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本文论述了求能欲和创新欲的客现存在,是求知欲概念的深化和发展的产物。培养求能欲和创新欲是开展创新教育的基础工作。  相似文献   

论建立求能欲概念和创新欲概念的必要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对才能、智慧和新事物的需要和渴求是客观存在的。求能欲(益智兴趣)和创新欲(创造兴趣)在心理系统中已有准确的定位。求知欲、求能欲、创新欲之间是层次递进的相交关系。创新是时代的课题,创新能力可以培养也有必要培养。创造教育方兴未艾,培养创新欲的工作应贯穿教育的全过程。“求知欲”这个词不能直观、准确地反映求能欲和创新欲的客观现实,仅利用求知欲概念不便于指导和促进“激发求能欲和创新欲的工作”。故建立求能欲概念和创新欲概念很有必要。  相似文献   

司马迁写《史记》不是适应西汉统治者"一统天下"的需要而为其做哲学和历史的解释。中国古代帝王"一统天下"后,没有必要也没有用著通史的形式做哲学和历史的解释;汉武帝也没有就"一统天下"提出解释的要求;司马迁父子写《史记》并不为"一统天下"做解释,其动因一是为天地良心所迫,为后世留传史料,二是为展示个人才华,立身扬名,为先祖争光。  相似文献   

Holding teachers accountable for other people's (students) behavior is inappropriate policy that results in ineffective teaching, diminished enthusiasm for learning, and lower levels of achievement. There are both legal and psychological reasons for this. Making teachers responsible for students' behavior absolves students of responsibility for their own actions and develops an externalized locus of control in students that leads to teacher control and student dependence. Because every person is accountable for his or her own behavior but not for what other people do, teachers must be held accountable for what they do as teachers but not for what their students do as learners. Students are responsible for their own learning.  相似文献   

在山西临汾建立了大豆、油葵、玉米和休闲4个茬口。对不同茬口下的8个不同专用小麦品种的产量及个体和群体发育的影响进行了研究。结果表明:产量性状适宜大豆茬口的品种1个,玉米茬口2个,油葵茬口3个,休闲茬口2个。8个品种在各茬口的平均产量以玉米茬最高5985.0kg/hm^2,大豆茬最低5602.5kg/hm^2。个体生长冬前表现较好的为油葵茬,拔节期表现较好的为玉米茬。不同茬口对同一品种的群体消长动态影响不同,不同品种间的群体消长动态存在差异。  相似文献   

动态可伸缩向量图的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对XML及SVG技术进行了研究和总结的基础上,设计了一个基于后台数据库进行动态SVG管理的应用.该应用通过程序在后台数据库数据和SVG的文本数据(XML数据)之间建立联系,实现了SVG图像基于后台数据库数据变化的动态管理.设计和实现结果表明:基于数据库实现Web上SVG图像的动态管理是可行的.  相似文献   

苏轼酒量不大,但他常常饮酒,与酒结下了不解之缘。苏轼饮酒,是为解闷而饮,为适性而饮,为创作而饮,为治病而饮,为应酬而饮。  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基的创造教育思想   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苏霍姆林斯基认为,学校进行创造教育的主要任务是培养多方面的天赋和才能,培养学生的创造品质。创造教育的基本内容有:创造意识教育、创造毅力教育、创造力培养、教会学生学习和世界观教育。上思维课、进行创造性劳动的、提供丰富多彩的精神生活以及发现和培养创造性教师,这是实施创造教育的主要途径和方法。  相似文献   

In this article I define, describe, and give a rationale of psychoeducational groups for university and college students. I also provide examples of psychoeducational groups for university survival and retention and career exploration and for theme groups for lonely students and for those with disabilities. Finally, I discuss four key elements important for conducting such groups.  相似文献   

This paper adds to the sparse literature on the consequences of education–occupation mismatches. It examines the income penalty for field of education–occupation mismatches for men and women with higher education degrees in Sweden and reveals that the penalty for such mismatches is large for both men and women. For mismatched men the income penalty is about twice as large as that found for US men, whereas for women the penalty is of about the same size as for US women. Controlling for cognitive ability further establishes that the income penalty is not caused by a sorting by ability, at least for Swedish men. The income penalty for men decreases with work experience, which is an indication that education-specific skills and work experience are substitutes to some extent.  相似文献   

关中影戏中的碗碗腔、老腔、弦板腔等已被列入“第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录”,根据田野调查结果,关中影戏的演出种类有庙会戏、还愿戏、驱邪戏、平安戏、山神戏、祈雨戏、丧戏、寿戏、满月戏,等;演出程序有奠酒、本戏、捎戏,等。  相似文献   

Results of the Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, and Mathematics Concepts subtests for third-, sixth-, and eighth-grade students who took Form 5 of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in the 1976 school year were analyzed for sex bias. Statistical significance was found for each subtest for all of the grade levels. Follow-up analyses considered skill classification, sex-stereotypicalness, and item location of the items contributing to the statistical significance. No trends for these factors were found within each grade level for the four subtests considered. For all subtests, fewer items are identified at the third-grade level than for sixth or eighth grade, and these items, in general, favored boys. For the older students, when items are found to function differently for boys and girls, nearly half favor each sex. On the whole, little evidence for sex bias was found for the four subtests and three grade levels examined.  相似文献   

