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分析中国人群中原发性衰老相关性tau 病(PART)的临床病理学特点,并比较其与老年性痴呆之间的差异. PART 为新近提出的概念,其与老年性痴呆的关 系尚存在争论.目前未见针对中国人群PART 的 相关报道.本文首次报道了浙江大学医学院中国 人脑库中的PART 的临床病理学特点. 回顾性分析相关病例,严格纳入标准.PART 在 中国人群中常见,50 岁以上人群占47%.平均年 龄(76±12)岁,女性14 例(30%),男性32 例 (70%).免疫组织化学法显示,按磷酸化tau 的Braak 分期,PART 大多为I 到Ш 期.异常蛋 白TDP43 和p62 在PART 中高表达,分别为67% 和70%; 在老年性痴呆中分别为83%和83%. TDP43 和p62 共表达在PART 为55%,在老年性 痴呆为79%.其中海马为PART 常见累及部位, TDP43 为61%,p62 为63%.仅4%的PART 患 者表现为轻度认知障碍. PART 在中国人群中常见; PART 大多无明显痴 呆症状; 异常蛋白TDP43 和p62 在PART 中高表 达,与老年性痴呆相比存在差异.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the conceptions of ‘space’ (and increasingly ‘time’) in the discussion of ‘the university’ (in its most transcendent sense) have gone through four distinct phases in the UK. Using a Heideggerian conception of ‘space’ where usefulness is more important than proximity, the ‘ancient’ universities were ‘useful’ to the gentry and thus were ‘closer’ to them than to the excluded ‘local’ poor in the institutions’ vicinities. The ‘civic’ universities on the other hand stressed ‘localism’ as part of their mandate – to educate the people of their locality (but only those of the new industrial middle class). The ‘Robbins’ universities were a partial return to the ‘ancient’ notion of learning as a ‘lived’ activity, providing scenic landscapes on green-belt campuses where students could ‘retreat’ from the ‘real world’ for the duration of their studies. The ‘spatial’ quality of these places was thus part of a conception of higher education as ‘lifestyle choice’ where young people moved away from their locality to study. As such ‘proximity’ was an issue only insofar as the greater the distance from one’s point of origin the better for successful immersion in the growing student ‘culture’. The ‘new/post-1992’ universities partially retained their polytechnic mandate to educate local people, but embraced a colonialist impulse regarding local space usage. ‘ ‘The discussion can be further refined to argue that these four stages are merely two phases which have repeated themselves: from ancient ‘exclusivity’ to civic ‘localism’ and back to Robbins era ‘exclusivity’ and thence to post-1992 ‘localism’ once more’. The opening up of higher education via the Internet in the late 20th and early 21st centuries provides for the possibility of the growth of entirely non-spatial and asynchronous learning experiences, and as such we may well be on the verge of the fifth stage of university development.  相似文献   

Neither of the “Three Industry” Theory nor the “General Agreement of Trading Service” (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) can be the essential criteria to analyze the property of education. The property of education can be defined from consumers’ perspective. The direct consumers of education are students; but the ultimate consumers of education include parents, employers, society and governments as well. From the perspective of consumers, education is both a service and a productive institution. Translated from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2006, (2): 5–10  相似文献   

困境与突破:论中国教育学范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the paradigm of China’s pedagogy means a way of thinking followed and adhered to by Chinese educationists from the establishment of New China till now when they consider, study and conceive problems of pedagogy. This way of thinking guides educationists to have particular study directions, unique modes of pedagogy establishment and special framework of problem solving. And furthermore, it forms the study tradition of China’s pedagogy and stipulates the developing orientation of China’s pedagogy. From the establishment of New China till now, we have been edified by the paradigms in the Soviet Union and the Western countries and restricted by “Western paradigm” and “Soviet Paradigm”, without any paradigm of our own. The paradigm crisis in the development of China’ pedagogy has obstructed the healthy development of China’s pedagogy. The establishment of China’s pedagogy should start with establishing the subject-educationists and establishing the object-“paradigm system”. The establishment of China’s pedagogy paradigm will contribute greatly to the origination of China’s pedagogy and its academic schools. __________ Translated from Dongbei Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban) 东北师范大学学 报(哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)), 2007, (3): 5–12  相似文献   

