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This study used a person-centered approach to understand continuity and change in the externalizing behavior of children from economically disadvantaged families (N = 134). Groups of children differed in showing high levels of externalizing behavior in first grade (7 years old) that persisted (persistent problem) or decreased (improver) in third grade (9 years old) and low levels in first grade that were stable (unproblematic) or increased (new problem) in third grade. The results showed that verbal ability, behavioral impulsivity, parent maladjustment, and harsh parenting distinguished the persistent problem and unproblematic groups. Family instability was associated with change for the improver and new problem groups. The results suggest the importance of examining changes in the early adjustment to school for children from economically disadvantaged families.  相似文献   

This study explored the relations between additive and cumulative representations of contextual risk, caregiver emotionality, child adaptability, and teacher reports of the problem behaviors of 6- and 7-year-old children (N = 155) from economically disadvantaged families. The results showed relations between both risk representations and child problem scores and provided evidence that the relation for cumulative risk may be moderated by caregiver negative emotionality and caregiver positive emotionality and partially mediated by child adaptability. The results suggest the importance of exploring alternative representations of contextual risk and the conditions under which contextual risk influences child behavior.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in the incidence of behavior problems between children living with both natural parents and those in single-parent or in stepparent families. Subjects were 3,644 white children in kindergarten through eighth grade; 2,991 were living with both of their own parents; 312 with mother only; 43 with father only; 264 with mother and stepfather; and 34 with father and stepmother. Teachers provided background information and Behavior Problem Checklist ratings on the youngsters. Compared to children from intact homes, those living with mother only had more problems checked on all five scales of the checklist; those with father only, more Socialized Delinquency; those with mother and stepfather, more Conduct Problems and Socialized Delinquency; and those with father and stepmother, more Conduct Problems. Interactions were found for sex, social class, and grade in school.  相似文献   

Current emphasis on developing individual educational plans for children presents a problem of matching one child's educational plan with that of other children and then grouping several such children together for instruction, such that the individual qualities of each child's program are still maintained. Teacher and child variables in a noncategorical program for early childhood education of retarded, autistic, seriously disturbed, learning disabled, and aphasic children were used to generate monthly computerized schedules of instruction for 12–16 children each month. Schedules were generated over an eight-month period, and the last month's weekly schedule was presented for purposes of illustration and discussion. Advantages and feasibility of such a system were discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the factor structure of the Teacher Involvement Questionnaire (Involve-T) by means of exploratory factor analysis and examined the association between children's socio-emotional and behavioural problems and teacher-reported parental involvement in school, using structural equation modelling. The study was conducted with a Norwegian sample of school children in Grades 1–3. Results of the factor analysis supported the use of 3 separate scales, as suggested by the scale author (Webster-Stratton, 1998); however, a number of items in each scale were reduced. Furthermore, the results showed among other findings that teachers reported more frequent contact with parents of children with conduct problems than with those of children who did not display conduct problems, and that parents of children with high levels of socio-emotional competence were more involved in their children's education than other parents. The results need to be replicated in future research in a more representative study population.  相似文献   

This study examines the efficacy of ParentCorps among 4-year-old children (N = 171) enrolled in prekindergarten in schools in a large urban school district. ParentCorps includes a series of 13 group sessions for parents and children held at the school during early evening hours and facilitated by teachers and mental health professionals. ParentCorps resulted in significant benefits on effective parenting practices and teacher ratings of child behavior problems in school. Intervention effects were of similar magnitude for families at different levels of risk and for Black and Latino families. The number of sessions attended was related to improvements in parenting. Study findings support investment in and further study of school-based family interventions for children from underserved, urban communities.  相似文献   

Demographically matched groups of normal, nonreferred children who had, or had not, experienced one of four family background problems (lack of educational stimulation in the home, family pressures to succeed, economic difficulties, and general family problems) were compared on teacher ratings of school maladjustment and competencies. Children with each of these family problems had greater school difficulties and fewer resources than matched controls without such histories. Systematic relations, paralleling earlier findings with referred samples, were found between specific types of family and school problems. Thus, children from homes lacking educational stimulation had higher learning and acting-out problem scores than controls, and children under family pressure to succeed had higher anxiety ratings than controls. Some implications of these findings for prevention were considered.  相似文献   

Personality and conduct problem behaviors from Quay and Peterson's Behavior Problem Checklist were rated by considering their significance in referring an elementary-grade child for school psychological services. Spearman correlations indicated that regular class teachers, special class teachers of the emotionally disturbed, and school psychologists agreed regarding the relative importance of the behavior problems. A repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that conduct problems were prioritized by the professional groups for referral. This consistent agreement across professional groups is interpreted in terms of ecological psychology. Considering the behavioral demands of the schools, the conduct problem child achieves the poorest behavior-milieu fit and is perceived as a priority for referral.  相似文献   

Aims of the present study included understanding the manner in which shyness during the first year of formal schooling predicts early popularity in the peer group, as well as the manner in which children's shyness and popularity uniquely contribute to later school liking, cooperative participation, and internalizing problems. Structural equation modeling using parents’, teachers’, and children's reports suggested that children's (N = 291; 46% girls) kindergarten shyness predicted lower school liking and lower cooperative participation during second grade through its negative association with first grade popularity. Shyness during the first year of formal schooling may relate to difficulties in the classroom during later years due to problematic peer relations. The indirect relation of kindergarten shyness to second-grade internalizing problems through first-grade popularity was not statistically significant. Kindergarten shyness was also directly related to higher cooperative participation, which suggests that relations between early shyness and classroom engagement may be more complex than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The development of reading skills may depend to a certain extent on the development of basic visual perception. The magnocellular theory of developmental dyslexia assumes that deficits in the magnocellular pathway, indicated by less sensitivity in perceiving dynamic sensory stimuli, are responsible for a proportion of reading difficulties experienced by dyslexics. Using a task that measures coherent motion detection threshold, this study examined the relationship between dynamic visual perception and reading development in Chinese children. Experiment 1 compared the performance of 27 dyslexics and their age- and IQ-matched controls in the coherent motion detection task and in a static pattern perception task. Results showed that only in the former task did the dyslexics have a significantly higher threshold than the controls, suggesting that Chinese dyslexics, like some of their Western counterparts, may have deficits in magnocellular pathway. Experiment 2 examined whether dynamic visual processing affects specific cognitive processes in reading. One hundred fifth-grade children were tested on visual perception and reading-related tasks. Regression analyses found that the motion detection threshold accounted for 11% and 12%, respectively, variance in the speed of orthographic similarity judgment and in the accuracy of picture naming after IQ and vocabulary size were controlled. The static pattern detection threshold could not account for any variance. It is concluded that reading development in Chinese depends to a certain extent on the development of dynamic visual perception and its underlying neural pathway and that the impact of visual development can be specifically related to orthographic processing in reading Chinese.  相似文献   

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