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转基因生物越境转移的现象对全球生物多样性保护以及人类生命安全构成严重威胁。因此,控制转基因生物转移显得日益重要。在《生物安全议定书》中提出的事先知情同意制度,是限制和保障转基因生物转移的一道屏障,它将发挥着越来越大的作用。然而,事先知情同意制度在立法上存在适用对象模糊、适用条件不合理以及在执法上存在进出口双方执行力不足、法律责任不明的情形,因而通过明确界定适用对象、适用条件以及在监督上引进安全证制度等来完善事先知情同意制度。  相似文献   

论医学伦理审查委员会对受试者权益的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为科研项目事前审查机构的医学伦理审查委员会对于保护受试者权益具有独特的价值。目前医学伦理审查委员会存在独立性不够、缺乏监督、缺少标准化流程的缺陷,为保护受试者的权益,建议医学伦理审查委员会实行法人化,对医学伦理审查委员会实行行政许可制度,建立有效的监督与救济。  相似文献   

知情同意是人体试验的关键问题,对于受试者利益的保护具有重要意义。在规范人体试验时,我国法律对知情同意有相关规定,但存在一定的缺失和不足。在研究者告知义务方面,对于研究者的说明事项规范有待改进。在受试者同意方面,将行为能力制度运用于受试者的同意能力不适当,有建立"医事上同意能力制度"的必要,且受试者的同意能力应当依据个案判断。知情同意实践中,弱势群体之一孕妇参与人体试验在我国存在立法缺失,应予以补充和完善。  相似文献   


A greater understanding of how sexual consent is learned may be important in informing interventions to decrease sexual assault and ensure pleasurable sexual experiences. This study explored the role of quality and quantity of perceived sex education in relation to sexual consent attitudes, intentions, and behavior. Greater perceived sex education was associated with positive attitudes toward consent for all participants and with intentions to obtain consent only for those with fewer years of general education. Interestingly, perceived sex education was unrelated to a test of sexual knowledge. However, objective sexual knowledge was associated with consent attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and validate an assessment tool for research consent competence in older participants. A four-item instrument was developed to assess the capacity of the older adults to consent to research. Data were obtained from 203 nursing home residents from two facilities and 201 community-dwelling older adults in a metropolitan city in South Korea. The results revealed that the four-item instrument for assessing the capacity of older adults to consent to research had good internal consistency, convergent and concurrent validity, an acceptable model fit, and good sensitivity and specificity. The short form can be used for gerontological researchers to encourage their older participants to have the capacity to consent to research in informed consent process.  相似文献   

In the USA, universities have recently developed policies and programmes on sexual consent education. But waiting until students enroll in higher education may be too late to begin this work. To examine the extent that K–12 health education standards promote sexual consent education, we conducted a pilot study and found that only two of eighteen states explicitly mentioned sexual consent in their health education standards. Using a small sample (= 4 states), we then identified four themes as making implicit reference to sexual consent: communication skills, decision making, personal space and interpersonal relationships. Finally, in a robust sample (= 18 states), we conducted a content analysis of published standards regarding these themes related to sexual consent. Our analysis suggests that sexual consent is likely not discussed in sex education at K–12 schools. We recommend the more explicit inclusion of sexual consent in health education curricula via the identified themes that already exist in most or all standards, emphasising the importance of teaching young people about the nuances of sexual consent and its communication before they become sexually active.  相似文献   

In an era when children’s rights are paramount, there are still few practical examples to guide us when seeking informed consent from children. This article therefore makes a significant contribution to the field by examining three practical approaches to negotiating informed consent with young children under 6 years old. We draw on researcher field notes, images and observations from four research projects that employed creative methods for seeking informed consent from young children. We take a reflexive approach, considering how successful the three techniques have been in facilitating young children’s decision-making around research participation. Our findings suggest that innovative approaches to informed consent create spaces for children to engage in dialogue and questioning about the research project. However, in order for the approaches to be meaningful, they need to be pedagogically appropriate to the maturity and capabilities of the children. We also demonstrate that, irrespective of the approach devised, researchers have a responsibility to ensure consent is continuously negotiated throughout the project through reflexive questioning.  相似文献   


In response to evidence that one in five college women are sexually assaulted, institutions of higher education have started adopting affirmative consent policies. Affirmative consent must be voluntarily and explicitly communicated—verbally or nonverbally. A recently published article highlighted barriers to the success of affirmative consent initiatives at the intrapersonal level. To extend this discussion, we identified barriers at each level of the Social Ecological Model. In our commentary, we discuss social determinants that are particularly relevant for campus sexual assault. There are elements in young people's micro-, meso-, exo-, and macrosystems that hinder their adoption of affirmative consent practices. We focus on gender as an aspect of the macrosystem that is a formidable barrier to the success of affirmative consent initiatives, influencing each of the other levels. Finally, we discuss how sexuality education might begin to address the social determinants of sexual assault.  相似文献   

The Principle of Assumed Consent: The Ethics of Gatekeeping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The obligation to inform and obtain the consent of human subjects is axiomatic in social and medical research. Yet educational researchers are often reluctant to inform their subjects: class teachers and headteachers, for example, are often used as gatekeepers, and investigators sometimes do not so much seek consent as assume it. This chapter discusses the principle of informed consent, in particular that of children. It proposes guidelines for gatekeepers who may be called upon to authorise research and to grant to investigators access to children in their care.  相似文献   

