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江西的Jane问: 前些天做剪报的时候无意中看到有关美国北伊利诺伊大学发生枪击事件的报道,怎么一个自称自由安全的国家让人如此没有安全感呢?为什么在其它国家都禁止的枪支在美国如此横行呢?  相似文献   

近日,发生在弗吉尼亚州8月26日早晨的一起枪击事件再次吸引了全世界的目光,一名女电视台记者艾莉森.帕克和摄影师亚当.沃德在一购物中心进行现场直播采访的途中突然遭枪手袭击身亡。该事件再次引发了人们对美国枪支文化的讨论。美国枪支泛滥,枪击事件时有发生,然而,美国的枪支问题并不是一个简单的社会问题,而是有其内在的文化传统和党派政治等因素的互相交织。本文旨在透过分析美国频繁的枪击事件,探讨其背后复杂深刻的枪支文化。  相似文献   

校园枪械暴力已经成为渗入到美国社会核心的国家问题。学校应当是保护学生,为学生提供安全感的地方,但在美国,学校如今却变成令家长和师生惶惶不可终日的"战场"。尽管造成如今局面的滥觞地不在学校,但学校也应当正视制度设置与学生管理方面的问题,力求杜绝悲剧发生,重拾民众对校园安全的信心。  相似文献   

邹璆 《新高考》2013,(2):41-43
多位美国政府官员证实,2012年12月14日发生在康涅狄格州纽顿市小学校园的枪击案共造成20名小学生遇难,还有6名教师殉职.制造本次惨案的杀手已经在犯罪现场自杀身亡. Remembering the Victims Twenty-six people-20 of them children,ages 6 and 7-were killed Friday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary,before the shooter fatally shot himself.Hours later,a tearful Obama mourned the "beautiful little kids" slain and regretted that,"as a country,we have been through this too many times."  相似文献   

美国学校公民教育特点及其对我国德育改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是一个有着较长公民教育历史的国家,公民教育在美国一直受到高度重视.其公民教育在思想理论基础、价值目标、内容体系、实施途径等方面具有独到、有效的特点,对我国学校德育改革具有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

陈平 《外国教育研究》2007,34(10):66-70
美国学校的公民教育历史悠久,且深入人心。在9.11事件之后,美国学校公民教育的特点主要表现为:深化爱国主义的内涵,寻求国民身份共识;联邦与州政府通过立法、立项,加强对学校公民教育的管理与支持;学校注重围绕公民知识、公民技能、公民气质,进行综合培养与训练。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,美国高等教育逐渐出现了大学毕业率持续下降、教育不公平现象继续扩大、教育市场化导致公立大学生存危机以及学校教育与市场需求存在错位等问题,可能将威胁到美国在新世纪继续保持全球领先地位的战略目标。为了推动高等教育改革,奥巴马政府提出了以提高全民大学生比例为核心的“2020目标”,并以此对当前的大学认证制度以及相应的助学金制度、高等教育整体规划提出了改革设想,对我国推进高等教育改革具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

《不让一个孩子掉队》法案对美国高中课程改革产生了深刻的影响。在高中教育危机和课程政策转变的背景下,美国高中课程不断出现分化,课程目标更加强调批判思维能力、问题解决能力和知识创新能力的培养,课程体系上更加注重现代核心课程和突出多元选修课程,课程管理上更加注重联邦、地方和学校的协作机制、灵活多样的课程安排和形式多样的成绩检测,这在一定程度上反映了美国高中课程改革的发展趋势。  相似文献   

日前,位于纽约市长岛的杰克·艾布拉姆斯中学学校董事会召开紧急会议,董事会经过投票决定,由于学校所在社区近几个月发生多起枪击事件,为保障学生安全,学校将于9月份关闭。在过去6个月中,杰克·艾布拉姆斯中学所在的亨廷顿站地区至少有3起枪击事件与暴力团伙有关。  相似文献   

