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为了避免重复,我们常常用so来代替前面已经提到过的词、词组或从句。下面谈谈so的一些替代用法:(一)so的替代作用1.替代表语so可以用在be,appear,becom e,get,keep,seem,prove,turn等系动词之后,替代前面已经提到过的用作表语的形容词或名词。例如:I w as notsatisfied,but I tried to appear so to please him.我并不满意,但是为了让他高兴,我尽量显得很满意。(so代替satisfied)H e has been very helpful to m e in the past and I hope he will be soin the future.从过去一直到现在他对我帮助都很大,我希望他今后还会这样。(so代替hel…  相似文献   

1.Her answer is satisfactory to the teacher,so a satisfied look came to his face.她的回答令老师满意,因此老师的脸上显示出满意的神色。析:satisfactory意为"令人满意的、合乎要求的(=satisfying)",常  相似文献   

本文拟就 to 后所接词语作粗浅的探讨,以期对英语初学者在学习和应试中有一定的帮助。Ⅰ.做带 to 的填空题时,首先要弄明白 to 是不定式标志,还是介词。A.To 是介词,后面动词须用动名词形式。1.He is looking forward to attending the meeting.他期望参加那个会议。2.He takes to drinking.他爱喝酒。3.She wanted him to devote himself to working for the Party.她要他全身心地为党工作。  相似文献   

Unit 71.stop to do,stop doing[辨析]stop to do sth.表示"停下(正在做的事情)去做某事",to do sth.在句中是目的状语。如:He stopped to talk to me.他停下手头的活和我谈起来。He stopped to answer the telephone.他停下来去接电话。  相似文献   

1.One day,old Jeff took his donkey to themarket. On his way,a businessman came andsaid the donkey belonged to him. They quarrelledfirecely and decided to go to court. 有一天,老杰夫牵着他的驴去市场。在路上,一个商人走来,说那驴是属于他的。他们争吵得很激烈,并决定去法院。  相似文献   

1.come down to earth回到现实;放弃不切实际的想法A:Bill likes sitting and daydreaming. B:So his mother always asks him to come down to earth and to study hard. A:比尔喜欢坐着空想。B:所以他的母亲总是叫他脚踏实地地努力学习。  相似文献   

招一、疑问代词(副词)引导的从句改为"疑问代词(副词)+不定式结构"。如:1.他不知道他应该干什么。He didn’t know what he should do.He didn’t know what to do.2.你能告诉我怎样才能到达动物园吗?Can you tell me how I can get to the zoo?Can you tell me how to get to the zoo?招二、把从句改为不定式短语。如:1.他希望他取得大的进步He hopes that he would make great progress.He hopes to make great progress.  相似文献   

U nit4 Travel1.Could I speak to Mr Song Jia,the headmaster,please?我能和宋嘉校长通话吗 ?speak to somebody意为“同某人谈谈”。如 :1Don't speak to him about his study.不要和他谈有关他学习的事。2 Could I speak to sb?May I speak to sb?两个句型常用于电话用语中 ,表示“我可以和 sb通话吗 ?”“我可以找 sb吗 ?”2 .I hope to see him as soon as possible.我希望尽快和他见面。1hope to do sth意为“希望做…… ,想做……”。如 :I hope to fly to the moon one day.我希望有一天能飞上月球。2 as soon as possible意…  相似文献   

功能口语 1 谈论职业 同学们,你们喜欢什么职业?今后想做什么?让我们一起来学习一下有关职业的问答吧! 常考口语 What do you do?你是做什么工作的? I'm an actor.我是名演员. What does he do?他是做什么的? He's a reporter.他是名记者. What do you want to be?你想做什么工作? 1 want to be a doctor.我想成为一名医生. What does he want to be?他想做什么职业? He wants to be a policeman.他想当警察.  相似文献   

一、“used to 动词原形”表示“过去常常……”的意思。例如: 1.We used to go there every year.我每年都去那儿。2.He is not what he used to be.他已不再是以前的他了。3. It used to be believed that sugar coulddecay the teeth.过去人们认为糖会腐蚀牙齿。  相似文献   

