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We present a method to discriminate normal oocytes in an optoelectrofluidic platform based on the optically induced positive dielectrophoresis (DEP) for in vitro fertilization. By combining the gravity with a pulling-up DEP force that is induced by dynamic image projected from a liquid crystal display, the discrimination performance could be enhanced due to the reduction in friction force acting on the oocytes that are relatively large and heavy cells being affected by the gravity field. The voltage condition of 10 V bias at 1 MHz was applied for moving normal oocytes. The increased difference of moving velocity between normal and starved abnormal oocytes allows us to discriminate the normal ones spontaneously under the moving image pattern. This approach can be useful to develop an automatic and interactive selection tool of fertilizable oocytes.  相似文献   

We describe a system for the isolation, concentration, separation, and recovery of human osteoblast-like cells from a heterogeneous population using dielectrophoretic ring traps. Cells flowing in a microfluidic channel are immobilized inside an electric field cage using negative dielectrophoresis. A planar ring electrode creates a closed trap while repelling surrounding cells. Target cells are identified by fluorescent labeling, and are trapped as they pass across a ring electrode by an automated system. We demonstrate recovery of small populations of human osteoblast-like cells with a purity of 100%, which in turn demonstrates the potential of such a device for cell selection from a heterogeneous population.  相似文献   

Multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella(MMAF) are one of the major causes of male infertility and are characterized by multiple defects.In this study,we found that the coiled-coil domain-containing 189(Ccdc189) gene was predominantly expressed in mouse testes and that inactivation of the Ccdc189 gene caused male infertility.Histological studies revealed that most sperm from Ccdc189-deficient mice carried coiled,curved or short flagella,which are typical MMAF phenotypes.Immunoe...  相似文献   

One of the main uses of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) within mammalian cells is powering the Na+/K+ ATPase pumps used to maintain ion concentrations within the cell. Since ion concentrations determine the cytoplasm conductivity, ATP concentration is expected to play a key role in controlling the cytoplasm conductivity. The two major ATP production pathways within cells are via glycolysis within the cytoplasm and via the electron transport chain within the mitochondria. In this work, a differential detector combined with dielectrophoretic (DEP) translation in a microfluidic channel was employed to observe single cell changes in the cytoplasm conductivity. The DEP response was made sensitive to changes in cytoplasm conductivity by measuring DEP response versus media conductivity and using double shell models to choose appropriate frequencies and media conductivity. Dielectric response of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was monitored following inhibition of the mitochondria ATP production by treatment with oligomycin. We show that in CHO cells following exposure to oligomycin (8 μg/ml) the cytoplasm conductivity drops, with the majority of the change occurring within 50 min. This work demonstrates that dielectric effects due to changes in ATP production can be observed at the single cell level.  相似文献   

BackgroundBiotechnological processes are part of modern industry as well as stricter environmental requirements. The need to reduce production costs and pollution demands for alternatives that involve the integral use of agro-industrial waste to produce bioactive compounds. The citrus industry generates large amounts of wastes due to the destruction of the fruits by microorganisms and insects together with the large amounts of orange waste generated during the production of juice and for sale fresh. The aim of this study was used orange wastes rich in polyphenolic compounds can be used as source carbon of Aspergillus fumigatus MUM 1603 to generate high added value compounds, for example, ellagic acid and other molecules of polyphenolic origin through submerged fermentation system.ResultsThe orange peel waste had a high concentration of polyphenols, 28% being condensed, 27% ellagitannins, 25% flavonoids and 20% gallotannins. The major polyphenolic compounds were catechin, EA and quercetin. The conditions, using an experimental design of central compounds, that allow the production of the maximum concentration of EA (18.68 mg/g) were found to be: temperature 30°C, inoculum 2 × 107 (spores/g) and orange peel polyphenols 6.2 (g/L).ConclusionThe submerged fermentation process is an effective methodology for the biotransformation of molecules present in orange waste to obtain high value-added as ellagic acid that can be used as powerful antioxidants, antibacterial and other applications.How to cite: Sepúlveda L, Laredo-Alcalá E, Buenrostro-Figueroa JJ, et al. Ellagic acid production using polyphenols from orange peel waste by submerged fermentation. Electron J Biotechnol 2020;43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2019.11.002.  相似文献   

