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INTRODUCTIONObject oriented (OO )frameworksbecamemoreandmorepopularinthesoftwareindustryduringthe1990s.Aframeworkisasetofcooper atingclassesthatmakeupareusabledesignforaspecificclassofsoftware (Deutsch ,1989;John sonandFoote,1988) .Applicationsbuiltontopofsuchaframeworkreusenotonlyitssourcecodebutalsomoreimportantitsarchitecturedesign(Pree,1994;1995;FayadandSchmidt,1997;MarkiewiczandLucena ,2 0 0 1) .Consequently,theuseofframeworksreducesthecostsandim provesthesoftwarequalitygreatly .…  相似文献   

统一建模语言UML(Unified Modeling Language)是面向对象软件开发方法的重要技术。本以消防监好检查系统为实例,展示了UML在进行软件设计构造阶段中,设计阶段模型和需求分析阶段模型之间的依赖关系。  相似文献   

提出一种实用的基于UML的需求分析及其建模方法,以概念模型来表达事务模型,以状态图、设计类图及交互图模型表达系统的结构逻辑及行为逻辑,以用况表达系统需求,讨论了需求分析及其建模的过程概念。该方法已经在教务系统需求分析中得到成功应用。  相似文献   

静态建模的目标是精确描述模型的静态结构,即模型的内部特性及其相互关系。统一建模语言UML作为国际上标准的面向对象建模语言,提供用例图、类图、对象图等模型图可视化描述模型的静态结构。本提出采用UML对模型的静态结构进行建模,并结合E—learning实例对静态建模方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

在通过对林火扑救需求分析的基础上,对空间数据库进行合理的设计,将空间数据和专题数据有机地组织和管理起来,应用UML方法设计得出空间数据库对象模型图,基于Geodatabase数据模型,使用CASE工具生成林火扑救指挥系统数据库,有效地提高了数据库的可用性,为林火扑救系统的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

此实践主要阐述UML在实际开发中是如何应用的。在此提到的考试系统中登录试卷与退出试卷的应用内容非常丰富的,这足以说明UML在现实中的应用。此考试系统是基于UML建模思想及JAVA2、TOMCAT、MYSQL作为开发平台。  相似文献   

基于UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言)建模方法,对现行的一些考试系统及考试方式进行了综合分析,给出了UML的分析过程和设计框架及基于Web环境下的考试系统的设计与实现过程.  相似文献   

UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种定义良好、易于表达、功能强大且普遍适用的建模语言。文章以报刊征订管理信息系统为例,详细介绍了UM L的实际建模过程。  相似文献   

UML是一种用于构造可视化、文档化的图形建模语言,以本市公交车IC卡充值系统为例描述了UML的应用及UML各图形的构建,着重的介绍了该系统的设计思想与基本功能,与常规系统相比较,更多的智能化应用在充值卡中。这为其他行业中卡的充值系统提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

采用统一建模语言对通信领域应用系统的开发进行建模,并在此阐述了一种可复用的信息管理基本通用构件和串行通信构件的开发策略,以此来缩短软件的开发周期,避免因重新开发可能引入的错误,从而保证软件质量和提高软件生产率;同时对大粒度可复用构件的意义等方面进行了较深入的论述。  相似文献   

一种适用于小型项目并集成XP的RUP软件过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RUP作为一个完整的软件开发过程框架,可以根据项目需要进行裁减:既可以是针对小型项目需求的轻量级开发过程,也可以是针对大型项目的更全面的开发过程。各种类型和规模的项目都有成功使用RUP的案例。本文描述了一种适用于小型项目并集成了XP(极限编程)技术的RUP软件过程。  相似文献   

阐述了高校内部考核评估系统的主要功能,讨论了UML建模的机制和特点,并使用UML对系统进行了分析与设计.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to apply the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) technique to multi-wave Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) measures in modeling academic growth and assessing its relations to student- and instruction-related variables. HLM has advantages over other statistical methods (e.g., repeated measures ANOVA, Structural Equation Modeling) in modeling academic growth. The advantages include allowing more flexible research designs in collecting multiple data points and estimating growth rates and their relations to correlates in more reliable, accurate ways. CBM, as a multi-wave progressmonitoring system, also has distinctive psychometric features that facilitate longitudinal research on academic skill development. These features include provision of multiple data points within short time periods, good validity and reliability, and sensitivity for detecting small degrees of change. Finally, research questions related to assessing the academic growth of students with learning difficulties and using assessment results to improve educational practices for them are discussed  相似文献   

