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Elena was not a good student. Her head was in the clouds most ofthe time. She wanted to listen in class and to study, but other thingswere more important: her boyfriend, her clothes, her hairstyle, andtelevision. Every time she tried to concentrate on her lesson, her mindwandered.  相似文献   

Hilary Duff vs. Lindsay Lohan 希拉里·达芙(本期封面人物)VS.琳赛·罗翰 The main event that everyone's dying to see is pop-princess, Hilary Duff, duking it out with mean girl, Lindsay Lohan. The two rivals started feuding [不和] after Lohan discovered Duff was dating her ex-boyfriend, singer Aaron Carter. According to Duff, Lohan's jealousy is behind their recent feud. "It's all so childish and immature... she went around telling everybody that I was a horrible person who had stolen her boyfriend. She then got pissed off [生气] because I worked with Chad Michael Murray after she had worked with him on Freaky Friday [电影《辣妈辣妹》]. She called him up and said all these awful things about me, which she then repeated to the press [新闻媒体]. I don't think I can take it anymore," said Duff. Let the catfight[激烈的争辩] begin!  相似文献   

Many years ago,my uncle owned a restaurant at a small airport in Illinois. My mother was the assistant manager and I was the hostess.One afternoon,my mother and I went to a dine for lunch.Our waitress,Debbie,was so sweet that we took an immediate liking to her,and my mother offered her a job at my uncle's restaurant on the spot. Debbie accepted. We invited her to our home for dinner that evening and during our conversations with her,we learned that she had never married and that she had no boyfriend.She told us that five years before while on a flight back east, she met "her pilot" and that it was love at first sight.  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(11):34-35
The only Chinese person who worked in my office was Gillian Tang. She had come to London from south China to complete her education and this was her first job. To us westerners she was a most unusual person. She was kind to everyone, and never suspected that anyone might abuse her kindness. She was the sort of person who, if she heard any of us talking about a book or a video or something else which we wanted to borrow or buy, she  相似文献   

One day I took Bus No. 4 to go downtown. The bus was crowded. I had to stand. When the bus came to the Square Stop, a young woman carrying a bady got on the bus. She could not find a vacant seat. She had to carry her bady standing be- side an old lady and a young man who was reading newspapers. At this moment,  相似文献   

阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Mrs Hammond,though old and blind,was determined to do everything for her-self.She used to go for walks once a day and found her way by 1 things with herstick.She learned 2 everything was,and never lost her way.  相似文献   

The beautiful young violinist Vanessa Mae was just in her mid-teenswhen she surprised the classical field by her first album"The Violin Play-er"bringing a new style that has made her a worldwide multi-million-sell-ing.She was the breakthrough artist who d…  相似文献   

It Depends     
Mabel is a beautiful girl. She likes allkinds of clothes, but didn't put her heart intoher lessons when she was at school. With herfriends' help, she finished middle school,butshe learned little there. Of course, she can't doany important jobs and now she's a salesgirl(售货员)in a shop.She has to work there buthopes to find a better one. Several days ago the girl quarreled(吵架)with her boyfriend. So the following morning  相似文献   

Cinderella's father arid mother were both dead. So she lived with her aunt. who had two ugly(丑) daughters. The aunt and her daughters hated (恨) Cinderella because she was beafitiful. They made her do all the work in the house. But the two ugly sisters sat in comfortable chairs all day trying to make themselves look less ugly.  相似文献   

肖杨 《海外英语》2008,(7):29-29
One of the most successful teachers I’ve had is Mrs. Karen in college. She was my foreign teacher and the reason I think that she was successful is that most of her students had enormous respect for her and I always felt comfortable in her teaching environment.  相似文献   

我的妈妈只有一只眼睛。我讨厌她……她让我在人前丢尽了脸面,妈妈在跳蚤市场开了一家小店,收集一些无用的小东西来卖。只要能赚钱补贴家用,妈妈什么都卖。她这个样子总让我感到尴尬难堪,  相似文献   

