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人文体育观渐入--现代体育"异化"的反思   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
曹卫 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):1-3
采用献资料和逻辑分析方法,通过对人理念的讨论和理解,认为在“生物体育观”指导下体育实践有其局限性。主要观点:体育是人产物,应“以人为本”。“人体育观”体现了时代发展对“人”的呼唤和人不断认识自我的强烈意识。在进一步认识体育和对现代体育“异化”的批判中,都需要有一种人理念来统领其发展方向,这就是人体育观的渐入。  相似文献   

关于当前少数民族体育发展的科学认识   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
少数民族体育是少数民族由心而发的一种文化表达,少数民族体育的发展体现了新 时期民族地区经济、社会、文化发展的必然要求.当前少数民族体育的发展在意义选择上应坚持生态与生计共享,目标定位上要遵循乡土与外来共荣,发展地域上要体现城乡间的协调和互动,实施动力上要充分发挥民间和政府的合力,方式途径上要采用保护与发展互补,效益评价上要体现经济效益与社会效益并举,发展取向归属上要遵守体育与文化的认同.  相似文献   

Although the practice of building brand equity in the context of professional sport teams is popular, the formation of sport team brand equity in the sport marketing literature is still relatively unknown and incompletely understood. In this study, the authors propose a dual-identification model to examine the formation of sport team brand equity in an Asia-based professional team sport setting. Baseball fans (N = 548) of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) in Taiwan participated in the self-administered survey. A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model analysis revealed that marketplace characteristics (including group experience, salient experience, team history, and fan rituals) and brand-identified-related factors (including self-congruity and team brand prestige) were significantly related to identification with sport team and identification with sport team brand, respectively. In turn, both identification with sport team and identification with sport team brand were significant predictors of sport team brand equity. These findings highlight the importance of studying a dual-identification model in order to understand how sport team brand equity forms and suggest implications for sport team managers.  相似文献   

"土洋体育"之争的全球化观照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周道仁 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):46-48
中国历史上的“土洋体育”之争可以视为体育全球化过程中的个案,论争促进了中国体育的现代化及与外来体育的融合,也培养了国人对待外来体育的开放心理。在全球化的视角下,其对本土体育的挑战体现在价值上的差异、社会体制与民族情感的挑战上。土洋体育之争也反映了全球化必须遵循的体育的多样化发展和不同体育文化之间的交流与沟通的原则。  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationships between three factors and environmentally responsible behavioural intentions among cycling spectators: place attachment, subculture identification and subjective norms. Two categories of behavioural intentions are presented namely situational (while spectating) and future (before attending similar events). Analysis of covariance is used to test the relationships in a sample of 619 spectators from both road race and mountain bike events. The paper supports previous research highlighting the importance of the social dimension of sport spectating and the link to social norms that drive environmental behaviour. It also adds to existing research on place attachment as a precursor to environmentally responsible behaviour with reference to sport spectating.  相似文献   

The ability to quickly locate objects within the visual field has a significant influence on athletic performance. Saccades are conjugate eye movements responsible for the rapid shift that brings a new part of the visual field into foveal vision. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sport expertise and intense physical effort on saccade dynamics during a free-viewing visual search task in skilled soccer players. Two groups of male subjects participated in this study: 18 soccer players and 18 non-athletes as the control group. Two sessions of visual search tasks without a sport-specific design were employed. Eye movements during the visual search tasks were recorded binocularly. Between pre- and post-test sessions, athletes performed a maximal incremental treadmill test. Cardiorespiratory parameters were measured continuously. Capillary lactate samples were collected. Pre-test findings indicated that athletes, in comparison to non-athletes, achieve higher values of the following characteristics of saccades (1) average acceleration, (2) acceleration peak, (3) deceleration peak, and (4) average velocity. An increase in post-test saccade duration and a decrease in post-test saccade velocity was observed in athletes due to the strenuous physical effort in relation to the pre-test state. Athletes may transfer high saccadic function efficiency to non-specific visual stimuli. The findings partially confirm that physical exertion can reduce oculomotor efficiency in athletes.  相似文献   