有效监督是大学内部权力正确有序运行的客观保障,大学内部权力监督在不同的理论视角下就有不同的理论内涵。站在委托-代理理论的视角来看,我国大学内部的权力监督主要可以划分为党委权力监督、行政权力监督与学术权力监督等三种运行模式。我国大学内部的权力监督可在"完善党委权力监督的内部工作机制,强化行政权力监督的自我意识、预防意识和民主意识,形成学术权力监督的优良文化氛围"等三个方面优化大学内部的权力监督。  相似文献   

烟草系统监督有较好的基础,但是,群众监督没有置于应有的地位,对监督机构的再监督严重缺失,监督规则不够精细,监督效益有待提高。目前比较盛行的改革思路,是上提一级监督机构或加强上级监督。笔者认为,上级监督有其优势,但以此为主要监督方式,可行性不大;现行体制下,坚持群众路线,依靠群众监督,强化再监督,厉行依法监督,建立同级监督为主、上级监督和社会监督为辅的监督体制,是改革的大趋势。  相似文献   

从舆论监督与新闻舆论监督、舆论监督与批评报道、舆论监督与正面宣传、舆论监督与监督舆论、权利监督与权力监督等多重关系来看,微博、博客等自媒体监督应该纳入舆论监督范畴;强调自下而上对权力的监督,这是舆论监督与一般性批评报道最关键的区别;坚持正面宣传为主与加强和改进舆论监督的统一,就是在确保正面题材宣传在质量和数量占主导性优势的前提下,凸显负面题材报道正面效应的框架内,给舆论监督更多的政策空间和内容空间;健康的舆论监督离不开正确的监督舆论,这是舆论监督与监督舆论的最佳耦合点;推进舆论监督与权力监督的合作,也是权力监督自身发展的需要,舆论监督应该顺势与权力监督合拍。  相似文献   

The decision to begin the process for special education eligibility has complexities impacting children, parents, teachers, and schools. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) eligibility provisions specify the need to obtain consent prior to evaluation and options when consent cannot be obtained. School psychologists may encounter parents who are reluctant to provide consent or parents who may seek to condition their permission. The reasons for parent refusal to consent to evaluation are analyzed in a review of administrative and judicial decisions published in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Law Report between 2004 and 2008. Possible parent reactions to the request for evaluation are discussed, and guidelines for school psychologists encountering reluctant parents are provided. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

构建基础教育课程监控机制,我们需要借鉴国际经验。审视国外相关作为,我们发现国外的课程监控机制主要有三种类型:中央行政监控型、地方分权监控型、中央地方并重型。其中,课程监控机制呈现"中央行政监控"特色的国家主要有韩国、马来西亚、新西兰;课程监控机制呈现"地方分权监控"特色的国家主要有美国、德国、印度、澳大利亚;课程监控机制呈现"中央地方并行监控"特色的国家主要有英国、泰国、印度尼西亚。  相似文献   

舆论监督也要接受监督,这是中国共产党舆论监督思想的重要内容。经历了自我批评为主、党委监督为主、全面监督这三个时期的发展,中国共产党的舆论监督受监督思想已日趋成熟,形成了党委监督、法律法规监督、监督对象监督和社会公众监督等他律式监督与行业协会监督、新闻媒体监督等自律式监督共同构架的监督体系,确保舆论监督的健康发展。  相似文献   

就高职院校的督导工作的定位,督导工作中要妥善处理的几个关系,以及督导工作要坚持的原则,提出了自己的见解与观点,为高职院校的督导机构的设立以及如何开展督导工作提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

“个人的同意”是社会契约论对国家和政府的合法性论证的关键,而同意又有“明白同意“和“默认同意”之分。通过对洛克同意理论的分析可知,相比于明白的同意,洛克的默认同意说既可以解释历史上的国家和政府的权威的合法性,又可以解释现存的和未来的国家和政府的合法性。重新审视其理论意义,我们认为“默认同意”还有许多困难。  相似文献   

我国行政监督现状及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府及其工作人员拥有巨大公共权力,如果不进一步加强和改善对政府及其工作人员的行政监督,就会导致权力的失控。文章论述了我国现行行政监督体系中存在的一些问题,从改革原有的行政监督体制、增强监督的力度、完善行政监督方法等方面对我国现行行政监督体系的改革提出了一些想法。  相似文献   

宪法监督的核心是违宪监督,违宪分为一级违宪和二级违宪,宪法监督应以一级违宪监督为主。为加强和完善我国的宪法监督,应立足国情做到以下几个方面:用发展的观点指导建立专门的宪法监督机构;建立宪法控诉制度;改善宪法监督环境。  相似文献   

反腐倡廉是我国建设小康社会的一项重要任务,提出现行的反腐倡廉监督体制应建立双保险机制:通过属地管理、明确职责逐步完善现行的内部监督体制,建立防腐败的预警机制;通过新闻监督、群众监督和政协的民主监督,加强外部监督,内外有机结合实行双保险机制,加大反腐败的力度、深度和广度,纯洁党风、政风,真正彻底有效地扼制腐败。  相似文献   

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