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生物是一门实验科学,生物学的概念、原理、规 律等基础知识大多是通过实验得出的。学生具有 的实验能力是其科学素养的重要组成部分,随着 高考改革和新课程标准的实施,考查学生的实验 和探究能力已经成为高考能力考查中的重点内容 之一。  相似文献   

基于普通高中水平考试和学生综合素质评价下的"新高考"为内地西藏班(校)办学工作提出了新要求,新挑战。体现在评价本身、教育质量和高考的科学推进。思考新形势下的内地西藏班(校)应对策略对于推进改革、适应改革、开展改革具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

不断深化的课程改革为课程评价尤其是学业评价的改革提供了广阔的空间和适宜的土壤。在我国现有的社会文化背景下,充分发挥高考指挥棒的作用是推动数学课程改革的重要策略。近年来,各地的高考命题改革对这一作用的发挥作出了很好的探索。本文以数学学科为例,基于高考命题的研究性学习与综合课程评价、基础知识与基本技能评价、关键能力与核心素养评价等方面的改革案例分析,讨论以高考命题改革推动课程改革的基本原则与策略。  相似文献   

2002年,英国评价改革小组(The Assessment Reform Group)为了指引教师的课堂实践,发布了基于研究的"促进学习的评价"(Assessment for Learning)的十大原则。其中第十条原则提出:开展促进学习的评价应该被作为教师的一项重要的专业技能。促进学习的评价的本质是"探查学生在某一学习主题上的前概念、迷思概念,并监控学生的学习进展"。这一定位聚焦于  相似文献   

新课程改革以后,教师的教学方式和教学方法都发生了很大变化,课堂学习的氛围也改变了。新课程改革对高考的考题方向等发生了很大的改变,具有导向性作用。高考中数学是一门重要的学科,在新课程改革的理念下,高考数学秉承着创新的理念和精神,降低了难度,也根据不同学生的情况,在难度上设置了梯度,卷面上的选择题数量减少,更注重对学生思维过程的考查。基于此,本文对新课程改革背景下的高考数学题教学导向进行分析和研究。  相似文献   

“上海高考改革评价方案”已经实施,要求学生除体验传统课堂教学的学习经历外,还将研究性学习纳入学生必不可少的学习经历。“学生课题研究”模块也成为“上海高中学生综合素养评价”的重要组成内容。高考评价方式的改变导致学生、家长、教师、教育系统对研究性学习高度重视,也直接导致学生对研究性课题的迫切需要。鉴于此,无论学科教师还是化学创新实验室的管理教师,有责任指导学生进行研究性学习。因此,积极开发适合校情、生情的研究性课题供学生参考是必然要求。笔者已对化学研究性实验的开发提出了“生活问题实验化[1]”“高等有机化学实验前置化[2]”两种策略,随着研究的深人,提炼出了“实验作品艺术化”研究性实验开发策略。现以“金、银手”的实验设计与模型制作为例介绍这一策略。  相似文献   

基于成果导向的教育理念强调以学生为中心,逆向教学设计理论强调教学的起始是学生的学习需求,二者为逆向进行课程设计、测评和制订教学计划提供了指导。教师可基于逆向思维对高考评价进行解析,明确《中国高考评价体系》与学科课程标准的层级作用机制,了解高考评价如何驱动课堂教学变革及其改革方向。教师还要基于对高考试题的研究,从逆向思维视域解读考、教、学三者的关系,形成课堂教学优化路径,并聚焦素养达成的评价与学生探究性活动如何设计两个关键问题,培养出综合素质高且具有未来发展素养的公民,进而达成学科育人的功能和价值。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,随着素质教育的发展和我国新课程高考改革步伐的加快,教育工作者对学生学习评价体系的内容以及形式都在进行积极的探索研究。这对于全面了解和把握新课程背景下的学习评价体系及其存在的问题,对于完善学生学习评价体系,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

马兰 《宁夏教育》2000,(10):6-7
评价改革,势在必行。课堂教学中运用鼓励性评价是评价改革的一项重要内容。鼓励性评价具有激发学生学习兴趣、营造和谐融洽的师生关系、创造宽松愉悦的教学氛围、增强学生的学习信心等作用。但笔者在听课和“小学生学习指导和评价改革”课题实验过程中发现:一些教师对鼓励性评价认识不到位,操作方法欠妥当,只注意到了评价的激励作用,忽视了评价的指导功能。  相似文献   

我国学习领域高中课程设计要想解决好核心问题,必须控制好学科之间的等值性和选修组合的可比性。要达到这一要求,需要改革选修机制和高考评价内容,使不同的选修组合在高考面前具有可比性。基于江苏省实际提出的"一文一理"的选修模式,解决了长期以来困扰人们的文理综合与学业负担的矛盾,同时简化了高考评价、学校设科、学生选科的实践操作,并且增加了高考筛选学生的区分度和公平性。由于各选修科目之间具有等值性以及各科选修模块系列化是实施"一文一理"选修模式的先决条件。因此,高考选测科目的"一文一理"组合是落实该选修模式的必要保障。  相似文献   

