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This paper explores the told story of a white working-class woman still teaching in an innercity primary school in the UK. Issues of her continuing exclusion despite early career success demonstrate how social class bias can operate within the UK education system in a variety of ways. Her story is set in the context of new EAZ, the appointment of ‘superheads’ to failing schools and other government initiatives aimed at improving the education of children from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Jenny is from this background herself and finds the cost of trying to maintain and celebrate her class identity very high—she describes it as a ‘constant battle’. Her voice responds to Maguire's exploration of how Teacher Education in the UK reaffirms the middle-class ‘promise’ of becoming a teacher by both denying and disowning working-class cultures. This paper calls for more extensive research into the lived reality of difference when students from non-traditional backgrounds attempt to enter the profession and teach within it.  相似文献   

This article looks at a year in the life of a special education teacher. The author reflects on her debut as an inclusion specialist in 1996 and gives an in‐depth study of how her training, previous experience and approach to teaching was put to the test in a new educational environment. This piece explores the challenges that resource teachers and other special educators may face in the light of recent policies regarding inclusion. The inclusion specialist is required to be a teacher, manager, liaison, trainer and more, as she/he learns to get the maximum from students and co‐workers in what is often an already strained workplace. Personal narrative is tied to the literature and, through hindsight, the author relates the change that took place as experience was melded with study and reflection. The result is a portrayal of how a change of policy can affect an individual teacher and researcher, as well as a whole school, and provides an uncommon research approach to the field of research into inclusivity.  相似文献   

This article explores the constructions of class in British girls’ school stories. Feminist scholarship has, to some extent, reclaimed the school story, pointing to the widening of acceptable gender roles for female characters in girls’ school stories, compared to their counterparts in mixed-gender stories, and indeed real life. While the limitations of this middle/upper class milieu have been noted, they are less often explored. I use readings of Bourdieu as applied to femininities by scholars such as McRobbie and Skeggs to examine how the lived experience of class can trouble the status quo. School stories often limit encounters with working-class characters to servants, recipients of patronage or straightforward threats. However, in Brent-Dyer’s A Problem for the Chalet School (1956) a working-class character enters the school on her own terms. Her presence sparks the reaffirmation of the expectations for successful upper-class femininity.  相似文献   


This article brings together some of the main findings from research on older learners, conducted and published by the author over a period of 10 years. This research investigated the characteristics, motivations and benefits of formal learning. The samples were drawn from among both students and graduates from a London university. Data were collected both through questionnaire surveys, including a follow-up study, and life history interviews. The material collected was analysed in a variety of ways, building up a picture of the meanings of formal learning for different individuals and at different points of the life course, including retirement. The author, having herself retired and become ‘an older learner’, ends with a discussion of the meanings of learning in her own retirement, in the context of her research findings.  相似文献   

本文以丁玲晚年的思想存在状态和精神生活为主要研究对象,分析其对于马恩著作的热衷以及近乎痴情的学习,揭示其学习的用意是为了重装自己的精神大脑,最终抵达对自己人生的彻底反思和对于现实问题的解决。  相似文献   

The first full biography of Ursula Moray Williams has been published to mark the centenary of her birth. In this article, its author, Colin Davison, assesses her work in the context of her life, paying particular attention to the way that her extraordinary childhood influenced her writing. He also examines new evidence about where her ideas came from for some of her best-known works.  相似文献   

The retreat from social class within the sociology of education has been accompanied by the intensification of socio-economic and cultural inequalities. This paper seeks to draw upon cultural analyses of social class by addressing a classificatory shift of white English working-class males, who have moved from an ascribed primary socio-economic status to an embodied aesthetic performance. We examine the reconfiguration of social class within state schools and historical and contemporary shifting images of white working-class males within the education literature. We suggest the need to engage with a multi-dimensional explanatory frame in order to understand how working-class young men now inhabit a new cultural condition in the post-colonial urban space of inner-city schools. This shift is best captured by exploring the simultaneous articulations of multiple categories of difference – including class, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and generation – in relation to contemporary representations of social class.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们多以为李清照是一个极为柔弱的女子;学术界虽有提及其"丈夫"气概的,但主要是从艺术风格立论的.偶有注意其个性之坚毅者,又认为这只是其性格中次要的一面.文章从李清照一生中部分事件来论证其性格中占支配地位的乃是坚毅刚健的一面.  相似文献   

Gordon  June A. 《The Urban Review》2003,35(3):191-215
Using qualitative research methods supported by demographic data, the role of castelike class patterns in British schooling and the participation of teacher mentalities in maintaining images of working-class students and their families within urban communities were examined. The common American assumption that race is the most salient, if not the sole, designator of resistance to schooling was challenged as teachers and administrators in three urban schools in the north of England presented their experiences and views of working with low-income urban students. In returning as an American researcher to the city of her British family, the author brings a unique cross-cultural lens to the analysis of ethnicity and class.  相似文献   

本文试析老舍的文本《月牙儿》中的母亲形象,通过分析该人物形象做稳奴隶而不得的一生,揭示她好逸恶劳的精神缺陷和潜在的妓女心态,并探讨作者忽略母亲形象缺陷及从娼主动性的原因。  相似文献   

