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Trudy,anAmericangirl,triedswim-mingacrosstheEnglishChannel.ThatwasAugust6,1962.Herfatherhad 1 hertwothings.Onewasnottopullheroutofthewater 2 sheasked.Theotherwastogiveheraredsports3 ifshemadeit.Ingay(愉快的)spirits Trudy4out,swimmingstrongly.Alltheswimmersstartedat7∶09inthemorning.Herfatherandthetrainerwere5 alonginaboatbe-sideher.Atteno’clock,rainbeganfalling.Atmidday,Trudytrod(踩,踏)waterwhile6 andeatingachickenleg.Thenshestartedswimmingagain.Thewindwas7 andtheseasbecamerougher. …  相似文献   

阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。一Imethimfirstonasummerdayin1979.I1intohisuglysmallshoptohavemy2repaired.Itwasn’tmuchofajob,soI3whilehedidit.Hegreetedmewithasweet4,“youarenewinthisplace,aren’tyou?”IsaidI5.Ihadmovedintothisstreetonlyaweek6.“Thisisafineplace,”hesaid.I7withmyshoesoff,8aroundashegotreadytomakerepairs.Helooked9attheleather(皮革).ItwaswornthroughbecauseIhad10tohavetherepairjobdone.Igrew11impatient,forIwasrushingtomeetafriend.“Plea…  相似文献   

刘大鹏 《新高考》2007,(3):50-56
1 The yearly marathonin my town usually occurs duringa heat wave . Myjob was tofollowbehindthe runners in anambulance 1 any of themneeded medical attention.“We re supposed to stay behind the 2 runner ,sotake it slowly,”I saidtothe driver ,Doug,as the race star-ted.The front-runner started to 3 and then my eyeswere 4 to the woman in blue silk running shorts and aloose white T-shirt .We knew we were already watching our“last runner”.Her 5 were so crippled(残废的) that it seemed al mosti mp…  相似文献   

《Звёзды》мечтаютпередНовымгодом—Какойподарокяхотелабы 1 .  вновогоднююночь ?— спросилаизвестнаяписательницаВикторияТокарева.— Одинмиллиондолларов .Ябыпридумала ,начтоих 2 .   .Во первых ,ябыпоехалапутешествовать .3 .   ,ябыкупиладомвкурортномместе 4.  Средиземномморе…  相似文献   

完形填空主要是通过语篇综合考查学生的英语基础知识和运用能力,考查内容包括识词、辨异、词组、句型、语法、时态等各方面综合知识的运用。要求学生具备较强的阅读能力,能根据短文所给线索捕捉信息,进行逻辑推理。因此,扎实的语法和词汇知识是做好完形填空的前提和基础。如何做好完形填空?步骤大致如下:一、通读全文,掌握大意抓住文章首尾意思,了解文章的大致内容,以确定基本思路。二、综合分析,逻辑推理兼顾上下句及全文,借助事实,通过逻辑理解得出结论。从整体出发,紧扣发展脉络,仔细推敲,选出最恰当的选项。三、复读全文,验证改错初步完成后,将所选答案代入文章进行检查,这一步是至关重要的。【专项精练】自测标准:正确率80% ̄100%为优正确率60% ̄70%为良正确率低于60%为差A(时间:5分钟)请根据下面短文内容,在短文后的四个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳答案。Every year students in many countrieslearn English.Some of these students are chil-dren,1students are young people.Whydo all these peopl...  相似文献   

(一)Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people around the world. Some say that the word"sneaker" is another word.for tennis shoe, 1 no one really knows 2 the word came from. 3 say it came from the old English verb "sneak" which 4 to move silently and quickly. The only thing we are 5 is that when you put on a pair of sneakers, you 6 light-footed and ready to play.Sneakers of some kind are used by 7 who play tennis, basketball, and 8 sports. New design 9 especially for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are 10 used by children in the United States. In fact American children of 11 ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else, except perhaps 12 at all.  相似文献   

The Middleton Bank was robbed,and Detective PaulNichols was sent for.The bank 1 said.“The robberhad a long and ugly 2 on his fight cheek.”The manhappened to come into the bank and stood in 3 with theother customers.When he reached the window.however.he handed the bank clerk a piece of paper,saying,"Don’tsay anything or 4 anything,I have a gun and will use itif I have to.Put four thousand dollars in 5 and hand itto me.”6 he was not joking,the bank clerk did 7 as the robber wished.The man walked out of the bank.  相似文献   

黄萍 《中学俄语》2009,(12):56-58,60

Discovery in a Thunderstorm
w Many years ago I was on a bicycle trip through some exceedingly picturesque countryside. Suddenly, dark clouds piled up overhead and rain began to fall,  相似文献   

阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从短后各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  相似文献   

"Who could ever have imagined someone like me would make it this far?" asked Evan Mercer last week during his high school graduation speech as class valedictorian (致告别辞的最优生).  相似文献   

Many people think that Americans __1__ their cars almost more than anything else.When __2___ people are fourteen years old, they want to have their __3__ cars. They don't ask for a car from their __4__ .  相似文献   

(A) It was winter, and Mrs Herman wanted to do a lot of________,so she waited until it was Saturday. When her husband was_____,he went to shops with her to pay _______everything and to carry the parcels(包裹)  相似文献   

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