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和谐社会是当前社会的主题,女性农民工为了追求自己和家庭的幸福和谐走进城市,但其处境日益边缘化。女性农民工边缘化问题是社会主义新农村建设的重要问题,也是和谐社会构建中的重大问题。女性农民工城市生存边缘化表现在外出就业渠道、职业角色、生存身份、社会保障、社会地位、情感婚姻等诸多方面,其原因与城镇化推进中的社会资源配置、城乡二元结构、女性素质、城市包容度等有关。解决这一问题,必须坚持以人为本的科学发展观,统筹城乡和性别的发展。  相似文献   

农民工流动不仅呈现出新的特征,外出农民工的数量也呈现较快的增长。本文以外出农民工流动为分析对象,对农民工跨地区流动的总体特征进行概括,总结外出农民工的基本特征。在此基础上,对外出农民工流动数量进行分析,并对我国未来有待转移的农民工数量进行了预测,以期为政府决策提供参考。  相似文献   

选取湖北省远安县马渡河村作为样本,通过全面分析金融危机风波对该村农民外出务工的负面影响和农民外出务工特点,并针对部分外出务工农民返乡创业的情况,提出了增加政府政策性扶持,促进农民工本地就业;提高农民工就业技能,避免因经济波动带来就业波动;向农民工特别是第二代农民工灌输自主创业的思想;发展新型农业,培养多方面人才;完善社会保障体系,为外出务工者解决后顾之忧等对策性建议。  相似文献   

目前,我国1亿多外出就业劳动力中,过半是1980年后出生的新生代农民工。然而,在这个庞大的群体和城市建设主力军中,超过六成的人,对自己务工的城市缺乏归属感。近日,在南京召开的首届全国农民工社会工作服务创新研讨会上,农业部农村经济研究中心副主任赵长保介绍,调查显示,与上代农民工相比,新生代农民工首次外出务工的年龄明显降低,80后农民工首次外出务工的平均年龄为21岁,而90后农民工的首次外出务工年龄,平均仅为18岁。这些年轻的农民工,虽然身在城市,但是他们却从不觉得自己是个"城里人"。  相似文献   

农民工是城市中的弱势群体,其劳动权益受侵犯的现象比较突出.受相关法律不完善、用人单位偏见、传统观念等因素的影响,与男性农民工相比,女性农民工劳动权益受侵犯的现象尤其严重.女性与男性天然的性别差异决定了女性农民工的劳动权益应该有更特殊的保护,应多方面采取措施切实保护女性农民工的劳动权益,稳妥、快速推进女性农民工市民化进程,促进社会主义和谐社会的建立.  相似文献   

女性农民工权益保障状况不仅表现了女性自身的利益实现程度,而且反映了女性农民工的维权意识、维权能力和一个地区的文明发展程度。安徽省女性农民工数量庞大,他们的人身、劳动和社会保障等权益受保障状况得到了政府和社会各界的广泛关注。造成女性农民工权益受损的原因非常复杂,主要是女性自身、用人单位和有关部门执法不力等多重因素综合作用而形成的。  相似文献   

基于世界银行的数据,运用MLogit模型,研究农村劳动力务工迁移区域的影响因素。结果表明,大专及以上学历的农民工倾向于选择"县外市内"及更远的区域务工;较大的家庭土地规模会显著抑制农村劳动力的外出务工和城市融入;同村外出务工经商人数对农村劳动力的外出务工具有显著的促进作用。对此,应加强对农村劳动力的教育投入、健全农民工的社会保障体系,扩展其城市社会资本,以推动农民工的城市融入和市民化进程,提高我国的城镇化水平。  相似文献   

<正>随着农业生产力的发展,农村土地上解放出来的生产力主要靠外出务工增加收入。数据显示,2013年,全国农民工总量2.69亿人,其中外出的农民工1.66亿人;农民工月均收入是2609元,农民工收入已经占到农民人均收入的50%。农民工是我国工业化、城镇化快速发展中成长起来的新型劳动大军,是产业工人的主体力量。近几年,每逢春节后招聘  相似文献   