基于XML Schema的数据建模应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数据交换是XML最重要的用途之一,只有XML文档的格式/结构得到交互各方的一致认可,这个目标才有可能实现。DTD/XML Schema被用来定义XML文档的结构,描述XML文件所能包含的内容的类型。通过对XML文档的结构进行定义,应用程序能够在执行任何计算和转换之前对文档进行验证,从而保证文档格式的有效性,以利于数据的传输和交换。本文首先介绍XML数据模式语言,然后以某高校研究生招生管理系统为例,使用XML Schema对研究生招生专业目录进行数据建模。  相似文献   

中学物理知识建模是指物理知识网络图的绘制,这种知识网络图反映了知识间的隶属关系,对于中学物理教学设计有着重要作用:一方面可以帮助中学物理教师进行意义建构类学习任务设计,另一方面可以为中学物理教师进行问题设计提供依据。  相似文献   

In recent years, big data has become ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives. Therefore, it is imperative for educators to integrate nontraditional (big) data into statistics education to ensure that students are prepared for a big data reality. This study examined graduate students' expressions of uncertainty while engaging with traditional and nontraditional big data investigation activities. We first suggest a theoretical framework based on integrated insights from statistics education and data science to analyze and describe novices' reasoning with the various uncertainties that characterize both traditional and big data—the Variability, Data, and Phenomenon (VDP) framework. We offer a case study of graduate students' participation in the integrated modeling approach (IMA) learning trajectory, illustrating the utility of the VDP framework in accounting for the different types of articulated uncertainties. We also discuss the teaching implications of the VDP.  相似文献   

The present study conducted a systematic review of the item response theory (IRT) literature in language assessment to investigate the conceptualization and operationalization of the dimensionality of language ability. Sixty-two IRT-based studies published between 1985 and 2020 in language assessment and educational measurement journals were first classified into two categories based on a unidimensional and multidimensional research framework, and then reviewed to examine language dimensionality from technical and substantive perspectives. It was found that 12 quantitative techniques were adopted to assess language dimensionality. Exploratory factor analysis was the primary method of dimensionality analysis in papers that had applied unidimensional IRT models, whereas the comparison modeling approach was dominant in the multidimensional framework. In addition, there was converging evidence within the two streams of research supporting the role of a number of factors such as testlets, language skills, subskills, and linguistic elements as sources of multidimensionality, while mixed findings were reported for the role of item formats across research streams. The assessment of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills was grounded within both unidimensional and multidimensional framework. By contrast, vocabulary and grammar knowledge was mainly conceptualized as unidimensional. Directions for continued inquiry and application of IRT in language assessment are provided.  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of term dependency in information retrieval (IR) and proposes a novel dependency retrieval model. This retrieval model suggests an extension to the existing language modeling (LM) approach to IR by introducing dependency models for both query and document. Relevance between document and query is then evaluated by reference to the Kullback-Leibler divergence between their dependency models. This paper introduces a novel hybrid dependency structure, which allows integration of various forms of dependency within a single framework. A pseudo relevance feedback based method is also introduced for constructing query dependency model. The basic idea is to use query-relevant top-ranking sentences extracted from the top documents at retrieval time as the augmented representation of query, from which the relationships between query terms are identified. A Markov Random Field (MRF) based approach is presented to ensure the relevance of the extracted sentences, which utilizes the association features between query terms within a sentence to evaluate the relevance of each sentence. This dependency retrieval model was compared with other traditional retrieval models. Experiments indicated that it produces significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   

Testing is a standard method for verification of software performance.Producing efficinet and appropriate test case is an important aspect in testing.Specification-based testing presents a method to derive test data from software specification.Because of the precision and concision of specification.the test data derived from specification can test the software efficiently and entirely.This paper demonstrates a test class framework(TCF) on a file reading case study,specifiec using Z notation,This class framework defines test case sets,providing structure to the testing process.Flexbility is preserved so that many testing strategies can be used.  相似文献   

浅谈VB在ANSYS二次开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ANSYS作为世界知名的CAE(Computer Aided Engineering计算机辅助工程)软件,受到国内外工程人员极大的欢迎。介绍如何使用VB对ANSYS软件进行简单的二次开发以及如何将它们(VB和ANSYS软件)进行连接,为工程人员学习和使用ANSYS软件提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

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