会计诚信是我国市场经济健康运行的基本保障,是会计行业发展的奠基石,是会计从业人员的安身立命之本。建立和完善会计诚信教育机制、会计诚信法律机制、会计诚信激励制约机制、会计诚信的评价机制和会计诚信的内控机制等在内的会计诚信促进机制,是当前我国会计诚信建设的有效手段。  相似文献   

Relationships between pretend play and word production were investigated in 10 hearing (H) and 10 toddlers with hearing loss (D) who attended an auditory/oral early intervention program. All children were videotaped interacting in free play with their hearing primary caregiver at 28, 29, and 30 months of age. Group comparisons were made for the scores for highest and mean levels of pretend play and for the underlying structures of decontextualization, decentration, sequencing, and planning. Relationships with word production were then explored for the two groups separately. Results showed significantly higher levels of pretend play for all dimensions for the hearing children and an association between level of pretend play and word production for the children with hearing loss. Associations between word production and sequencing and planning were found for both groups of children. Word production was associated with decontextualization for the hearing children and with decentration for the children with hearing loss. We discuss theoretical implications of the findings together with implications for intervention with toddlers who have hearing loss.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是真善美对立统一的过程。思想政治教育需要增强思想政治教育的艺术性,从而不断推进思想政治教育的创新,更加充分地发挥其功能。为此,需要着眼全局,抓住关键要素,营造和谐的氛围,增强思想政治教育的融合性;架起心灵的桥梁,增强思想政治教育的互动性;引发理性的思考,增强思想政治教育的说服性;召唤情感的力量,增强思想政治教育的渗透性;发挥人格的魅力,增强思想政治教育的引导性;加强文化建设,增强思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

民主教育思想是陶行知的重要思想。他主张民主教育,教育要民有、民治、民享;教育为公以达到天下为公,全民教育以实现全民政治;并提出了一系列实施原则和方法。  相似文献   

"风骚"一词,由特指"十五国风"和<离骚>,到概指<诗经>和<楚辞>,到泛指诗文作品,再引申为文人之通称,其义皆与文学有关.宋、元以来,或用以褒指女性的俊俏体态,或喻指文人的才情风流,而最为普遍的用法,则是专指男女特别是女性在两性关系上的放荡风流和不检点行为.考察"风"、"骚"二词之本义,或指异性相慕,或指行为上的放荡风流,合而言之,皆与男女情爱之事相关.宋元以来的此种用法,正是"风骚"一词的本义回归.通过"风骚"词义引申过程的考察,可以发现文人、女人、文学三者皆有"风骚"的特点,而这正是才子佳人爱情理想模式得以形成的内在原因.  相似文献   

Factor analyses were performed on the Infant-Toddler and the Early Childhood versions of the HOME Inventory for 3 groups (blacks, whites, and Hispanics) of premature, low-birthweight children. Participants lived in 8 different U.S. cities. On the IT-HOME, 5 factors were originally retained for each group using the principal factors method of extraction. Factor structures for blacks and whites were similar, accounting for 85% and 75% of the variance, respectively. The structure for Hispanics was somewhat different; a 7-factor solution accounting for 65% of the variance was most interpretable. For the EC-HOME, 6 factors were retained for both black and white groups, accounting for 80% and 73% of the variance, respectively. For Hispanics, an 8-factor solution accounted for 59% of the variance. The factor structures for blacks and whites were largely in agreement with the current organization of items into subscales. The fit for Hispanics was not quite as good, but most factors also corresponded to current subscales.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Child abuse is a risk factor for developing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and subsequent Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The purpose of this review is to summarize current knowledge about effective treatments for adolescent abuse-related PTSD, SUD, and the co-occurrence of these conditions.METHOD: The literature on empirical treatment studies for these conditions in adolescence was reviewed, summarized, and synthesized.RESULTS: Randomized controlled studies of abuse-related PTSD and SUD in adolescents have supported the efficacy of cognitive behaviorally-based individual and family treatment components. Components overlap considerably in empirically supported treatments for each disorder. An integrated treatment approach is described for use in adolescents with abuse-related PTSD and SUD, with recommendations for optimizing services for this population and for future research.CONCLUSIONS: The available evidence on effective treatments suggests that integrated PTSD- and SUD-focused cognitive-behavioral and family treatment for adolescents with comorbid abuse-related PTSD and SUD may optimize outcomes for this population.  相似文献   

地方科技政策在地方宏观政策体系中的地位和作用正在迅速提高,区域经济一体化发展和产业升级对地方科技政策的需求和依赖性正在持续增强,地方科技政策面临着转型与创新的挑战与机会。社会事业是地方科技政策的短腿,长期处于滞后状态。以社会事业科技发展为重点,率先建立起前瞻性的地区科技政策体系,是地方科技政策转型与创新的突破口。  相似文献   

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