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钦州湾表层海水温度盐度及pH值时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年春夏秋冬4个季节调查资料,分析钦州湾表层海水温度、盐度及pH值的季节变化和分布特征。结果表明:钦州湾海水平均温度春季20.4℃,夏季30.1℃,秋季16.0℃,冬季14.6℃,变化特征与气温的季节变化相同,空间分布为夏秋季河口区的水温都略高于湾口区,而春冬季则相反。海水平均盐度春季20.067,夏季17.975,秋季23.864,冬季23.660,表现为秋季〉冬季〉春季〉夏季,各季节空间分布总体表现为河口区低,湾口区高的趋势。海水pH平均值春季7.82,夏季8.11,秋季8.01,冬季8.10,全年空间分布高值区均出现在大风江口外海域。钦州湾海水比较适宜大蚝、对虾、文蛤等广温广盐性品种的海水养殖。  相似文献   

我国现行的学科与专业目录包括1997年版《授予博士、硕士学位和培养研究生的学科、专业目录》、2012年版《高等学校本科专业目录》以及2011年版《学位授予和人才培养学科目录》.美国的学科与专业目录被称为Classification of Instructional Programs(CIP).美国的学科、专业分类系统无论在编制理念上还是技术上都比较完善和成熟,它给我国行业特色院校英语学科与专业互动机制的建立带来了一定的启示.美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的语言学科的院系设置和课程设置,也为我国行业院校英语学科的建设提供了宝贵经验.  相似文献   

杜甫诗歌所叙唐代陇蜀荆湘气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜甫诗歌具有广义的史学价值。杜甫晚年飘泊诗作的相关描述,较为真实而又全面地反映了唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候特征。唐代秦州秋阳杲杲,秋雨迷蒙,秋霜凛冽,秋月凄清,同谷岁暮则雨多雪盛,偶见冬虹;成都四季分明,冷热适中,然时有春旱、夏洪发生;夔州夏秋毒热,巫山雾瘴、云雨、霜雪、雷电变幻莫测;荆州及湖湘东南一带春季早暖,夏季酷热多雨、易发洪水,秋季前热后凉,冬季冷热不均。唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候与今天上述各地情况基本相符,杜甫夏秋叹热莫过于夔州与潭州,亦与今天的重庆和长沙同列全国“火炉”城市地位相当。另据杜诗所叙剑门蜀道腊月山花开放,通泉冬季蚊蚋活跃,成都四月黄梅成熟,戎州、泸州六月盛产荔枝,江陵正月嫩荷抽叶、飞燕营巢,潭州正月蜂鸣密林、燕舞江滨,湘潭二月南风蒸地、春热黄昏等情况,唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘一带的年平均气温似应高于今天。  相似文献   

文章从对我国高校学生管理工作的产生与发展的梳理中归纳出我国学生管理工作的基本任务,对当前学生管理工作的现状进行深入分析,查摆存在的问题和形成原因,并提出解决问题的办法和途径,以解决学生管理工作在高等教育大众化背景下日益减弱的思想政治教育功能及教学辅助功能,探索学生管理工作在单纯的秩序维持之外对于学生思想政治教育、课内外学习及就业等多方面的指导和教育功能.  相似文献   

The pedagogical practices of mathematics education for young children in English and Korean pre-schools were compared through analyses of interviews with practitioners, observations of classroom activities and an examination of documents related to the planning and implementation of mathematics education. Practitioners in both countries used integrated activities to teach mathematics, although they used such activities more frequently in nurseries than in reception classes in England and more frequently in state settings than in independent settings in Korea. Furthermore, mathematics education was more structured, more likely to be led by an adult and less holistic in reception classes than in nurseries in England, whereas it was more structured and didactic in independent than in state settings in Korea. However, mathematics education in England was more systematic, used a more individualised approach and incorporated a variety of hands-on materials and rigorous outdoor activities, whereas it was more group-oriented and utilised limited materials and fewer outdoor activities in Korea.  相似文献   

用普通话写作的港台作家作品中所用的熟语受到港台话的影响而发生变异。本讨论共同语的熟语在港台话中的语形变异和语义变异,提出并讨论其变异的方式,以求其沟通普通话和港台话对同义或同形熟语的相互理解。  相似文献   

土生土长的福州道教,历史悠久,源远流长。由于福州山多水秀的优越地形的自然条件,早在秦汉时就有方士活动;及至东汉末三国孙吴时,又有道士活动踪迹,同时他们就在方山(福州五虎山,又称虎头山)建有自己活动场所洞元观。此后逐渐发展、繁荣。至宋代趋于鼎盛,明、清、民国时期日益衰微。由此可以看出福州道教文化的特点及演变过程。  相似文献   