从篮球运动本质及发展进程论国际强队的格局与形成要素   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
孙民治 《体育学刊》2003,10(6):109-112
从世界向全球化发展的走向作背景,以社会、人科学理论为依据,阐述篮球运动的本质属性,与其特殊的活动方式、方法、特征、规律及功能所产生的本体运动魅力,并从一百多年的发展演进史实中,思考其为何随着社会、政治、经济、化、教育和科学技术的进步,掀起了不同形式、内容的3次发展“浪潮”。进而解析国际强队的动态格局,提出美、欧等国际强队长盛不衰的因素,寻求促进我国篮球运动事业发展的对策。  相似文献   

The concept of working memory has received a great deal of attention in the last couple of decades and discussions of working memory are now common in almost all branches of psychology, including cognitive, clinical, social, developmental, and educational settings. Therefore, it is surprising that the concept of working memory has received a lot less attention in the field of sport psychology compared to other branches of psychology, especially since research in sport psychology has increasingly incorporated cognitive concepts such as attention, perception and decision-making, which are purported to rely heavily on working memory. Thus, it is essential, in our opinion, to systematically investigate the working memory system in the field of sports, which offers a fruitful domain to explore the validity of models developed in other fields. This review provides an overview of working memory theory and discusses its relevance in sport psychology. We end the review by giving an outlook of potentially fruitful research areas on working memory in sport.  相似文献   

我国优秀运动队资金收入增长额度以奥运会为周期呈波浪状增长,市场经济的因素是主要原因。财政拨款同为一、二线运动队经费主要来源,增长较为稳定,1993年以后优秀运动队非国家财政拨款逐年增长,但稳定较差。我国二线运动队经费收入总体保持着较好的增长势头,高于一线运动员同期经费收入增长率。二线队伍经费收入在不同地区上的差距不如一线运动队那么鲜明,受市场经济的影响程度要大于一线运动队。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(5):506-519
Sport spectating provides numerous benefits for sport organisations and individuals. In this paper we use a positive psychology approach to examine the individual-level benefits of sport consumption in order to investigate the activation of five domains of well-being: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment (PERMA). Using a two-study panel research design, we collected qualitative data from a sample of Australian Rules Football consumers. In the first study, we explored how the PERMA domains were activated during the season. Study two included a follow-up interview with eight initial respondents in the off-season. We found evidence of four PERMA domains that were activated in the sport spectator context by a variety of consumer experiences. The emergence of these domains in both studies suggests sport marketers would benefit from actions including: creating more social spaces within their stadiums, hosting regular off-season events, and creating social-media based competitions which promote fan engagement and interactions throughout the calendar year.  相似文献   

"人文"释义和我国民族传统体育的人文价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵炳南 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):54-57
“礼乐诗书”之教,是我国西周时期改造社会、教化民众的圣王之道。孔子全面继承了周代的“六艺”教育,成为上古文化的集大成者,其思想和教育实践影响远巨。我国古代的“礼射”蕴藏着深厚的儒家精神文化内涵,彰显了卓越的体育人文精神。我国民族传统体育内容丰富、形式多样,蕴涵着深厚人文价值,表现了我国各民族人民对自身美的认识和追求,对提高我国各民族人民健康水平、构建文明和谐社会将发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   


Although coaches and players recognise the importance of leaders within the team, research on athlete leadership is sparse. The present study expands knowledge of athlete leadership by extending the current leadership classification and exploring the importance of the team captain as formal leader of the team. An online survey was completed by 4,451 participants (31% females and 69% males) within nine different team sports in Flanders (Belgium). Players (N = 3,193) and coaches (N = 1,258) participated on all different levels in their sports. Results revealed that the proposed additional role of motivational leader was perceived as clearly distinct from the already established roles (task, social and external leader). Furthermore, almost half of the participants (44%) did not perceive their captain as the principal leader on any of the four roles. These findings underline the fact that the leadership qualities attributed to the captain as the team’s formal leader are overrated. It can be concluded that leadership is spread throughout the team; informal leaders rather than the captain take the lead, both on and off the field.  相似文献   

