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翻译是一个认知过程,是一个原型范畴,翻译是对源语语篇和译语语篇进行原型分析进而确定最佳译文的过程。诗歌翻译作为文学翻译的一种,也应该从原型理论视角进行分析,从而使译者采取正确的翻译方法,再现原文的神韵。  相似文献   

翻译属于应用翻译范畴,具有显著的文体特征。该文基于纽马克的翻译批评论,从分析原文、分析译文、原文与译文的对比分析、评价译文质量、译文在译语文化中的价值五方面对学术论文的英译进行了个案研究。  相似文献   

根据Gutt提出的关联翻译理论,翻译是一个涉及原文作者、译者和译语接受者三者关系的三元二轮推理的过程,翻译的成功在于最佳关联性的传递。电影《楚门的世界》是一部典型的黑色幽默片,向人们阐述了楚门悲惨的人生,而电影台词更是其中的亮点。译者在翻译时,一方面需要认真研究原文所传递的信息;另一方面,充分依据译语接受者的认知语境,对原文进行适当的加工,采取灵活多变的翻译策略向译语接受者传递原文信息。本文依据Gutt的关联翻译理论,分别从中英表达方式、文化意象及情景语境这三个方面分析电影《楚门的世界》的最佳关联翻译策略。  相似文献   

论关联理论对异化翻译的解释力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联理论认为翻译是一种明示—推理的交际行为。首先,原文作者把其交际意图明示给译者,由译者对其意图做出推理;其次,译者再通过译文将其明示给译语读者,由译语读者使用正确的语境假设对原文作者的交际意图做出正确推理,实现原文与译文的最佳关联,并取得足够的语境效果。而其对直接翻译的论述更是为异化翻译的运用提供了理论支持。但是,异化翻译的应用也要考虑到译语读者的认知环境,要有限度,这也是关联理论对异化翻译的约束力。因此,关联理论对异化翻译具有极强的解释力。  相似文献   

从关联理论解读翻译策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关联理论认为话语的理解是一种包含示意和推理两方面的认知过程,听话人根据说话人的示意行为,结合语境假设,求得语境效果而获取说话人的交际意图,翻译也研究语言理解和语言表达。由于关联理论把翻译看作是一个交际过程,故译者应充分考虑译语环境下译文读者的认知能力,视具体情况采用顺应译语文体规约的归化策略或保留原文特色的注释性异化策略,以帮助译文读者找到原文与译文语境之间的最佳关联,达到最佳交际效果。  相似文献   

关联理论对翻译的指导作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联理论认为,翻译是一个认知推理的交际过程,因此译者的任务就是:力求在分析选择语境的过程中找到最佳关联,创造足够合适的关联效果,以使原文作者的意图与译语读者的企盼相吻合。  相似文献   

关联理论是有关人类认知的重要理论,它对翻译实践的意义也逐渐引起了人们的关注。关联理论在理解原文和再现原文上都有很好的指导作用,可以用来解释、指导翻译活动。翻译本质上是一个译者在原语认知语境和译语认知语境之间寻求最佳关联性的过程。关联翻译的实质是要求译者应当尽量使原语作者的意图和译语读者的期待相吻合。本文试图通过等值理论与关联理论的兼容性,从关联理论的角度分析等值理论在翻译中的积极作用。  相似文献   

文化翻译的关联理论视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联理论把翻译看作是一个跨语言、跨文化的明示-推理的认知过程,这为文化翻译提供了新的研究视角.译者应充分考虑译语环境下译文读者的认知能力,视具体情况采用直接翻译或间接翻译,以帮助译文读者找到原文与译文语境之间的最佳关联,达到最佳交际效果.  相似文献   

众所周知,翻译理论的形成,是建立在翻译实践的基础之上,是大量的翻译实践活动经验总结的结果。因此,有理论指导的翻译实践才能使译文在不使原文意义受损的情况下做到游刃有余,让译文在忠实原文意义的基础上更贴近译语。所以,翻译理论对翻译实践有着特殊的指导意义。  相似文献   

杨晓丽  安静 《文教资料》2011,(2):31-33,88
关联翻译理论认为翻译是译者站在原文作者和译文读者之间进行跨文化交际。译者在源语认知环境中寻求关联并在目的语认知语境中作出动态适应。关联理论在W.J.F.詹纳尔的《西游记》译本中得到了很好的体现,詹纳尔为翻译《西游记》中的文化内容,采取了多种手法,主要有直译法、意译法、替代法及注释法。本文通过评析具体例句指出,在翻译涉及文化内涵的文本时,译者应灵活采用翻译方法,在忠于原文作者和忠于译语读者之间找到最佳平衡,实现最佳关联。  相似文献   

作者从现代叙事本文“情境化”倾向切入 ,探讨了叙事本文中“情境”的构成、存在方式 ,其审美机制和审美特征 ,将其与中国传统的意境、境界等审美范畴比较、区分 ,确立“情境”作为审美范畴在叙事本文研究中的作用 ,以填补现代叙事本文研究中因传统小说三要素 (人物、情节、环境 )淡化带来的审美范畴的空缺 ,为现代叙事本文研究提供方便。  相似文献   

本文试图通过剖析巴赫金诗学的核心——参与性美学文论范畴的特点,探究巴赫金早期哲学美学与文学思想之间的深层次联系,从整体上理解巴赫金理论的价值立场。巴赫金参与性美学文论范畴的特点包括:文化整体视野下的大文学观和参与性思维上的审美事件性;形而上学基础上的文学形式观;以他人范畴为核心的范畴体系。  相似文献   

