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Citing the ongoing and urgent need within counselor education to confront and disrupt systemic racism within the profession, we present how professional counseling has been both ambivalent to racism and enacted systematically racist policies against Black and other racially marginalized people. We share selected milestones in the profession's evolution to illustrate ambivalence in the pursuit of racial justice and close with recommendations to create a more inclusive, affirming, and antiracist profession for members and clients.  相似文献   


Recognising the importance of learning from experience, this mixed methods study critically problematises how teacher educators position student teaching as pivotal in teacher education programmes’ inability to focus on racial equity. Through learnings from a survey of US university-based teacher educators who constructed student teaching placements in schools serving students of colour as problems, this article unveils how the concept of quality cloaks the re-production of racism in and through teacher education. Seeking to address how teacher education is implicated in the re-production of racial inequities, a teacher educator partnered with teachers in the most segregated system of state schools in the US to transform student teaching. In describing a situated representation of an innovation at once practice-focused and theoretical, this article illustrates the power and potential for praxically-just critical transformations in teacher education. Findings shed light on the power of Freirean culture circles for transforming teacher education. Implications point toward the need to recognise, problematise, and interrupt ways in which the White-centric rhetoric and practice of teacher education continue to foster racism and re-produce injustice.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the issue of institutional racism in the Irish education system. Drawing on insights from Critical Race Theory, the views of a sample of teacher educators in the Republic of Ireland were sought in relation to the existence of institutional racism in the Irish post-primary system and the extent to which anti-racism permeates teacher education programmes. Findings suggest the need for a form of deep engagement with anti-racism issues in the education of student teachers and the difficulties of doing so in the current structure of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education.  相似文献   


Teaching, learning and assessment methods for teaching students about diversity should be transformative and achieve lasting changes in students’ attitudes and behaviours towards diverse individuals. Therefore, dialogue education in the teaching and learning of an undergraduate course in diversity management at a higher education institution was considered as an alternative to existing practices. This article reports on a mixed method study that was conducted to gather data from students over a period of three years. The results of the study indicated that the majority of students did well with the dialogue approach to education except for a small underrepresented group of Indian females: they experienced low levels of self-efficacy in class discussions and presentations, thereby preventing them from benefitting from the educational opportunity offered.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have explored international students' experiences, there is a dearth of research exploring the perspectives of professionals who have contact with international students. The present study addresses this gap in the literature by providing an analysis of higher educational professionals' (n=11) perspectives of international students' experiences and analysing the challenges which arise when working with international students. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff from a large Irish Higher Education Institution. Participants described a range of difficulties experienced by international students, including sociocultural and psychological difficulties, and outlined a number of challenges which exist when dealing with international students, most of which relate to cultural differences and lack of interest in internationalisation. The findings have important policy and practical implications for higher education service provision and point to the need to consider internationalisation as a process which can be enriching for international students, host students and staff members alike.  相似文献   

Given the potential negative effects of vicarious racism, we sought to examine the impact of vicarious racism via the media on college students of color. Using a sample of 217 college students of color, we analyzed positive and negative affect and craving for alcohol and marijuana before and after exposure to media stimuli. Split‐plot analysis of variance results revealed a statistically significant interaction effect between time and group for negative affect, but not cravings for substances.  相似文献   

Despite its significance, the teacher-student relationship in higher education remains an under-researched field. The current study used constructivist grounded theory, in order to enrich the relevant discussion. More specifically, it aimed at exploring how the teacher-student relationship in graduate education develops (and gradually evolves) based on the perceptions and experiences of the parties involved. Data was collected through intensive interviewing with twenty teacher educators and by five focus groups with twenty-five graduate students in Educational Sciences. Based on the combined constant comparative analysis of the teachers’ and students’ perceptions and experiences, the teacher-student relationship in higher education surfaced as a complex dynamic process. Despite the teachers’ hierarchical superiority, it is characterised by reciprocating in all its manifestations: mutually wanting to relate, developing characteristics of a meaningful relationship, overcoming obstacles, maintaining boundaries and experiencing the positive outcomes.  相似文献   

我国高校扩招对毕业生就业影响的实证分析   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
关于高等教育规模扩展与毕业生就业的关系,存在着工资竞争理论、工作分层理论和工作竞争理论等不同理论观点的分歧。依据1998和2003年的调查数据对我国高校扩招与毕业生就业关系所做的实证分析表明,不同理论在我国都有一定的适用性,各种理论之间具有一定的内在一致性。这表明了高等教育规模与毕业生就业之间关系的复杂性,同时也为我们有效解决高校毕业生的就业问题提供了多种不同的思路。  相似文献   


