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I.根据句意和汉语提示,拼写单词1.There are two new__(手表)in the box.2.There are__(三十)boys and twenty-two girls in our class.3.There are usually three__(百)and sixty-five days in a year.  相似文献   

1.in front of在……(外)的前面VS in the front of 在……(内)的前面There’s a garden in front of the classroom.教室(外)的前面有一个花园。There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室(内)的前方有块黑板。2.in charge of掌管,负责VS in the charge of在……负责之下An experienced worker is in charge of the project.一位经验丰富的工人负责这个项目。The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.这个项目由一位经验丰富的工人来负责。  相似文献   

1. There lived all kinds of birds in the forest and their feathers(羽毛) were very beautiful.  相似文献   

你想有健康、强壮的身体吗?那么你应该注意饮食。哪些食物合适呢?那些含有淀粉、维它命和蛋白质的食物搭配起来就很好。营养专家熊博士要向你推荐一些食品。请看:1.There is a lot of protein(蛋白质)in fish,meat,eggs,milk and beans(豆类).2.There is a lot of vitam in(维它命)in tom atoes,carrots,peppers(辣椒),apples and oranges.3.There is a lot of starch(淀粉)in rice,noodles,bread,potatoes and bananas.What are right(合适)foods for you?合适的食物!山东省淄博市@黄萍…  相似文献   

/争、番1.词汇。A)根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,写出单词。1.My parents got_(结婚)on Feb.18th 1987.2.There smallwere_(超过)2仪旧veovlein the)village·3.China 15 f for the Great Wall.4.There 15即ing to be ae_by a roek band fmm Hong Kong in the theatre tonight.5 .There was an a in front of our sehool yeste川ay.A ear hit a student.B)选择可以替代句中划线部分的选项。6.渔竺鱼些five thousand people were there. A .Almost B.50 on C .over D.Mueh more7 .Max stood in the middle of the elassroom. A.in th…  相似文献   

教学实录:Step1.W arm upT:H ello,boys and girls.Ss:H ello,M iss M ei.T:Look at our classroom.W hat are there in theclassroom?There isaTV set.There are m any students.Y ou go on,O K?S1:There is a teacher in the classroom.S2:There are four fans in the classroom.…T:W elldone。Let’s sing a song“In the Class-room”.Ss:O K.(教师联系生活实际,引导学生观察身处的教室,以自由问答的形式开门见山地导入句型There is\are…,使英语的生活化教学得到了充分的体现。师生共同演唱“In the C lassroom”,不仅…  相似文献   

根据所给句子,选择可完成对话的选项。1.What's in the tree? A.There is a river in it. B.There is a bird in it. C.There are some birds in it. D.There is a small playhouse init.  相似文献   

第一部分 单元教学提示 (一)教学要点参考 1、能力目标 (1)能够简单描述自然公园和村庄,如:There is a forest in the Nature Park、There are many small houses in my village.(2)能够用一般疑问句询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答,如:Is there a mountain? Yes,there is. Are there any village? No,there rivers in your aren't.[第一段]  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm-up T:Good morning,boysand girls.How are you?Ss:Good morning,Miss Liu.I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine,too.Step 2.Leading in(教师将课件翻到第二页)Look at the screen.There are many animals in the zoo.Today we are going to learn Module2Zoo,Unit 2 Thatmonkey is fat.(师手指板书,引入课题。)Now the animals are in a  相似文献   

My Family(150010)哈尔滨市中实学校五(1)班康思重I have a happy family.There’re five people in my family,my grandpa,my  相似文献   

1.单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1._(文学)15 a mirror of its time.2 .1 suggest that he Put an advertisement in the_(当地的)paper.3.There will be an_(展览)of the development of automobile indust叮in our eount砂next week.4.The Child  相似文献   

!.词汇1 .Faxmers are busy in autumn beeause it 15 h time.ZMore than fivet_pe叩le wen[to the eoneert.3 .Na Ying 15 a f sin罗r.She ean sing a IOt ofpopularsongs·4 .There was ana_in the street.A ear hit幢)an old man.5 .Janu娜eomesal飞erD_.6.Many_(旅游者)eame to Meiling onM叮lst.7·I’m即ing,0 wnte a eomposition吟晚).8.Mary9一Whatsmotherisa爬者).(发生)there?Can yol,tell me?10.They live in the_(十二)floor in the building.1 l.There arefour inayear.12.When it 15 winter in China,it 15 in Aust…  相似文献   

I am a sunny girl.I like my hometow n-Harbin.There is some snow in winter.Ioften make a snowm an in winter.哈尔滨市动力区电工小学四(1)班谢佳彤My mother studies abroad in Japan.My fatherand Iw entto Japan in the sum m er vacation of2004.Wew entto Disneylan  相似文献   

1.day可指24小时的整天,也可单指白天,与night相对。如:There are 365(or 366)days in a year.一年有365(或366)天。(指一整天)  相似文献   

【PartA教学设计】一、热身(略)二、导入教师手指黑板上的房子问学生:Wow,my new house is sonice now.Look at my new house.What’s in my bedroom?引导学生用"There is/There are…"的句型来描述。师生一起描述形成一段语  相似文献   

1. There is something strange ( 奇 怪 的 ). It happens twice in a moment, but it never happens in a hundred years. Guess a letter (字母).2. What goes around the world but doesn’t move? Guess a thing.3. What’s the difference between an engineer (工程师)  相似文献   

1.词汇A.根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,拼写单词。1 .My parents(结婚)on Feb.18th,1987-2 Therewere__(超过)200Opeopleinthesmallvillage.3 .China 15 f for the Gre献研iall.4 .There 15 going to be a e by a roek ban‘1 from Hong Kong in the theatre tonight,5 .There was an a in6刀nt Of our sehool yesterd即.A ear hit a student.B.选择可以替代句中画线部分的选项。6.丛匹旦」丝塑five thousand People were there. A .Above B.Go on C.overD_Mueh more7 .Max stood in the middle of the elassroom. A .eenter B.in …  相似文献   

1.The patient has3nurses(照料)on him.2.Man won’t stop fighting against the(污染).3.(农民)want to set up a factory of their own.4.Cotton is growing fine,(尤其)on our farm.5.For(身体)reason,Wang Yifu failed in his last shot.6.There were48(乘客)in the bus,7children included.7.An and has two(胃),one for itself and the other for the folks home.8.There is a big hole in my(裤子),so I want to buy a new pair.9.Don’t play a(恶作剧)on him.He is ready to get angry.10.The old man has four grandsons a…  相似文献   

门﹄J,-月了00目洲洲目门一一间︸洲回川洲洲同川洲洲川1.孟点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。How many_(绵羊)do you have?There are many_(男子)workers in the1 .YouCan See 801】le,︸、、,召习J们勺birds介i喇飞)in the S2.玩t’s a3 .There4 .Therer0On】.Your9. 10 nLtheit.200-There are some newparents look ve理_(old的反义词)·_(有)any money in the purse?to .mgosmall housellat night.Catin the darkwnear the tree.5 .1 like the me studyon the desk.It often helPsB)根据汉语或提示,用恰当的词填空…  相似文献   

Strange things happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided(划分为) into twenty-four time zones(时区), one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.in the hall.3.There willbe a sports m eetin ourschoolnextweek.4.There stands/is/lies a big tree in front of the classroom .5.There used to be a shop on the corner of the street. 6. There are som e /several students on the playground,aren t there? 7.There we…  相似文献   

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