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当前,研究者们关于阅读障碍的性质存在重大的争议,有两种对立的观点:发展缺陷模型和发展滞后模型。对此,心理学研究者提出了四条技术路线来探讨阅读障碍的性质:横断和纵向研究、阅读水平匹配研究、干预研究和个体发展曲线法。这四种方法各有其优缺点,研究结论也不尽一致。  相似文献   

发展报道是发展新闻学最重要的研究对象,发展报道有其特定的内涵,发展报道应在新闻实践中以其特有的方式发挥其配合国家的发展,推进全面建设小康社会的作用和功能。  相似文献   

在教育研究中采取文化研究的范式和分析方法是当前颇受人们重视的新路向。文化研究路向在教育研究中的突现有其深刻的历史背景和时代原因,从历史和现实两个维度审视这一路向的发展,分析其优缺点,探讨它在未来研究中的转变,对当前教育文化研究和未来发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

定量研究始终是我国教育研究中的“弱者”,至今仍没有成为教育研究的“主流”,但却受到了众多的非议。究其原因,缺乏定量研究的传统和训练有素的人才造成了对定量研究的盲目崇拜和误用,人为地降低了其应有的作用。事实上,定量研究无论在研究逻辑,思维形式和分析方法等方面都具有定性研究不可替代的作用。同时,随着现代科学技术的发展,定量研究在研究情境的生态化,研究手段的现代化和研究内容等方面也有了新的发展。因此,我们应正视其在教育理论发展和教育实践中的作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代校园话剧研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校园话剧是一种特殊的戏剧艺术形式,它有其独特的发展历程和特点。观察两次校园话剧大规模发展的历程,我们可以由此反观中国正规戏剧的得失,研究其未来。  相似文献   

了解英国学校效能研究的历史特点和发展状况,把握政府基于其研究的教师教育政策导向,以及近年来英国学术团体关于其研究及政策的若干批评意见与有关研究者的观点,这对于我们提升学校的品质无疑是有其借鉴意义的。  相似文献   

人社会科学既以促进人社会科学的进步与发展为已任,就应特别关注它的进化发展问题,自然科学已无可辩驳地证明了其自身的进化发展,相较之下,人社会科学的进化发展则存在着特殊的复杂性和困难性特点,但是,人社会科学的进化发展仍有其独特的深刻内涵。从历史发展的角度看,人社会科学的进化发展主要表现为人社会科学的学科发展,认识方法的创新,精确化定量化趋势,研究队伍时扩大和研究环境的改善等。  相似文献   

和世界上各种化现象常会有正负两种属性一样,儒家思想,有其正面的精华,也有其负面的糟粕;和历史上其它有价值、有影响的思想—祥,儒家思想有其普遍性的积极意义的一面,也有其具体性的历史局限性的一面。我们研究儒学,就要在新的历史条件下推陈出新,古为今用。同时,关健的问题在于究竟怎样才能充分发挥儒学的现代价值,以使其真正获得比较广阔的发展前景,为促进市场经济发展和社会主义精神明建设作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

化艺术有其自身独有的特性,其研究不能随波逐流、随心所欲和不学无术。一些出版物经不住推敲和历史的检验,证明这是一条窒息学术化发展之路。  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校是一种融教师职前培养和在职培训为一体的新型教师教育模式,其理论基础为反思性教学和行动研究,其核心概念是合作。专业发展学校有其重要的价值,但也还存在一些问题。专业发展学校给我国教师教育改革提供了许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

近年来,在关于教育改革和学校发展领域的研究中,发展性学校评价已经成为各国和地区新的重点和热点之一。国外有关发展性学校评价的研究主要集中在发展性学校评价的缘起、内外部评价的关系、发展性学校评价的主要内容、发展性学校评价的实施过程、实施效果和如何促进发展性学校评价的实施等六个方面,许多专家学者提出了富有价值的观点。  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education presents information from five countries related to the following constructs and/or literatures: teacher effectiveness research, school effectiveness research, teacher evaluation, staff development, teacher improvement, and school improvement. This overview article presents brief summaries of five major issues that are addressed throughout the issue. A conceptual framework is introduced that presents links among the aforementioned constructs/literatures. While these links are theoretically viable, their actual existence varies widely by country, with several countries lacking many of the links. Implications of these missing links are discussed, as well as strategies for more tightly joining these literatures/constructs. Original research from each of the countries is also introduced.  相似文献   

