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根据湖北民族地区英语教育专业办学定位和学生实际情况,本文对该地区英语教育专业的专业目标定位以及课程设置展开分析和探讨,旨在抛砖引玉,为该地区高校英语教育专业课程体系改革问题提供一些有益的思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

采用vector容器高效的染色体整数编码和成熟的泛型算法,改良遗传算法求解N皇后问题,说明此方法更通用、简洁和高效.  相似文献   

实训教学是计算机程序教学体系的重要组成部分,其教学目标是综合程序设计语言、数据结构、操作系统等各门课程的基本理论与技术,培养学生实际编程能力.实训案例的策划与实施过程,关系着实训教学目标的实现.  相似文献   

在英语基础知识较差的学生中 ,教师要强化词汇教学。在实际教学中 ,教师可以运用词汇直接学习法 ,同时组织学生用所学的词汇进行较多的口、笔头练习。通过实验 ,我们发现用这样的词汇教学方法 ,学生学得扎实 ,他们的英语成绩稳步提高  相似文献   

高职学生在英语学习过程中产生的焦虑情绪使英语学习效果大大降低,并且使教师的教学质量大打折扣,本文分析了焦虑的成因并提出了应对策略,有助于学生减少或消除焦虑情绪,提高英语学习效果,也可以进一步提高教师的英语教学质量。  相似文献   

This chapter focuses on the attempt by Croatian leaders to use educational policies to incorporate ethnic minorities into the societal mainstream and create an ideal contemporary Croatian citizen. Unfortunately, progress toward these goals is difficult in light of the serious emotional consequences of Yugoslavian Civil War. The case of Marina, a Croatian adolescent, is used to highlight the differences between the stated curriculum and what actually transpires during conversations in schools and classrooms. The chapter reminds us that the politics of education cannot be understated. Refugees and displaced students are particularly vulnerable to the political whims of many groups.  相似文献   

民族传统体育文化的民族性是一个民族文化区别于另一个民族文化的主要标志,是民族文化属性的范畴。本文从论述民族传统体育文化的民族性出发,解读了民族性属性衍生出的一系列属性,包括生产属性、生活属性、封闭属性以及认同属性,旨在更好地把握民族传统体育文化的本质特征。  相似文献   

民族文化是中国文化宝库的重要组成部分,认识民族文化的特点,对于加强民族社区文化建设,巩固和发展平等、团结、进步的社会主义民族关系非常重要.  相似文献   

缅甸民族问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族问题是缅甸最严重的国内问题之一,缅甸也是东南亚地区民族问题最严重的国家之一。本在概述缅甸民族总体状况的基础上,对缅甸民族问题的表现以及缅甸政府为解决民族问题所采取的措施进行了分析,认为缅甸的民族问题已经得到了缓和,但它的发展还存在一些障碍因素。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的不断发展,少数民族高等教育体系得到了确立与完善。民族院校和少数民族地区高等学校成为少数民族人才培养的主要基地、少数民族科学研究的重要基地和少数民族地区社区文化建设的重要力量。与此同时,我们还应从少数民族地区实际需要出发注重各院校的层次和特色发展,加大其开放程度,促进体系的完善和发展。  相似文献   

民族职业教育是现代民族教育的有机组成部分.我国是一个统一的多民族的社会主义国家,大力发展民族职业教育,能有效地推动民族地区社会经济的发展,具有极大的现实意义.  相似文献   

由于中学和大学的英语教学在目的和方式上存在着本质上的分歧 ,很多学生在初进入大学时不适应大学的英语学习。本文针对这一现象 ,分四部分探讨了大学新生在英语学习中存在的主要问题并进一步提出了相应的对策 ,以帮助学生尽快摆脱中学应试性学习方式的影响 ,提高学生对英语学习的兴趣 ,引导学生适应新形势下对英语学习的要求。  相似文献   

中国西南地区少数民族大学生民族认同心理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In China, ethnic identity refers to both one’s own ethnic identity and the identity of the Chinese nation. It is of great significance not only to individuals’ mental health and full play of psychological functions but also to ethnic solidarity and regional and national stability. On the whole, ethnic minority college students in the Southwestern regions have positive national identity and behavior tendency. Universities and colleges should further uplift students’ national identity and improve their behavior through education. __________ Translated from Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu 民族教育研究(Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 2007, 18(2): 32–36  相似文献   

西部各少数民族地区要想在西部大开发中得以尽快地发展,必须加大改革的力度,以改革促发展;必须提高开放的程度,以大开放促大开发,以大开发促大发展;必须给予政策和物质支持,增强发展的后劲;必须办好民族教育,夯实发展基础;必须用好民族区域自治刳度,拓宽发展路子;必须搞好民族团结,聚合发展力量。  相似文献   

Measuring ethnic diversity currently amounts simply to counting ethnicities. This makes it impossible to correlate with achievement, to track changes over time or to compare institutions in a meaningful way. It is not clear, for example, whether it is more diverse to have many ethnicities with a large majority in one or two categories, or to have fewer ethnicities with a larger proportion in each. This article is not about race per se, but develops indices from cryptography and ecology to solve the problem of measuring diversity properly. Using data from freedom of information requests and university admissions offices, it analyses the ethnic diversity of undergraduate recruitment at Oxford and Cambridge universities over the past 10 years to resolve one of the most controversial issues in higher education today. It finds that both Oxford and Cambridge universities have increased ethnic diversity by more than 25% over the last decade, but that the problem of under-recruitment of black UK students remains. The article is an important contribution to research methodology, with clear applications in the field of school effectiveness, and informs the debate on social justice in education, particularly in a period of significant demographic change across Europe.  相似文献   

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