乔恩是我最好的朋友,我们无论做什么事都在一起。一天放学的时候,乔恩问我今晚愿不愿意去他家过夜,我说好啊。所以放学后我就跟乔恩回家了,  相似文献   

Mrs Dalloway,a stream of consciousness novel,which was written by Virginia Woolf in 1925 was one of her representative works.It described one day of Mrs Dalloway,the wife of a conservative MP.She prepared a grand party.In the process of her buying flowers,meeting again with her former boyfriend Peter and some of her old friends,she recalled her past continually.The plot of this novel was not very complicated,but its narrative techniques were quite different from the traditional novels’.Woolf created this novel with the focalization of nonfocalization and internal focalization.Moreover,she reached her goal of hiding the narrator by using the free indirect speech.  相似文献   

艾丽丝·沃克在她的短片小说《外婆的日用家当》中形象地刻画了内心充满矛盾的黑人女性形象迪伊。迪伊从小接受了主流白人文化,白人文化在她心里的内化使她厌恶甚至看不起黑人文化。因此,黑人文化和白人文化的碰撞所产生的不可调和的矛盾使她渐渐脱离了传统的黑人家庭。然而,轰轰烈烈的黑人民权运动激励她去重拾象征黑人文化的百衲被,却遭到了母亲的拒绝。白人文化在她心里潜移默化的内化使她走上了精神的不归路,对黑人传统文化的盲目追寻也暗示了她的尴尬处境。  相似文献   

作为自白派的代表诗人,西尔维娅.普拉斯在她短暂的一生中始终没有建立完整的自我意识。尽管大多数研究者都将其死亡归咎于其丈夫——英国著名诗人泰德.休斯,但笔者始终认为,她早年怨恨父亲的辞世,青年纠结于母亲教育的期盼,成年后深陷在被丈夫抛弃的悲伤中无法自拔,她生命中最重要也最亲近的三个人,共同构成了中介普拉斯生命的"凶手"。三重重压,既是这位才女迸发才情的点金石,也是加速这个可怜女人走向灭亡的助推器。  相似文献   

文章通过对田纳西.威廉斯的名剧《玻璃动物园》中阿曼达这一人物形象进行分析,揭示出该人物在三个不同时期的形象分别以古希腊神话中的四种女性典型——"被赞美和被惧怕的阿佛洛狄忒""被诱惑和被抛弃的欧罗巴""神圣母亲地母"和"邪恶母亲美狄亚"为原型。  相似文献   

“妈妈,今天老师问我,我还有没有兄弟姐妹会来这所学校上学。”“你的老师人真好,那你告诉她你是独生子了吧,她后来怎么说的?”“她说‘谢天谢地!’。”  相似文献   

It was a busy scene in the street when the Spring Festival was drawing near. I was helping my wife sell the goods at her stand when there were too many buyers around. One old woman, with her both hands occupied, was picking out trousers all by herself. She was wandering which one to take. She spent so long in choosing that I lost patience. So I just left her alone and turned to greet another guest. At the same time I saw a group of guys walking towards our stand. I was glad that we could make a little more today before my wife whispered into my ear "WATCH OUT!". "WHY?" I asked loudly. "Shoo-." my wife held her finger up to stop me and rolled her eyes at me when she quickly covered the moneybag tightly. "What?" I still wanted to find out the reason when the guys stood around the old woman. The guest I served left without buying anything though he liked the item very much.  相似文献   

在现代文学史上,鲁迅仇猫、老舍爱猫是一个非常有趣的现象,然而透过这个现象,我们就会发现这实际上与他们的个性心理有关。正是由于鲁迅抑郁多疑,老舍温和宽容的个性心理差异才导致了他们对猫截然相反的态度。本文将通过分析,揭示其中奥秘,从而展示他们真实的内心世界及对文学创作的影响。  相似文献   

在20世纪70年代乡土文学思潮影响下走上台湾文坛的曾心仪,创作伊始就显示了台湾女性书写的新型路线。其作品,或以悲悯情怀描写台湾风尘女子生活,揭示社会阴暗角落;或以自身经验表现社会底层职员命运,锋芒直逼工商界的畸形现象;或以嘲讽笔触抨击崇洋媚外风气,呈现出强烈的现实批判指向。曾心仪由此带来70年代台湾新女性主义文学的第一缕曙光。  相似文献   

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