This paper represents a reflective account of a recent Cambridge University graduate, who critically assesses her successes and struggles in establishing herself as a social science researcher in Western academia. Reflecting on her various (sometimes conflicting and sometimes, in a paradoxical way, complementary) identities, the author explains how her personal oscillation between and dissatisfaction with two systems of thought and patterns of socialization was translated into her research agenda and theoretical/methodological standpoint. Committed to a non-Euro/Americo-centric approach to research, the author views and adopts a poststructuralist perspective as a more powerful explanatory tool, which better accounts for the emerging hybridities, uncertainties, and oscillations that increasingly characterize everything that used to be covered by the term "Soviet": countries, societies, identities, and—of particular relevance to the problematic raised in this paper—intellectuals. The author concludes by problematizing predominant "Western" analytical knowledge traditions, and calling for a new form of political engagement, ethics, and critique as these were once envisaged by Foucault.  相似文献   

As their numbers at university grow, we need to gain a better understanding of the different ways in which working-class students negotiate their potential outsider status in what is often considered an essential middle-class institution. Based on data from a four-year longitudinal, qualitative study of working-class students at a Canadian university, I argue that their acceptance of the ends and means of both the academic and social demands of university contributes to the development of different student roles, which in turn affects their likelihood to succeed academically. Drawing on works by Bourdieu and Bernstein, I present four case studies of students who lived through university committed, alienated or in transition toward either commitment or alienation. I show that despite similar working-class backgrounds, study participants’ reaction to university was anything but predictable. Instead, prior socialization, clear and realistic career goals, and chance encounters at university played an important role in their approach to university life.  相似文献   

This article presents an autoethnographic account of the author’s linguistic development as a speaker of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and Standard American English (SAE). Historically, formal settings such as academic spaces have undervalued the use of AAVE; thus, creating tension for speakers of the language. In this study, the author reflects on her linguistic identity, and as a new doctoral student begins to interrogate her language beliefs and practices. This research is grounded in critical race theoretical perspectives and analyzes power, race, and language use for African Americans who speak AAVE and SAE. The author employs autoethnography methods to develop a narrative account of her experiences and reflect on the psychological and physical effects of code-switching and code-meshing as a student and teacher. This work can inform pedagogical approaches that support the teaching and learning needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students in urban classrooms.  相似文献   

The feminist working-class academic is an exemplary queer subject, someone whose presence (and practice) questions the norms of the academy without ever being able to completely occupy the 'other' term. She is an archetypal late modern subject of reflexivity and mobility. This article explores some consequences of this position by looking at class as lived as a re/location, reflecting on its pleasures and pains. The author looks principally at autobiographically inspired accounts of class, as well as other auto/biographical material, which have influenced these personal narratives. In doing so she alludes to more research-based texts to point to the cumulative importance of this particular class literature to problematise a sociology without a society.  相似文献   

HELEN LUCEY     《Gender and education》2003,15(3):285-299
Drawing on a longitudinal study of middle-class and working-class girls growing up, this article focuses on those few working-class young women who managed to get to university and face the prospect of a 'professional' career. The authors examine the concept of 'hybridity' as it is used to understand shifts in the constitution of contemporary feminine subjectivities and argue that although hybridity may be a social and cultural fact, in this psychic economy there are no easy hybrids. The authors explore some of the more difficult emotional dynamics in their families that have nevertheless helped sustain their success; of 'never asking for anything', of parents as burdened, of envy, love and pride. Moving into the intellectual domain is a massive shift for working-class young women who do well at school, requiring an internal and external 'makeover'. It is therefore essential to explore the complexities of the losses as well as the gains involved in educational success and upward mobility for working-class young women if we are serious about the project of equality in education. Without a consideration of the psychodynamic processes involved, the deep and enduring failure of the majority of working-class girls and boys will continue unabated.  相似文献   

熊琏是活跃于清代乾隆、嘉庆年间的如皋著名女作家,其诗歌成就突出,题材丰富、多样。咏怀诗充满了忧生之嗟,伤逝之叹;咏物诗是其身心的自画像;咏古诗体现了作者的人生价值取向和强烈的女性意识;游仙诗是其遭遇不幸后的一种精神寄托。  相似文献   

本文从女性主义叙事学理论家苏珊·兰瑟(Susanl_maser)有关叙述声音模式划分的理论,这一较新的视角来解读美国著名犹太女性作家蒂莉·奥尔森(TillieOlsen)l~代表小说《我站在这儿熨烫》(IStandHereIroning),分析了奥尔森作品中出现的不同声音模式。为了让边缘母亲作为一整体在主流文化圈中树立起“话语权威”,奥尔森通过多种叙述声音模式相结合,将普通边缘劳动母亲这一群体从沉默中解脱出来,使她们的沉默心声得以展现,达到颠覆。从女性主义叙事学的角度看,奥尔森作品中的边缘妇女已成功实现了“话语权威”。  相似文献   

狄金森600多首"死亡诗歌"贯穿着一个主题:死亡=永生,死亡≠永生。笔者认为狄金森"死亡诗歌"的创作历程事实上是诗人人生信仰转变的文本体现,本文从诗人生活的时代背景、宗教环境,从诗人不同阶段的代表性"死亡诗歌"分析等多方因素探析狄金森个人信仰的转变。  相似文献   

人们对于吴月娘这一形象历来众说纷纭,究其原因还在于作者的主观理想与现实主义的创作方法之间的矛盾。吴月娘这一形象不仅体现了作者的理想,而且是西门庆一家从发迹到衰落的见证者,在她身上寄托着作者对人生的思考。  相似文献   

As a member of a delegation of educators, physicians, and lay people to rural Fiji the author shares her experiences and reflections of early care, education, and family life on a small, remote island. She discusses her visits to the village and boarding school, and her interactions with teachers, children, and parents in the early childhood classroom and community. Her understanding of teacher education and preparation, the primary educational system, and curriculum goals and revisions of the country are highlighted.  相似文献   

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