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企业合并对市场竞争具有双重效应。对企业合并进行反垄断规制是反垄断法的主要内容之一。自1890年,美国先后出台了克莱顿法等法对企业合并进行规制,防止企业通过合并形成垄断,以此维护有效竞争。为了使企业合并的反垄断规制具有操作性,美国还先后颁布了四个合并指南。美国企业合并的反垄断规制的立法和司法实践表明.美国企业合并规制模式已由结构主义向行为主义转化。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的推进,全球范围内掀起了企业并购的热潮。合并控制制度是各国反垄断法的基本内容之一,是企业并购的重要法律门槛。我国《反垄断法》草案正在审查和讨论之中,研究和借鉴国外反垄断制度具有现实意义。对反垄断法中并购控制的基本原理和美国、欧盟合并控制制度的立法和实践进行具体的介绍和评析。  相似文献   

美国1890年制定的《谢尔曼法》是世界上最早的具有现代意义的反垄断法,德国1957年以美国反垄断法为蓝本制定了《反限制竞争法》,两国的反垄断立法不断发展和完善,并各自形成了特色鲜明的反垄断法律体系。但由于两国在基本国情、法律文化传统、反垄断立法的发展过程等方面的不同,两国的反垄断法在立法模式、规制对象、主管机关、域外适用等方面都存在很大的差异。对两国的反垄断立法进行比较研究,不仅对了解世界的反垄断立法情况,而且对我国反垄断法律制度的建设也有所裨益和启迪。  相似文献   

外资并购境内企业法律审查应遵循三大基本原则:平衡协调、维护公平竞争、国民待遇。外资并购反垄断审查与国家安全审查法律制度之间既存在重要区别,也需要相互协调配合。我国应健全反垄断审查与国家安全审查协调机制,改进外资并购境内企业审查制度体系,完善相关立法及执法程序。  相似文献   

论我国反垄断行政执法机构的设置   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论我国反垄断行政执法机构的设置曹海晶反垄断法的制定和实施是国家对社会经济生活的积极介入,各国通常是由专门的国家机构负责执行。有关反垄断行政执法机构的设置和职权问题是反垄断程序法方面的重要内容,关系到反垄断法的法律实效,我国的反垄断立法应予以足够重视。...  相似文献   

知识产权滥用现象日益普遍,传统司法规制权利滥用的方式已明显不足。比较有关国家反垄断立法对知识产权滥用的规定,对知识产权滥用传统规制方式存在的缺陷进行分析,从而论证反垄断法规制知识产权滥用的可行性,探索我国反垄断立法对知识产权滥用的法律规制问题,创设更为有效的反垄断法律制度是当务之急。  相似文献   

用合理原则来考量企业合并已成为共识,把“破产公司原则”作为企业合并的反垄断豁免理由之一,是国际上的通行做法。本文在解读了“破产公司原则”的基础上,分析其应用于企业合并反垄断豁免的必要性,在借鉴发达国家相关制度的基础上提出“破产公司原则”在我国企业合并反垄断豁免中适用的建构简说。  相似文献   

分析反垄断豁免制度的发展趋势,并以航运业反垄断豁免制度在各国的立法现状为基础,从我国《反垄断法》入手,研究我国《反垄断法》对航运业垄断行为的规制,并借鉴欧盟等国立法经验,总结其对我国相关立法完善的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了抑制在经济发展过程中形成的企业经济力量过度集中或垄断从而维护市场经济的有效竞争,韩国于1980年制定了《反垄断法》。该法较好地体现了对企业结合的规制规则。随着经济全球化趋势的加强、中国市场经济体制的建立和完善,中国企业合并现象也日益增多,中国在这方面法律的缺位或不健全也随之凸显。因此,本文拟在对韩国企业结合相关制度进行详细研究的基础上,主张在中国反垄断立法进程中,借鉴韩国企业结合制度相关内容,合理构建和完善中国的企业合并制度。  相似文献   

现阶段我国按照加入WTO时的承诺,正在加大开放国内市场的步伐,大批外资企业涌入,我国的一些强势企业,也正积极努力地走出国门,与众多跨国性:企业集团抢滩国际市场,全球性大市场正在形成。但我国至今未颁布《反垄断法》,这不利于我国企业和国家利益的保护。在反垄断立法呼声渐高之际,笔者认为,反垄断立法中应借鉴他国经验,立足经济全球化立场,重在提高国家竞争力,有限度地引入合理原则和效果原则,力求适应经济生活变化发展的需要。  相似文献   

This paper examines an institutional merger taking place in Chinese higher education beginning from 1994. Using the case study method, the paper examines the pre-merger planning, the post-merger integration process, and the outcomes of the merger. The paper argues that a number of major external and internal factors have led to the decision to merge. The planning and implementation of the merger was largely a top-down process and subject to political intervention. One of the most prominent issues identified in this case is the difficulty of building a unified identity for the new institution as was reflected in the controversies and fights about the name of the new institution. The case studied provides a good example and valuable lessons to higher education institutions considering merger or other forms of organizational change.  相似文献   