Based on the quantitative research and comparative study method, this paper attempts to make a systematic study and analysis of regional differences which have existed since 1949 in higher education among East, Middle and West China. The study is intended to explore the causes, regional differences, social changes, and their co-related interactions. It is concluded that the beneficent social and educational development in various regions will determine the substantial development of Chinese higher education. __________ Translated from Hebei Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Jiaoyu Kexue Ban) 河北师范大学学报(教育科 学版) (Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition)), 2007, 9(2): 5–18  相似文献   

Historically, scholars have made unfailing efforts to position education as a standard science, but no solid success has been achieved regardless of the positivistic paradigm, quantitative approaches, or value-free neutral stances they adopted. In China, scholars have set up a so-called “three independency” standard for the scientific study of education, but it has been finally proved invalid in practice. As interdisciplines permeate the field of education, education experiences a crisis of being colonized. After serious rethinking, interdisciplines were widely believed to do more good than harm to education. Therefore, education is beginning to transform from a “colony” to an “empire”. In this transformation, education finds it necessary to break the traditional disciplinary boundaries and make it a field in which interdisciplinary communication is contributory to the enrichment of scholarship. Translated from Xiamen Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban) 厦门大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences)), 2006, (1): 72–78  相似文献   

Kyle L. Peck 《TechTrends》1998,43(2):47-53
Conclusion I applaud ISTE, AASL, AECT, and the other organizations involved for tackling the “messy work” of developing standards for the use of technology and information resources in schools. And, at the same time, I call for a “second generation” of standards that define realistic expectations for teachers based on the subjects and levels they are called upon to teach. I propose that professional organizations from each subject work with ISTE and AECT to complete this huge task, and I propose that we consider as a “next step” the creation of a set of on-line learning experiences through which teachers can gain the identified skills and knowledge by using the very technologies we’re hoping they’ll embrace in their own teaching. There’s an old saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do.” As far as educational technologies are concerned, this is also true. For many, the goal seems to have been simply to “get more computers into the schools,” without much thought about purpose. To return to Phil Schlechty’s metaphor, It’s generally been a brief and misguided “Ready” stage (occupied with questions like “How many do we need?” “What type?” “Where?” and “How shall we connect them?”), followed by “Fire!” (the acquisition and installation of equipment). What we need is: “Ready” (the creation of appropriate teams of people who will combine their insights to plan for the district)... “Aim” (a series of discussions about what technologies can accomplish for schools and the students they serve)... “Fire” (acquisition, installation, and professional development according to plan)... “Aim” (an assessment of how well the technologies and related programs met the intended goals, and a new planning effort designed to close the gap)... “Fire” (acquisition and implementation designed to eliminate the gap)... “Aim” (another gap assessment)... “Fire” (another attempt to close gaps)..., And so on.  相似文献   

Research on traditional Chinese academies has aroused interest ever since its existence. At least 2 302 papers and over 162 books concerning traditional academic institutions have been published for over 85 years from 1923 to 2007. Consisting of the following four phases as initial development (1923–1949), continual progress (1950–1979), vigorous prosperity (1980–1993) and new tendency in the new century (2000–2007), this paper discusses the characteristics, central issues and research trends of each phase and introduces the main achievements, which are worthy to be noted and discussed. __________ Translated from Hunan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 湖南大学学报 (社会科学版), Journal of Hunan University (Social Sciences), 2007, 21(3): 31–40  相似文献   