The article will provide a historical overview of anti-Black violence in the higher education system across three time periods: Colonial Era, Post-Civil War, and the mid-to-late twentieth century. Mapping violence demands a focus on how higher education historically has practiced anti-Black oppression coupled with how Black people have practiced resistance and life-making. Both the terms education violence (how systems of schooling limit and kill Black lives) and life-making (how Black people engage in alternative self-definition and self-care) are introduced to name pivotal moments in this history. Defining violence at structural, cultural, and direct levels, the paper accounts for how higher education has been an engine and reflection of racial hierarchy. The article ends with the implications history has for issues of anti-Blackness and movements for Black life-making in the higher education system today.  相似文献   


Much has been written recently about inclusive learning environments in higher education. Most of this writing has unproblematically assumed a simple link between inclusion and access to institutions. In this paper I suggest that inclusive learning environments need to be reconceptualised as contexts within which a 'democratisation of knowledge' occurs. I draw upon my experience as a tutor on a professional development course for university lecturers to explore this reconceptualisation, looking in particular at issues to do with experiential knowledge, gender and sexuality.  相似文献   

研究生生均教育成本分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据高等学校职能和会计科目管理区分成本对象,根据配比原则可将高等学校成本分为教育成本、科研成本、社会服务成本和“杂项成本”四类。在确定“杂项成本”、科研成本和各类奖助学金不属于研究生教育成本之后,我们发现目前国内课程学习阶段的研究生生均教育成本与本科生接近,没有倍数差别,可以按1:1考虑;研究阶段研究生生均教育成本为0。如果采用成本补偿理论作为学费定价的理论基础,按同样补偿比例研究生和本科生学费应当基本接近。比较研究支持了这一结论。此外,成本分析表明生均教育成本并不一定随教育级别的提高而提高,研究生教育成本可能低于本科生教育成本。  相似文献   

This article employs ethnographic data gathered from one Belgian (Flemish) secondary school to explore the meaning Belgian and Turkish‐speaking minority pupils enrolled in technical and vocational education attach to teacher racism and racial discrimination, and to explore variations between pupils in making claims of teacher racism. A symbolic interactionist framework is employed to explore how pupils define teacher racism and how a particular context and interactions between pupils and teachers informs pupils' perceptions of racism. This article builds on a strong research tradition in British sociology of education on racism and discrimination by focusing the analysis on pupils' perceptions of such incidents and by investigating how racism is experienced by a generally neglected group of Turkish minority pupils in a particular Belgian education context.  相似文献   

This article examines the lived experiences of women in Ethiopian higher education (HE) as a counterpoint to understandings of gender equity informed only by data on admission, progression and completions rates. Drawing on a critical qualitative inquiry approach, we analyse and interpret data drawn from focus group discussions with female students and academic women in two public universities in Ethiopia. Individual accounts and shared experiences of women in HE revealed that despite affirmative action policies that slightly benefit females at entry point, gender inequality persists in qualitative forms. Prejudice against women and sexual violence are highlighted as key expressions of qualitative gender inequalities in the two universities. It is argued that HE institutions in Ethiopia are male-dominated, hierarchical and hostile to women. Furthermore, taken-for-granted gender assumptions and beliefs at institutional, social relational and individual levels operate to make women conform to structures of disadvantage and in effect sustain the repressive gender relations.  相似文献   

Socialization as a theoretical concept has been increasingly applied to higher education over the past several decades. However, little research examines international visiting scholars' overseas academic socialization experiences. Rooted in socialization theory, this one-year qualitative study explores 15 Chinese visiting scholars' lived experiences in socialization to the US academic community through observations and interviews. The data reveal that the strategies used for academic socialization include motivation, social networking development, academic recognition, goal orientation, and community involvement. Besides, this paper analyses the reasons for their encountered dilemmas such marginalization, time constraint, and external critique. Implications for Chinese Scholarship Committee (CSC) policy makers, international visiting scholars, and researchers are provided.  相似文献   

