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Using interview methodology, this research examines the role conceptions of US health journalists. Asking journalists from different types of media to define their roles as they relate to public health, inequalities, responsibility and news values reveals the external demands on journalists as well as internal processes that shape professional identity. This paper considers professional and normative role conceptions. Interviews with experienced health journalists revealed that they do not identify with any one of these roles in particular but operate on a spectrum, navigating competing pressures resulting from individual, organizational, and societal influences. Through the process of analyzing and categorizing health journalists’ goals, responsibilities, and ideals, we explore how topics and tasks specific to covering health relate to the democratic functions of the press. The findings of this study advance knowledge about the sociology of newswork and shed light on the professional identities of health journalists.  相似文献   

An institutional repository is a system for dissemination and stewardship of the intellectual life and scholarship of an institution. It has become a new way for the institutions to contribute to the broader world of scholarship (Giesecke, 2011 Giesecke, J. (2011). Institutional repositories: Keys to success. Journal of Library Administration, 51(5–6), 529542. Retrieved January 3, 2013, from http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libraryscience/255[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). In spite of the global recognition of institutional repositories as an open access scholarly communication channel, institutional repositories are still struggling with the problem of non-participation from contributors in developing countries like India. This study conveys the results of a survey conducted at a minority university of India. The study is an expression of the opinion of 542 faculty members and research scholars pertaining to the possible implications of institutional repositories on their professional and publishing practices. The study is undertaken to: Determine the level of awareness of institutional repository among contributors; identify the reasons for participation and non-participation of contributors; examine the implications of institutional repository on contributors professional and publishing practices; analyze the major obstacles/hindrances in the growth of an institutional repository; and suggest measures for better implementation and development of an institutional repository in future. With the help of the statistical techniques such as chi-square test and weighted mean the study resulted that the majority of the contributors are well aware about the concept of institutional repository, the majority of contributors have not deposited in an institutional repository so far, long term preservation of research materials is the first ranked reason for participation in an institutional repository, copyright and plagiarism concern is the main reason behind contributors’ non-participation in institutional repository, increased accessibility of research output is the major implication of the institutional repository on contributors professional practices, saved cost of publishing in a journal is the biggest implication of institutional repository on contributors publishing practices, and contributors demand more control on ownership, access and security in future for an institutional repository. This article is aimed at the institutions that report low-use and low-deposit repositories. It may be used to convince the contributors about the value of institutional repositories, importance of participating in an institutional repository and possible implications on their professional and publishing practices. The study is also intended at the management of the institutions to take notice of the contributors’ demands for future participation and develop policies accordingly for removing major barriers in the growth of institutional repositories and improving contributions and quality of content in the institutional repositories.  相似文献   


This study presents the first global perspective on journalists’ perception of temporal acceleration in their professional life. Based on the second wave of Worlds of Journalism Study data, encompassing 63 countries and 26,514 replies, the article pursues the question of how journalists perceive time pressure at the workplace. The article looks further at the answers of those journalists who have been in the job for more than five years, whether they saw time pressure increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on a sample of 17,382 responses, this study places the answers into distinct clusters. These are used to establish a ranking of the 63 countries in terms of work time perceptions. It emerges that, even when using the single indicator of time pressure, clear inferences can be made about the ways information is acquired and how this affects journalists’ working practices.  相似文献   

上世纪九十年代以来,由于体育新闻报道专业理性的缺失,相当多的中国体育报道唯感性化,甚至媚俗化,这在体育记者的采访提问中表现得非常明显,本文将目前中国体育记者提问的误区归纳为四个方面:专业素质缺乏,难以触及核心新闻事实;诱导倾向明显,采访对象无法畅所欲言;追求猎奇效应,记者人文关怀意识淡漠;八卦问题泛滥,娱乐功能异化媚俗风行。  相似文献   


In this study, I examine the perilous conditions facing Filipino journalists covering the Mindanao region, focusing on differences in threats and dangers faced by those who are local to the region and those parachuting in from Manila. Using a qualitative approach, I have conducted one group interview with two local and two non-local journalists, and five in-depth one-to-one interviews with journalists and expert sources, in 2017. The study additionally draws on interviews with fourteen Filipino journalists and editors from 2014. The journalists perceive that safety differ depending on whether they are local to the conflict they cover or not. Safety issues are significant for the ways in which they operate in the field and decisions they make. Extra-judicial killings and impunity for perpetrators committing crimes against journalists perpetuate dangerous conditions particularly for local journalists, while kidnapping for ransom is among the greatest threats perceived by non-local journalists. In situations which non-local journalists can retreat, their local counterparts stay behind and face reprisals. Ethics is imperative to safety particularly for local journalists. Safety training should be tailored to and differentiate between security challenges. Collaboration between local and non-local journalists may improve their safety altogether, but media organisations must adequately compensate both.  相似文献   

图书馆员职业道德与职业智能的互动关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
顾江  陆宏弟 《图书情报工作》2004,48(12):122-124,121
论述图书馆员职业素养3要素,勾勒图书馆员职业素养的逻辑结构图,以期为图书馆员职业道德、职业智能准确定位。在此基础上,论述图书馆员职业道德与职业智能的双向互动关系,认为职业道德对职业智能具有促进作用,职业智能则对职业道德具有反作用。由此,构建其互动关系模型。  相似文献   

图书馆业务培训是图书馆员接受继续教育的有效形式。调查表明:馆员参加培训的目的主要是为提高业务能力。但开展业务培训面临着一些问题:缺乏制度保障,缺乏资金支持,难以抽出时间等。  相似文献   