We studied transposition in pigeons, using multiple-pair discrimination training. Four birds discriminated two pairs of circles: 1+ 2− and 5+ 6− or 1− 2+ and 5− 6+ (digits denote circle diameters and plus and minus signs denote reward and nonreward, respectively). Four other birds discriminated four pairs of circles: 1+2−, 1+3−, 4+6−, and 5+6−or 1−2+, 1−3+, 4−6+, and 5−6+. Finally, 4 birds discriminated only one pair of circles: 1+ 2−, 1+ 2−, 5+ 6−, or 5− 6+. Testing included five new pairs—1/5, 2/3, 2/6, 3/4, and 4/5—that distinguished absolute from relational accounts of transposition. The pigeons’ relational responding rose from one- to two- to four-pair training. The similarity of the testing stimuli to one another also affected relational responding: Transposition increased with highly dissimilar stimuli. Neither Spence’s (1937) theory nor existing relational accounts could predict the obtained pattern of relational responding.  相似文献   

In a crisis-plagued world looking to higher education for knowledge, wisdom, and solutions, higher education itself is stumbling. Its transformational thinking has frozen up like an overstressed computer program; and we need, in effect, to “push the reset button.” In 1953, the renowned and controversial president of the University of Chicago, Robert M. Hutchins, authored a refreshing and provocative work, The University of Utopia, containing ideas that still challenge today’s paradigms. He argued for institutional independence over “accountability,” “outcomes,” and “stakeholders.” He indicted educational evils he called “industrialization,” “specialization,” “philosophical diversity,” and “social and political conformity” and suggested ways to defeat them. Although his 56-year-old thoughts on reconceptualizing the multiversity are not a panacea, they could help higher education make a fresh start. This essay reintroduces the modern reader to Hutchins’s iconoclastic and stimulating ideas in the hope of restarting the stalled agenda for educational reform.  相似文献   

During the past twenty years, higher education institutions in China have gained enormous rights due to both the streamlining of administration and the decentralization of the government. Their legal status has hence changed dramatically. However, the expansion of their rights has also brought about the possibility of higher education institutions profiting by pursuing development. The influence of the market has begun to permeate higher education institutions, and this change has shown some characteristics of induced institutional changes. Accordingly, higher education institutions should be regulated from the perspective of public law, so as to ensure their public nature. __________ Translated by LI Yancheng from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2007, (2): 5–16  相似文献   

“Teenagers’ abstract thinking ability test” was designed in accordance with the structure and performance of teenagers’ ability to think abstractly. 138 Chinese junior high school students who learned New curriculum and old curriculum separately were measured. A comparison between the two kinds of students shows that abstract thinking ability of the former is notably higher than that of the latter. However, the performance of differences varies by school and gender. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Yanjiu Yu Shiyan 教育研究与实验 (Education Research and Experiment), 2008, (1): 62–66  相似文献   

By probing into the relationship of senior students’ demand for “internationalization”, students’ expected economic returns in future careers, and their individual concept of modernity, this study attempts to explore several factors that are influencing the demand for overseas higher education. Translated from Jiaoyu Yu Jingji 教育与经济 (Education and Economy), 2006, (1): 51–54  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Telomeres are distinctive DNA-protein struc-tures that cap the ends of linear chromosomes.It is very important to keep the chromosomes stabilization.Telomerase activity is closely linked to attainment of cellular immortality,a step in carcinogenesis,while lack of such activity contributes to cellular senes-cence.Telomerase is activated in more than85%ofmalignant tumors(Hiayma et al.,1997).Human te-lomeric repeat binding factor1(TRF1)is a telomere associated with proteins a…  相似文献   

The acceptance of new chemical ideas, before the Chemical Revolution of Lavoisier, in Greek-speaking communities in the 17th and 18th centuries did not create a discourse of chemical philosophy, as it did in Europe, but rather a “philosophy” of chemistry as it was formed through the evolution of didactic traditions of Chemistry. This “philosophical” chemistry was not based on the existence of any academic institutions, it was focused on the ontology of principles and forces governing the analysis/synthesis of matter and formulated two didactic traditions. The one, named “the system of chymists”, close to the Boylean/Cartesian tradition, accepted, contrary to Aristotelianism, the five “chymical” principles and also the analytical ideal, but the “chymical” principles were not under a conceptual and experimental investigation, as they were in Europe. Also, a crucial issue for this tradition remained the “mechanical” principles which were under the influence of the metaphysical nature of the Aristotelian principles. The other, close to the Boylean/Newtonian tradition, was the integrated presentation of the Newtonian “dream”, which maintained a discursive attitude with reference to the “chemical attractions”–“chemical affinities” and actualised the mathematical atomism of Boscovich, according to which the elementary texture of matter could be causally explained within this complex architecture of mathematical “punkta”. In this tradition also coexisted, in a discursive synthesis, the “chemical element” of Lavoisier and the arguments of the new theory and its opposition to the phlogiston theory, but the “chemical affinities” were under the realm of the “physical element” as “metaphysical point”.  相似文献   

