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广告英语是一种实用性文体 ,它的翻译具有自己独特的方法和原则。介绍了广告英语的五种翻译方法和四项翻译原则  相似文献   

手机短信是现代科学技术的产物,它既是一种社会文化现象,同时也是一种语言现象.与其他语言和文本形式相比,幽默类手机短信具有其自身独特的文体风格.本文根据文体学相关理论,以语言运用中的常规和偏离为切入点,结合实例,从语音、词汇、书写、语法、语义和语域这几个方面分析幽默类手机短信的独特文体风格.  相似文献   

随笔是散文的一种文体格式,是作者综合写作素质的整体表现。它的特点是篇幅短小,形式灵活,笔调轻松,涉及范围宽广,杂记见闻、借事抒情、事理说明、案例分析、实用文体、笔记小品等均可入手。它不仅切合新课程标准,而且能在提高学生语文素养方面体现它独特的优越性。  相似文献   

在现代中国文学近百年的曲折发展过程中,如果要追问究竟哪一种文体的嬗变程度最大?答案无疑应是现代诗歌。相对于小说、散文甚至于话剧这些相对稳定的文体形式,诗歌文体在现代中国经历了难以想象的变异。尽管现代诗歌早已确立了它独特的文体形式,但是在这一确立的过程中,  相似文献   

《语丝》是现代文学史上有过较大影响的刊物 ,创办六年间 ,以独特的文体面貌吸引了不少读者 ,一时被称作“《语丝》的文体”。我认为 ,《语丝》以它相当宽泛自由的、随意的、多元的、几乎无所不包的文体面貌 ,提供给我们一种关于发表思想与言论园地的新的想像  相似文献   

写杂文要有杂文味。什么叫杂文味?除了在内容上迫近现实、针砭时弊的战斗性与讽刺性外,其中最主要的成分则是它独特的语言风味。杂文之所以能成为一种独立的文体,与它成长过程中逐渐形成的独特的语言表达形式密切相关。因此,衡量一篇杂文的文体质量,就要勇敢地拿起语言表达这一尺度。杂文语体是杂文家在长期的创作实践中形成的适合杂文文体的一种特殊的语言表达体式,是杂文语言形式的规范。它具有一定的表达形式规律和表述要求,这些规律和要求包含在许多典范的杂文作品中,很有必要从理论上进行概括和归纳,给杂文写作提供一种大体的…  相似文献   

读后感是一种重要的文体,在“写作”教学中占据着重要地位。读后感是指阐述、议论阅读一定的材料或作品之后所得感受的文章,属议论文范畴。这种文体熔叙述、议论、抒情为一炉,是训练和检测学生综合能力的一种独特文体。它既可以训练检测学生的阅读理解能力,又能够训练检测学生的语言表达能力。经常练习写作这  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的发展,网络语言的研究越来越被人们所关注。即时网络聊天语言不同于面对面的交流形式,它作为一种语体,有其独特的文体特征。文章从语域角度分析网络聊天室语言的成因,并从词汇角度对中英网络聊天语言进行对比分析,总结其文体特征及文体效果。  相似文献   

不同的文体有不同的翻译策略,同时与文体的结构也有莫大关系。新闻是一种特殊的文体,其独特的文体结构会对翻译造成怎样的影响,笔者将探究两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

文艺性说明文是语文教材中一种独特的文体,有着其独特的教学价值。这就需要教师紧扣它的特点,探索契合文体价值的教学模式,为学生核心素养的发展提供支撑。在教学中,要从落实知识价值、强化审美体验、促进知行转化三个板块展开教学,让学生获得相应的文本知识、审美意趣,并掌握写作特点,从而促进学生语文素养的不断提升。  相似文献   

公共文化服务的基本特征与现代政府的文化责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共文化服务的基本特征,决定了公共文化服务绝不是任何私人组织的盈利活动,而是一项关乎全民共同利益的公共事业。这样的公共事业不可能由任何私人组织来提供,必须由国家政府来举办。当前,在全面实现小康社会的伟大进程中,构建公共文化服务体系,国家政府具有义不容辞和不可推卸的重要责任。  相似文献   

