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This paper was given as a key note at the North West Academic Libraries conference ‘Designing Spaces for Learning: Flexible learning spaces, libraries and changing roles’ in September 2006 and was adapted from the eSpaces study so that it met the aims and objectives of the North West Academic Libraries conference. The eSpaces study is shorthand for the Joint Information Systems Committee's ‘Study on How Innovative Technologies are Influencing the Design of Physical Learning Spaces in the Post-16 Sector’. The need for this study came from a recognition that most, if not all, education institutions are now integrating learning technologies into the design of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing ones. Managed learning environments, mobile computing, wireless local area networks and broadband are just a few of the technologies that are influencing how we design, use and manage our learning spaces. They are also changing how we design our libraries. The key findings of this study are outlined and the implications for library space and staff roles discussed.  相似文献   

重读王重民先生的两篇文章   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国著名图书馆学、目录学家王重民先生百年诞辰即将到来,本刊特编发周文骏教授的怀念文章,以示纪念。  相似文献   

This article explores automated task services, a type of website that allows users to create rules that are triggered by activity on one website and perform a task on another site. The most well-known automated task service is If This Then That (IFTTT), but recently a large number of these services have sprung up. These services can be used to connect websites, apps, business services, and even devices such as phones and home automation equipment. This allows for millions of possible combinations of rules, triggers, and actions. Librarians can put these services to use in many ways, from automating social media postings to remembering to bring their umbrella when rain is in the forecast. A list of popular automated task services is included, as well as a number of ideas for using these services in libraries.  相似文献   


In spring 2015, a 45-question survey was e-mailed to 585 medical students at the University at Buffalo (UB) in order to gauge their use of library spaces, resources, equipment, and services at UB’s Health Sciences Library and plan for a library space located within a new medical school building. Students’ self-reported use of the library during the academic year is presented along with the features they would like to see in their ideal library space. The responses generated in the survey are a barometer of current use and will be used in the planning process.  相似文献   

none 《文物保护研究》2013,58(2):102-104

A feature card system is described which enables the storing of information resulting from the scientific examination of works of art.

The feature card system is necessary in order to ascertain quickly certain information for reference purposes. It also enables technical findings to be related to artists, epochs and art regions, and statistical reports to be made on the use of certain materials and art techniques in different centuries and epochs.

The punch cards used cover a maximum number of 6000 objects. The number of features which can be introduced is unlimited because it corresponds to the number of punch cards. The system works on the following lines: the art objects are numbered in the order in which they are examined. Each art object is given a serial number. The serial number is punched on the feature cards, which are subdivided into feature sections, and alphabetically arranged. The feature (general, art-historical and technical data) is given as a heading in ‘clear-text’ at the top of each punch card.

The feature card system described has some advantages: for setting up such a system only a rough scheme need be worked out. It is always possible to introduce further features at a later date. The system described is one of the simplest and cheapest punch card systems; it can be operated similarly to a normal filing system.  相似文献   


Naturally occurring pigments used by Aborigines in rock paintings have been collected in Western Australia. They area red pigment (mainly hematite, Fe2O3)(from a red ochre mine worked until historic times by Aborigines, and a white pigment (huntite, Mg3Ca(CO3)4) which is still collected and used by Aborigines. Samples were also taken from rock paintings in which these pigments were used or were thought to have been used. The pigment samples were analysed to establish chemical, mineralogical, and physical properties. The paint samples were examined microscopically and with an electron probe to study their relationship with the rock surface and with other paint layers. The relationship between the pigments’ properties and their durability is discussed.  相似文献   

论述了对全国高校图书馆期刊工作专业委员会前11次学术研讨会学术研究工作的几点认识,提出了纪念建会20周年的几条建议。  相似文献   

数字图书馆正成为全球范围内信息基础设施建设的热点领域,是21世纪全球文化与科技竟争的焦点之一。作为一个新兴领域,能够全面反映数字图书馆的社会需求、问题、技术发展和应用前景的系统性论著实在太少,介绍最新动态的专著更是凤毛麟角。笔者最近读了一本由复旦大学计算机科学系数字图书馆研究小组施伯乐教授等翻译的《数字图书馆概论》,原著是由美国麻省理工学院出版社(MITPress)出版的DigitalLibaries,著者阿姆斯(WilliamY.Arms)。1990年以来,数字图书馆从少数空想家的个人兴趣演变…  相似文献   

This paper examines several key debates in the literature onthe effects of economic performance on political support, usingthe Continuous Monitoring Survey of the 1984 CPS American nationalelection study. Box-Jenkins time-series analyses show that theelectorate operates in terms of a reward-punishment model whichis asymmetrical and sociotropic in its effects. In the modelsdeveloped party identification and economic evaluations Granger–causepresidential approval, the effects of the former being strongerthan those of the latter. Partisanship and economic evaluationsform two independent streams of influence on presidential approval,casting doubt on some revisionist interpretations in the votingliterature, i.e., that party identification is simply a runningtally of voters' judgments about party performance on economicand other issues. In addition, the results suggest that popularityfunctions which omit party identification are theoreticallymisspecified.  相似文献   

1949年5月27日是上海解放日,上海近代城市化的百年进程从这一天转入一个新天地。不出十年,在沪的工业企业也经受了转变身份的洗礼。其间,荣毅仁恰似一位迎着时代大潮而上的冲浪者,起落得当、一往无前。他于1950年春,在上海接任近代华商最大棉纺织家族企业(申新棉纺织公司)总经理,数年后,他又当选上海市政府副市长,这段不寻常经历中自然少不了些耐人寻味的往事。  相似文献   

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