Inclusive physical education (PE) for students with disability (SWD) evolved in line with ethical requirements and stakeholder morality. While inclusive PE is embraced at a conceptual level and desired at the classroom level, the complexity of successful implementation often remains overlooked in policy and curriculum guidelines. Qualitative studies on inclusive PE are generally small-scale, context-specific and limited in applicability to other settings, while current narrative reviews may indiscriminately select qualitative findings. To overcome existing limitations and extend understanding of world-wide teaching and learning experiences within inclusive PE, we conducted qualitative meta-analysis to systematically synthesise primary qualitative findings into secondary interpretations. First, 7 electronic databases were systematically searched to identify peer-reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2016. Of 672 identified records, 12 met pre-set inclusion criteria. Second, an inductive-deductive hybrid analysis approach revealed two major and eight minor themes. Overall, themes indicated physical educators conceptually embraced inclusive PE with a creative outlook for collaboration, knowledge and support. Cooperative and supportive efforts between physical educators, SWD, parents and teacher aides are valued in creating PE environments that effectively respond to learner diversity. While access to practical teaching guidance remains scarce, this study may contribute to physical educator practice.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen the rise of literature focused on the rapid expansion of international students in higher education globally and the growing policy discourse around improving graduate employability. However, both, inevitably, have limitations. Together, they tend to homogenise international learners and see them narrowly as simply economic actors. More recently, however, there have been signs of important new developments in both literatures, drawing on interactive employability and capability accounts that stress both agency and structure in more satisfactory ways. We seek to further the development of an account that bridges the new wave of student mobility research and capability–employability research. In doing so, we offer two further elements to the literature. First, we aim to bridge the gap between accounts of international higher education and those of migration and diasporic studies. Second, we deliberately focus on a group that is marginal to the mainstream discourse but who are migrants that have engaged in international higher education in order to improve their labour market prospects, amongst other motivations. We do this through examining the stories of five Zimbabweans who embarked on additional higher educational studies in England after migrating to the country. Through this unique approach, we offer an important new perspective on how the debates on international higher education, employability and migration can be taken forward through closer articulation between these accounts.  相似文献   

The present article focuses on the meta-aggregative approach to qualitative evidence synthesis. Originally developed in Australia by the Joanna Briggs Institute, it mirrors the review process for reviews of effectiveness outlined by the international Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration, while remaining sensitive to the specific characteristics of qualitative research. Meta-aggregation is largely inspired by American pragmatism, hence its most distinct feature is that it produces synthesized statements in the form of ‘lines of action’ to be undertaken by practitioners and policy-makers. After a decade of implementing the meta-aggregative approach, we consider its challenges and outline how these can be dealt with in practice. We illustrate this by means of a worked example on experiences of pupils with special educational needs in inclusive education.  相似文献   

In the context of the growing number of mature students entering higher education in Europe, this study breaks new ground in comparing the personal and professional identities of mature student teachers in Greece and England. Using an analytical model of student success by Zepke and Leach (2008 Zepke, N. and Leach, L. Linking soft skills and student engagement in second chance education. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Society of Europe (CESE) annual conference. July7–10, Athens, Greece.  [Google Scholar]), the research sought to identify the factors affecting the progress and development of 30 mature student teachers (15 in each country). It was found that individual motivation and prior experience were assets in the development of the student teachers, while peer and family support were vital success factors. In the English context, the importance of institutional support from university and school-based tutors was also strong. Barriers included financial difficulties and domestic responsibilities, which had a particular impact on mature women students. Some recommendations to improve institutional support for mature student teachers are made in conclusion.  相似文献   

高等学校非行政化:国际经验与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等教育改革成效不明显甚至出现误区,原因主要在于未能突破行政化体制的束缚。国外教育经济主义思潮、教育评价制度、教育投资体制等可以为我国高等学校的非行政化改革提供理论支持、制度保证和经济保障。我国高等学校非行政化改革的对策是确立高等学校及其教师的主体地位,确立高等教育的独立价值标准,加大高等学校内部特别是人事制度和后勤社会化的改革。  相似文献   

广告代理制是市场经济的产物,是一种市场运营机制,不是行政管理体制。广告代理制必须受市场经济原则的制约。广告代理的收费方式是建立在广告主与广告公司双方协商的基础之上的,15%的佣金制不是“铁率”。零代理、负代理是市场竞争机制的结果,是部分广告公司为获得生意的噱头。广告代理制将继续发挥作用,广告代理的实行将促使广告公司专业化发展。  相似文献   

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