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离退休人员不良心态的自我调适与社会救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好心态是老年人享受幸福生活的决定因素,全社会要形成全面关心老年人的社会风气;社会各界、各团体及老年工作者要学会参与对老年群体、个体心理和心态的调查研充;要针对老年人的不同心态,用不同的方法,做好转换不良心态的过细工作.让老年群众真正过上幸福生活。  相似文献   

目前世界个人财富差距逐渐拉大,研究影响社会财富分配的原因对于缩小财富差距具有重要意义。人与人之间财富的不平等分配,可能是由于他们在天赋、技能、智力等方面自然差异的结果。对人生正面影响机会、负面影响挫折与个体间交互的社交等因素进行建模与分析。将机会、挫折与社交能力作为影响财富积累的因素进行综合考虑,采用基于代理的方法进行仿真,量化实际的机遇、挫折和社交能力在成功的职业生涯中的作用。提出“社交—机会”(SO)模型。对一批工作年限为40年的人群职业发展情况进行仿真。研究表明,机会在成功个体中起着重要作用,其影响可以部分弥补挫折对个人造成的打击,且重要性优于社交能力。同时,社交能力强的人在生活中更容易取得成功。机会和挫折在个人成功中体现出非常明显的初始敏感性,早期出现机会较多的人成功的可能性更高。  相似文献   

This study, which was conducted within a college of further education in London, explored students' attitudes towards people with mental ill health, and examined whether these impact on the learning and well‐being of students with mental illness. The study was carried out in response to complaints about negativity about mental illness within the college. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, which consisted of semantic differential surveys and semi‐structured interviews. Analysis of the results of the latter revealed the presence of stereotypes and prejudice, which had the potential to impact negatively upon learners with mental disorders. The article makes a number of recommendations for future teaching practice, which includes a need to raise awareness of mental health issues, and challenge stereotypes and negative attitudes relating to mental illness, within the classroom.  相似文献   

随着社会生活节奏的加快和人才竞争的日趋激烈,高校女教师生理和心理上承受了较大压力,个人发展受到束缚,也在一定程度上影响了高等教育事业的健康发展。运用道家文化某些具有恒定价值的思想智慧,努力探究减轻和消除高校女教师心理压力的方法,能为其心理调适工作提供方法论的启示。  相似文献   

The enthusiasm regarding the school as a place for mental health promotion is powered by a large body of research demonstrating the links between mental health and well-being, academic success and future life opportunities. Despite on-going commitment to mental well-being in the U.K., statistics suggest mental health issues are increasing among children and young people. This small-scale qualitative-exploratory study, undertaken in two primary schools in North Wales, reports on how school practitioners perceive, promote and support the mental health and well-being of pupils. The paper highlights a reluctance by practitioners to address mental health topics due to fear of stigma and a desire to protect children. Issues linked to funding, skills and training, together with over-stretched specialist agencies, are making it difficult for school practitioners to support pupils. There is a pressing need for appropriate training opportunities in order for practitioners to be knowledgeable and to feel confident to discuss mental health with children and young people. Schools have a significant role in supporting children’s mental well-being and reducing the stigma attached to mental illness but only if this important topic is not regarded as an ‘elephant in the room’.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the capacity for reflective and critical thinking at the transition stage from pre‐service education to working life is a challenging task for the development of quality assessment in higher education. Beginning teachers can organise their plans, reflections, observations and work samples in what is called a portfolio, reflecting on their experiences. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate professional development in higher education based on personal portfolios during a year‐long induction programme. The trainees were new teachers about to enter working life. The development essays and interviews with the participants based on their personal portfolios were analysed through qualitative methods. The results indicate that self‐assessment is an important tool for professional development.  相似文献   

江西省大中专院校学生体育锻炼现状和策应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着全国大中专院校招生规模的不断扩大,越来越多的大中专院校无力顾及学生的身心健康问题,多数学生体质不理想,健康状况令人担忧。在心理健康方面,20%的大中专生患有不同程度的心理疾病,且有逐年升高趋势,心理问题越来越多。这些问题在一定程度上影响着他们今后的学习和生活。  相似文献   