1.One day,old Jeff took his donkey to the market. On his way,a businessman came and said the donkey belonged to him. They quarrelled firecely and decided to go to court.有一天,老杰夫牵着他的驴去市场。在路上,一个商人走来,说那驴是属于他的。他们争吵得很激烈,并决定去法院。  相似文献   

【档案一】have to的意思是“不得不;必须”,后接动词原形。例如:My pen is broken.I have to buy a newone.我的钢笔坏了,我得买一支新的。【档案二】have to有人称、数和时态的变化,其第三人称单数形式为has to,过去式为had to。例如:His mother is ill.He has to stay at hometo look after her.他妈妈病了,他得呆在家里照顾她。Li Lei said he was so busy last night thathe had to work till11o’clock.李雷说他昨晚太忙了,一直工作到11点钟。【档案三】含有have to,has to,had to的句子需分别借助助动词do,does,did构成疑问句和否定句。例如:(1)They have to go home now.他们得现在回家。→Do they have to go home now?他们得现在回家吗?→They don’t have to go home now.他们不必现在回家。(2)She has to visit her ...  相似文献   

<正>1.Though he was the last man I wanted to see,I did all I could to help him.误译:虽然他是我想见到的最后一个人,我还是尽我所能帮助了他。正译:虽然他是我最不愿见到的人,我还是尽我所能帮助了他。  相似文献   

Summer Holiday     
Summer holiday is coming. Pony wants to go to the beach for a swim. What does he want to take?只出现了一次的就是他要带的。They are____, ____,____,____ and____.  相似文献   

Clifford最喜欢的玩具橡皮鼠不见了!到底丢在哪里了呢Emily带着他找遍了上个星期去过的所有地方。最终有没有找到呢?一起来读故事吧!1.On Saturday morning,we are going to visit my grandma.Clifford looks for his rubber mouse,Mr Squeaky,to take along.But he can’t find it.Clifford doesn’t want to go to Grandma’s without his mouse.星期六早上,我们要去看望奶奶。Clifford要带上他的橡皮鼠Squeaky先生,但他找不到了。不带上橡皮鼠,Clifford就不想去奶奶家。  相似文献   

68.At last we found him in a trap in the forest,still living but notalive.最后我们在森林里的陷阱里找到他的时候,他虽然还活着,但已经是奄奄一息了。69.I would like to talk to Mr Smith now,though I don/t like to talkto him.我非常想现在就找史密斯先生谈一谈,尽管  相似文献   

  1.On Saturday morning, we are going to visit my grandma. Clifford looks for his rubber mouse, Mr Squeaky, to take along. But he can’t find it. Clifford doesn’t want to go to Grandma’s without his mouse.星期六早上,我们要去看望奶奶。Clifford要带上他的橡皮鼠Squeaky先生,但他找不到了。不带上橡皮鼠,Clifford就不想去奶奶家。  相似文献   

1.Could you fix an appointment for me to see Mr Snow?你能给我约个时间会见斯诺先生吗?2.I was wondering whether Mr Snow would be able to see me thismorning.不知道斯诺先生今天上午能否会见我。3.Have you anything particular to discuss with him,if I may ask?请问您有没有特殊事情要找他谈?4.Yes.I would like to have a talk with him in person.有的。我想和他本人谈一谈。5.There's a rather important matter to discuss with him.  相似文献   

1.他很小,不能上学。误:He isn’t old enough not to go to school.正:He isn’t old enough to go to school.析:“not…enough to do sth.”意为“不足……以致不能做某事”,词组中的不定式本身已含有否定意思,故不能用not。  相似文献   

1.draw the longbow吹牛,夸口,说大话 A: He told me that he wants to take charge of this department. B: He said that? A: Yes. B: But you will be wise to remember that he is to draw the longbow when he is telling you about his prowess. A: I see, thanks. A:他对我说他想管理这个部门。 B:他这么说的? A:是呀。 B:但你若知道他往往都是在吹牛,那你就聪明了。 A:我知道了,谢谢你。  相似文献   

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