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岱山,古称"蓬莱仙岛",是个典型的海岛县。全县由404个岛屿组成,素以"渔盐之利,舟楫之便"名闻遐迩。近年来,岱山立足丰厚的海洋文化,大打海洋文化牌,因地制宜,建起了中国海洋渔业博物馆、中国台风博物馆、中国灯塔博物馆、中国盐  相似文献   

大鹿岛岩雕铭 大鹿岛危峰险峻,盘磴嶔岖,草木丰茂,礁崖嶙峋?嗽拢кず槭狼逄莺降锹健岛鹾杳沙醣僦录#挂刹固?填海之剩痕。槌乃与石为新。衍汉墓魏窟绝艺,别开生面,为见阙鳞介传神。世清素擅丹青金石。心高眼阔,涉海槌崖。  相似文献   

据史书记载,4000年前,大禹治水东巡到绍兴,将此地的苗山更名为会稽山,从此这里就有了会稽之名。春秋战国时,绍兴是越国的都城。南宋时,它又成为朝廷避乱的临时都城,并改会稽为绍兴,此名一直延续  相似文献   

生态博物馆:对传统文化的保护还是冲击   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态博物馆自20世纪70年代发源于法国,至今已历经30年,在不少国家都可以发现它的顽强实践。但不可否认的是生态博物馆的发展并不是如创建者和支持者们期待的那样,拥有一个令人振奋的局面,相反是在艰难的实践中起伏。  相似文献   

陈志明 《文化学刊》2023,(12):127-130
近几年,随着我国经济的高速发展及科学技术的不断进步,博物馆对新兴技术的运用也越来越普遍,由此出现了数字博物馆。随着博物馆建设理念的进一步提升,由数字博物馆向智慧博物馆转型已经成为新的发展趋势和建设方向。本文简述了数字博物馆的发展历史,从加强对文物信息的标准化采集、基于大数据的智能化应用、完善博物馆的信息化建设三个角度详细阐述了数字博物馆的发展新趋势,并介绍了智慧博物馆的使用价值,包括游客行为分析与智慧化管理两个方面。本研究希望能够为数字博物馆的从业人员提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,可持续发展已经成为当代全球发展话语中的一个热门话题。绝大多数国家和行业都在努力探索可持续发展的路径,博物馆行业也不例外。而且,博物馆的新定义也增添了“可持续性”这一重要内容,可见博物馆将在可持续发展议题中扮演越来越重要的角色。目前,我国“博物馆可持续发展”的相关研究未进行深入研究,缺少全球实践案例的探析。澳大利亚的博物馆部门关注可持续发展已有近20年历史,是最早关注该议题的地区之一。因此,分析澳大利亚案例经济、环境、社会、文化可持续性对我国博物馆的可持续发展实践具有现实意义。探讨近年来澳大利亚博物馆可持续发展的经验将为对这项工作感兴趣的机构提供一个可借鉴的模型,并鼓励更多的机构参与到这个重大的议题中。  相似文献   

在澳门就要回到祖国怀抱的时候,澳门人在妈阁庙前葡萄牙人当年登岸的地方,建起了讲述海的故事的博物馆。海事博物馆所采用的主题不但反映了澳门,还系统地讲述了中国与葡萄牙的海事方面的历史,及大海对人类文化的影响。馆内充满着大海的气息,门厅的浮雕像,讲述着澳门历史上重要的一页。在地下展厅,介绍了中国南部渔民群体的生活及澳门渔民的传统。  相似文献   

观复古典艺术博物馆是北京著名的文物收藏家马未都先生在1996年创建的私立博物馆,坐落在宜武区古文化街琉璃厂。博物馆的藏品主要为明清传世文物,不仅具有观赏价值,不少还具有学术研究价值。馆内的布置温馨而典雅,左手一扇古拙的院门,靠墙一溜全套民国商务印书馆的《经》、《史》、  相似文献   

一、概况大连大学博物馆是一座综合性高校博物馆,是学校实现多学科文化素质教育资源的整合与共享,促进人文素质教育与科学素质教育有机结合的重要载体。博物馆2002年9月建成并开始试展,2004年9月正式挂牌开馆。  相似文献   

北京戏曲博物馆设在北京湖广会馆的昌阁、乡贤祠里。在这里,可以参观中国戏曲发展的历史及名家传记、戏曲物、戏曲服饰、戏曲乐器等。展厅里陈列有诸多京剧名家的演出剧照。其中《瘦云轩受贺图》、《立言画刊》、内廷供奉腰牌、宫廷御用唱机、中国四大名琴等,可谓梨园珍品,具有很高的艺术价值和观赏价值。  相似文献   

