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1.famous adj.出名的,有名的,著名的a famous singer著名的歌唱家be famous for以……著名、出名、闻名Hang Zhou is famous for the West Lake. 杭州以西湖而闻名。be famous as以……(身份)而出名  相似文献   

1.famous adj.出名的,有名的,著名的a famous singer著名的歌唱家be famous for以……著名、出名、闻名Hang Zhou is famous for the West Lake.杭州以西湖而闻名。He is famous for his pictures.他以他的画而闻名。be famous as以……(身份)而出名的  相似文献   

英语学习中,我们常遇到“形容词 介词”构成的短语,而同一个形容词和不同的介词搭配时,其含义往往迥然不同,这是应当注意的。请看:1. be good at ... 善于……;擅长于……be good for ... 对……有用;有利于……be good to ... 对……厚道(好);适于……Heisgoodatdrawingflowersandbirds.他擅长画花鸟。Themedicineisgoodforstomach.这种药对治疗胃病有效。AlltheChinesepeopleherearegoodtousAmericans.这儿所有的中国人对我们美国人都很好。2. be famous as ... 因某种身份而著名be famous for ... 因某种原因而著名be famous t…  相似文献   

正中考除了对重点语法知识进行考查外,固定短语的灵活运用也不容忽视。为了不让短语成为得分的"绊脚石",本文精选了中考常考的高频短语,来帮助你扫清这些"绊脚石"。●"be+形容词+介词"短语【考点归纳】1."以……(景色、名胜等)而著名"用句式be famous for;"作为……(身份)而著名"用句式be famous as。2.be proud of意为"以……为自豪",其同义短语为:take pride in。3.be similar to意为"与……相似"。  相似文献   

易错点一:并列连词and连接并列主语例1那位著名的舞蹈家兼歌唱家要来南通。[误]The famous dancer and singer are coming to Nantong.[正]The famous dancer and singer is coming to Nantong.  相似文献   

本文重点谈谈关系代词as和由其引导的定语从句。1.as引导限制性定语从句as用于以下结构中,引导限制性定语从句:(1)such...as...“像……一样的”,“像……之类”;the sam e...as...“和……同样的”。其中的as是关系代词,such和sam e作定语,修饰主句里的某个名词,as在从句中可作主语,宾语或表语。例如:W e have found such m achines as are used in their factory.(as作主语)我们已经找到了他们工厂里用的那种机器。I don tlike such books as he recom ended.(as作宾语)我不喜欢他推荐的那类书。Ill buy the sam e jacket as he is wear…  相似文献   

1.What are these women known for?(P29)这些妇女以什么闻名?1)be known for意为“以……著名”、“因……而众所周知”,多指以某种长处或特征著称,其中的for表示主语闻名的原因。例如:He is known for his readiness to help others.他以乐于助人而闻名。Suzhou is known for  相似文献   

Recently Chen Guanxi(陈冠希) appeared in "People"(《人物》)-a famous American magazine for famous people-and has been elected as one of the sexiest(最性感的) men in the world so far. Though he is generally regarded as being sexy, charming and attractive, he himself doesn't know why.  相似文献   

句型1as if/though+主语+did/had done…好像……(表示现在或将来的情况用过去时;表示过去的情况用过去完成时)【例句】Our head teacher treats us as if we were her own children,so all the students in our class think highly of her.Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there.  相似文献   

as...as是英语中表示同级比较的常见结构,译为“与……一样”,如: 他与父亲一样高。He is as tall as his father. 主语He的比较对象是his father,是一个固定的具体的对象,这样的比较句表示的是一种静态的比较。当as...as any/ever结构后面跟的是一个不定代词any或副词ever(意即at any time,表示任何一个时间,即一个不  相似文献   

The Summer Garden 夏宫花园The Summer Garden was built in 1704. It is famous for its rare flowers and plants, as well as fountains.  相似文献   

F. Scott Fitzgerald, the famous American novelist in the 1920s, is famous as the spokesman and laureate of the“The Lost Generation”. Considered one of Fitzgerald’s representative works and the finest a...  相似文献   

marry是个常用词,也是高考经常考查的单词之一。它既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。为了帮助同学们正确理解和使用这个单词,现将它的主要用法介绍如下: 一、marry用作及物动词时,有以下用法: 1.marry作“娶;嫁;和……结婚”解。例如: He married the daughter of a teacher.他娶了一位教师的女儿为妻。 The famous actress married a Frenchman.这位著名的女演员嫁给了一个法国人。 She married a man with a lot of money.她跟一个有钱的男人结了婚。 2.marry作“给(儿子)娶媳妇”或“把(女儿)嫁给某人”解时,句子的主语通常  相似文献   

一、AS WELL AS,AND和NOT ONLY...BUT ALSO...As well as可作为副词,介词以及连词使用。在作并列连词时,连接两个相同的成分,如主语、谓语、宾语、表语和状语等,表示“除……之外、不仅……还……、既……又……、不但……而且……、同、和、并、也”之意。现分别举例如下:Tom  相似文献   

比较从句中只略去主语的情况较少,但只略主语的用法却颇应注意。为清楚起见,下面按四大类情况分别讨论比较从句各种成分的省略:一、只略去从句主语;二、省略从句谓语等;三、省略从句表语等;四、省略从句宾语等。一、从句只略掉主语 1、从句略去可理解的主语it,what等: There were not so many tickets available as was expected.(wood;as it was expectedthat there would be.)略去了形式主语it以及它所代表的主语从句that there would be.弄到的票没有预料的多。  相似文献   

1.现在他和他的学生都在教室里。[误]He as well as his students are in the classroom now.[正]He as well as his students is in the classroom now.[析]当两个并列主语用as well as,with,together with,but,except等连接时,谓语动词应与第一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:Nothing but toys is sold in this shop.  相似文献   

as well as意为“除……以外还”或“和……一样好”,与not only…but also意义相近。但aswell as的着重点是前面的成份,而not…onlybut also的着重点是后面的成份。在使用时,同学们常把as well as前后两个成份弄颠倒。本文拟就as well as的用法作一归纳。一、as well as前后词类必须是一致的。如:The teacher praised him as well as her.老师不但表扬了她,也表扬了他。He can speak French as well as English.他不但能说英语,还能说法语。二、as well ae连接两个并列主语时,其谓语动词的数与前面名词保持一致,不受后面名词的影响。如:I as well as my brother am a teacher.我和我兄弟一样是老师。He as well aS you is a Party member.  相似文献   

【考点扫描】谈论怎样学习和做某事。常用句型:H ow do youdo...?答语用“by doing sth.”来表示“通过……方式(方法)”或“借助某种手段”来做某事。It's adj. (for sb.) 动词不定式/get(be)excited about/practice doing sth/look up/unless/re-gard...as/laugh at/end up/m ake m istakes/try one'sbest,ect.谈论过去的事情。句型:(1)肯定句:主语 beused to 动词原形...;(2)否定句:主语 didn'tuse to...或:主语 used not to...;(3)疑问句:D id 主语 used to...?或U sed 主语 to...?be interested in/spend...in doing sth./afford tod…  相似文献   

Some of the bridges, like the George Washington Bridge, and some of the tunnels, such as the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, are famous. But the most famous of all is the Brooklyn Bridge, which was built over 100 years ago.  相似文献   

Arthur Miller was considered as the most famous dramatist in America after the World War II, and his representative work Death of a Salesman was recognized as the best play in America during the post-w...  相似文献   

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