一个个既有趣又值得深思的问题。栏目一再连载得益于读者反馈中的正面回应。 “不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,换一个角度,从外国友人目光的折射中审视一下,更有助于全面地了解我们自身。同时,本栏目采用英汉对照形式,这些原汁原味的英文不仅有助于加深对作者原意的理解,也是一本学习现代英语的鲜活教材。[编者按]  相似文献   

每年西湖边的郁金香开得总是那么迷人,于是,郁金香自然便成了每位热爱风景的摄友的追逐目标。2014年,在第22届杭州郁金香花展期间,西湖风景名胜区管委会花港管理处与钱江晚报好摄之友网联合举办了第二届“最美郁金香”主题摄影大赛。  相似文献   


Featuring dead celebrities in current advertisements has become a well-known practice in contemporary advertising techniques. Marilyn Monroe sells Sunsilk, John Lennon is a spokesman for One Laptop per Child, Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor demonstrate the roominess of a Jetta's now larger backseat. To unearth the viability of re-structuring dead celebrities into new advertisements, this article analyzes how phantasms – visual and vocal recordings – speak to the living consumer through the construction of emplotment, a main element of Paul Ricoeur's narrative theory. Particularly, Ricoeur's work on mimesis, metaphors, and memories direct this inquiry for these terms shape a phenomenological understanding of temporality and connectivity with a disembodied other. The goal of such exploration aims to link dead celebrities with the construction and transmission of persuasive messages within an advertising narrative framework.  相似文献   

In this analysis, I present a cross-cultural comparison of U.S. mainstream evangelical and Chinese Indonesian Evangelical Christian (CIEC) discourse on best ways to implement a popular evangelical Christian practice known as “relational evangelism.” My aim in conducting this comparison is two-fold: (a) to demonstrate how religion and ethnicity intersect in the communicative act of persuasion and (b) to unveil how these persuasive acts reflect differing cultural premises of personhood and relations. As each group attempts to persuade their members to share their faith with non-Christians in their lives, they reveal culture-specific limits of what counts as reasonable action.  相似文献   

传统民居是指按照传统方式建造的具有地域性或民族性特征,供家庭或家族居住使用的民间建筑。以清朝至民国时期甘南藏区传统民居为研究对象,通过系统的梳理、比较、分析认为:甘南藏区传统民居在其发展过程中,先后有帐篷、板屋、碉房、土木平房、土木二层楼房等多种形制的建筑风格;甘南藏区的居民由于不同的生产、生活方式使其在发展演变中表现出传统型、混合型以及商业型3种模式;藏族传统民居具有地域适用性强、多功能的土平屋顶、建材多就地取材、民居内部格局深受风俗习惯的影响等特征。  相似文献   

郑剑夫大师从事根雕创作已近40个春秋,已形成了具有地方特色的浙派根雕体系。作为浙派根雕的领军人物,他引领了中国根雕的发展。在根雕创作上,郑剑夫不仅慧眼识珠,能从纷乱繁杂的残枝枯根中找出富有神韵的材质,而且雕功高超,刻画人物形神兼备。他巧妙地把人工雕琢的“精”与天然材质的“美”巧妙地融合在一起,  相似文献   


We analyze the prestige of 1,500 scholars in economics, sociology, and management who have Spanish and French institutional affiliations operationalized by their h-index in Scopus and Google Scholar. We use a negative binomial count model to examine how some individual factors affect the h-index from both databases. The results show a non-monotonic relationship between the researchers’ career length and their h-index. There is a positive and statistically significant relationship between total research output and the h-index. The share of publications in English over total publications has also a positive and statistically significant effect on the h-index, except in a single case, while the share of publications in other foreign languages does not have such effect. Finally, we found that the effects of the number of citations received by documents in English (international impact) and by those in the vernacular language (local or regional impact) on the h-index vary according to the database, the country, and the discipline in question.