关于竞技体育职业化发展与部队体工队院校化管理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据我国竞技体育职业化发展的大趋势,提出了部队体工队实行院校化管理的理论构想和基本模式,以及需要解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(2):222-234
The authors examine the moderating effect of sport involvement in the association between sponsor-event congruence and consumer responses. University students (N = 118) took part in the experiment. The partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) results show that sport involvement moderates the effectiveness of sponsor-event congruence on sponsor credibility, influencing attitude toward the sponsor and intention to purchase the sponsor’s product. Research findings imply that a sponsorship campaign, in which sponsor-event congruence occurs, may have the power to deliver a product relevant message to consumers who are involved in sports via a central route.  相似文献   

通过对体育的科学精神和人文精神的论述,证明二者根源和目的是统一的、相辅相成的。阐述了我国体育在长期的发展过程中,由于各个历史时期的不同原因,体育被军事、政治、金牌等变成实现其目标的工具,体育的科学精神和人文精神被人为的割裂。提出了加强体育的科学精神与人文精神的融通,重建二者的统一,使体育从"工具"回到"玩具",重归为了人的健康发展这一根本目标服务已刻不容缓。只有这样才能体现体育的真正价值,才能使我国体育事业健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

注意力下的"媒体竞技运动"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王广进  王玉清 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):134-137
借鉴经济学的相关分析模式,在时媒体竞技运动做分析的基础上,提出了媒体竞技运动的6个特点,并时它进行了定义,指出媒体竞技运动的本质就是吸引并消化注意力,进而分析了媒体竞技运动市场的需求和供给规律。  相似文献   

体育本质实践论   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从实践的特点——客观实在性、自觉能动性和社会历史性的视角论证了体育是一种实践活动,从而确立了体育的“属人”性,与动物的运动得以区分;在此基础上,从体育实践与实践的基本形式——生产实践在对象、目的、过程和结果等方面的对照,论证了体育是一种改造人类自身的实践活动,从而与其它实践活动相区别,进而从体育的身体运动和身体运动目的的特殊性论证了体育是一种以提升人的物质属性意义上的身体健康水平为主旨的改造人类自身的实践活动,最终揭示了体育的本质。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):107-120
Sport development is a core concern for all nations as they seek to enhance elite performance and cultivate opportunities for mass participation. In the sport of triathlon, new models for sport development have been shown to exist where third party organisations have a critical role in the delivery of it. Using institutional theory as a framework, the purpose of this study was to explore the emerging models of sport development in triathlon. A case study of triathlon in Australia and in the United States was used. The results illustrated emerging models of sport development in both the US and Australia. Third party organisations as well as local councils have become increasingly involved in the creation and implementation of programmes and activities that would normally be the responsibility of a governing body. As such, the organisational fields and institutional logics in triathlon are rendering governing bodies irrelevant. Governing bodies are grappling with finding relevance and legitimacy in triathlon. Implications for sport management research, practice, and education are discussed.  相似文献   

民族传统体育专业存在的主要问题及解决对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对来自全国各地的33个院校的40余位与会代表反映的目前民族传统体育专业存在的问题进行总结:生源的文化素质较低,技术培养模式单一、专业知识面窄,就业率低等问题是制约民族传统体育专业发展的主要问题。提出对策:第一,增设武术语文课及师范类课程,改革外语课;第二,积极构建全新的技术培养模式,使学生较为全面地了解武术的整体,立足于培养“通才”,而非“专家”;第三,着眼于国家和民族大业,积极呼吁武术成为中小学的必修课程单列开设、武术走进孔子学院传播中国文化,从而为该专业学生拓宽就业渠道。  相似文献   


In policy contexts, social exclusion can be experienced through the systematic marginalization of groups by inhibiting their ability to access resources and support. In this article, we consider the context of community sport development in rural Canada to discuss the implications of rationalized policy systems for rural citizens. We discuss instances where engagement with the sport system was constrained as well as the way that rural people responded in order to continue engagement in sport both within and outside of policy frameworks. A more inclusive sport policy system requires the acknowledgement of diverse social outcomes which may be realized through sport. But, in order for this to take place, policy makers and practitioners must acknowledge that these outcomes can exist outside of athlete development and must re-consider the ways that resources and support can be allocated.  相似文献   

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