Background1,3-Propanodiol (1,3-PD), is used in the production of polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT), an aromatic polyester that exhibits high elastic recoveries. It is also employed as a supplement with low solidification properties, a solvent and a lubricant in the formof propylene glycol. 1,3-PD is effectively synthesized by a microbiological way from crude glycerol. The main problem of this technology is using a high concentration of glycerol, which is a limiting factor for bacteria cells growth (especially in batch fermentation).ResultsIn this work, the influence of different glycerol concentration in batch fermentation on Clostridium butyricum DSP1 metabolism was investigated. The biomass was concentrated for two times with the use of membrane module (in case of increasing kinetic parameters). Increased optical density of bacteria cells six times increased the productivity of 1,3-PD in cultivation with 20 g/L of glycerol at the beginning of the process, and more than two times in cultivation with 60–80 g/L. Also the possibility of complete attenuation of 140 g/L of crude glycerol in the batch fermentation was investigated. During the cultivation, changes of protein profiles were analyzed. The most significant changes were observed in the cultivation in the medium supplemented with 80 g/L of glycerol. They related mainly to the DNA protein reconstructive systems, protective proteins (HSP), and also the enzymatic catalysts connected with glycerol metabolic pathway.ConclusionsThe application of filtration module in batch fermentation of crude glycerol by C. butyricum DSP1 significantly increased the productivity of the process.  相似文献   

利用VB读取方正排版文件提取元数据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
摘 要 【目的】为科技期刊自动提取更加全面的元数据提供方法和借鉴。【方法】 以方正排版文件为对象,建立了提取元数据的数学模型,同时提出尾部分割算法。然后利用基于对象的VB编程软件编写了自动提取元数据程序。【结果】 在分析了方正排版语言特点之后,对方正排版文件进行了字符串替换处理,并建立了分割关键词列表文件,最后将提取的元数据保存到Excel文件中。【结论】 实际应用表明,仅几秒钟就可以完成一期数据的提取工作,大大提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

【目的】为科技期刊自动提取更加全面的元数据提供方法和借鉴。【方法】 以方正排版文件为对象,建立了提取元数据的数学模型,同时提出尾部分割算法。然后利用基于对象的VB编程软件编写了自动提取元数据程序。【结果】 在分析了方正排版语言特点之后,对方正排版文件进行了字符串替换处理,并建立了分割关键词列表文件,最后将提取的元数据保存到Excel文件中。【结论】 实际应用表明,仅几秒钟就可以完成一期数据的提取工作,大大提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

The majority of available cardiomyocyte markers are intercellular proteins, limiting our ability to enrich live cardiomyocytes from heterogeneous cell preparations in the absence of genetic labeling. Here, we describe enrichment of live cardiomyocytes from the hearts of adult mice in a label-free microfluidic approach. The separation device consisted of a vertical column (15 mm long, 700 μm diameter), placed between permanent magnets resulting in a field strength of 1.23 T. To concentrate the field at the column wall, the column was wrapped with 69 μm diameter nickel wire. Before passing the cells through the column, the cardiomyocytes in the cell suspension had been rendered paramagnetic by treatment of the adult mouse heart cell preparation with sodium nitrite (2.5 mM) for 20 min on ice. The cell suspension was loaded into the vertical column from the top and upon settling, the non-myocytes were removed by the upward flow from the column. The cardiomyocytes were then collected from the column by applying a higher flow rate (144 μl/min). We found that by applying a separation flow rate of 4.2 μl/min in the first step, we can enrich live adult cardiomyocytes to 93% ± 2% in a label-free manner. The cardiomyocytes maintained viability immediately after separation and upon 24 h in culture.  相似文献   

Proteins secreted into the culture medium byMycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) are shown to be source of antigens of immunodiagnostic interest. Anin vitro released 31 kDa antigen ESAS-7F isolated fromM.tb H37Ra culture filtrate by salt precipitation, SDS-PAGE and cation exchange fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) was shown earlier to be a diagnostically important antigen fraction. In this report, we describe the isolation of ESAS-7F antigen using monospecific antibody coupled to sepharose CL-4B column. The percentage recovery of ESAS-7F antigen using affinity chromatography was approximately 8% of the total ES antigen proteins compared to 0.05% obtained by conventional purification steps using salt precipitation, SDS-PAGE and FPLC. Similar seroreactivity was observed by the antigen isolated by both the methods in indirect ELISA. Affinity chromatography helped in an increased recovery of ESAS-7F antigen and obviates the need for time consuming conventional purification steps.  相似文献   

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