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信息行为干预对不良健康行为改变进程的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]通过实验研究考察不良行为改变过程中信息行为作用机理及中介变量,为有针对性地提出并验证不良健康行为干预方案,更好地进行个体行为干预从而促进健康管理水平提供依据。[方法/过程]基于跨理论模型和相关测量工具,将受试者进行行为阶段划分。结合不同阶段信息行为特点,对不同阶段的受试者信息行为进行干预并考察中介变量。[结果/结论]三个组中,信息行为干预组的改变最为显著,优于自然组和单纯的跨理论模型干预,证明信息行为干预策略和方案是有效的,信息行为干预对促进不良健康行为的改变有积极影响。建议未来在不良健康行为干预中强化信息行为变量,提高行为不良者的信息水平,促进不良行为的改变。  相似文献   

图书漂流活动对公众阅读行为的影响思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨祖逵 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(5):63-64,50
图书漂流活动作为一种新兴的读书形式,以其新颖的图书流通方式,自由的读者交流途径,将对公众的阅读行为产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

从国家、组织、专业领域、个人4 个维度对影响科研人员学术合作行为的因素进行分析。国家维度的影响 因素包括政治、经济、文化、技术;组织维度包括组织类型及级别、组织的学术地位、组织对科研的重视程度、组织 对跨机构合作研究成果的认可;专业领域维度包括学术研究所在的领域特性;个人维度包括科研人员的个性特征、学 习经历、工作经历、科研成果、学术任职、获得的荣誉奖励以及社会距离、空间距离等。  相似文献   

Interviewing is a much used methodological tool in communication and other social sciences. For discourse analysts, interviewing is often judged to be both overused and poorly used; to understand communicative life, researchers should be observing interaction rather than asking people to report their stories, experiences, or beliefs. As discourse scholars we agree with many of the criticisms fellow discourse scholars have made, but we disagree that interviewing should be avoided. Our paper has two purposes. The first is to describe an interview design and interpretation issue that needs attention. The issue is the effect of an interviewer's institutional positioning on interview answers, a concern that only becomes visible when we look at actual interview interaction. The second purpose is to sketch out an approach that takes interview interaction and the troubles that arise in it seriously while also addressing the substantive topics/issues that motivated interviewing in the first place. After reviewing the major challenges of research interviewing, we analyze interview excerpts in two different research projects. We show how interviewers' institutional positionings caused misalignment and interactional trouble. In the conclusion we consider how to understand and use these kinds of unavoidable interactional troubles to arrive at interesting and persuasive interpretations of the topical foci of interviews.  相似文献   

This study examined television news channel changing (AKA grazing, zapping) behavior by focusing on the viewing duration and attention paid to stories that varied in sensational content and packaging. These two message-related factors had independent and interactive effects on how long grazers stayed tuned to a channel. Moreover, high sensation seekers, who were more avid news consumers in everyday life, exhibited different viewing and attentional patterns compared to low sensation seekers. While arousing television news was the most watched by all, high sensation seekers unexpectedly showed less preference for sensational tabloid packaging of arousing content than low sensation seekers.  相似文献   

Research on the mere presence hypothesis shows mixed findings for the effects of cell phone presence on various conversation outcomes. The current study performed a partial replication of Przybylski and Weinstein’s (2013) study, which showed that strangers were likely to report lower levels of relational quality and empathy (among other variables) when a cell phone was placed in their view, particularly when their conversations were rated as meaningful. The results of the current study failed to replicate Przybylski and Weinstein’s (2013) findings, because cell phone presence did not significantly influence relational quality or empathy, nor was meaningfulness a moderator of cell phone presence on conversation outcomes. Changing norms in cell phone usage and competing explanations for cell phone effects are explored as possible explanations for the failure to replicate.  相似文献   

苏芳荔 《图书情报工作》2011,55(10):144-148
以图情类影响力最大的4种期刊在2000-2009年的载文量与被引频次为样本,采用符号检验与相关分析的方法,从合作模式与合作频率两个方面分析科研合作对期刊论文被引频次的影响。研究发现:①合作发表论文的影响力明显高于独立(无合作)发表的论文;②在获得被引频次方面,国际合作并不优于国内合作,高校并不优于研究所;③研究机构的合作次数与被引频次呈正线性相关关系,但机构的合作频率与篇均被引次数没有显著相关。  相似文献   