美国政府基于社会经济发展对劳动者的要求以及处于国际竞争的需要,提出了"重新设计高中"的教育改革计划。该计划关注了如何使高中学生能够顺利地进入高等教育与职业世界的目标,同时,提出了高中学校如何根据当前社会经济发展的特点,为所有高中学生的个性发展创造条件。本文还介绍了四个美国高中学校改革与创新的案例,这对于我国正在努力实施的普通高中学校多样化发展具有非常重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

在这本荣获过普利策奖并“展现作者的巧心慧思与博学多闻,而且生动有趣”(威廉·H·麦克尼尔在《纽约书评》中如是说)的书籍中,贾德·戴蒙对地理和环境因素在现代社会形成过程中的重大作用力进行了强有力的论证。粮食的生产推动人类社会从狩猎时代向高一层社会进化,随后出现了宗教、可怕的病菌和杀伤力惊人的战争武器,人们翻山越岭远渡重洋,只为了征服和残害史前文明。《枪炮、病菌和钢铁》是我们对人类社会理解的一大进步,重新记录了现代社会的形成方式,也驳斥了以人种为基础的人类历史理论。  相似文献   


为什么教育学理论对话越来越少   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教育学理论研究中,曾经有过"学术界",众多研究者围绕着某些共同的问题进行了旷日持久的探讨。随着西方理论的不断引进,教育学理论研究反而失去了"学术界"(学术对话平台)。  相似文献   


Most college counseling centers do not utilize telehealth despite evidence of positive outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the telehealth experience of students in a college counseling center. Participants were health professional students who utilized at least one telehealth visit between November 2015 and April 2017 (N = 67). Methods: In June 2017, the authors administered a telehealth survey that assessed access, experience, effectiveness, and impact on therapeutic alliance. Of 67 students, 36 (53.7%) responded. The majority reported telehealth was convenient (34, 94.4%), time-saving (34, 94.4%), and helped them to feel better (30, 83.3%). Over half used telehealth because of distance (20, 55.5%). Eighty-one percent reported telehealth as being as good, nearly as good, or no different than meeting in person. Conclusion: Telehealth is a viable option for college counseling centers and is experienced as convenient, time-saving, and effective with little negative impact on therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

A group of six boys is constructing rayguns with large Tinker Toys. Proclaiming themselves Ghostbusters, they creep across the classroom toward the housekeeping area, where several children are quietly playing. A teacher intercepts the boys and asks them to help her set up an art activity. They comply but soon return to Ghostbusters.Susan M. Gottschall is an instructor in early childhood education and a classroom consultant at Chicago City-Wide College. She received psychoanalytic training at the University of Chicago's Orthogenic School under Bruno Bettelheim.  相似文献   

A number of states are currently reviewing legislation expanding handgun legislation, and studies examining the public's attitudes toward gun control legislation are abundant. This article examines attitudes of university faculty toward expanding the places where concealed handguns may be carried to include college campuses and churches. An opinion survey was administered to 287 faculty/administrators. Bivariate relationships are discussed, as well as three regression models examining the effects of six independent variables on support for current gun legislation, support for expanding concealed carry on college campuses, and support for expanding concealed carry in places of worship. Results showed that a substantial majority of faculty opposes such legislation, but support or opposition is significantly determined by political party and gun ownership.  相似文献   

Due to continuous gun violence,Americans’ crazy love for guns has always been attacked home and abroad.Americans’ passion for guns derives from individualism through the development of American history.They consider guns as a means to guarantee independence and freedom,and therefore as a symbol of American individualism.  相似文献   

Survival for public school teachers goes beyond curriculum design, discipline and other skills. School law is critical for teachers to face the areas of challenge that are currently present. There are two types of common legal mistakes made by teachers: a) failing to take disciplinary action when they should, and b) unintentionally violating students rights. Social media, religion, the rights of transgender students and the possibility of teachers right to carry a weapon are all within the realm of rapidly changing public school law. Teachers should stay well-informed, so they are ready to protect students and their own constitutional freedoms.  相似文献   

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