This paper examines the institutionalisation of educational development in universities in Australia, Britain, USA, West Germany and Sweden. Centres for staff, instructional, educational or academic development were established in these countries in the sixties and seventies, following expansion of the higher education systems. But the triggers for the establishment in each country were different, as are the institutional integration of centres and provisions in general. The institutional reward systems in all of these countries favour research performance over excellence in teaching, regardless of whether the universities see themselves as research or teaching centred.In Australia, educational development has been institutionalised to the highest degree; most of the universities have centres with permanent staff, some of whom are tenured faculty with a research and development function. In Britain there has been strong national support for training of university teachers and individual universities are providing this in a larger variety of settings. In the USA institutionalisation has taken many forms. But educational development is also funded on a short term basis, and due to the ample availability of grants there is continuous experimentation and influx of new people. In Germany the original connection between university reforms and educational development centres and the strong research orientation of universities has put these centres into a vulnerable position and limits their effectiveness. In Sweden central legislation provides for compulsory teacher training in the universities, but much of the general educational development work is organised centrally. The importance of educational development is generally acknowledged in these countries, its effectiveness largely accepted in faith.  相似文献   

This article discusses the value and feasibility of carrying out evaluation research on teacher development and uses as points of reference the author's experiences in two countries, Sri Lanka and Mexico. In Sri Lanka, an evaluation study was designed to understand the effectiveness and costs of teacher development at the elementary level linking teacher preparation with classroom practice and student achievement. The study also evaluated costs and analyzed the possible impact of the results for future policy. The study in Mexico illustrates the challenges of doing evaluation research in an environment dominated by a central state and teacher union politics, and where systemic empirical research on teacher development has been rare. It constituted an initial attempt at looking at the content and the anticipated effects across different approaches to teacher development in Mexico. New calls for greater accountability and better understanding of the reach and limitations of general education worldwide are prompting systems to examine teacher development program effectiveness. In this analytical article, the author discusses strategies and possibilities in the emerging field of teacher development program evaluation.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,在中国经济取得巨大成就的同时,以"华盛顿共识"为代表的欧美发展模式在一系列危机后相继陷入僵局。因此,"中国模式"成为国内外研究的焦点。中国模式具有区别于其他模式的五大特征,即历史继承性、政府有效性、改革渐进性、开放自主性与调整中不断发展。总结"中国模式",既有利于进一步深化改革,又为世界多元化发展注入了新的元素。  相似文献   

Much educational effectiveness research has been conducted over the past 40 years in developed countries, whereas few studies have focused on developing or newly industrialized countries such as the People's Republic of China. The case studies discussed in this article are part of a larger multiple-case, mixed-methods study that investigated 6 pairs of more and less effective Chinese schools. The research described here focused on differentially effective rural schools and revealed several important differences and similarities between those schools. The study also found differences between Chinese urban and rural schools and contrasts between the processes of educational effectiveness in China and those described in the international literature. Suggestions for improving educational effectiveness in rural China are presented.  相似文献   

Reviews on school effectiveness research in developing countries indicate that between-school variances are much larger than in industrialized countries. Resource input factors appear to have a larger impact in developing countries, while there are relatively few studies that have focused on instructional processes. Results at this level are not very clear at this stage. Local contexts may shape and interact with conditions that are expected to enhance effectiveness. Given the high stakes that are involved and the degrees of existing variation, school effectiveness studies in developing countries have the potential to be at the cutting edge of empirical school effectiveness research in the near future. Integration and application of the knowledge-base in evaluation and monitoring projects by means of school process indicators is seen as the most responsible way to use the research findings for improvement purposes.  相似文献   

作为教育援助的输出国,英国致力于帮扶贫困的发展中国家改善落后的教育现状,在基础设施建设、物资供应、人才培养等方面成效显著.目前,英国的教育援助发展已经进入了新的五年规划期,援助的方向也随之发生了转变,加大了对女童教育的资助力度,提升了教育援助经费的成效,强化了援助合作的管理方式.本研究从英国教育援助的发展入手,分析了教育援助的成效与问题,并从援助质量、国际合作、政策调整和女童教育等方面,总结了英国教育援助的发展趋势和动向.  相似文献   


This article examines the aims and goals of school effectiveness research and definitions of effectiveness. Five issues in school effectiveness research which are relevant to the development of better methods of judging and measuring relative effectiveness, drawing on evidence from studies in different countries and contexts, are reviewed. These are (1) size and significance of effects; (2) consistency across outcomes; (3) stability over time; (4) the long term effects of schools; and (5) differential effects for different student groups.

It is concluded that effectiveness is best regarded as a relative concept dependent upon time period and age groups studied, and the choice of educational outcomes and intake measures


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