文本分类问题中,卡方特征选择是一种效果较好的特征选择方法。计算单词的卡方值时,先计算单词针对每个类别的卡方值,再通过类别概率将卡方值调和平均,作为单词相对于整个训练集合的卡方值,这种全局方法忽视了单词和类别间的相关性。针对这一问题,提出基于类别的卡方特征选择方法。基于类别的方法针对每个类别遴选特征词,特征词数量根据事先设定的阈值、类别的文档数和整个训练集合文档数计算得到,不同类别的特征空间可能包含相同的特征词。采用KNN分类方法,将基于类别的方法与全局方法进行比较,实验结果表明,基于类别的方法能够提高分类器的总体性能。  相似文献   

Many have argued for the importance of continuing engineering education (CEE), but relatively few recommendations were found in the literature for how to use multimedia technologies to deliver it most effectively. The study reported here addressed this gap by investigating the multimedia category preferences of working engineers. Four categories of multimedia, with two types in each category, were studied: verbal (text and narration), static graphics (drawing and photograph), dynamic non-interactive graphics (animation and video), and dynamic interactive graphics (simulated virtual reality (VR) and photo-real VR). The results showed that working engineers strongly preferred text over narration and somewhat preferred drawing over photograph, animation over video, and simulated VR over photo-real VR. These results suggest that a variety of multimedia types should be used in the instructional design of CEE content.  相似文献   

影响语料库代表性的主要因素有;语料库总体的定义、语篇的分类和层次、语料库的规模。建立具有代表性的语料库,首先必须从时间、地域、社会语言学、类型等方面对语言总体进行明确地限定;设计语篇的抽样层次必须对语料进行多堆、全面地分类,井确定各层次和部分的合理比例;决定语料库的总体规模应该考虑建库的目的以及财力和技术的限制,确定语篇类型的大小和单个语篇的长度,主要依据所研究的语言现象的常见程度。  相似文献   

The Development of Category-based Induction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In a category-based induction, knowing that a property is true of some category members leads one to conclude that the property is true of other category members. An example is: Cardinals have ulnar arteries. Therefore hawks have ulnar arteries. Recently, Osherson et al. (1990) demonstrated a number of phenomena involving category-based inductions, and proposed that these phenomena can be explained by variations in 2 processes: (a) the similarity between the premise category (cardinals in the above example) and the conclusion category (hawks in the above example), and (b) the degree to which the premise category "covers" (roughly, is similar to) instances of the lowest-level category that includes both the premise and conclusion categories (birds in the above example). The present paper traces the developmental course of the relevant phenomena and of the similarity and coverage processes that presumably underlie them. Studies 1 and 2 demonstrated that the inductions made by kindergartners are sensitive only to the similarity between the premise and conclusion categories. Studies 3 and 4 showed that second graders' inductions are sensitive to both premise-conclusion similarity and coverage, as long as there is no need actually to use a generated category that includes both the premise and conclusion categories. These developmental findings reveal an orderly process in the growth of category-based inductions, and also decompose the Osherson et al. model into 3 basic components that have not previously been explicitly distinguished.  相似文献   

3 experiments examined the modes of processing used by children and adults in learning family-resemblance categories. The materials were cartoon faces (Experiments 1 and 2) and bugs (Experiment 3) divided into categories that possessed no single defining attributes, but rather several characteristic attributes that were each partially predictive of category membership. The categories were structured so that a holistic mode of processing in which the individual did not selectively weight any given attributes could have led to success. Nevertheless, preschoolers (Experiments 2 and 3), first and third graders (Experiment 1), and adult college students (all experiments) all exhibited primarily analytic modes of learning that consisted of single- and dual-attribute approaches. Although the proportion of analytic learners among the preschoolers was lower than among the adults in Experiment 3, in no case were holistic modes of learning evident. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for young children's apparent relative success in learning natural categories. It is suggested that children's success in learning real-world categories may be based, in part, on an interaction between a basically analytic processing style and natural category structures that provide many partially informative attributes.  相似文献   

近二十年高校课程变革方略的国内研究可分为两大类别:一类是偏向于在整体上探讨高校课程变革方略的整体研究;另一类是偏向于针对高校课程变革的某一具体内容探讨其变革方略的分支研究.现有研究文献基本上没有全面地揭示出高校课程变革方略的实然现状和应然选择,更没有明晰地描绘出高校课程变革方法论的理论轮廓.当下我国亟需涌现一批基于哲学方法论和一般科学方法论层次在整体上研讨高校课程变革方略的理论成果.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined texting behaviours, text message characteristics (textese) of actual sent text messages and the relationships between texting, textese and literacy abilities in a sample of 183 American undergraduates. As compared to previous naturalistic and experimental studies with English‐speaking adults, both texting frequency and textism density (proportion of textese) were greater, but category density analyses were similar to a recent experimental study with undergraduates. Interestingly, whilst overall textism density was negatively related to reading and spelling, some textism categories (e.g., omitted apostrophes) were negatively related to literacy skills, while others (e.g., accent stylisation) were positively related to literacy skills. The use of predictive texting was a moderator in this relationship. Our results may help explain the discordant findings between children and adults with regard to textese use and literacy skills, and also highlight the importance of conducting analyses of category density and predictive texting in studies of texting and literacy.  相似文献   

“主体间性”这一范畴可以并且已经应用到不同领域,不存在所谓的“越界”问题;在区分了审美的“主体间性”与社会学的“主体间性”的基础上,说明只有在审美中才能实现充分的“主体间性”;第三部分主要说明“间性”泛化问题确实存在,不过将之应用于审美领域是在合理范围内的演绎;第四部分厘清了“主体间性”研究的意义,认为应该是恰当处理人与自然,与他人之间的关系,并且审美的“主体间性”能载人类飞翔的高度,远不止此.  相似文献   

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