A long and winding road awaits gifted females in Israel in their quest to actualize their potential in the sciences. The present state of affairs can be pieced together from a series of studies on various aspects related to the development in the sciences of females in general and gifted females in particular. Gender differences observed in the participation of students in challenging science programs and in their consequent achievement can be attributed to cognitive differences, to environmental and cultural emphasis, or to an interaction between cognitive and environmental factors, reflected in different preferences for methods of inquiry and differences in styles of problem solving. Examples of recent efforts in Israel that attempt to deal with observed gender differences and encourage females to fulfil their talents include group counseling programs, such as “Trapped in Blue and Pink” and instructional programs integrating counseling, such as “Na'aleh — Girls toward degrees in engineering” and a crosscultural intervention program for enhancing gifted females' achevement in the sciences via reattribution training.  相似文献   

高校学术不端问题近年来逐渐成为社会焦点问题。对于高校学术不端,主要体现在高校教师和研究生中,高校科研主体存在的学术不端主要体现在剽窃、篡改或伪造数据等方面。高校学术不端对国家创新进程的发展起到了一定的阻碍作用并对社会造成了极大的不良影响。探究高校学术不端的成因、分析其解决对策对当前高校科研发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Utilizing 2068 individuals in 60 organizations in the U.S. and Italy, this study (a) examines the overall relationship between trust in top management and immediate supervisor and overall estimates of satisfaction and perceived organizational effectiveness, (b) compares the amount of variance in satisfaction and effectiveness that can be explained by trust in top management to the amount of variance explained by trust in immediate supervisor, and (c) clarifies the role of information receiving as a predictor of trust in top management and immediate supervisor. Results of a canonical correlation analysis indicated that the canonical equation explained 49% of the variance in the linear composites (Canonical R = .69, p < .001). Trust in top management was more strongly associated with satisfaction and effectiveness than was trust in immediate supervisor. Tzvo separate multiple regression analyses indicated that after controlling for geographic location of company and type of industry, information received about job and organizational issues uniquely explained 26% of the variance in trust in top management and 13% of the variance in trust in immediate supervisor.  相似文献   

研究了用电子自旋顺磁共振(ESR)法对香烟烟气中的自由基进行分析的样品处理方法及ESR检测方法.对四种英国产香烟样品中的粒相及气相自由基进行了分析检测并对检测结果进行了讨论.结论:大多数英国产的检测样品香烟中,含有1.5~3倍于国产对照香烟样品的气相自由基;而国产对照样品香烟的粒相自由基的含量水平则处于较高水平.实验结果还显示:同品牌的Sobranie香烟中,不同型号样品中粒相自由基含量与焦油含量具有负相关性,但不同品牌则不同;对于检测样品而言,气相自由基的含量与焦油含量有正相关性.  相似文献   

本文建立在对中印两国贫困地区义务教育现状比较的基础上,分析了"导生制"存在的条件和特点,指出在当今中印两国贫困地区普及义务教育的现状下,"导生制"仍有其存在的条件和意义,并具体阐述构想了"导生制"的实施形式及其在两国贫困地区普及义务教育中的作用.  相似文献   

