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1、How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱?  相似文献   

1.[原汁原味] How much is this T-shirt? (Unit 7)这件T恤多少钱?  相似文献   

1.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤多少钱?How much are these socks?这双袜子多少钱?这是用来询问价钱的常用句式,其结构为“How much+be动词的适当形式+主语?”。如果双方都知道所指为何物,也可省略为“How much?(多少钱?)”。若所询问的东西是不可数名词或可数名词单数,则谓语动词要用is;  相似文献   

1.-How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?-It's seven Dollars.7美元。How much is/are…?意思是“……多少钱?”,用于询问价格,回答常用It is/They are…。例如:  相似文献   

Unit7 1.【课文原句】How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?How much are these socks?这些袜子多少钱? 【思路点拨】询问物品的价格用how much,如果物品是单数名词或不可数名词,  相似文献   

1 . How much is this T-shirt? It's seven dollars. 这件T恤衫多少钱?7美元。  相似文献   

Unit7 1.【原句】How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱? 【解析】这是询问商品价钱的句型。问"某物值多少钱"用句型:How much is+单数名词/不可数名词?和How much are+可数名词复数?  相似文献   

1.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤多少钱?How much are the sesocks?这双短袜多少钱?这是一个常用于询问价钱的句式,结构为"How much be 动词 主语?"。如果双方都知道所指为何物,也可省略成"How much?多少钱?"how much  相似文献   

1.【课本原旬】——How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?——It’s Sseven dollars.七美元。【中考链接】——Only $5.It is very cheap (2007浙江温州)A.What time is it B.HoW many do you want C.How much is it D.What’Swrong  相似文献   

Unit71.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?how much意为“多少”,通常对“钱”的多少进行提问。如果询问某种物品的价格,常用“How much is...?”句式,回答时,常用“It7s+价格”。如果询问多个物品的价格,常用“How much are...?”句式,回答时用“They7re+价格”,其中They指代问句中的那些物品,They7re是Theyare的缩写形式。例如:—How much is your sweater?你的毛衣多少钱?—It7s40dollars.是40美元。—How much are these pants?这些裤子多少钱?—They7re thirty yuan.30元。[…  相似文献   

How much is this T-shirt?这T-恤衫多少钱? How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?【点拨】how much用来询问商品的价格,句中的be动词与主语要保持一致。回答时常用"It's /They're 价格"结构,其中it's/they're也可以省略。如:  相似文献   

【课本原句】1.How much is the red sweater?这件红色的毛衣多少钱?  相似文献   

What you say . How much is it, please? What' s the total amount? Are you going to buy it? How much are you going to spend? How much do you earn a month? How much have you got in savings? How many bank accounts do you have? Did you save any money last month? Shall we go shopping? How much did that cost you? Where did you get that? Was it expensive/cheap? I' ll get this one. / I' II pay for this. Lunch is on me. / I' II get lunch.  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: renting a car. Listen and repeat these expressions.Part I What you say I'd like to rent a car, please. How much is it per hour? How much is it per day? How much is it per kilometre? How much is the insurance? Do you need to see my driver' s licence?  相似文献   

!$【课本原句】1.Howmuch is the red sweater?这件红色的毛衣多少钱?【一点通】how many和how much都表示“多少”,但二者有区别:◆how many修饰可数名词复数如:How many bananas do you want?你想要多少香蕉?◆how much修饰不可数名词如:How much milk is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少牛奶?◆how much可以用来询问价钱,表示“多少钱”How much is...?常用来表示单数意义。商品的价格,回答时要用“It is 价格”,其中的it指代前面表单数的商品。如:How much is the hat?这帽子多少钱?◆How much are...?常用来表示复数意义的商品的…  相似文献   

1. How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少线? How much are these socks? 这些袜子多少钱? 询问物品的价格用how much,如果物品是单数名词或不可数名词,谓语动词用is;如果物品是名词复数,谓语动词用are。例如: How much is this red cap?It’s five dollars.这顶红帽子多少钱?五美元。How much are those black shorts?They areeighteen dollars. 那条黑短裤多少钱?十八美元。2.Can I help you? 我能帮帮你吗? 这是向对方提供帮助时的用语。在商店、图书  相似文献   

1.How much are these socks?这袜子多少钱? sock常用复数形式。它的修饰词一般用those或these,而不能用this或that。例如:  相似文献   

◇快乐热身 ◆询问价格a)--How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤多少钱? --It's seven dollars.7美元。 b)--How much are these socks?这些(双)袜子多少钱?  相似文献   

1.how much与how many[个性展示]how much和how many都表示“多少”之意,但how much后面接不可数名词;how many后面接可数名词复数。例如:How much milk do you want?你要多少牛奶?How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?但是how much还可以用来询问“什么价钱”。例如:How much is the book;这本书多少钱?[自我挑战]根据句意,用how much或how many填空。1.—hours are there in a day?—24.2.—is the shirt?—$30.3.pens do you have?Key:1.How many2.How much3.How many2.each,every与all[个性展示]each是个代…  相似文献   

一、突出英语的交际性 英语作为世界上重要的语言之一,具有社会性和交际性。例如:How much is the meat?这肉要多少钱?It's 10 yuan a kilo.每公斤10元。  相似文献   

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