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校外教育是实施素质教育的重要途径,是增强学生道德践能力和社会适应能力的重要载体。校外教育的教育功能不可忽视,校外教育在人才教育培养上的独特作用是不可替代的。它不仅能培养学生美术兴趣,发展特长,锻炼能力,提高素质修养,而且能调适青少年的良好心态。  相似文献   

Part of the vision of school reform is to reconstruct schools as learning communities in which students and teachers pursue topics of interest. Computers can provide powerful tools for students in learning communities where inquiry, data gathering, interpretation, thinking, and judgment take place. Changing beliefs in educational goals and great support for teachers will be necessary if we are to realize the potential of computers in restructured classrooms. The greatest possibilities exist in new Professional Development Schools, where university faculty join school teachers in joint efforts to restructure learning environments. New evaluation procedures are also needed if competencies associated with information retrieval and use are to be assessed.  相似文献   

相信多数人都有类似的经验———学了十几年的英文 ,依然听不太懂、说不太出、写不成篇 ,而归咎起来 ,原因也不外乎“没有语言环境”。其实 ,没错 ,语言学习最重要的就是一个让你觉得“非用不可”的情境 ,一旦迫使自己的“非用不可”的驱动力形成 ,人往往就会自发性的选择“学习”。然而 ,就学英文这件事来说 ,若非实际生活上的需求 ,身处国内 ,毕竟难以产生如此驱动力 ,而传统的教室教学模式 ,亦因一对多的授业方式 ,缺乏师生互动 ,难以个别化指导 ,而不易产生功效。近年来 ,能结合文字、声音、图像、动画和影片的电脑多媒体整合科技 ,以及…  相似文献   

This article reviews an important but neglected area of the science curriculum: connections with work and the workplace. The first section offers some historical background, arguing that economic and practical relevance has from the beginning been an important theme within science education. The article then undertakes a broader exploration of the intellectual background, usage and meaning of the term vocationalism within education, before turning to vocational themes as they are represented more specifically within research on science education. It then examines the development and contemporary policy significance of vocational provision across the world. This is followed by an account of a specific case: the innovative version of school science currently under development in England, which is occurring under the rubric of ‘applied science’. Finally the article sketches a research agenda for vocationalism within science education, drawing on the themes and issues that have been identified. It suggests that greater attention to this area will contribute to a broadening of the intellectual compass and relevance of science education research.  相似文献   

In this paper I consider a role for risk understanding in school science education. Grounds for this role are described in terms of current sociological analyses of the contemporary world as a ‘risk society’ and recent public understanding of science studies where science and risk are concerns commonly linked within the wider community. These concerns connect with support amongst many science educators for the goal of science education for citizenship. From this perspective scientific literacy for decision making on contemporary socioscientific issues is central. I argue that in such decision making, risk understanding has an important role to play. I examine some of the challenges its inclusion in school science presents to science teachers, review previous writing about risk in the science education literature and consider how knowledge about risk might be addressed in school science. I also outline the varying conceptions of risk and suggest some future research directions that would support the inclusion of risk in classroom discussions of socioscientific issues.  相似文献   

从全方位、多层次的视角来认识学校体育,有效利用学校体育教育中所孕育的包括个人礼仪、社交礼仪、文书礼仪、习俗礼仪和体育仪式等礼仪教育内容,形成生物的、教育的、心理的、社会的多维体育“育人观”。  相似文献   

Gender justice includes three basic dimensions: gender equality, respect for difference, and free choice. In reality, schools construct and reproduce the gender injustice of the social culture through multiple dimensions that include the visible and the invisible curriculum, and the teacher’s behaviour. In terms of gender justice, the social culture and the school culture are like two separate “circulations”, but these two circulations are of the same inner structure. However, in pursuing the value of gender justice, we need to start from both of these two “circulations” at the same time. As a self-conscious cultural institution, the school should recognize its own small circulation, and then pursue the realization of gender justice by all possible means. Moreover, the more important contribution of the school is to help drive the larger transformation of gender justice in the social culture. __________ Translated from Quanqiu Jiaoyu Zhanwang 全球教育展望 (Global Education), 2007, (9): 33–38, by WANG Molin, School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Beijing Normal University  相似文献   

当前的中学(初中)教育处于9年义务教育阶段,有一部分学生初中毕业后会立即走上社会,成为国家的劳动者,另一部分同学则会继续升学深造,为大学阶段的发展储备知识。无论是作一名普通劳动者,还是成为高校学生,都必须树立正确的体育观,掌握基本的体育技能、知识。所以,在体育课的教学实践中,首先必须树立为他们的终身教育打基础和服务的思想。在此前提下再计划对学生如何进行具体的、有针对性的素质教育,则是中学体育教学需要认真思考和改进的。  相似文献   

本文结合理论与实践,在详细的分析了情商教育内涵的基础上,以英语和体育教学为例子,阐述了情商教育在学校教育中的作用和影响.  相似文献   

情感是人们对于现实当中的客观事物所进行的反映。虽然在英语教学的过程当中,它不是理论性的因素。但是其在英语教育中对于学生的影响可谓是至关重要的。在本文中,我们将对小学英语教育当中情感的重要性进行简要的分析,依据小学英语教学现状,为其进行相应对策的提出。  相似文献   

面对网络对青少年的巨大影响,如何对学生进行正确引导,已经成为当前技工类学校、教师、家长共同关注的重要问题。学校、教师和家庭要切实从学生的特点出发,尊重和理解他们,不围追堵截,不简单粗暴,提高自身教育能力对学生做有效的针对性的引导,让网络真正成为技校学生成长学习中的重要工具。  相似文献   

本文针对动物营养专业校外实践教学基地存在的问题,探讨了实践教学模式改革和创新,加快校外实践教学基地建设,提高实践教学质量。  相似文献   

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