影响农村女性劳动力流动的因素分析--以福建省为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用福建农村的抽样调查数据对影响农村女性劳动力外出流动因素进行了实证分析,并重点讨论了妇女外出流动与教育状况之间的关系。分析结果表明,在影响其外出打工的诸因素中教育状况是不可忽视的重要因素,较高的文化程度有助于增加女劳动力的外出打工机会。  相似文献   

  国家统计局网站日前公布农民工调查结果,据抽样调查结果推算,2012年全国农民工总量达到26261万人,比上年增加983万人,增长3.9%。其中,外出农民工16336万人,增加473万人,增长3.0%。住户中外出农民工12961万人,比上年增加377万人,增长3.0%;举家外出农民工3375万人,增加96万人,增长2.9%。本地农民工9925万人,增加510万人,增长5.4%。  相似文献   

操作风险是我国商业银行面临的一项重要风险,而操作风险控制已成为商业银行风险管理的重要内容.我国商业银行的操作风险控制在地域上与行业结构上存在较大的差异.经验性的研究揭示了影响操作风险控制的若干因素的特征,从而为我国商业银行充分发挥优势影响因素的作用、弥补劣势影响因素的不足,最终提高商业银行的操作风险控制效率提供了现实性的理论借鉴.  相似文献   

Comprehensive risk analysis of storm surge flood based on WebGIS   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The comprehensive risk analysis of storm surge flood is vital to the safety management of sea embank- ment, the scientific assessment of storm surge disaster and the improvement of emergent treatment in storm surge haz- ard. Based on the research of disaster-causing, disaster-pregnant and disaster-bearing factors, the influencing factors of storm surge risk are concluded to be flood natural risk, embankment position, embankment width and height. The membership degree of the factors of storm surge risk is firstly determined by storm surge flood evolution based on WebGIS, and the comprehensive risk membership and risk grade of each influencing factor are obtained. Then the effects of a single factor on comprehensive risk and sensitivity analysis are discussed, and the storm surge flood risk map is obtained. Finally, the storm surge of Tianjin Binhai New Area is taken as a case. The results show that the in- fluencing degree of the factors on the comprehensive risk membership is in decreasing order of flood natural risk, em- bankment position, embankment width and height. The flood risk map of the case is drawn, which is useful to decrease losses caused by storm surge disaster.  相似文献   

水电建设项目受地质、地理位置,气候等一些自然或非自然因素的影响,不可避免地存在诸多风险因素,业界相继对风险识别、风险分析以及风险评价等做了深入研究,但鲜有人概括了水电建设项目前的常用的风险评价方法。通过对水电建设项目前存在的风险评价方法进行概括,在其中提出了一种新的改进的评价方法,并比较分析了各自的适用条件以及优缺点,能为水电建设项目合理选择使用评价方法提供了有效的参考依据,进而能使风险预测与客观实际相接近。  相似文献   

对银行来说,分析量化操作风险,对管理者进行相关决策十分重要。贝叶斯网络能够很好地表达不确定因素之间的因果关系,并用于推理决策,是提高操作风险管理水平的有效途径。通过构建贝叶斯网络模型,将可能导致贷款者拖欠还款的各种影响因素引入到具有因果关联的网络结构中,计算出各类指标对拖欠的影响程度。并且通过分析节点,直观地显示了每个模型的预测效果,为银行预测潜在贷款拖欠者,并进行相关风险管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