Peer assessment has been increasingly integrated in educational settings as a strategy to foster student learning. Yet little has been studied about how students at different learning levels may benefit from peer assessment. This study examined how peer-assessment and students’ learning levels influenced students’ project performance using a two-way factorial design. One hundred and thirty teacher education students participated in this quasi-experimental study. When working on a technology-integrated lesson plan project, the experimental group completed an online peer assessment process while the control group followed the discussion method. Students’ learning levels were measured and divided into low, average and high achieving according to the quality of their draft lesson plans. Data analysis suggested that the impact of peer assessment on students’ lesson plan project seemed to vary according to students’ learning levels. While low- and average-achieving students showed significantly improved performance right after the integration of a peer assessment model, the model seemed to have had less impact on the performance of high-achieving students. Significance, implications and limitations of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that dynamic assessment based instruction increases children’s learning by using a quasi-experimental research design in Korea. In this study, dynamic assessment is defined as a measurement method of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) as well as the qualitative and quantitative diagnostic information for individual children. In addition, dynamic assessment based instruction is defined as a teaching method using the diagnostic information types in order to increase children’s learning. In this study, 59 children between the ages of 4 and 5 participated. Three types of number concept achievement tests (pre-test, parallel test, and post-test) for each age group were developed and the content validity, face validity, and split-half reliability were examined. After conducting the pre-test, the children of each age group were divided into an experimental group and a control group. Dynamic assessment based instruction regarding number concepts was undertaken only with the experimental group for 4 weeks. Both groups took a post-test after completing the 4 weeks of classes. The ANCOVA technique wa ls used for data analysis. The result of this study shows that dynamic assessment based instruction has a significant effect on children’s learning of number concepts (in the case of 4-year-old children, F = 12.34, p<0.01; 5-year-old children, F = 20.03, P<0.01). Therefore, dynamic assessment based instruction should be used widely for children’s cognitive learning.  相似文献   

"数字图像处理"实验课教学改革与实践   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
根据《数字图像处理》课程本身的特点以及国家示范性软件学院培养实用型软件人才的目的,将基于项目的学习理论和方法引入数字图像处理的实验课教学中,并从实验环境的建立、学习内容的筛选、教学策略的运用、以及学习评价等方面进行了论述。教学实践显示,这一系统的教学改革方案对于提高课程学习者的学习效果有显著作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of learning progression-aligned formal embedded formative assessment on conceptual change and achievement in middle-school science. Fifty-two sixth graders were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. Both groups were taught about sinking and floating by the same teacher with identical curriculum materials and activities. The experimental group received, in addition, three sets of formal embedded formative assessments with qualitative feedback as to how to improve their understandings aligned with an expected learning progression during instruction. The control group spent the corresponding time between new curriculum activities conducting curriculum-specific extension activities. Overall, the experimental group experienced on average greater conceptual change than the control group. The experimental group also scored higher on average than the control group on general achievement tests, especially the performance assessment. This study supported the contention, then, that embedding formal formative assessments within a curricular sequence built around an expected learning progression is a useful way to promote conceptual change along that learning progression in science classrooms.  相似文献   

教育界已经开始呼吁利用学习档案对学习和教学进行形成性评价,培养学生自主学习能力和反思能力。在这一背景下,本研究选定安徽科技学院英语专业某班学生为受试者,研究在他们学习语言学的过程中,学习档案对其产生的影响。结果表明:学生的自主学习和反思学习意识大大增强;学习档案有力地督促了学生坚持规划和实施学习。多数学生对学习档案持认可态度。发现的问题有:尽管学生自主学习和反思学习的意识增强了,但还未来得及彻底转化为有效行动。有些学生未能充分理解这一形成性评价工具的目的和作用,影响了学习档案的效果。  相似文献   

随着现代教育技术的发展,基于多媒体网络的教学模式在大学英语教学中日益盛行,新的教学模式呼唤着相应的评价模式。本文首先介绍了网络环境下的大学英语教学评价模式,然后在贵州大学的本科生中进行了实证研究以探索其有效性。实验结果显示,这一评价模式有利于促进学生自主学习能力的提高;激发了学生的语言学习兴趣;培养了学习者的合作学习能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to design reflective writing mechanisms in a web-based portfolio assessment system and evaluate its effects on self-regulated learning. Participants were two classes of juniors majoring in data processing and taking a course called “Website design” at a vocational high school in Taiwan. One class was randomly selected and assigned as an experimental group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system, whereas the other class was assigned as a control group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio. The result revealed that students who were highly satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms significantly outperformed students who were less satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms in self-regulated students reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system significantly outperformed students reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio in self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

The emphasis given to experimental problem-solving skills in science curriculum innovation has not been matched by the development of comparable assessment tools. Multiple-choice tests were constructed for seven skills using learning hierarchies based on expert-novice differences. The instruments were refined in three phases of field testing. The reliabilities of the tests are sufficient for making judgments of group performance, but are insufficient in a single administration for individual assessment. Evidence of the validity of the tests is presented and their worth is discussed within the framework of a theory of instruction.  相似文献   

Matriculation 2000 was a 5‐year project aimed at moving from the nationwide traditional examination system in Israel to a school‐based alternative embedded assessment. Encompassing 22 high schools from various communities in the country, the Project aimed at fostering deep understanding, higher‐order thinking skills, and students' engagement in learning through alternative teaching and embedded assessment methods. This article describes research conducted during the fifth year of the Project at 2 experimental and 2 control schools. The research objective was to investigate students' learning outcomes in chemistry and biology in the Matriculation 2000 Project. The assumption was that alternative embedded assessment has some effect on students' performance. The experimental students scored significantly higher than their control group peers on low‐level assignments and more so on assignments that required higher‐order thinking skills. The findings indicate that given adequate support and teachers' consent and collaboration, schools can transfer from nationwide or statewide standardized testing to school‐based alter‐native embedded assessment. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 34–52, 2003  相似文献   

作为语言学习的重要组成部分之一,发音学习是人与人之间互相交流的基础。该文分析了传统语音教学及其评价方式的不足,以梅尔频率倒谱系数作为参数进行特征提取,用隐马尔可夫声学模型和音素后验概率算法将测试语音与标准语音进行比对,从而找出二者之间的差异程度,通过评分机制得到分数。实验结果表明,该系统能提高说话者学习语音的积极性,其评分结果与教师的主观感觉相一致,具有一定的实用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

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