当代中国图书馆学基础研究中存在着专业思维缺失现象,导致专业活动定位迷失,社会职能认识虚幻,事业发展研究空洞化等现象。图书馆学基础研究不能把目光放在对专业活动对象进行无谓的抽象,而应回归专业实践的基础,集中精力于创新探索的归纳、提炼,科学把握专业活动的自身发展规律。  相似文献   

贾建萍 《津图学刊》2000,(4):147-151
本文着重论述了突出高职院校的特点,图书馆应建设有特色的数据库;馆员要自觉掌握现代化管理技术,更好地为读者服务,以及加强对用户的培训工作。  相似文献   

曹瑞青 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(1):139-141
《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》正式颁布,确立了新时期职业教育的重要地位和目标任务。文章认为高职院校图书馆要在新的形势要求下迈入更加理性的管理时代,在提高管理水平上作更进一步的研究和实践,配合职教发展,依靠管理求效益,依靠管理促发展。  相似文献   

The role that administrators should take in enabling professional development is regularly discussed in the library literature. However, this article, seeking to provide information from a new perspective, stems from data gathered via qualitative interviews in order to explore experiences of academic librarians and to identify commonalities among the experiences that participants describe as meaningful. Themes that emerge relate to the balance between administrative suggestions versus mandates, librarians' desire to self-assess and self-select activities, the importance of job relevance, approaches to sharing information, and barriers to participation. They may offer insights to administrators who wish to facilitate continuing education of staff.  相似文献   

我国图书馆员职业资格认证制度问题研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对图书馆员职业资格认证制度问题进行论述,就这一制度的研究背景、内涵、国外图书馆员职业资格认证制度的实施情况、我国对这一制度的探索以及实施这一制度需要处理好的若干关系几个方面作全面系统的综述, 并指出在这一制度研究过程中存在的问题,以为业界在这方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   


Pakistan’s journalists confront severe safety risks across the country and impunity to crimes against them allows the perpetrators to go unpunished. Now the country is recognized as one of the deadliest places for working journalists in the world. Given this situation, the Pakistani female journalists are more vulnerable because they are not only prone to safety risks and sexual harassment, but also they face gender discrimination when it comes to their recruitment and equal pay-scale. In the past decade, there has been an alarming increase in attacks on female journalists and incidents of their sexual harassment in Pakistan. Notwithstanding the growing plague of sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the country, the resilience of female journalists to work within a threatening and prejudiced environment has not yet fully explored and analysed. Therefore, drawing on the postcolonial feminist theory, this study aims to investigate the Pakistani female journalists’ lived experiences of sexual harassment, threats and discrimination. The study also analyses the impacts of sexual harassment, threats and gender discrimination on the country’s female journalists. To achieve the aforementioned aims, this study uses the qualitative methods of in-depth interviews and focus groups discussion, and offers a thematic analysis of qualitative data.  相似文献   

图书馆职业开发系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆员在职业中的成长与发展,直接关系到工作效益的提高和图书馆服务质量的改善,如何使图书馆员的成长与组织目标相配合是人力资源开发的重要议题。文章分析了图书馆员的职业发展模式,并设计了能够融合馆员个人发展目的和组织发展目的职业开发系统。  相似文献   

在激烈的报业市场竞争中,行业报只有开发应用好自己独特的信息资源,复合型的人才队伍和"专属"受众群体这三大优势,才能站稳脚跟,取得佳绩.  相似文献   

李嘉琳 《晋图学刊》2006,(1):1-4,55
在分析了国内图书馆职业资格认证实践经验的基础上,作者提出了建立中国图书馆职业资格认证制度的建议。  相似文献   

兼顾综合性、体系性、专业性、方向性,专业类院校传播系课程体系设置,应考虑学校、学院和系内资源合理配置和人才市场需求,培育学生的基本素质、专业素养,打造学生的专业能力,最终建立适合各院校在专业、人力、方向等资源最佳配置的独到课程体系。  相似文献   


This paper seeks to give insight into conservators' reflections about their practice and professional role. Ecclesiastical art from and in churches is an example where a variety of claims can be present and trigger diverse approaches to conservation and restoration. In this study we approached ecclesiastical art as a gateway to insight into conservator-colleagues' experiences and their views on decision-making, prevailing ethical boundaries, and the conservator's professional role. To gain access to the practitioners' own words and reasoning, in-depth interviews with seven conservators were chosen as a method. The interviews were analysed using a variant of qualitative analysis with an ideal of a theory-free starting point and by taking a constructivist and inductive approach. Through coding, themes and theories emerged from the data, which gave insight into a Norwegian status quo of practice, three emerging categories or topics caught our special interest and are described and discussed in this paper. The category, Conservation is a narrow path, gives an account of internal and external restrictions in the field. Internalised ethical restrictions and financial limitations are most often determining factors for conservator's decisions. The second category, Acting on behalf of objects, shows that conservators tend to feel obliged to the objects rather than to stakeholders. They understand their roles as defenders and mediators of the object. Conservators' potentially emotional closeness to the object is discussed. The experts should have the strongest voice, refers to the fact that stakeholders' opinions are only sparingly involved in decision-making among the interviewed conservators. Instead, projections of possible interests of stakeholders are often part of the conservators' basis for decision-making. However, external preconditions, as the mandates given by authorities, and financial issues play a role in the rather top-down nature of communication and decision-making. In light of (recent) claims for more people-based decision-making there seems to be a gap between theory and practice. Nonetheless, the authors argue that the conservator's engagement for and with the material object still is a necessary point of departure for conservation endeavors.  相似文献   

本文指出了造成我国图书馆专业队伍整体水平不高的原因。并从专业队伍管理、思想建设、人才培养、工作创新、提高馆员的社会地位和经济地位等方面论述了我国图书馆专业队伍建设的问题。  相似文献   

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