一种公钥密码方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于Shamir秘密分享方案和E1Gamal密码体制,提出了一种要求(t,n)门限解密的公钥密码方案。在该方案中,接收方的n个参与者中任意t个合作才能获得明文,而少于t个合作则无法获得明文的任何比特.对方案的安全性也进行了分析.  相似文献   

公共领域和私人领域的划分是处理国家和公民关系的核心问题之一。公共领域和私人领域明确界分并相辅相成,任何一方无限扩张或式微都会影响到另一方的存在和发展,在政治实践中应追求二者的良性互动、和谐发展。研究公共领域和私人领域的关系对于当代中国具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

高速公路组织要想更好发展,就必须注重发挥公共关系的管理职能,使其对内有利于增加组织内部凝聚力,对外有利于协调各方关系,树立组织的良好形象,增加客户的满意度。开展公共关系,就要了解公众需求,提供优质服务,树立良好形象,妥善处理突发事件和公众投诉,协调外部关系,调动员工的工作积极性。  相似文献   

石克春 《南平师专学报》2010,29(3):11-14,20
收地拆迁中所涉及的公共利益应以必须能铲除一切给某些个人或集团带来额外利益为基本原则。公共利益所蕴含的实物形态应主要是公共产品,它具有非排他和非竞争的性质,真正可为民众共享。要确保为了公共利益的目的而进行房屋拆迁,就必须在货币补偿和产权置换等价值交易与兑现的关键环节上,从切实让利于民做起。  相似文献   

Proponents of private schooling claim that private high schools, on the average, more effectively promote measured academic achievement than public high schools. They have also argued that private high schools increase high school completion rates and improve college enrollment rates among high school graduates. Their antagonists, typically, hold that there is little or no difference between public and private high schools with respect to any of these outcomes. We address two of these school effectivenes issues by applying multiple-regression analysis to two SAT data sets for Florida and a national SAT data set. We ask whether there are differences between public and private high schools in promoting achievement as measured by the high-profile SAT verbal and math tests. At the same time, we are asking, at least implicity, if either public or private high schools provide an SAT soore advantage in promoting college enrollments. Our analysis finds a consistent advantage for public high schools with respect to SAT math attainment. For high schools generally, however, it seems clear that school effects outweigh the impact of socially ascribed traits, such as race, ethnicity, gender, and social class.  相似文献   

Higher education in Greece is considered a public good, freely and indiscriminately provided to all citizens. At the same time, the over‐centralized administration of education, together with an inadequate flow of public subsidies, force households into private expenditures and render higher education an expensive asset to be acquired on the basis of social status and economic ability. Drawing on the imperative movement towards a common European higher education area, this study examines the way state investments are directed towards public universities. It concludes that the currently mismatched funding allocations are due to the absence of any concept of varying financial rewards, which should reflect the quality of the education offered and/or the students' socio‐economic background.  相似文献   

近年来,突发公共卫生事件、各类已知及未知的传染病及其他各类危害人类健康的事件随时可能袭来。学校人群密集,是一个易于发生突发事件和造成传染病流行的场所。学校附属医院应建立起适应社会快速反应的医院和保健站,健全应对突发公共卫生事件的反应机制.为医院可持续发展奠定更加良好的基础。  相似文献   


The reform movement embracing charter schools is based largely on the promise that these autonomous schools will out-perform public schools plagued by bureaucratic administration-an expectation reflected in the federal NCLB law. However, the many state-based reports have been mixed, and previous national studies have suffered from serious methodological shortcomings. In a multi-dimensional analysis of a large and comprehensive dataset, we found charter elementary schools performing at a level beneath those of non-charter public schools, even after accounting for differences in student demographics and school location. In view of this and previous studies, the best current estimate of the performance of charter schools is that any academic advantage is negligible, isolated, or even negative relative to achievement in non-charter public schools. Implications regarding the premise of the federal law are considered. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_07  相似文献   

A practical and dynamic key management scheme for a user hierarchy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONThe access control problem in an arbitrary par-tially ordered user hierarchy is defined below. In an organization, the users and their authorized data are organized into a group of disjoint sets of security classes, and each user is assigned to a certain security class called his security clearance. Let C1, C2, …, Cn, n∈ù, be n disjoint security classes and ‘≤’ be a binary partial-order relation over the set C={C1, C2, …, Cn}. For the set (C, ≤), Cj≤Ci (i, j∈ù) …  相似文献   

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