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Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country.France, approximately hexagonal in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bounded on the southeast by Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea; on the south are Spain and Andorra, with the Bay of Biscay on the west and the English Channel on the north as natural borders.A series of massive mountain ranges includes the Alps, which separate France and Italy, and the Jura Mountains that delineate the Franco-Swiss border. The Rhine River at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary. The Pyrenees Mountains, extending along the Franco-Spanish frontier from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Biscay, forms the other mountain boundary of France.  相似文献   

The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo Victor Hugo was born on February 26,1802 in Besancon, France.He was one of France's most famous writers:a poet, dramatist and novelist of the romantic school of the 19th century.His most famous  相似文献   

The Statue of Liberty(自由女神铜像)was built to celebrate the birth of the United States of America and to commemorate the friend-ship between the Republic (指美国 ) and the republic of France.  相似文献   

The interpretive theory of translation (ITT) is a school of theory originated in the late 1960s in France, focusing on the discussion of the theory and teaching of interpreting and non-literary transla...  相似文献   

①Do you know the NationalDay of France?Perhaps some ofyou would say,“Yes,I do.It is onJuly 14th.”Yes,that is right.But doyou know why July 14th becamethe National Day of France?  相似文献   

(1)Q:Which city is the capital of England?英国的首都是哪一个城市? A:London.伦敦。(2)Q:In which country lies the River Nile?尼罗河是在哪一个国家? A:Egypt.埃及。(3)Q:Which city is the capital of France?法国的首都是哪一个城市?  相似文献   

Employees at theEiffel Tower, the global symbol of both France and Paris, were suspected of siphoning off millions of euros in a ticket fraud.  相似文献   

Ernest Hemingway is an American novelist and a short story writer,one of the major American nouelists of the zoth century.He and his com-temparary writers influenced the development of the twentieth centurywriting not only in the U·S·A,but also in England France and manyother parts of Europe.  相似文献   

1 For thousands years man has enjoyed the taste of apples. Apples, which are about 85 percent of water, grow nearly every- where in the world. China, France and the United States are among the leading countries that produces apples. There are many kind of…  相似文献   

Texas, located in southwestern United States, is the second largest state of the US - and actually the largest of the 48 contiguous states. With an area of more than 691,000 square kilometers, Texas is in fact larger than France. No wonder "everything is bigger in Texas" in the American imagination.  相似文献   

1.法国的人口比加拿大的多。误:The population of France is more than that of Canada. 正:Thepopulation of France is larger than that of Canada.  相似文献   

TAN Ning 《海外英语》2014,(17):158-159
The interpretive theory of translation(ITT) is a school of theory originated in the late 1960 s in France,focusing on the discussion of the theory and teaching of interpreting and non-literary translation. ITT believes that what the translator should convey is not the meaning of linguistic notation,but the non-verbal sense. In this paper,the author is going to briefly introduce ITT and analyze several examples to show different situations where ITT is either useful or unsuitable.  相似文献   

Upstage France     
Character: Being the descendant of Gaulois, French are always portrayed as an "arrogant cock"Upstage France: Other Europeans have a peculiar relationship with the French people, in which there may be more than a touch of envy. The French have much to boast, and are rightly proud of their culture. As a result, they have gained a reputation with their neighbors for being arrogant. They are often accused of seeing themselves as decidedly superior to every other  相似文献   

Paris is the capital and largest city of France.It is one of the most beautiful cities in theworld.Every year,more than 2 million tourists visit Paris.The most popular attraction is theEiffel Tower.This huge structure is known throughout the world as the symbol of Paris.Tourists flock to the Louvre, one of the world's largest art muse-ums,and visit the soaring Cathedral of Notre Dame.Paris is alsofamous for its many restaurants,sidewalk cafes,theaters,and night-clubs.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of this university, the International Symposium on Mongolian Studies took place in the City of Huhhot on September 25th to 29th. Present at the symposium were experts and scholars altogether numbering 115, from Autralia, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Hungary, Japan, Mongolian People's Republic, Norway, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and as well from other parts of the country. Many of these scholars are of high renown in the world  相似文献   

Paris is the capital (首都)Of France. It's a rornantic (浪漫的) and beautiful city.' Look! I'm standing in front of the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔).  相似文献   

What began with a bang ended with a barely a whimper.France'sresumption of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last September trig-gered a torrent of global protests and threatened trade bans and consumerboycotts.The sixth detonation,on Jan.27 caused but a ripple.Withequally little fanfare,President Jacques Chirac anncunced two days laterthat the testing was finished.The six tests had provided enough datafor France to fine-tune the computer-simulation technolcgy that willmake further explosions unnecessary, Chirac said—and then turned hisfeather from hawk's to dove's.France will n(?)w go ahead and sign theComprehensive Test Ban Treaty.  相似文献   

优雅、浪漫的贵族气质令法国葡萄酒名满天下。千百年来,它更成为法国人享受生活的调味剂。SEPTEMBER is harvest time. And with bunches of grapes swinging in the wind, the vineyards of southern France are getting ready to celebrate it.  相似文献   

Flying with Wild Geese France Christian Moullec is a pilot . He has a group of wild geese. He likes flying in the sky with them. is it funny?  相似文献   

You might have never heard of the CERN laboratory,but this is all about tochange.On10th September 2008 the most powerful scientific experiment ever attempted willtake place at this quiet research centre nearGeneva on the border of France and Switzer-land.Buried underground,the Large HadronCollider(LHC)is about to be switched on.In laymen‘s terms,it is a kind of time ma-chine that could open a window on how theuniverse appeared in the first few microsec-onds of its existence.  相似文献   

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