Research evidence indicates that an unusually broad range of issues take on strategic significance in a merger and that organisational cultures are critical to the successful integration of staff, students and other stakeholders within a newly combined higher education institution (HEI). This study was based on two specialist higher education (HE) colleges seeking to expand through merger in order to meet the revised criteria for university status in England. It sought a better understanding of the similarities and differences between the management styles and organisational cultures of the two colleges and an assessment of the significance of these for the proposed merger. The main conclusion of the study was that management styles and initiatives needed to be mindful of the existing cultures and subcultures of the two colleges, otherwise there was a risk that the status and efficiency of the new HEI might be improved at the expense of its academic and scholarly development.  相似文献   

经济全球化进程的加快要求我国尽快制定反垄断法,对市场竞争领域的有关问题做出规定。而反垄断法的价值目标与规制对象是反垄断立法要解决的两个重要问题,本文以反垄断法和经济法的原理为基础,强调反垄断法的价值目标首先是确保公平竞争,最终是提高社会整体经济效率;以中国市场上的具体垄断为基础,强调反垄断法的规制对象重点在于行政垄断与跨国公司滥用优势地位限制竞争的行为。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):208-223

This article examines how faculty and administrators of the newly merged institution, North-West University, understand issues of access and seek to foster an environment that enhances their achievement, given considerable reservations that are often associated with any organisational change process. In light of the reality that the merger between the two institutions – one historically white (advantaged), the pre-merger Potchefstroom University, and the other the historically black (disadvantaged), the pre-merger University of North West – is an involuntary arrangement ordered by the Minister of Education, how would the faculty and administrators of the newly merged organisation manage their competing, and in some cases conflicting, objectives to create a new institution whose mission aligns with national equity objectives? The perspectives illuminated by the participants in this study highlight the persistent tension between the historical values of these institutions and the national vision to attain access and equity. These tensions are evident in the three core themes that emerged from this study: 1) language and its impact on the culture of the post-merger institution; 2) the continuing impact of race in hiring decisions; and 3) access issues for students. While the government mandated this amalgamation in an effort to create an equitable, accessible post-merger university, three years into the merger process core elements of the pre-merger Potchefstroom University and University of North West (UNW) campuses are still firmly rooted. For all practical purposes, these are two campuses that share little beyond their common institutional name acquired after the merger and a common institutional executive administration team.  相似文献   

On July 1, 1975 the private New College of Sarasota, Florida became New College of the University of South Florida, a state institution. Since this merger New College has maintained its innovative approach, its high academic quality, and its main means of instruction, thecontract. Its off-campus study program has, however, declined in the number of students who utilize it. The main decline in numbers has occurred in group studies/travel groups and extensive cross-cultural studies. Reasons for the decline are varied and not all may be attributable to the merger of the previously private institution with a state university.  相似文献   

The recent reforms in Australian higher education system envisaged the creation of a unified national system at the expense of the binary system with a smaller number of larger institutions through institutional mergers. The Green Paper quoted the La Trobe Lincoln merger as an exemplar. This paper examines the outcomes of these reforms in general with particular emphasis on La Trobe Lincoln merger, based on an evaluation of relevant archival material and interviews with all key personnel of both institutions and the merged university including the goals and academic rationale set for the merger and the progress made during the first three years, along with future trends.  相似文献   

企业并购是现代市场经济的一个重要的现象和发展趋势。民营企业并购上市公司行为在我国企业并购市场中异军突起。本文从宏观和微观两个方面分析了我国民营企业并购上市公司的动因,从外部和内部两个方面分析了不同动因下上市公司并购过程中存在的风险,最后从并购目标的选择、并购方案的制定、并购关系的协调、中介机构的选择和整合措施的制定等几个方面找出规避风险的有效措施和方法。  相似文献   

政治活动是人类所特有的现象,政治价值和政治制度是这一活动的基本内容,从总体上看政治价值主导着政治制度的基本方向。虽然不同的民族、国家由于历史上各自的生存、发展环境导致了在政治价值上的差异甚至对立,但是随着人类能力的提高而超越了各自的历史时空之后,人类在基本政治价值上存在着共同的追求。人类的政治选择就在于通过自身的政治活动在对政治价值的认识、追求和扩展中不断完善政治制度,使政治生活成为并不断促进人的自由而文明的生活。  相似文献   

日本的家族企业与其他国家的家族企业相比,不仅经营绩效好,而且生命周期长,这与日本独特的成人收养制度密切相关。本文详细介绍了日本成人收养制度的特点及与其他国家养子制度的差异,分析了该制度对日本家族企业产生的积极影响及原因所在,最后探析这种不以血缘而以能力为唯一衡量标准的家族企业继承人的选拔方式对中国家族企业的启示。  相似文献   

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