This study examined developmental changes in Level-2 visual perspective taking (VPT2) in 90 children aged 4–12 years and tested the role of their ability to mentally simulate changes to their bodily locations (self-motion imagery; SMI). Performance of a mental toy rotation task and a self-motion (SM) task (changing location of children) was superior to that of VPT2 and SMI tasks. Task performance of SMI was better than that of VPT2 before 10;0 (years;months). Furthermore, egocentric responses in VPT2 and SMI tasks were significantly more frequent than those in the mental rotation and SM tasks before 10;3. These findings suggest the involvement of embodied cognitive processes in perspective taking and the advantage of utilizing bodily information by age 10.  相似文献   

Persons with Mental Illness (PMIs) require unique consideration and individualized attention in the criminal justice system. Research has demonstrated the prevalence with which police come into contact with these individuals, the unique considerations made by courtrooms serving PMIs, the overrepresentation of PMIs in correctional settings, and the problems PMIs experience when reentering the community from incarceration. Given the growth of attention to this area, and the increased reality of challenges that criminal justice professionals encounter when working with PMIs, this paper explores the prevalence of courses on mental illness in criminal justice undergraduate programs in the United States. The current review of over 640 curricula in the United States illustrates that courses devoted solely to the topic of mental illness in the criminal justice system are particularly rare. The importance of offering more courses in the interface between mental illness and criminal justice for future professionals in the field is discussed.  相似文献   

In the industrialized world the probability of people reaching higher ages has risen substantially over the past decade. Falling birth and mortality rates have led to changes in the population structure. In Germany, the population will be aging rapidly over the next (decades), with the new demographic situation necessitating adjustment and re-orientation on the individual and socio-political level. We argue that the adjustment strategies should focus on the promotion of education across all phases of life and population groups. This applies to the issue of health, for example, since future strains on the social welfare system and macroeconomic performance are affected, among other factors, by the state of health of the growing number of elderly people. Education boosts health-promoting behavior, thus increasing the chances of an individual enjoying a long, active life. Besides, educational training and professional development are gaining importance owing to demographic change as the changes in the population structure will require individuals to work longer over their working lives and lead to a more even distribution of gainful employment across the life course. Education is a worthwhile investment, in particular as the prospects for long life are rising and because it enables people to lead their lives as responsible agents, to take charge of their personal individual and professional development, and to assure their livelihood.  相似文献   

晏培玉 《培训与研究》2009,26(10):85-87
职场冷暴力是人际冷暴力的一种,即指职场中人际之间用非武力的方式进行伤害,造成人们精神痛苦以及环境窘迫。其常见的类型有:同事之间的漠视和冷言、领导的重压或架空、遭遇心理疾病患者、绯闻和谣言等。它危害集体事业,伤害个人身心健康。消除和纠正这种现象应该成为单位文化建设的一个重要方面,也是建设和谐社会的重要内容。  相似文献   


Interns evaluate their international agricultural and horticultural internship. Topics include: career and personal development, ability to learn and teach, and quality of life during internship. Findings are associated with intern's: gender, native language (English, non-English), type of placement during internship (agriculture, horticulture), present occupation (agriculture, horticulture, other), present work status (owns own business, works for others), and year of internship (1980–1994). Males report greater ability to teach the host. Females report higher quality of life during internship. Agricultural placement interns report greater personal development than horticultural placement interns. Non-native English speakers indicate greater career development than native English speakers. Male non-native English speakers indicate greater learning than female non-native English speakers. Interns now working in agriculture or horticulture and owning their own business report more learning than those now working for others. Personal development during intership has decreased over time for interns presently working in agriculture. Interns now working in other occupations, who had agricultural placements indicate more learning than those who had horticultural placements. Interns not presently working in agricultural or horticultural occupations rate their quality of life during the internship as lower than those now working in agriculture or horticulture. The survey instrument and its analysis are discussed, and the Ohio International Agricultural and Horticultural Intern Program is described.  相似文献   

This study explores the utility of a dual-factor model of mental health in which the concepts of mental illness and mental wellness are integrated. Life satisfaction, emotional symptoms, personal adjustment, and clinical symptoms were assessed with a sample of 240 college students. Participants were organized into four groups based on levels of life satisfaction and clinical symptoms. Results appear to be consistent with previous research suggesting that psychopathology and subjective well-being are not opposite ends of an illness--health continuum, but may be better conceptualized as separate and complementary constructs related to the full range of human functioning. Implications for prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