中国学术制度建构的历史与现实境遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rise and development of China’s academic system is a process that started from “passively accepting Western Learning”; to today’s “catching up with Western Learning and even exceeding it”;. In the last century, China experienced a turbulent and unstable social environment in which academics and politics have always been intertwined. As a result, the internal logic of China’s academic system shares similar characteristics with its Western models, but is unique in certain ways at the same time. In the complex and inseparable relationship between academics and politics, which involves both love and hate, the logic that academics must serve political needs, on one hand, establishes the co-existence of the academia and the government, which provides a relatively stable environment for academic activities within the system; on the other hand, it also jeopardizes the ecological environment in which the academics can develop according to its own internal logic. For exactly the same reasons, even at present, internalization means something special and complex for Chinese academia because, on one hand, it truly represents academia’s strive to meet international standards; on the other hand, the pushing factor behind this “voluntary”; stance is still state and political power. __________ Translated by FENG Xiaojie from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2008, (6): 21–28  相似文献   

This paper examines the change in young children’s understanding of ‘equal’, ‘more’, ‘less’, and ‘between’, words commonly used in equivalent and non-equivalent situations, over a 3-year period. Seventy-six children participated in the longitudinal study. Each year they were asked to share their understanding of these four words. Past research has indicated that many children have limited understanding of ‘equal’ as quantitative sameness. The results of this research suggested that many children also have limited understanding of ‘more’ and ‘less’ and that these understandings did not significantly change over the 3-year period.  相似文献   

Subtractions of the type M − S = ? can be solved by various strategies, including subtraction by addition. In this study, we investigated children’s use of subtraction by addition by means of reaction time analyses. We presented 106 third to sixth graders with 32 large non-tie single-digit problems in both subtraction (12 − 9 = .) and addition format (9 + . = 12). We examined the fit of three regression models, which represented the consistent use of direct subtraction, of subtraction by addition and of flexibly switching between both strategies based on the relative size of the subtrahend. Findings revealed that children did not switch flexibly between the two strategies, as adults do, but that they rely on direct subtraction for problems presented in subtraction format and on subtraction by addition for problems in addition format. We end with the major theoretical, methodological and educational implications of these results.  相似文献   

This study reviews the developments of 9 Chinese top universities supported by “985 Project” during 1997–2005 based on the analysis of a series of scientometric indicators, including the total number of publications indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, the cumulated impact factor of publications, the number of publications divided by the number of faculty members, the average impact factor of publications, percentage of publications in top 20 percent journals, the percentage of internationally collaborative publications, the number of publications in six broad subject fields and the Index of Disciplinary Balancing. The findings are helpful to the understanding of the achievements of Chinese top universities during this period as well as the remaining gaps between them and world-class universities. __________ Translated from Kexuexue Yu Kexue Jishu Guanli 科学学与科学技术맜理 (Science of Science and Management of S. & T.), 2007, (9): 132–138  相似文献   

With the content analysis method, this paper uses statistic evidence and analysis of the discourses in Harvard Educational Review (HER) from 1931 to 2000 to discuss the transformation of educational research, which has turned from “teaching object” to “teaching subject”. What is more, education research is not only aimed at pursuing the efficiency of teaching, but also showing more concern for the individuals in the process of teaching. Translated from Jiaoyu Fazhan Yanjiu 教育发展研究 (Exploring Education Development), 2005, (12): 53–56  相似文献   

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