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An internet search tool, Google Alert, was used to survey the global English-language press July-December 2005 for references to deaf people. The survey found that such references focus on people who are deaf rather than the disability itself, thus demonstrating how well deaf people fit into the mainstream. Derogatory terminology such as "deaf and dumb" was rare. However, when used metaphorically, the term deaf usually had negative connotations. Implications for the public view of deaf people are considered in this context.  相似文献   

画家的看的方式是指导其创作的重要手段,影响画家视觉方式有多种因素,绘画的“看的方式”可归纳为若干种类型。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to support members of a student's multidisciplinary team to identify complex factors involved in providing valid classroom-based assessment data, including issues surrounding technology-based assessment for students who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). The diversity of this population creates unique challenges in creating guidelines for assessment. An overview of the diversity of DHH students is used to provide a framework for examining current assessment practices, including both effective and ineffective practices. Cognitive and linguistic learning differences and diverse language learning experiences in the population are discussed as they relate to assessment protocols. Paralleling technology-based learning experiences with comparable technology-based assessment experiences is also presented. Recommendations for planning for accessible and meaningful assessment include the use of innovative technologies to align instruction and assessment.  相似文献   

科学探究是新课改永恒的主题,科学探究题是中考命题不懈的追求.科学探究题的触角涉及到化学知识的方方面面,本文从2007年中考化学试题中选析两例与催化剂有关的科学探究题,与同行共同探讨.  相似文献   

Smoking is a major health problem whose prevalence in different populations is thought to be influenced by sociocultural and linguistic factors. Although smoking and hearing loss are positively correlated, little is known about the smoking habits of deaf populations. Using national survey data, this study determined the smoking prevalence in two socioculturally distinct deaf populations, based on age at onset of deafness. The smoking prevalence in each deaf population was compared to the smoking prevalence in the hearing population in multivariate analyses that adjusted for sociodemographics and health status. The smoking prevalence among postlingually deafened adults was not significantly different from that among hearing adults. Prelingually deafened adults were found to be less likely to smoke than hearing adults, even though they have less education and lower income, factors both associated with higher smoking prevalence in other populations. The lower smoking prevalence among prelingually deafened adults may be due to cultural differences or to limited access to English-language tobacco advertising.  相似文献   

A recent article in the Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (Leigh, Brice, & Meadow-Orlans, 2004) explored attachment between deaf mothers and their 18-month-old children and reported relationship patterns similar to those for hearing dyads. The study reported here explores a marker of early mother-child relationships: cradling laterality. Results indicated that, overall, the cradling bias of deaf mothers is similar to that of hearing mothers, but that there are significant differences among deaf mothers related to the hearing status of their own parents and, in a complex way, to the hearing status of their children. Deaf mothers of deaf parents showed a strong leftward cradling bias with both hearing and deaf children, whereas deaf mothers of hearing parents showed a leftward cradling bias with hearing children and a rightward cradling bias with deaf children. Possible explanations for these patterns of behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

2003年3月开始的美伊战争被视为美国落实其"先发制人"军事安全战略的具体行动。"先发制人"战略的出台有9·11的心理冲击背景和新保守主义政策渊源,其目标在于打通欧亚大陆通道。该战略对战后国际关系将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

The sources of knowledge that individuals use to make similarity judgments between words are thought to tap underlying phonological representations. We examined the effects of perceptual similarity between stimuli on deaf children's ability to make judgments about the phonological similarity between words at 3 levels of linguistic structure (syllable, rhyme, and phoneme). Manipulation of stimulus contrasts (acoustic, visual/orthographic, tactile/motoric) allowed a finer-grained estimate of the sources of knowledge that deaf individuals use to make similarity judgments between words. The results showed that the ability to make syllable-, rhyme-, and phoneme-level judgments was not tied to "phonological" facilitation when these conditions are contrasted. These findings are inconsistent with long-held assumptions of "functional" equivalence between "heard" and "seen" speech in the development of phonological representations in deaf learners. We argue that previous studies reporting evidence for phonological effects in similarity judgments have failed to sufficiently control for alternative sources of sensory information, namely, visual and tactile/motoric.  相似文献   

“蒹葭情怀”就是“企慕情境”,它超出了原有的表现男女间钦慕之情的层面,而是用来表现人们对生活中美好事物的向往与追求,是理想的象征。李白的诗准确地描述了他的心路历程,展示出了对理想的执著追求。这种追求不果的复杂心态,正是人们追求真善美的象征。人类就是在不断追求理想的过程中,经受着各种苦难和欢乐,一步步向着理想的彼岸靠拢。这种审美心理所结晶而成的艺术作品和文化心理,具有特殊的魅力。  相似文献   

《伤逝》和《离婚》都表现了主人公对具有现代性因素的爱情的追求。涓生认可的“娜拉出走”的现代性价值理念和老李对诗意的追求也都是对人生目的和意义的现代性追求。这种追求最终的理想破灭使主人公遭遇困境。他们选择的不同的应对方式体现了作的生命哲学:鲁迅反抗绝望,老舍选离困境。原因有化因素、心理因素和人格因素。  相似文献   

被字句是现代汉语的一个典型句式,一直是语言学界研究的热点之一。从句式语法理论看,被字句是一个完型。由于施事N2的作用,受事N1以VP的方式运行,使N1实现了变化,整个句子存在着受动性和原因与结果的关系。  相似文献   

郭皓政 《鄂州大学学报》2011,18(1):57-59,69
传统经学与现代"红学"既有明显区别,又有相似之处。经学在汉代诞生之初,就肩负起了捍卫儒家经典权威性的使命。至于在学术史上的意义,只是它附带的成果。而"新红学"在诞生之初,是以倡导一种科学的研究方法作为主要目标,由于其声势较大,客观上推动了《红楼梦》的经典化进程。"红学"刚刚踏上征程。《红楼梦》研究还有大量工作要做,如文本研究、文献清理等等。就像传统的经学可以有狭义与广义之分一样,"红学"作为一种治学方法,也不妨有狭义与广义之分。狭义的"红学"主要指胡适开创的"新红学";广义的"红学"则是开放的,它应致力于廓清笼罩在《红楼梦》上空的迷雾,真正成为研究《红楼梦》的专门之学。  相似文献   

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