公平和效率是各国高等教育发展中存在的重要问题之一。一般认为公平和效率在理论上和宏观上是可以统一的,并能够得到协调发展和可持续发展。然而,从微观和实践层面上分析却往往会发现存在一种矛盾现象,似乎是一个不可调和的两难问题。我国省(市)高等教育发展的公平与效率就是当前急需关注的一个典型的、具体的问题。通过对反映我国1999年和2000年各省(市)高等教育和经济发展状况的多指标进行聚类、相关等统计分析,考察了我国20世纪90年代高等教育区域公平和效率的发展变化特征,并通过对二者量化关系的揭示,对我国省(市)20世纪90年代高等教育公平与效率问题进行了实证分析和评估,并对我国未来省(市)高等教育的进一步发展提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The political changes occurring in eastern and central Europe in 1989 and 1990 and the breakup of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991 fragmented a large area in which science and technology policy was more or less centralized and rationalized. Each country in this area, as a result, has had to develop its own science and technology policy in very difficult situations of transition. One of the attempts made to re‐establish some order and unity in science policy in the former socialist countries has been spearheaded by the International Association of Academies of Sciences, founded in Kiev in 1991. It is attempting, on a voluntary basis, to assume some of the functions of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences, and in particular, to re‐create the scientific space existing before 1989‐1991. Among its many projects are efforts in favour of young scientists and closer co‐operation with other international organizations of academies.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of soils, derived from sewage irrigation, mining and inappropriate utilization of various agrochemicals and pesticides, and so on, has been of wide concern in the last several decades. The Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area (SZIA) in China is a representative area of heavy metal contamination of soils resulting from sewage irrigation for about 30 years. This study investigated the spatial distribution and temporal variation of soil cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) contamination in the SZIA. The soil samples were collected from the SZIA in 1990 and 2004; Cd and Cu in soils was analyzed and then the spatial distribution and temporal variation of Cd and Cu in soils were modeled using Kriging methods. The results show that long-term sewage irrigation had caused serious Cd and Cu contamination in soils. The mean and the maximum of soil Cd are markedly higher than the levels in second grade standard soil (LSGSS) in China, and the maximum of soil Cu is close to the LSGSS in China in 2004 and is more than the LSGSS in China in 1990. The contamination magnitude of soil Cd and the soil extent of Cd con- tamination had evidently increased since sewage irrigation ceased in 1992. The contamination magnitude of soil Cu and the soil extent of Cu contamination had evidently increased in topsoil, but obviously decresed in subsoil. The soil contamination of Cd and Cu was mainly related to Cd and Cu reactivation of contaminated sediments in Shenyang Xi River and the import of Cd and Cu during irrigation. The eluviation of Cd and Cu in contaminated topsoil with rainfall and irrigation water was another factor of temporal-spatial variability of Cd and Cu contamination in soils.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the Scottish School Leavers Surveys and the England and Wales Youth Cohort Study to analyse changes over time in gender and social class inequalities in the opportunities of young people to participate in higher education (HE) in Scotland, England and Wales. The results show that in Great Britain, in the period from the end of the 1980s to 2001–2002, HE expansion has benefited more women than men, and in the most recent time points has led to a reduction in social inequalities. However, gender and social class differences persist at degree level and in the choice of subject studied. The results also show that higher proportions of working class students enter HE in Scotland than in England and Wales, but that social inequalities are more marked in Scotland. The larger availability of vocational routes in Scotland, at both sub‐degree and degree level, may explain country differences in HE participation rate of working class students.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate attitudes towards and achievement in science of Form 3 students studying in single-sex and coeducational schools in Brunei. The results demonstrated significant differences in attitudes towards and achievement in science of male and female students in single-sex schools and students in coeducational schools. These differences were at moderate level. In single-sex schools, the girls achieved moderately better in science than the boys despite their attitudes were only marginally better than the boys. However, there were no gender differences in attitudes towards and achievement in science of students in coeducational schools. The attitudes towards and achievement in science of girls in single-sex schools were moderately better than those of girls in coeducational schools. Whereas the attitudes towards and achievement in science of boys in single-sex schools were only marginally better than the boys in coeducational schools. However, further research to investigate (a) if these differences are repeated at other levels as well as in other subjects, and (b) the extent to which school type contributed towards these differences is recommended.  相似文献   

生态文化是生态文明建设的灵魂,对生态文明建设起到理论指导和价值引领作用。在高校思想政治理论课中加强民族地区传统生态文化教育,对提高民族地区生态德育实效性、推动民族地区生态文化的传承与创新、提升民族地区传统生态文化共识等都具有重要意义。不同国家不同地区的不同民族有着形态迥异的生态文化,深入挖掘蕴含于神话传说、农耕活动和栖居环境等方面以生态价值观念为准则的民族传统生态文化资源,以生态思维为导向,三项改革联动推进民族地区传统生态文化教育落地生根,五课联动优化理论教学内容建构,开展多维度实践体验活动推动民族地区传统生态文化入脑入心,多层次、多要素的联动机制共同促进高校思想政治理论课加强民族地区传统生态文化教育。  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of the plethora of innovations associated with the 1988 Education Reform Act (ERA) on the management of whole-school change in the primary school. Based upon qualitative data from a national sample of 50 schools in England and Wales, it documents the growing tensions between collegial and top-down managerial approaches. These are evidenced in the changing nature of working collaboratively in primary schools, in the creation of new management structures, in the me of school development plans and in the growth of quality assurance mechanisms, particularly in relation to preparation for Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspections. There are conflicting interpretations of terms such as ‘collegiality’, ‘collaboration’, ‘teamwork’ and ‘whole-school approaches’ and there have been subtle shifts in their meaning and in their realisation in practice in the pre-and post-ERA context.  相似文献   

各种艺术都是相通的,相互渗透的。除了"诗中有画,画中有诗",还可以说"诗中有乐,乐中有诗","诗中有舞,舞中有诗","诗中有建筑,建筑中有诗",以及"乐中有画,画中有乐","乐中有舞,舞中有乐","乐中有建筑,建筑中有乐"等。各种艺术的互动和配合,主要发生在想象艺术与听觉艺术、视觉艺术之间,以及听觉艺术与视觉艺术之间。书法地位独特,与其它各种艺术都可能相通互动。  相似文献   

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