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The authors surveyed graduate counseling students regarding their attitudes toward homosexuality: its etiology; the mental health of homosexuals; the role of the mental health professional in treating homosexual clients; and myths and fallacies surrounding homosexuality. The results indicate that counseling students feel ill-prepared to deal with homosexual clients, are unsure about the etiology of homosexuality, and that female students respond differently from male students regarding many aspects of homosexuality.  相似文献   

This article presents a student-to-student mentoring program, which matches current and incoming students to ease the new student's transition to and involvement in graduate school.  相似文献   

从研究生始业教育这一视角出发,提出了始业教育课程化建设的设想,并对其培养目标、内容构成、实施方式及评价方法作了规划与设计。  相似文献   

Counseling trainees' responses on free-response dependent measures to 2 client case vignettes were examined for possible gender bias. Gender bias was found for clients, both women and men, who displayed nontraditional gender role behavior.  相似文献   

高职学生性知识、性道德与性问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:解决高职学生(以下简称大学生)两性交往过程中的两大不良倾向:性愚昧无知与性放纵轻率;开展性心理咨询服务,促使和保证大学生身心健康。方法:课题组于2001年11月至2002年10月对襄樊职业技术学院2000级与2001级大学生进行了性知识、性道德与性问题匿名性问卷调查,然后进行X2检验与U检验分析。结果:(1)大学生希望获得的性知识排序为:青春期表现与卫生、两性交往知识与性病防治知识等;大学生希望获得性知识传授方式为:专家专题报告、课堂讲授、影像教学片等,男女等需求具有差异显性(P<0.01)。(2)对“贞操观”问题,仅有31.9%的大学生认为“至关重要”,对婚前性行为问题,大学生主要看法是“理解并不赞成”,对自己成为第三的可能情形,大学生认为主要是“与对方相见恨晚的感情”,女生的性道德观念比男生较严肃而认真(P<0.01)。(3)大学生存在的性问题主要是:性问题为性自慰、性搔扰、婚前性行为等,性自慰男性高于女性,受到性搔扰女性高于男性而且主要受到陌生人搔扰;婚前性行为比例较低,以上问题男女之间均具有差异显性(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:对大学生应由专家进行性知识、两性交往的感情观、贞操观与婚姻法制观念教育,教育大学生正确对待性冲动,控制性自慰,防止性搔扰,杜绝婚前性行为。  相似文献   

Using survey data from a large, public university, the authors examined the relationships of precollege sexual violence experience to revictimization and disclosure. Among victims of campus sexual violence, those with prior sexual victimization were no more or less likely to disclose to campus resources and were less likely to disclose to peers. Results suggest that institutions need to be prepared to support students with a range of victimization experiences. There is also a need for earlier and expanded sexual violence education and awareness efforts.  相似文献   

This study documents various process elements of multicultural training from the perspective of counseling and counseling psychology students within the United States (US). Using a mixed-methods approach, findings indicate that racial group membership is an important variable that differentially impacts White students and students of Color while undertaking a multicultural counseling course. Results of a principal components analysis revealed four components associated with racial group membership, including negative racial experiences and salience of racial diversity. Findings from a grounded theory analysis identified five overarching themes including intense emotional experiences, representing one’s racial group, and issues of safety impacting course experience. Implications for training and future research are offered.  相似文献   

Researchers who have studied sexual functioning concerns do not often focus their research on undergraduate populations, perhaps due to perceptions of universal sexual health among this population. The current study examined prevalence and type of sexual functioning concerns in a sample of 347 male and female undergraduate students. Sexual functioning concerns were identified by the sample and suggest a range of sexual concerns and experiences. Results indicated that although many undergraduate students do not meet established criteria for a sexual dysfunction, they may experience sexual problems.  相似文献   

This study investigated predictors of international students' attitudes toward seeking counseling. One hundred twenty‐one international students responded to mailed questionnaires. Results indicate that being female, having greater openness to emotions, and having had prior counseling experience were significant predictors of more open attitudes toward seeking counseling.  相似文献   