Superstar museums are characterized by (1) great prominence among tourists and world fame among the general population; (2) a large number of visitors; (3) a collection of generally known painters and individual paintings; (4) an exceptional architecture; and (5) a large role of commercialization, including a substantial impact on the local economy. The superstar phenomenon is caused by factors both on the demand and the supply side of the market. Superstar museums are forced to offer total experience to the visitors; they have to relate to events in history, technology, politics, films and TV, and they have to provide for everything from education, food, gifts, shopping to entertainment. The development of superstar status strongly affects museum policy. The strategic orientation emphasizes visitors' demands; the organization has to be decentralized into processes each devoted to particular segments of visitors, to special exhibitions or support activities. There are also major consequences for human resource management, in particular, relating to flexibility and staff composition of paid employees and volunteers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution economic analysis can make to the study of museums as productive organisations, and considers some related policy issues. The paper also suggests areas where research by economists might prove most fruitful.  相似文献   

This paper looks at three issues: the functions of art museums, the role of deaccessioning in this context and the importance of donations of works of art in contributing to the collection function. Donor restrictions it is argued should not be allowed to unduly influence the policy of an art museum, including that in relation to deaccessioning: this is especially the case given that often the state has paid, in the form of a tax expenditure, for the bulk of such donations.  相似文献   

This paper takes a preliminary look at the hybridization of museums – the creation of a variety of mixed forms of governance incorporating both public and private governing authorities. Using data from three national surveys of American museums, the analysis documents the mix of types of governing authority and demonstrates how this mix varies across location, over time, and by museum type. The paper then estimates the extent of hybridization using several different indicators and speculates about its implications. The United States offers a particularly informative case because the general view is that American museums are (1) either public or private and (2) predominately private. While the second part of this view may still be a useful characterization of American museums, the first is no longer a particularly helpful way of understanding American museums, or, by extension, other cultural institutions, American or not. It is increasingly necessary to view cultural institutions through the lens of hybridization rather than privatization in order to improve our ability to document and predict their institutional behavior.  相似文献   

收藏是一种情趣盎然的文化活动,上海的家庭收藏馆占了全国半数之多,有“半壁江山”之誉。据上海收藏欣赏联谊会会长吴少华先生说,目前上海热衷于收藏的人数有30万,已建立的家庭收藏馆有70余家!上海家庭收藏馆的藏品种类繁多,计有书籍杂志、金石书画、陶瓷玉器、文房四宝、摄影图片、商标票证、鱼鳞蝴蝶、古今钱币、贝壳怪石以及算盘、筷子、酒瓶、钮扣、绣鞋、古匣、钟表、铜锁、奖章等等,多达200余个门类。 凡为家庭收藏馆主,可说个个皆为痴迷者,他们“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”!  相似文献   

文化部全面开展全国美术馆藏品普查,这是一项影响广泛、效应持久的系统工程.浙江省美术藏品普查工作于2016年11月完成,共计普查藏品数量94889件.为展示全省美术馆藏品普查的成果,特遴选展出全省27家美术馆馆藏精品100件,于2017年1月5日至2月19日,在浙江美术馆举办"盈藏呈祥——全省美术馆馆藏精品展".这是一场真正的"跨年"大展,也是浙江全省美术馆(艺术馆、纪念馆)"镇馆之宝"的集体亮相.  相似文献   

西萨与东萨——“打断骨头还连着筋” 萨摩亚群岛是南太平洋一处古老而神秘的火山群岛。在21世纪到来的时候,许多游客到萨摩亚的海边观赏20世纪最后一抹夕阳,因为这里是夕阳西下最晚的地方。萨摩亚人在此繁衍生息3000余年,处于原始部落状态的萨摩亚人穿“树叶裙”或“草裙”,吃香蕉、芋头、面包果等热带植物,住有顶无墙的“法雷”。  相似文献   

Art museum output changes away from collection maintenance to display events and to the sale of add-on goods. What is the driving force? A series of theoretical explanations are tested: technological changes which favor new input combinations and thus arrive at a changed output; changes in the relative price structure; income flows and their relation to the productivity of the different museum output segments. It will be claimed that changes in the ability of art museums to become productive as part of a communication network are the major driving force of the output change.  相似文献   

Italian state museums are characterised by a rigid bureaucratic structure and are almost completely financed by government transfers. In this paper we develop a simplified two-stage model in an attempt to explain how the government's preferences for differentiated museum functions may affect museum organisation. The model shows that the government prefers that complementary functions (e.g., conservation and scientific research) be produced by a single museum, whereas it prefers that substitutable functions (e.g., conservation and access by the general public) be produced by two museums. We use this prediction for an empirical analysis of the organisational structure of Italian state museums. On the basis of the unique ISTAT census of the Italian museum system, we test with two separate probit models the probability of observing in a state museum the concentration of either scientific activities of conservation and research or promotion activities for education and the general public. Higher classes of centralisation for the state museums are also considered by means of an ordered probit model. The results seem to suggest that the Italian state museum structure, as surveyed in the early 1990s, fully reflected the traditional policy model viewing museums as institutions devoted to conservation, scientific research and education. JEL-Classification: D73, Z11  相似文献   

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