This paper critically interrogates discursive appeals to linguistic and communicative universality. It does so primarily by way of the analysis of discourses on the global hegemony of English in five American-owned prestige press publications—the Los Angeles Times, the International Herald Tribune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. It also draws parallels between broader contemporary and historical examples of what the author defines as a discourse of universal progress on English. This discourse frames the hegemony of English as a simple and largely unproblematic fact of the global order while celebrating its allegedly intrinsic progressive tendencies and capabilities. Among these are English's superiority as a purveyor of “objective” reality, its ability to facilitate individual and collective (economic) success, its capacity to advance the production and exchange of knowledge and information, and its status as a bestower of universal (global) voice and unity. The author challenges some of the assumptions that underlie this discourse, contending that, at the highest levels of abstraction, the discourse of universal progress strips English and language of their rootedness in culture and various forms of social identity and struggle.  相似文献   

城市色彩景观是城市整体风貌的重要组成要素,对于保护城市建成文化遗产,传承城市文化基因以及协调城市传统风貌区与周边建成环境有着重要的作用.借助视知觉理论,结合重庆市人民大礼堂历史文化传统风貌区的核心保护范围和建设控制地带的管控要求,划定风貌区周边片区色彩景观研究范围.从色彩景观评价和认知维度,采用MATLAB平台自拟程序...  相似文献   

近年来中国农村住宅的装配化比例快速增加,新型建筑材料和建设模式对传统乡村景观形成了较大影响.以东北地区为例,对乡村建筑风貌的历史发展进行梳理,基于对现状情况的深入调研,总结影响当今乡村建筑风貌的关键性问题,并结合建筑数字化技术,从规划与管理的角度提出乡村建筑风貌解决策略.认为东北地区近年乡村住宅建设技术正在发生系统性变...  相似文献   

The essay provides a critical intercultural analysis of the 2008 trial of the “mercenary” Simon Mann, accused of instigating an attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea. The author argues that Equatorial Guinean President, Teodoro Obiang, tried to turn this trial into a tactical, neocolonial critique of mercenary activities that were allegedly supported by the United Kingdom, Spain, and other Western powers. Unfortunately, he was only partially successful. The growing influence of private security corporations and the suasory power of new military “rescue” tales meant that there were no shortage of defenders of these types of coups. This study demonstrates how certain actions can, at times, be simultaneously characterized as dominant strategies and subaltern tactics.  相似文献   

为译《红楼梦》竞折腰 上世纪90年代初,我远在澳大利亚墨尔本拉特罗布大学(La Trobe University)亚州研究院读研究生,暑假期间趁回国度假的机会,到母校四川师范大学拜望外语系黄新渠教授。那是一个雨后乍晴的午后,校园里雨滴淋着一丛丛浓密的芭蕉林,知了的欢唱灌入耳膜。黄新渠先生特地沏了上好的四川特级茉莉花茶款待我。  相似文献   

由中国肖橡印研餿会创作的“法国历史文化名人金石印像”日前在法国巴黎精彩亮相,该会为法国卢浮宫“镇馆三宝”维纳斯、蒙娜丽莎和自由女神创作的肖像印成为大型中展览最大亮点。  相似文献   

Art, along with other “treasure assets,” has become a central object for investment opportunities. Investment return studies using hedonic and resale price regressions on different artistic periods and styles produce estimates of varying rates of return, predominately low rates with high standard deviations. The present study employs a new sample of American art sold at auction between 1987 and 2011—art created before 1950 by 33 artists born prior to 1900. Our study, unlike those that preceded it, considers works that are no-sales (those “bought-in” for failing to sell at auction at or above a predetermined and negotiated minimum price), in addition to full transaction costs—buyers and sellers premia on hammer prices. We conclude that investment return calculations are biased upward and may be negative when these factors are considered and that the “consumption utility” of art may be higher than previously thought. However, using a variant of the capital asset pricing model, we find that investment in early American art may still be desirable in a diversified portfolio of assets for when the price of stock assets falls, the price of art does not fall in the same proportion.  相似文献   

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