Asian international and native born Caucasian students indicated the source of help they would go to first if they had a personal problem; rated the importance of four counselor characteristics: ethnicity, university degree, age, and gender; and completed Fischer and Turner's scale of attitudes about seeking professional psychological help. There was no difference between Asian and Caucasian Students in the sources of help they would seek. Asian students indicated it was more important that a conselor be or similar ethnicity and older. There were no ethnic differences in attitudes toward professional help. Women were no ethnic differences in attituses toward professional help. Women were more likely to report indicate a need for help regardless of ethnic group. Caucasian women were more tolerant of the stigma of being a client, likely to report interpersonal openness, and to express confidence in mental health practitioners than Asian women or men form either group. Colleges should consider the use of older paraprofessional counselors of the same nationality as interantional student clients.  相似文献   

魏青 《宜宾学院学报》2009,9(10):114-117
通过对693名女大学生的性认知调查和个别访谈发现,女大学生在性知识、性观念、性道德等方面存在明显的认知偏差。建议以课程为载体,教会女生甄别不合理认知,掌握认知改组的方法,以帮助女大学生构建合理的性认知。  相似文献   

在探索职校生心理健康教育的有效途径方面,我们的做法是通过以学生为主体,学校为主导的六环节操作模式--角色认同、角色目标、角色体验、角色调整、人格初步、角色转换,引导学生在知识学习、技能操练的过程中,逐步形成健康的心理,从而坦然直面社会挑战,勇于担起社会责任.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业制度已经改革,但部分大专生的就业观念仍然存在高期望值、自我中心主义,基层工作不愿做、向往机关、官本位思想严重,缺乏敬业精神、依赖性强、缺乏竞争创业意识等不良的心态。针对这些不良心态,应积极培养学生的求职、创业意识,培养他们良好的心理素质,以便大专毕业生顺利走上工作岗位。  相似文献   

There is a demonstrated need for counselors in training to develop an awareness of their own dynamics and to explore biases and stereotypes that may obscure objectivity and predetermine counseling outcomes. This article describes a workshop consisting of videotaped vignettes, minilecture, and discussion that was developed by one counselor education program in response to that need.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine protective factors as predictors of suicide risk among graduate students (n = 413) at a large midwestern university. Using binary logistic regression, the authors assigned students to risk classifications (i.e., nonrisk group or suicide risk group). Results indicated emotional stability as the strongest predictor for participants’ placement into the nonrisk or suicide risk group. The authors discuss implications for counselors and directors of college counseling centers, as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

医学领域专业型硕士培养的目的是为医学工作输送具备完善临床技能的优秀人才,而研究生培养同时要求具备足够的科研素养。超声医学作为传统医技专业,医学本科通识化教育阶段课时较少,研究生阶段需从头掌握超声检查技能及进行相关科研探索。文章对超声专业研究生全面掌握超声检查与诊断技能的同时,在部分领域探索精进这一问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

大学生健康性心理探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过分析大学生性心理的基本特征及健全的性心理结构,帮助大学生树立正确的性观念,形成科学的性意识。  相似文献   

A comparison of institutional enrollment data and counseling center service utilization data at 66 universities showed that neither ethnic minority students nor European American students under‐ or overutilized counseling services (Study 1). Data from Study 2 examining students in the general campus bodies at 45 institutions indicated that utilization of counseling center services for students of various ethnicities was predicted by the ethnic composition of the counseling center staff. Among students of color, utilization of campus counseling services was predicted by greater psychological distress, less family support, and a history of previous psychological problems.  相似文献   

规模化培养条件下高校研究生党建工作探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究生党建是高校党建工作的重要组成部分。随着全国研究生招生规模的不断扩大,在校研究生党员的数量也不断增多,加强和改进研究生党建工作必须采取以下措施:建立健全研究生党建领导体系和工作机制;针对研究生的特殊性,科学设置研究生党支部;加强研究生专职党务干部队伍建设;创新研究生党支部活动的组织形式;充分发挥导师在研究生党建工作中的作用;做好研究生入党积极分子培养工作规划。  相似文献   

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