要真正认识孙犁,解读他建国后的病因是一个必不可少的关键环节,或者说,“病”是阅读孙犁的一个关键词。孙犁的病并非无端“突发”,而是源于他不适应左的社会政治环境与大都市的生活环境,也与个人生活情感中的矛盾冲突密切相关,最根本的在于孙犁内心中生命感性欲求与社会理性规范之间的难以调和,而中篇小说《铁木前传》的写作及中止,很大程度上也正是孙犁当时特定精神状态的反映与折射。探析孙犁的病因病况,可以引发我们对关于社会和人性等许多关乎文学的重要问题的深沉渺远的思索。  相似文献   

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore people’s experience of reduced working capacity and their encounters with professionals in that life situation. We collected data through in-depth interviews with eight individuals. The main finding of the current research is how illness and accident impairing work capacity exacerbate vulnerability during the recovery process as people experienced uncertainty, depression, anxiety, social isolation, fear and stress. We conclude that counseling and support from respectful, professional, caring and human professionals is extremely valuable in such a context.  相似文献   

关注全民心理健康是社会发展、行业文化发展、健康的心理学自身发展和全民基本的心理需要变化等方面的客观要求。人们在现实生活中 ,对基本的自我认识能力、基本的人格协调能力、基本的自主与独立性、基本的控制情绪能力、基本的社会适应能力和基本的社会交往能力等方面迫切需要得到系统的教育 ,这对于全民心理健康这一学术领域研究的“生态环境”建设、相关知识和技术的教育宣传和社区心理服务机构的建设等方面提出了挑战 ,需加大力度为人们营造良好的心理健康的氛围  相似文献   

作为一种文学思潮,伤痕文学虽早已远去,但其影响却远未消逝。《伤痕》是伤痕文学的标志性作品之一,它的影响意义深远。《伤痕》的影响不在于它的"伤痕"描述,而在于它所开创的叙事伦理。《伤痕》叙述了王晓华在组织与母亲之间的艰难选择以及由此带来的严重精神创伤,这个精神创伤通过对王晓华个人生活的娓娓叙述凸显出来,《伤痕》改写了过去近30年小说宏大叙事的主体缺失历史。《伤痕》引领了伤痕文学个人生活叙事的潮流,伤痕文学不再提供普遍的集体化的道德原则,凡俗人等的生活悲歌取代过去的英雄赞歌成为常态。伤痕文学开启了20世纪80年代以来个体生存伦理取代家国生活伦理、悲剧取代喜剧的新型叙事伦理,为之后的先锋叙事、解构叙事铺平了道路。  相似文献   


It is forecast that ageing baby boomers will have a substantial impact on future health expenditure. The primary aim of this study is to explore the perceived health benefits of later life university study for baby boomers. An online survey of Australian baby boomers examined their beliefs regarding the health benefits of studying at university in later life and related barriers. Data from 261 respondents revealed the main benefits to be gained from later life university study were improved critical thinking and decision-making skills. The main motivators were personal fulfilment and mental or intellectual stimulation, and financial cost the most important barrier. The results from this study suggest that university study in later life should be considered as a health promotion intervention for older adults seeking mental/intellectual stimulation. Enhancement of cognitive function through such interventions may have significant positive impacts on health outcomes across short, medium and long-term timeframes.  相似文献   

再论智力障碍概念的演化及其实践意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20年来智力障碍定义发生了重要的演变。第一次转变是从1983年的定义系统转变为1992年的定义系统,这次转变是将智力障碍从一个人的固有特性转变为一个人能力与环境相互作用的功能状态;并提出了按支持程度分类的新系统;第二次转变是在第一次转变基础上继续强调从5个维度来为智力障碍者提供支持,提供个人功能状态,最终提高他们的生活质量。智力障碍定义的演化改变了人们智力障碍的观念,对智力障碍的分类系统、教育和成人康复实践产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

This project responded to the concerns of experienced community health workers who worked with people who had mental illness and resided in Supported Residential Facilities (SRFs) in South Australia. They had identified that urinary and faecal incontinence was common for this group of people and yet it was an issue that had not previously been addressed. The aim of the research was to develop continence promotion strategies specifically for community dwelling people who have mental illness. The aim of this article is to articulate the authors' reflections of the way learning was facilitated by collaboratively researching with people who have debilitating and enduring mental illness. The authors facilitated 10 Participatory Action Research (PAR) group meetings with people with mental illness and who experienced incontinence during 2002. Using a collaborative research process, participants were facilitated to ‘look, think and act’. That was to look at possible reasons for incontinence, identify self–management strategies and to take action to achieve self-selected goals. In this way, participants sought practical strategies for lifestyle modification and awareness raising, with a strong chance of successful uptake.  相似文献   

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