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Here is a part of the Thanksgiving story you may not know.While the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in October of 1621,it was not until October of 1777 that all 13 1)colonies celebrated Thanksgiving,for the first time.The first president,George Washington,2)proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving.However,3)conflict and difficulties among the colonies put an end to its celebration.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of older siblings on imitation by infants under naturalistic conditions. To do this, 300 parents provided diary records of imitation by their 12-, 15-, and 18-month-old infants. Half of the infants were only children and half had older siblings. Infants of all ages acquired one to two new behaviours per day through imitation. There were also age-related and sibling-related changes in the quality of behaviours acquired through imitation. Older infants imitated more multi-step sequences and substituted more objects during re-enactment than younger infants. In addition, infants with siblings imitated more behaviour without explicit instruction than did infants without siblings. Furthermore, imitation by infants with siblings was characterised by a higher level of pretence and rough-and-tumble play. These findings converge with both observational and laboratory-based research confirming that imitation is a powerful mechanism by which infants acquire new behaviours in the course of their everyday lives. Dans cette e´tude, nous avons examine´ l'effet des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s sur l'imitation par des enfants en bas age dans des conditions naturalistes. Pour faire ceci, 300 parents ont fourni des dossiers de journal sur des exemples d'imitation par leurs petits enfants de 12, 15 et 18 mois. La moitie´ des petits enfants e´taient des enfants uniques et l'autre moitie´ avait des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s. Les enfants de tous les ages ont acquis 1 a ¤ 2 nouveaux comportements par jour par l'imitation. Il y avait aussi des changements relatifs a ¤ l'age et a ¤ la pre´sence des fre ¤ res et des s m urs dans la qualite´ de comportements acquis par l'imitation. Les enfants plus age´s tendaient a ¤ imiter les se´quences de plus d'e´tapes et tendaient a ¤ substituer plus d'objets pendant la re´petitition que les enfants plus jeunes. En outre, les enfants avec des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s tendaient a ¤ imiter plus le comportement sans instruction explicite que les enfants sans fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s. En plus, l'imitation par des petits enfants avec des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s a e´te´ caracte´rise´e par un niveau plus e´leve´ de faire semblant et de jeu de de´gringolade. Ces de´couvertes convergent avec la recherche d'observation et de laboratoire confirmant que l'imitation est un me´canisme puissant par lequel les enfants en bas age acquie ¤ rent des nouveaux comportements au cours de leurs vies de tous les jours. En este estudio, investigamos el efecto que tienen los hermanos mayores sobre la imitacio´n por los nin ¨ os menores en condiciones natural ´sticas. Para llevar a cargo esto, 300 padres suministraron apuntes de sus agendas diarias de sus infantes de 12, 15 y 18 meses. La mitad de estos nin ¨ os eran nin ¨ os u´nicos y la otra mitad teni´an hermanos mayores. Los infantes de todas las edades adquirieron 1 o 2 nuevos comportamientos por di´a a trave´s de la imitacio´n. Hubieron presentes tambie´n cambios relacionados a la edad y al hecho de tener hermanos en el tipo de comportamientos adquiridos a trave´s de la imitacio´n. Los nin ¨ os mayores tendieron a imitar ma´s las secuencias de pasos mu´ltiples y tendieron a sustituir ma´s objetos durante la reconstruccio´n que los infantes menores. Adema´s, los nin ¨ os con hermanos imitaron el comportamiento sin instruccio´n expli´cita ma´s que los nin ¨ os sin hermanos. La imitacio´n de parte de los nin ¨ os tuvo como caracteri´stica un alto nivel de simulacio´n y de juego frene´tico. Estos hallazgos convergen con las investigaciones de observacio´n y de laboratorio, confirmando que la imitacio´n es un mecanismo potente por el cual los nin ¨ os adquieren nuevos comportamientos durante sus vidas cotidianas.  相似文献   

<正>Elizabeth Fry(1780~1845)Elizabeth Fry was born in 1780.She was a Quaker~1 from Britain.She helped improved prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education.Her work helped the Quakers get the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.伊丽莎白·弗莱(1780~1845)伊丽莎白·弗莱出生于1780年。她是一个英国教友派信徒。她帮助  相似文献   

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2004 is shared by Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose, who made fundamental discoveries concerning how cells regulate the breakdown of cellular proteins with extreme specificity. The three biochemists discovered ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, a process where an enzyme system tags unwanted proteins with many molecules of a small protein called ubiquitin and then sends then to the proteasome where they are broken down.  相似文献   

The Physics Nobel Prize, 2009 has been awarded jointly: one half to Charles K Kao “for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication”, and the other half to Willard S Boyle and George E Smith “for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit — the CCD sensor”. In this article, we explain the basic ideas behind these inventions, and why the choice is appropriate in interpreting Alfred Nobel’s will in who should get these prizes.  相似文献   

This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics has been jointly awarded to Eric A Cornell of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder (USA), Wolfgang Ketterle of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA), and Carl E Wieman of the University of Colorado, Boulder (USA). They have been cited “for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates”. The scientists have been recognized for their pioneering work in a field that has grown explosively around the world in the past few years. Though the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) was predicted by Einstein in 1925 (based on the new statistics of Bose), it was observed only in 1995. In this article, we review the basic physics behind the phenomenon, the experimental techniques involved in achieving it, and high-light some of the potential applications of condensates.  相似文献   

诺贝尔物理学奖是举世公认的最具有权威的科学大奖,自1901年12月10日第一次在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩授予德国物理学家伦琴后已历经百年有余,除因战争中断6次外,已有近200人获奖,成员分布在30多个国家和地区.在这些幸运的获奖者中有师徒、父子、母女、挚友等,他们意志坚定,为了真理和科学贡献了自己的青春年华,也用自己的实际行动谱写了一曲曲令世人称颂的赞歌.让我们记住他们的名字,也记住他们的事迹,向他们学习.  相似文献   

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