互联网的普及、学术出版的电子化和电子资源的海量化以及搜索引擎的“无所不能”,学术文献以纸张和磁盘两种载体并行传播,我们处在纸质文献和电子文献并行的时代。这导致了读者阅读学术文献的行为和习惯发生了改变。文章试图通过比对相关调查所提供的数据,分析目前纸质文献和电子文献并行的时代里科研人员在阅读电子版学术文献时的一些行为方式,并且分析这种阅读行为方式的改变对科学研究以及对学术图书馆的影响。该文为2009年第四期“数字时代的阅读专题”文章之一。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着信息行为研究的不断深入,国内外研究者逐渐摆脱了以单用户为中心的研究思路,开始重视信息行为中存在的协同信息行为。然而单一学科的理论基础往往会在面对复杂的研究对象时逐渐暴露出解释力的局限性,吸收和借鉴其他学科的理论及方法有助于对研究对象有着更为全面的认识。[方法/过程]文章通过心理学、社会学以及运筹学的视角,对协同信息行为的动机、产生的社会困境以及其中存在的博弈进行深入探讨,以期为协同信息行为研究提供更广阔的视野以及更全面的理解。[结果/结论]跨学科视角可以为协同信息行为研究提供更广阔的视野以及更全面的理解,帮助研究者全面审视协同信息行为从产生到结束的全部过程。  相似文献   

长征中中共与共产国际一度失去电讯联系,直到1936年7月国际电台才畅通。对于早期还不成熟的中共来说,失联对其成长壮大影响非凡。思想上,打破经验主义和教条束缚,促进马克思主义中国化;组织上,发扬民主作风,贯彻落实民主集中制;个体发展上,由幼稚走向成熟,走上独立自主道路。  相似文献   

Online information literacy instruction: Can it impact learning as effectively as face-to-face instruction? Using a quasi-experimental design, this study examined that in relation to upper-level sociology students; it also considered whether library instruction affected participants’ perceptions of learning formats’ (i.e., online or face-to-face) effectiveness and the academic library's place in their research. Using a pretest/posttest design, no significant learning difference was found between the two instructional delivery formats. However, data suggested that instruction did impact online participants’ perceptions of the academic library as a place for research. Implications of this research and future directions for inquiry are discussed.  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了人类信息状态空间和知识公理的5种类型,在此基础上,引入高次信息和共有知识的概念,分析高次信息的特征及其对人类行为的影响.并以k-game实验测度了高次信息的"次"和人的思考深度.为了进一步说明高次信息的特征及其对人行为的作用和影响,设计了网络实验和现场实验对k-game进行对比分析.  相似文献   

This study examined the ameliorating effects of intergroup contact with Asian Americans on negative stereotypes, perceived threats, and harmful discriminatory behaviors toward them. The results of multivariate regression analyses indicated that intergroup contact with Asian Americans adversely predicted negative stereotypes (i.e., excessive competence and deficient sociability), perceived realistic and symbolic threats, and active and passive harmful discriminatory behaviors toward them. The findings highlighted the utmost importance of intergroup contact in improving intergroup attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

Advancements in wearable technology have allowed for extradyadic social cues to be inserted directly (albeit conspicuously) into face-to-face interactions. The current study simulated a fictitious “Looking Glass” program that (a) autodetects (via facial recognition) one’s partner and (b) displays that person’s last 12 social media posts on a pair of Google Glass. In a randomized case/control experiment, nonwearers were more likely to perceive Glass wearers as physically attractive and socioemotionally close, while feeling lower self-esteem and having higher mental and physical demand with the conversation. Open-ended data suggested Glass wearers to be less attentive to the conversation, and Glass-present conversations were less on topic. These data, while preliminary and based on a small sample of users, hold implications for future application and research on cyborgic face-to-face interactions.  相似文献   

This article tracks the use and integration of pricing theory in studies of media competition and advertising rates over the past 25 years. I find that pricing theory has been cited as both the justification for and explanation of a wide variety of studies in media economics, and suggest an integrative approach to widen the study of pricing within the media.  相似文献   

电子高务网站用户的感知因素对满意度和行为的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在文献分析的基础上,基于消费者感知的角度,从界面设计、网站内容、技术支持、有用性、易用性和网站效应6个方面提出电子商务网站用户的感知因素对其满意度和行为的影响的假设,并构建一个研究模型;根据研究变量制定问卷并搜集到180份有效问卷,分析样本的特征,对模型量表进行信度分析和因子分析,采用结构方程模型进行实证分析.结果表明,除网站内容和技术支持外,其他4个因素会显著影响用户满意度和用户行为.最后,对研究结果进行讨论,并提出对策建议.  相似文献   

领域研究和国别研究是开展国际科技合作研究的重点。基于“国家科技报告服务系统”中收录的国家国际  相似文献   

文章从哲学范畴“认识信念”入手,从知识来源信念、判断信念、获取能力信念、获取广度信念四个维度探析大一新生在信息查询过程中的认知机制,提出通过建构信息检索课程教育体系、注重非正式课堂的学习力、强化信息权威来源的认知、提倡对检索过程的分享、定期开展关于图书馆资源利用的活动等五点举措改善其信息查询行为,以期对高校图书馆深入开展信息检索课程教学和嵌入式学科创新服务有所启发.  相似文献   

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