在构建房地产投资风险评价模型的基础上,运用AHM方法对我国房地产投资风险因素综合重要度进行评价,得出目前影响我国房地产投资的主要风险及次要风险,对于规避投资风险具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Previous literature examining parent-child aggression (PCA) risk has relied heavily upon mothers, limiting our understanding of paternal risk factors. Moreover, the extent to which factors in the couple relationship work in tandem with personal vulnerabilities to impact PCA risk is unclear. The current study examined whether personal stress and distress predicted PCA risk (child abuse potential, over-reactive discipline style, harsh discipline practices) for fathers as well as mothers and whether couple functioning mediated versus moderated the relation between personal stress and PCA risk in a sample of 81 couples. Additionally, the potential for risk factors in one partner to cross over and affect their partner’s PCA risk was considered. Findings indicated higher personal stress predicted elevated maternal and paternal PCA risk. Better couple functioning did not moderate this relationship but partially mediated stress and PCA risk for both mothers and fathers. In addition, maternal stress evidenced a cross-over effect, wherein mothers’ personal stress linked to fathers’ couple functioning. Findings support the role of stress and couple functioning in maternal and paternal PCA risk, including potential cross-over effects that warrant further inquiry.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence for specific risk factors leading to child sexual exploitation and prostitution, these influences overlap and have rarely been examined concurrently. The present study examined case files for 175 young persons who attended a voluntary organization in Leicester, United Kingdom, which supports people who are sexually exploited or at risk of sexual exploitation. Based on the case files, the presence or absence of known risk factors for becoming a sex worker was coded. Data were analyzed using t-test, logistic regression, and smallest space analysis. Users of the voluntary organization's services who had been sexually exploited exhibited a significantly greater number of risk factors than service users who had not been victims of sexual exploitation. The logistic regression produced a significant model fit. However, of the 14 potential predictors – many of which were associated with each other – only four variables significantly predicted actual sexual exploitation: running away, poverty, drug and/or alcohol use, and having friends or family members in prostitution. Surprisingly, running away was found to significantly decrease the odds of becoming involved in sexual exploitation. Smallest space analysis of the data revealed 5 clusters of risk factors. Two of the clusters, which reflected a desperation and need construct and immature or out-of-control lifestyles, were significantly associated with sexual exploitation. Our research suggests that some risk factors (e.g. physical and emotional abuse, early delinquency, and homelessness) for becoming involved in sexual exploitation are common but are part of the problematic milieu of the individuals affected and not directly associated with sex trading itself. Our results also indicate that it is important to engage with the families and associates of young persons at risk of becoming (or remaining) a sex worker if one wants to reduce the numbers of persons who engage in this activity.  相似文献   

Risk factors in early childhood have short as well as long term effects on child development. Researchers distinguish between vulnerabilities, which are biological predispositions and psychological characteristics of the child, and stressors, which are psychosocial circumstances in the environment. Crucial vulnerabilities and stressors are described and evaluated in the following essay. The number of influencing risk factors seems to be the best predictor to evaluate the impact on the developmental outcome. Thus, a combination of cumulative long lasting risk factors has the most negative impact on child development. The qualities of parent-child interactions and the enrichment of the (home) environment are the only factors which have a direct impact on child development. Therefore, interventions to minimize the influence of risk constellations should begin early, be long lasting and should focus on assuring a secure relationship for the child, in or outside the family.  相似文献   

文章构建了供应链风险传导模型,采用基于改进的损失期望值法并结合专家决策法对供应链中的风险因素进行度量,用灰色关联法计算风险之间的关联度,从而确定风险在传递过程中的可控程度.充分考虑了供应链风险的传导性这一动态特征,从而提高了度量方法的适用性和科学性.最后分别从风险因素、节点企业和供应链3个层次进行定量风险评估,并以1个具有代表性的实例阐明了该模型在供应链风险评估中的应用,验证了该评估方法的正确性.  相似文献   

企业在财务活动中,财务风险因受到外部环境或内部因素的影响而产生,财务风险具有外部和自身的复杂性等方面的特性。企业要认清环境因素、提高人员素质、强化风险意识;要科学决策、健全规章;要完善风险预警机制。可运用自我保险法、风险转移法和风险回避法等几种方法,有效防控或降低企业财务风险。  相似文献   

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